The new neighbors (F/FM) (VOY) Part 1

The Kelly’s were nice enough to have next door, if not a little dull., she thought. Hopefully the new couple will at least have something more to add during the summer block party than small-talk and the same three tired jokes that she’d gotten so bored of. The cool evening air was a nice change from the humid late-June day; not that she had anything to cool down from, as she’d spent most of her time watching the new couple move their endless stream of boxes from the moving truck to the house next door.

She remembered doing the same almost six years ago, what seemed like an eternity of a day moving and unpacking with her husband, finishing the day exhausted and content in their happy little home. She let out a dramatic sigh, thinking now of how long it had been since she felt content with, much less exhausted by, her husband. Both of them worked too much, saw one another too little and had fallen into a dreary, repetitive pattern. “Oh god,” she thought to herself, “we’re becoming the Kelley’s.” The idea brought a small, albeit concerned, smirk to her face. He mind wandered back to the young couple next door, who hadn’t stopped to chat beyond a quick exchange of names while her husband had left for work. Richard and Molly? No, that wasn’t it, but it sounded close. She tried pull the names to the front of her memory before shrugging it off.

“Oh, to be young and fit again,” she lamented, half-seriously. Not that she, or her husband for that matter, had ‘let themselves go’ but comparatively the two new neighbors were in their prime. She’d noticed her husband give a brief look over the young woman, a small twinge of jealousy emerged in her as she herself looked over the new addition to the neighborhood. Tight yellow shorts and a white tank-top hugged her slight form, beads of sweat traveling down her long neck between her ample breasts, a flat, tanned stomach all topped off by her messy brunette ponytail and that bright-eyed perfect smile. She couldn’t blame him for looking, she’d done her fair share with her day off, convincing herself to putter in the front garden while sneaking glances at little-miss-perfects hubby.

She’d always been a sucker for a blonde man with a well-toned body, and she found herself stepping back into the house behind the thin curtains to take a less conspicuous vantage point. She couldn’t decide if life was giving her a treat or a cruel tease when it got hot and humid enough for him to justify unloading the truck shirtless. His arms bulging as he carried boxes scrawled with ‘books’ in magic marker, which he held in front of a solid chest and noticeable abs. Of course she caught her gaze lingering at the outline being hugged by the grey sweatpants emblazoned with his alma-mater. Was that another pang of jealousy she felt toward the the lucky little lady next door, or just a little bit of healthy lust for a younger man? “It’s okay to just look… and maybe think about it a little,” she told herself reflecting on the spectacle earlier today.

The back yard of her house was fairly isolated, the town had made them put up fencing when they decided to put in their pool. Knowing that she liked to sunbathe and abhorred tan lines, her husband had the foresight to put up higher than normal fences. The only light in the yard came from the underwater lights of the pool, casting a blue glow over her as she sat next to the water in her light robe, the thin material barley veiling the silk cami underneath. Her evening ritual of enjoying the contrast of the cool air with a warm cup of tea until her husband got home. Though tonight, like most nights, would be a late one, projects, deadlines and presentations were always to blame; though she was just as guilty of focusing on work over home, the cost of living your dreams. She sipped her tea when a light on the second floor of the neighbors house came on.

She remembered their own first days after moving in, everything still in boxes, including the curtains, which seemed to be the case next door. The Kelly’s must have taking the blinds with them when they left, as she now had a clear view into an empty room through the picture window. The new owners must be looking over their new home, she thought, as she saw the two walk into the room. She could see both of them smiling with wet hair, draped in towels, she felt herself blush, her heart beating faster seeing this private moment.

She looked away and wondered if they could see her below, thinking that she’ll be forever branded as the voyeuristic lady next door. She soon realized that even if she were in view the neighbors attention was not on her. When she looked back up to the window she saw them embraced, passionately kissing, towels discarded. From her angle below she could only see their upper halves, his strong arms pulling her small frame against him, releasing just long enough to offer a glimpse of her still wet breasts. Unable to look away from her neighbors her embarrassment quickly faded into an interest that she wasn’t expecting.

Her eyes stayed trained on the couple, watching their hands travel over one another’s body, his large hands cupping one of her breasts as his lips lowered to the nipple, she imagined that she could hear the young wife’s gasp, only to realize that it was her own, finding her own hand on her breast mimicking the motion of the couple above. The show continued, as he pushed his wife toward the window, their full forms now visible her body tensing as her tight ass touched the cold glass. Again thoughts of the couple seeing her flooded to her mind, her heart still beating fast, though now she felt the warm rush elsewhere, unknowingly starting to pull up the lace edge of her cami, her fingers traveling up her thigh.



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