[m/f] [wetting] Poolside Temptations – Chapter 2

*This is the second half of a two part story, you can read the first part [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/baehgj/mf_wetting_poolside_temptations/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It is creative writing of my own devices.*

Leaving the pool house, I stopped to dip a foot in the shallow end before continuing on my way. Just as I got to the pool gate, my phone buzzed. I reached in and pulled it out of my purse and saw I had a new text.

>I’m stuck here, need help!

Well that’s curious. I opened the gate and kept walking. I kept a casual pace, enough that passing cars could get continued glimpses of my thighs, but not be certain that there was nothing to my bikini below the top. Guess I should pick up the pace.

>Just…walk out??

Really, kids these days.

>Girls here now, can’t. One in stall right next to me. Pls! What do you want?

What did I want? Maybe a massage. Or someone to take my history test.

>Okay okay, but you owe me. Peek and tell me who’s next over.

>Don’t know.

>Send me a picture.

I reached my front door. No cars, looks like my parents were out. Inside, I could hear my brother Scott playing Zelda in his room. Sounded like he had a friend over, the little rule breaker. I walked to my parents’ liquor cabinet and grabbed the first bottle of rum I saw.

My phone lit up with a cute girl’s ass, water running down her sides. It was Jessica. She was a year younger than me, we didn’t share any classes but I’d recognize those perky cheeks anywhere. She was a defensive specialist on my volleyball team. Not too tall but damn could she get down low. Or you know, so I heard.

>Not sure who? I need to see her face.

Having to walk past Scott’s open door, I peeked in. Inside, Scott had the controls and his friend Br..Bryson? Was looking a bit bored. I could work with that.

I used my towel to cover up the bottle, leaving everything below my bikini top open. Some sins are worse than others, not sharing rum would be cardinal. Holding the bundle on my right side to block their view I slid by the door. If they noticed they didn’t say anything. Not needing it anymore I dropped my towel.

In the bathroom I got a new picture, this time of her fit legs running up to a petite little bush. It was of Jessica zoning out under the water, her eyes closed and hands grabbing her shoulders. Almost artistic, eight out of ten. I started the shower.

>Hey Jess, still at the pool? I got a weird text, I think my little cousin just got her period and locked herself in the showers. Got a spare change of clothes and a pad?

>Aww!! No on the clothes but she can have my suit.

I asked her to slip them under Jules’ stall door, then messaged Jules.

>Put those on, send me a pic and I’ll evaluate.

There was a long pause, then:


I took off my top and checked out by breasts in the mirror. There were some serious battle scars, deep red marks on the edge showing where finger tips had grabbed hard. My nipples were a tender pink, erect from the blood flow and open air. I ran my fingertips over them and shuddered from the painful pleasure.

I took a swig from the bottle, then gave it a second look. I lowered it and pressed the side of the glass between my legs. The cool glass sent a jolt through me, comforting my abused pussy. I rubbed the top of the bottle against the outside, guiding it gently between the folds to rub it over my little bean.

A video chat request came in from Jules. I accepted with my free hand, propping the phone up on the counter. He had on a bright orange tube top with little bows between his breasts. The top was loose on him. He tilted his phone down. The bottom was more or less a thong, more on Jules. A tight fit, it would work. Jes Below my camera’s view, I continued to absentmindedly run the glass over my clit, just out of his view. Jules was frozen, a deer in headlights.

From either seeing my exposed tits in good light displaying his handiwork or from crossdressing, his suit started to swell. Horn ball. “Put the pad in one cup and my bikini bottom in the other. And you’ll have to take care of that,” I said. I probably should have texted that. Oh well.

He nodded, filling out his top. That’s better. I didn’t get a view but could tell he was fundeling downstairs then started fumbling with the phone. His hand started stroking, his eyes locked on his phone. Giving him some inspiration, I moved my camera angle down and stepped back. Propping one foot up on the edge of the tub, I slid the rum bottle deep into my pussy. That was way easier than it should have been.

His strokes picked up. He pulled my bikini out of his top and sniffed it. I rolled my eyes. I pulled the bottle out and took a swig, then slid it back in it’s rightful place. The drops of rum burned my raw inner lips in the most incredible way. I made slow, showy strokes, which didn’t match his shaky cam at all. The rum was doing double duty, making both my cheeks and my vagina warm.

He set the phone on the ground, and I could see how he had pulled the thong to the side and was having quite the strokefest. He pulled the thong up even tighter. I bit down on my lip and leaned against the wall, continuing my slow, luxurious internal massage.

The rum gave me a slight urge to pee, without the urge to hold it. I casually let it dribble out, it ran down the sides of the bottle and my legs. I pulled the bottle out and enjoyed the sound of a few droplets hitting the bathroom floor.

I took a sip from the bottle, enjoying my flavors mixed with the rum. I ran my tongue suggestively over the tip. Jules entered warp speed. I deep throated the bottle, coughing as a splash of rum hit the back of my throat but managing to swallow it. Jules arched his back and came. Not much came out, but by the way he sagged after I could tell he was far beyond exhaustion.

He readjusted his disguise. “Pull the sides down a bit, top and bottom,” I advised. It made him show more cleavage, and left two sexy openings just inside of his hips. Completely unnecessary adjustments that made him look promiscuous. I took a screenshot. His completely disheveled hair from the day’s activities worked to his advantage, coming off as a misguided pixie cut. His buldge in the bottom would pass as a pad. Good thing he was small.

“You’re good to go. You owe me,” I said. He was about to ask something but I ended the call. I set the bottle on the counter.

I cracked the door and strategically pressed against it, pretending to cover myself. I provided a great view of the side of my breast. More importantly, through the crack I left an angle to see my ass.

“Hey Bryson, if you’re still not playing can you bring me my towel? I dropped it in the hall.” I left out intentionally.

I heard his footsteps, then he walked up. “Hey there, having fun? How’s your summer been?”

“Alright,” I could see his eyes intentionally avoiding my breast, and unintentionally fixing on the mirror. I shifted my legs and watched his eyes follow. Gotcha.

“Just alright? Oh,” I turned my head to show that I noticed him staring at the mirror. “Don’t tell Scott, but, would you like some?”

His eyes went wide before I motioned to the rum on the counter. “Sure,” he stammered. I turned and stepped over to pick up the bottle, covering my breasts with my right arm. Without me against it the door creep open a little more. Bryson had a direct view of my ass, and a brief flash of the swollen flesh between my legs before I resumed my spot behind the door.

“Have you had any before?” He shook his head. I spoke in a hushed voice. “The key is to hold it in the front of your mouth, then swallow all at once, like this.” How much rum had I had now? I took demonstrating swig, closing my eyes and leaning back from the door, exposing my left nipple. When I finished, I made sure my nipple accidentally stayed in full view.

“Here,” I handed him the bottle. “Actually step inside, I don’t want Scott to see.” I pulled him inside and closed the door. He handed me the towel and looked away, pretending to play the gentleman.

“Oh you can look, I’m just a girl,” I joked, tossing the towel to the side. “Go ahead, take a sip.” He did, and I stepped behind him, pressing against him and tipping the bottle up, making sure he took more than just a cursory sip. He steered coughing, which gave me my chance to slide my hand down the front of his jeans.

He managed to down the swig, leaving me impressed. I rewarded him for it with a gentle squeeze. I used my other hand to take his and place it on the side of my leg. “Scott can’t find out,” I whispered. I massaged his member and Bryson cupped my ass, his first acknowledgement of the situation.

He stared at me in the mirror, drinking in my figure pressed against his. I unfastened his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down, but not off. Can’t have him running away. I sat down on the toilet seat cover, turning him around. I pulled his face to mine as if to kiss him. “Good boys get rewarded,” I said, and pushed his head between my legs.

I leaned back and manspread like a teenager on the subway and Bryson ate me out. I wondered if he could taste the rum, my salt, and even Jules inside me. His tongue was excellent, far better than I expected. It probed my folds and tickled my clit. I let myself enjoy the soft pleasure, a welcome change to the rough handling I had provided the sultry demon between my legs.

He started picking up the tempo. Suddenly he stopped and pulled me up, roughly pushing me against the counter. I hopped up, sat and spread my legs like a dutiful little slut. He fucked me hard, and I didn’t bother being quiet. I shouted his name.

I noticed the door creep open, so I pulled Bryson’s head into my shoulder. Scott’s head peeked in, and I winked at him. He chuckled and shook his head, leaving a dollar on the counter before closing the door. Some bets I just can’t lose.

I reached for the bottle of rum, taking yet another sip and then pushing the bottle to Bryson’s lips. I poured out the whole bottle, most of which went down his shirt and splashing between our love making. That really did burn! I could tell by his reaction that it sent him over the edge. “Cum in me!” I ordered. And he did. I shuddered as he filled me, and put in a good show as I grabbed at his flesh. I pretended to squirt, pushing out a strong flow with his cock inside my pussy.

Bryson wasn’t physically exhausted, but the reality of the situation dawned on him. He pulled up his pants, realizing they were wet too. He reeked of rum and sex and everything else. I laughed as he grabbed the towel and tried to dry himself off. He was in such a panic as he left, while I just sat there with my legs spread, his fluid and mine seeping out.

My phone buzzed,I checked and it was Jessica. “That wasn’t your cousin, that was some boy named Jules!”

Well, I thought it was a good plan. I shrugged.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/bd374u/mf_wetting_poolside_temptations_chapter_2