Caught on Camera [MF][first person][voyeurism/exhibitionism]

Emily’s breasts heaved with every breath, as she leaned back on my sofa and slid her hand down her tight stomach and into her yoga pants. Unaware that anyone was watching, or even knew she was there, she turned the volume on the television up with the remote that was resting beside her before dropping it to use that hand to pinch at her nipple through her loose fitting t-shirt.

From the vantage point of my hidden security camera, I could not see what she was watching on my television, but the sounds that came drifting through my airpods soon made it abundantly clear. The moans and grunts and “Oh fuck, right there”‘s and “Fuck don’t stop”‘s that carried themselves to my ears clearly belonged to my wife and I. Evidently Emily had found our collection of homemade sex tapes. It had been so long since we had watched them or made one that I couldn’t even remember where we had stored them. Bad move on my part, because now my kids caretaker was spending her lunch alone in my house, rubbing herself like crazy to them. On second thought, perhaps forgetting where they were stored was a good move on my part.

Sitting at my desk, I watched through my phone, transfixed by the sight of the tall, trim, toned, 20 year old redhead, getting off to the mid-thirties versions of my wife and I. My cock stiffened and strained against my pants under my desk as she wriggled her hips to slide her pants down to her ankles, giving me a great view of her fingers moving up and down and all around her clit. I felt myself biting my lower lip as I squeezed my legs together hoping to relieve some of the pressure in my pants, when there was a sudden knock on my office door.

I quickly set the phone face down on my desk and looked up to see my coworker, Renee standing in the doorway. “Hey Jack”, she said with a smile on her face. “Could I get you to come and help me with something? Something isn’t right on the McKinley project, and I need another pair of eyes”

“Sure thing”, I responded, “Let me finish this email first?” I asked, pointing to my phone, hoping that would give me enough time to get my hard-on under control before I had to stand up and walk to her office. When she was gone, I picked my phone back up. It took me a few minutes to navigate through the unfamiliar app that controlled my newly installed home security system to find the right button to make sure it recorded everything from now until I got home. I was certainly going to want to watch this later.


The security system had only been installed this past weekend. My in-laws has all but demanded we do so after they heard about a string of break-ins and burglaries in our neighborhood in the last several weeks. Of course, all of those houses had video surveillance too, and they still hadn’t caught the assholes responsible. But that point was lost on Allison’s parents. They felt their daughter and grandkids would be safer if there were 24 hour surveillance on the house, and if we didn’t want to always be stuck with uncle Pete in the annual family secret-Santa drawing, we would put their minds at ease.

On monday, we had told Emily about the codes that she would need to enter in order to get into the house without setting off the alarm so she could do her job. But I had forgotten to say anything about the cameras, two of them in each room, small enough that they were difficult to see if you didn’t know what you were looking for. And it wasn’t necessary for her to know anything about them anyway.

I arrived home shortly before my wife did, and Emily was still there, cooking the recipe we had left on the counter for dinner.

“Hey Mr. B”, she said in her usual, perky voice as I entered through the garage. “Dinner is almost ready, and the kids are upstairs practicing their instruments. They finished their homework early”.

“Er, um, thanks Emily”, I stammered. The vision of her nearly naked on my couch, watching me on video was still very much in the front of my mind. As she walked past me to check on the food in the oven, I couldn’t help but turn and watch her bend over in the yoga pants she nearly always wore. Shaking my head, I turned back around, and went to the kitchen table to review my kids homework and any notes that had come home from school with them.

“Dinner smells good”, I said casually as she pulled the chicken out of the oven, and set it on the stove.

“Yeah”, she said excitedly. “I really think it turned out well. I added a couple of things that weren’t in the recipe if that ok.”

“Sure”, I said, trying to figure out a way to slip “by the way, you’re fired”, into the conversation. Because I did have to fire her, right? I mean she had violated our privacy and our trust. But damn, replacing her now, at this point in the semester was going to be next to impossible. And finding someone who was as good at this as she was just wasn’t going to happen. In light of that, I probably needed to make sure I looped Allison in before I went ahead and fired her. Especially considering the fact that she has been working hard lately to land a promotion, and if we fired Emily, we would both have to bear some of the burden we have been paying her to take care of.

“Mrs. B said she would be home late”, Emily said, now gathering plates and cutlery to set the table. “Since dinner is almost done, I hope you don’t mind if I get out of here soon? I’ve got a thing I’m supposed to do tonight.”

“No worries”, I said. “I’ll take it from here. See you in the morning then?”

“Yeah, see you in the morning”, she said she said with her usual large smile, before she turned, slinging her backpack over one shoulder and heading out the garage door.

And I suppose in the morning we will know what her fate would be.

“What the…” Allison murmured as I handed her my phone with the afternoons footage already queued up.
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t have to. I just let the video speak for itself.

“What am I watching?”

“Oh my gosh.”

“Oh my gosh!”

“Oh. My. Fucking. God. Is she watching our tape?”

I watched wave after wave of new thoughts and emotions flash over my Allisons face before she finally composed herself enough to think of a coherent response. “How long has she been doing this?” she asked.

“I have no idea”, I reply, “But I think it’s clear that this wasn’t her first time. She knew exactly where to find our videos”.

“Fuck! Do we have to fire her now?”, she asked, genuinely upset, though I could not tell if she was upset at what Emily had done or the prospect of trying to find a replacement for her this late in the year. “You know that I can’t take time off of work until next month! And that’s not really an option for you right now either!”

“Yeah…I thought about that” I replied, “which is why I didn’t fire her this afternoon.”

“OK…Calm down”, Allison sighed to herself, “Look on the bright side”. After a few moments spent gather her composure, she continued. “She’s not stealing from us, and the kids were at school. Maybe we can just pretend we didn’t see this? At least until we can find someone”

“I suppose we can”, I say. “But it’s likely to continue. And if we move the tapes, she’s probably going to know that we know, and then that could make things weird.”

“Well I think the ship has sailed on weird”, Allison replied. “No matter what we do, it’s going to feel weird looking at her knowing that she’s been watching our tapes.”

She sat down on the dining room chair, thinking, while I moved the pots from the stove to the sink to clean them. After a few minutes, of me scrubbing and Allison furrowing her brow, she finally looked up at me, slyly, and said “You know, since it’s going to be weird anyway…we could just go all in on it.”

My eyes went wide and I tilted my head at her in a quizzical manner. “Why Allison,” I said, overtly feigning confusion, “Whatever do you mean?”
But I had a pretty good idea what she meant. In between her exclamations of surprise and upset, Allison had not been able to completely hide the signs that she had also been turned on. A couple of small leg crossings, twirling her long blonde hair, adjusting her clothes. An untrained observer would have probably missed those signs. But I hadn’t.

Her grin only grew wider as she sauntered over to me and slid between me and the sink, water still running over dirty pots. “You know exactly what I mean”, she said, tracing her finger down the front of my shirt and resting it on my belt buckle.

“Surely you aren’t suggesting…” I began, but was unable to finish as Allison began unbuckling my belt.

“Yeah…I am suggesting” she said, locking her eyes on mine as she lowered herself to her knees and pulled my stiff rod out my pants. She gave me her sexiest smile as she gave it a few gentle tugs. “You can’t tell me you don’t want to make a new video”, she whispered just before taking me in her mouth.


It took nearly three full weeks for Allisons plan to finally come together. There were supplies to buy and arrangements to be made. The last time we had done this, we had a special camera that had connected to our computer, and rudimentary video editing software that had come with the camera. Enough that I could cut out the uninteresting parts. This time though we decided to use our phones, though we still needed to familiarize ourselves with some editing software. That wasn’t difficult, but it took a little time.

In the meantime, Allison went full tilt into writing a script. Our previous forays into taping ourselves had often had elements of roleplay in them, but never had a script that was planned in advance. But Allison had a few things she wanted to make sure got into the tape. She even had us” rehearsing” after the kids went to sleep.

Those three weeks duced some of the steamiest nights we’d ever had in our nearly 20 years of marriage. produced some of the steamiest nights and mornings we’d had in a long time. Since we’d made those first tapes, really. Gradually we stripped away the layers of exhaustion and routine that had blanketed our sex life in the time since the kids were born. Each night we got a little more adventurous with each other. And each night we were reminded how much fun we used to have together.

Meanwhile, we were also keeping an eye on our security cameras. We were very curious to know just how often Emily was enjoying a private screening of our most intimate moments. The answer turned out to be about twice a week. (Five times over three weeks to be precise) Usually on Tuesday and Thursday. It seemed she had two or three videos of ours that had become her favorites by this time. Most of the time she would simply put the disc in, watch for a while, and touch herself (while either sitting on the couch or laying on the floor) until she came at least once. Sometimes twice or more. But on one occasion she also pulled a thick rubber dildo out of her backpack and began fucking herself with it.

As the weeks went on we could barely contain ourselves. Finally, after calling in a favor from a family friend, we were able to send the kids off to spend the night somewhere else so that we could have the house all to ourselves. The moment had come for us to make our triumphant return to video.


And then we waited. And waited. Emily did not drop by the house for lunch on Tuesday. Nor did she on Thursday. We began to wonder if maybe we had accidentally said something in the intervening weeks that had tipped her off. Or if maybe she had seen the camera system. But if she did, she never said or did anything during the mornings or evenings to indicate that things were anything but normal.

But finally, on Friday afternoon, my phone buzzed in my pocket as I was preparing to leave the office for lunch to notify me that motion had been detected inside my house. So rather than leave, I instead shut my office door and locked it, before grabbing my airpods and propping the phone up on my desk.

Emily had just discovered the new DVD, and was placing it in the player when I tapped my screen to bring up the video. I swiped over to the feed from the camera just above and to the left of the television. I knew I wouldn’t be able to see what was happening on the television from this angle, but I didn’t need to. The audio would give me enough clues as to where we were in the video if Emily’s expressions did not.

Emily let sat on the couch and began gently touching herself through her yoga pants and t-shirt during the opening scene. I knew that the video was opening on a scene of Allison on her knees wearing nothing but tight fitting yoga pants in our bedroom, sucking my cock. Emily tilted her head slightly, no doubt noticing that Allison looked just a little bit different. Emily pinched her nipples a little harder and closed her eyes for a moment as Allison continued slurping on my rod. It did not seem to appear that Emily had detected the significance of Allisons altered appearance. The reason she was wearing a long, red, wig.

She would soon enough.

Emily’s breathing sped up as I encouraged Allison on the video to “take it all”, and grabbed a handful of the wig she wore to guide her mouth. I chuckled to myself as I remembered how many takes we had to do of that ‘scene’ to get it just right, because controlling her head with a wig felt very different than using a handful of her actual hair. But we were happy with the finished product. I watched Emily slide her hand down her yoga pants right as I estimated I had pushed Allisons head as far down my shaft as she could go. “That’s a good girl”, I heard myself say as she pulled back and gagged a little bit. “Oh yeah Mr. B”, Allison said in her best porn voice, “Your cock is so fucking big in my throat!”

Emily opened her eyes and was clearly watching more attentively than before, I’m sure at the mention of me as “Mr. B”. Allison never called me that. Always Jack. Emily was the only one who called me Mr. B. I watched her use her free hand to hold a lock of her long red hair up in front of her face as realization dawned on her. Her jaw dropped, but her hand started working her clit double time. As her jaw recovered, she bit her lip and pinched her nipple while she tried furiously to bring herself to orgasm. Her back arched, just in time to hear me say “Fuck, yeah, Emily, I’m gonna cum all over your face!”

“Yeah, give it to me. Give me your hot cum Mr B!” Allison yelled in her over the top porn-voice as Emily’s hips visibly quivered. I thought I heard something come from her too as she was cumming, but it was difficult to tell. I had to give it to Allison there. As awkward as it was for her to use, and for me to hear, her porn voice when we shot the video, it was hot as fuck to hear it through my headphones.

Grinning, I switched quickly over to the messages app and sent Allison a quick text.

*I assume you are watching. Your porn voice…super hot*

I switched back to the video feed to see Emily catching her breath. Her right hand was still down her yoga pants, but its movement had slowed considerably. I could hear the final moments of Allison scooping and licking the cum from her tits coming from the TV. I smiled in anticipation of what I knew was to come very soon.

*Can’t watch now. Big meeting. NO SPOILERS!!*

The banner notification from Allison came down across the top of my screen. Poor girl. I know she so wanted to watch this live. My mind wondered briefly if the feeling I was getting seeing the immediate reaction to my own “performance” was a little bit like the feeling movie stars get watching the people in the theater at the premiere of a movie. I bet it was totally the same. Well, except maybe for the raging hard on I currently had. Or maybe including that. I’ll probably never know.

But my mind was brought back to the show on my own security system as I heard now what I knew to be the sounds from one our earlier “films”. Except it wasn’t lifted directly from that tape. But our audience, er, Emily wouldn’t know that. At least not yet, as at this point the picture would still be blurry. These sounds were the sounds of one of our earlier tapes as recorded by the security system recording Emily getting herself off to it. And that security tape was currently being played, in the “film”, on the very television that Emily was watching this very second. As the picture lost it’s blur, Emily would be seeing an image of me fucking my wife from behind on the floor of the living room. Almost directly in front of the spot where she was currently sitting in fact..just slightly to the left. In fact, we took special care to position the camera in the spot where she would most often sit, which happened to be the spot she was sitting in currently. And as that picture came into focus, it became apparent that the sounds “we” were making were coming from the TV, and not from us. And on that TV, inside the TV, we were watching Emily furiously fingering herself.

Emily froze.

For a good minute or two the only way I could tell that the video feed had not frozen was the fact that I was still hearing the sounds of our earlier sextape intermingled with the sounds of my cock driving hard and deep into my wifes wet pussy, all coming from the TV that was just out of view.

Then Emily started looking around the room. She was trying to find the camera. It didn’t take long, now that she could see herself from a few weeks ago on the TV. She looked directly at it, and shook her head as if to say “You filthy animals”.

But she didn’t say anything. She just kept staring at the camera as she slowly stood up. It was almost as though she was locking eyes with me, although she had no way of knowing if anyone was watching right now or not. Or which of us would be watching. But she surely knew that both of us would be watching this intently soon enough.

Then without any warning, she removed her shirt and sports bra, never breaking eye contact with the camera…with me. Her pale round breasts dropped ever so slightly as she lifted the sports bra up and over her head. She bit her lower lip and pinched her left nipple as she slowly sat down, still not breaking eye contact. Once she had sat down, both hands were suddenly in motion as she slid her yoga pants down and off in one smooth motion before spreading her legs, making sure that I, the viewer, had the most direct view of her shaved wet slit possible. She ran her hand up and down her pussy several times, maintaining eye contact the entire time.

I could not believe what I was seeing. We wondered for days what her reaction would be when she realized we had her on tape, but never once did we imagine this. We thought through 25 different forms that embarrassment might take hold for her…but we never considered that maybe…maybe, she might *like* it.

I couldn’t help myself. By this point my cock was straining so hard against my pants that my choices were either to let it tear a large hole in the front of my pants, or to let it out. Within seconds it was out and in my hand. My hand pumping as I watched Emily stroke her pussy, our eyes locked through a camera, phone screen, wireless communication protocols, and many miles of internet cabling.

As her movements intensified, so did mine. When she reached up to suck her wetness from her fingers, I sucked pre-cum from my own, chuckling to myself that I had never actually done that before, and surprised at how it tasted. When she pinched her nipples, I mirrored her again. To the best of my ability, I worked myself in the same ways she was touching herself. Mirror images of one another, miles apart, our eyes never leaving each others.

After several minutes, Emily quivered and shook and came hard. Watching her triggered my own release, which covered my grey shirt and blue tie. For a moment, we both sat motionless, her eyes still on the camera, and mine on the screen, smiling at the thrill of it. And then, just like that, she broke her gaze, quickly put her clothes back on, and with a smile and a blown kiss toward the camera, bounced her perky little ass right out the front door again.


Thank you for reading. I’m not terribly pleased with the way I ended this…but at the moment it’s what I have. Any and all comments welcome.



  1. You could always continue on w the story in parts, if you wanted to! Great story!

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