First Meeting – [online] to [offline]

You’re sitting in your room, waiting.

No one else is home. Aside from the quiet hum of the occasional passing car, silence reigns. A book is open in front of you, but you’ve been staring at the same page for the past half hour, unable to concentrate. Your eyes keep flitting to the clock. You freeze every time you hear another car approach, listening to see if it stops…and finally, one does.

You force yourself to breath slowly, deeply. You want to run to the window and look out, but can't quite make yourself move yet. You hear footsteps out front, walking to the door….and then a knock. With another deep breath you force yourself to stand, and you glance down at yourself—you’re wearing jeans and a tight black shirt, just as ordered. You quickly walk to the front door, then pause. Your thoughts are whirling, your heart pounding, an uneasy mixture of fear and excitement rushing through your body. Taking a deep breath, you flip the lock and turn the knob.

The world stops.

I’m standing there outside the doorway. You freeze again, eyes locked with mine, not knowing what to think. It just didn’t seem real, that it could actually happen. We gaze at each other for a long time. Finally, you stammer "Come in…."

I smile, and slowly step inside, closing the door behind me.

We stand there, silent for a moment. Your mind is a blur, thinking about everything that’s about to happen, thrilled and scared and excited all at once. Your heart is pounding.

I reach out my hand, and holding your breath, you take it. The first touch.

"Lead on," I say.

You lead me upstairs to your bedroom. As we enter, you see my eyes take in the chair in front of the computer…the chair where you sat while we talked, while we joked, while we discussed life and relationships, where you revealed your dark fantasies….the taboo thoughts you have told no one else…

I let go of your hand, and you turn to face me, an arm’s length away.

"Have you done exactly as ordered?"

You try to talk, but can’t form the words. You nod your head.

"Good." I say. I pause, then "Shall we begin?"

You nod again.

"Remove your shirt."

You reach down and grab the bottom of your shirt, and smoothly pull it over your head. You’re a little surprised at how quickly you do this….you’re so used to responding to my orders that it was almost automatic. That thought is both exciting and a little bit scary.

"And now your pants."

You slowly unbutton your pants and slide them off, stepping out of them and setting them aside. You stand up straight, now in just your underwear. You can feel your face reddening as my eyes trace up and down your body. The air is cool on your exposed skin. You have to force yourself to look up and meet my eyes.

There is a long pause, as I look you up and down. You can feel your blush deepening, while at the same time that warm tingle of excitement you’ve been feeling all evening is increasing.

"Stand perfectly still. Close your eyes"

You sense me step closer to you….and then nothing. Silence. You crane your ears, hoping to hear me move.

Then, suddenly, you feel the brush of my fingers against your neck.

You shiver.

My fingertips trace down slowly to your shoulder, sliding smoothly down your chest , down your stomach, lower and lower….stopping just past your bellybutton. I pause there….lingering. My other hand brushes your back, moving the opposite direction, low to high…just barely touching.

You sense me lean in closer, your eyes still shut. You feel my breath against your ear, soft and warm. "Are you ready?"

You whisper…."Yes."

I whisper back…."Think back to when we talked last weekend. When I told you about us in the park. What I would do to you. How it would feel. How you would obey. Keep your eyes closed…and do what you did while you were reading my story. Now."

And you sense me step away.

You feel your arm moving, almost on its own…the response is so automatic, to do as I say, and now I’m here whispering it in your ear… slide your hand into your underwear, gasping a little at the first touch….you’re so ready… begin to rub, slowly, savoring the sensation….it’s been three days since you’ve been allowed to touch, and a week before that since you have been allowed to cum….The feeling intensifies quickly, and you increase your speed, rubbing faster….you know I’m standing there, watching you, and that makes it even more intense…you are trying to control yourself, trying to maintain your composure, but your breath is quickening, and you feel yourself wanting to gasp….you fight it, trying to remain calm, all the time your fingers going faster and faster, and now you’re getting closer and closer….remembering my orders from yesterday, when we discussed everything that would happen tonight, you keep going….and now you’re right at the edge….and you open your mouth and gasp…."May I cum?"

Silence….you keep rubbing, not letting up, holding it off….it’s so hard to hold it off, but you know you’re not allowed to slow down…you ask again, more desperately "Please may I cum?"

Silence… can’t hold back much longer, you can feel it almost starting….and still no answer….frustrated, confused, you open your eyes…..and see me standing there, arms crossed, watching you….you feel so ashamed and embarrassed and unbelievably horny, still rubbing, gasping out loud now, unable to hide it….and then I say "Stop."

You pull your hand away, every fiber of your body crying out to continue, but you automatically respond to my order. Standing there, hands at your side, still trembling on the edge, you stare into my eyes, confused….

I stand there, arms crossed, staring down at you. "I didn’t say you could open your eyes. But you did. I was going to let you cum….but since you disobeyed, I’ve changed my mind. You will have to be punished."

You stand there, tingling, still trembling on the edge of orgasm, mind racing, staring into my eyes, wondering what else is in store…this wasn’t part of the plan….you were going to get yourself off like this first, and then there would be other things….your legs tremble a bit, as you feel yourself gradually easing away from the edge, frustrated, aching for more contact, wondering what will happen next….

Now that you've read the story, I'd love to know one thing….what gender were the characters? Message me with your ideas.
