The beast of Az’uul [alien][impregnation][breeding][sci-fi]

For a friend: happy birthday xx

All people and aliens depicted in this story are 18 years or older.


Ari stood on the deck of the small airship as it coasted low over the badlands, between towers of greenish grey stone under a dark and rumbling sky. The cold wind whipped through Ari’s dark hair and tugged at the lapels of her prison overalls.

‘But I didn’t do it!’ She strained at the cuffs that bound her hands behind her back. She protested her innocence for what felt like the thousandth time.

The jailor gave her a dark look. She glanced at the shockstick at his waist that and stopped struggling. After the show trial she had complained and he had shocked her. It had felt like she had fallen off the roof of a house, knocked the breath out of her for minutes. She didn’t want that again so she looked away, scared and alone.

The airship slowed and made a turn. Over the side Ari caught sight of a line of landing lights that headed towards a dark circle in an open area, framed by sharp cliffs.

The judge turned from where he had been in the bow of the flying machine, the cloak falling from his bald head. He tapped on the commlink embedded on his wrist. A document appeared in front of him. It was raining a little now and the drops distorted the projection.

‘By decree of the criminal and penal code of 2445, you have been found guilty of the crimes of perversion, lust, untoward thoughts and numerous…’ he scanned the document and pages of text flowed upwards. He glanced at Ari. ‘…numerous indecent and improper acts.’

‘No,’ said Ari, ‘you’ve got it wrong…’

‘Silence,’ Said the jailor. He took out the shockstick now. The tip glowed white and crackled. The airship passed between a series of pylons, slowed even further and with a hiss of thrusters came to land.

‘Off,’ Said the Jailor, prodding Ari down a short ramp that had folded from the airship’s side. She walked down it and looked around. They were beside a large pit in the ground, a sort of sinkhole, that had been surrounded by a walkway of rusting metal. Behind that was a sort of amphitheatre cut into the rocks where hundreds of people sat, force umbrellas sparking as they repelled the rain. Above them was a huge screen and as she looked Ari saw a small drone zoom towards her and her face appear a hundred times its normal size up above. The crowd murmured.

‘Your sentence,’ said the judge, his voice now amplified. ‘Is to become a bride of the Az’uul.’

There was a gasp from the crowd.

‘No,’ said Ari, true fear in her voice. She looked around for a friendly face and found none. ‘No, not that.’

‘Too late,’ Said the jailor nastily and pushed her towards the edge of the pit. There was a small platform that protruded over the edge and Ari saw there was a circular part at the end with a control panel on it.

As if her legs weren’t her own to control Ari walked out. The drone followed her, circling lazily and silently around, the black eye of her camera following her. She looked down. The walls of the sinkhole were smooth and slippery. The bottom looked a long way away in the dark.

‘Strip,’ Said the jailor. The drone stared at her. The crowd stared. She stood still, confused.

The jailor leaned forward and ripped her overalls away. Poppers snapped open and the material tore, leaving her in the tiny black thong and bikini bra she had worn when she was sentenced. Ari tried to cover herself but couldn’t. And then before she knew what was happening the jailor had an aerosol in his hand and was spraying her with something. She covered her eyes, expecting a burn but nothing came.

‘What the fuck?’ She said.

‘Pheromones,’ he said. ‘It’s better for the crowd when the Az’uul is excited.’ He grinned a dirty grin. ‘Worse for you though.’

Ari looked to the sky, where huge drops of cold rain struck her face and shoulders. Sheet lightning flashed. There was a rhythmic thumping, the feet of the crowd.

‘Down,’ they chanted. ‘Down, down, down.’ And the jailor presses a button. And the platform began to slowly sink. Her eyes locked with those of the Jailor’s until he was lost from sight. She breathed hard, overwhelmed, frightened.

Ten seconds later the platform touched down with a gentle bump. It was quieter in the bottom of the pit. Ari looked up. The opening looked very far away above her.

The wind no longer blew and perhaps it was Ari’s imagination but she thought it was warmer. She stepped off. Yes, the floor was definitely warm. She wiped her face where the spray had hit her and shook the drops off on the ground.

It was a circular space, clean and empty. Spread around the walls were perhaps fifteen huge doors. The drone hung perfectly still about ten feet away. Then she heard the sounds of metal bolts sliding and spun round. Three of the doors opened.

She froze. Nothing came out of any of them. She could see a set of wide steps leading down through one. A curving corridor through another. A path through another was less dark, lit from above, apparently leading through another sinkhole.

As she wondered what to do she heard a noise. It was a deep broken moan, a frequency so low she felt it in her soles and her stomach. It was followed by a chittering, at the other end of the spectrum, high and screeching and fading into a hypersonic whine.

Ari looked around frantically, up on the walls, behind her again but saw nothing. It was the sound of an intelligence she had heard, an animal intelligence. It was unmistakably predatory. And she knew she was the prey. Without thinking she ran for the third door. The drone followed, filming her exposed body for the crowd to watch.

She emerged into a much larger space. A path wound its way between the ruins of a building. Arches and collapsed columns and upper floors piled together. Several dark stelae lay on their sides, weird heiroglyphs in a language Ari had never seen. Above, there was a jagged opening to the dirty dusk, crossed by thick black creepers. And in the distance, far beyond the ruins, she saw a staircase that led up towards the surface.

She had a moment of hope. Hot beautiful hope. Could there be a way our? Was it possible? She had nothing else to cling on to. She didn’t think about the fact she was in the badlands, nor she was nearly naked nor that she has no food. Only that she might be able to escape.

Ari followed the path on, eagerly. She squeezed between two narrow walls, and climbed up through the ceiling via a window and onto a higher platform. She shuffled across a deep chasm along a crumbling pillar and up a short slope. And then, behind her, she saw it.

It was framed in the door she had come through from the first chamber. Ari kept perfectly still, exposed as she was. It was large and pure black. Initially she thought it was humanoid, but then she realised it was rearing up on its back legs. It had a lot of legs. It’s head lifted back and she saw in its silhouette narrow feelers wave in the air, as smoothly as a plant sways underwater. They moved and flicked, tasting the air. Then there was that sound again, the low call and the high clattering screech. And it lowered itself and moved with astonishing speed away behind a different part of the ruins.

Ari ran now, down a slope, tripping over herself as she did. The path wound past a pile of rubble and up the stairs of a pyramidal building, a line of rough and broad steps leading up. The sound of footfalls – too many footfalls – echoed around. She stopped briefly, trying to get a sense of where they were coming from. As she did they also stopped and all she could hear was her own breathing, heavy and ragged. The drone moved around to get a better angle. And she moved further up the steps.

As she reached the top she saw it, the steps leading out. Though they were clearly old they went high enough to get out. And the path was clear.. She moved towards it. She was going to escape! And then the ground gave way. Ari screamed in surprise and in anger. She fell through a rotten set of planks, down into a smooth tunnel. She slid, tumbled down reaching to grab onto anything she could, but the walls were thick with a sort of slime. And then, a second later, she fell out into a small dark room and slid across against a wall.

When she opened her eyes it was there, in the corner. It unfolded, unable to stand fully under the curving roof. Ari backed away but there was nowhere to go. She pressed herself against the side of the space. It smelled strangely sweet and she felt herself become curiously relaxed. One part of her brain screamed as a smooth and fingerless arm stroked across her belly, as it’s intensely dark form loomed over and its limbs fanned out like the dark bars of a cage. But another part of her felt quiet and calm, accepting. She shook her head as her vision blurred a little. She saw a small green light and the drone had caught up with her.

One of the limbs touched her toe and stroked up her leg. Her skin crawled but, inexplicably, she felt her pussy become wet in a way she had never experienced before. One moment she was afraid the next she was open and dripping. It moved up her shin and behind her knee and over her thigh to her groin. It began to slowly move over her mound, back and forth. She felt it’s surface transform into a series of firm bumps that stimulated Ari and made her part her legs further. Her hands pressed against the wall as she gasped. Her wetness soaked her panties in a second.

The face lowered down to her now, smooth and sightless. From the lightly shining surface a small set of tentacles began to protrude, which touched her face, tracing her cheekbones and lips and chin, leaving her smeared with a heavy sort of gel. She moaned, somewhere between terror and lust. It filled her entire vision, swaying and moving. And then it grabbed her, thicker arms took her waist and legs and shoulders and lifted her off the ground.

‘Oh!’ Ari was surprised. It was like being held in a firm hammock. She could feel how incredibly strong it was, holding her up without any apparent effort, ‘looking’ at her from a little way away with its sightless face. She felt tiny in its grasp, a toy. It did not move.

It tore her panties and bra off. There was no warning. They were snipped and flipped away leaving her naked. It opened her legs and spread her arms far apart. Ari tensed in struggle but it was pointless. It had her fully exposed. Then it returned to her face, but this time when it touched her mouth it parted her lips.

Something smooth slid across her tongue, in and out, back and forth. She moaned on it. It felt so good. It felt perfect as it moulded to the shape of her mouth. As it did she felt an arm move back between her legs and begin to massage her pussy, steady movements across her clit and her dripping opening. It pushed further into her mouth, and he found herself opening her throat for it in a way she had never done for a man, allowing it in. She didn’t gag, even when a sweet liquid began to trickle into her stomach. It pulled back and she gasped as it coated her tongue and chin, and she saw in the dark that whatever it had put in her glowed pearlescent.

Ari licked her lips. It tasted incredible. It wasn’t just sweet. It was compelling, a complex nectar. She saw the appendage come for her again and she opened her mouth willingly, tongue out, and it began to gently fuck her throat. This time she felt an arm start to spread her pussy open and she moaned around the warm firm muscle that filled her mouth. At the same time she felt her ass being touched, and something thick and sticky pulse over her asshole.

She was being used. She has no choice but she wanted to be used. So badly.

Before she was able to process this desire it penetrated her, sliding smoothly into her ready cunt. She moaned louder and in response it began to fuck her. It pistoned back and forwards several times then slowed. Then it sped up again and her legs shook. She felt the heat of an orgasm build in her abdomen almost immediately as it thrusted, and she moaned deeply as more of the sweet fluid coated her mouth and cheeks. Her hungry tongue flicked out to catch more of it, as a remnant of her past self screamed in horror. But her past self was fading fast.

It made the sound again, the creature, but this time words resolved from the weird noises.

‘I will breeeed you…’ said the voice, ancient and old and inside Ari’s head. ‘You will be my briiiide…’

‘Yes,’ Ari moaned as it fucked her pussy harder. ‘Oh yes, fill me please!’ She had never felt anything like this. She felt half ecstatic, half overwhelmed and her eyes rolled back. As she began to shudder out an orgasm it slid into her ass. ‘Oh fuuuuck…’ it began small and expandedC stretching her ass wide open. she moaned again in the echoing breeding chamber as it filled both of her holes, and would have moaned more if it hadn’t filled her mouth again.

It fucked all Ari’s holes at once, in and out, covering her with its lubricating slime. She came again, an anal orgasm this time, her ass clenching hard on the shaft that did not slow. Tentacles reached out to wrap and squeeze her breasts, teasing and pulling them as if it were trying to milk her while it alternated thrusts in her soaked cunt and pulsing asshole.

And then it began to cum. She felt it in her mouth first, soft jelly-like eggs pumping down her throat and into her stomach, filling her up so perfectly. A second later they began to fill her pussy, sliding out of the appendage into her ready womb, slipping along the side of her shaft and out of her as it carried on fucking her. Her ass was last, larger eggs sliding up and into her, stretching her wide.

She screamed when her mouth was free, her eyes rolled back in her head with the intensity of the orgasm. Her body was shaking as much as if she was having a fit as she took the beast’s seed deep in her. She felt a pressure on her clit, a kind of suction and her orgasm rolled on, her screams indistinguishable from agony. Ari felt her pussy gush over the beast, squirting uncontrollably.

Slowly it stopped and pulled out, excess eggs falling out of her onto the floor with a wet sound. It lowered her to the floor, naked and her mind full of mad lust. It moved a little way back and folded into a sort of sitting position, it’s many shoulders rising and falling in exertion from its efforts.

Ari lay in a puddle of her wetness and its secretions. As her vision returned from her orgasm she moved near it and it made a seat for her from its limbs. It was warm and wet and soft.

She looked up at it needily and touched her pussy, moaning at how wet and hot she was. She spread herself for it and rubbed herself. She wanted to show what a good girl she was. Gently a tentacle slid back into her asshole and she moaned. It stretched her again and she fingered herself faster. She hoped the gestation would be quick. She was desperate to be bred again.

The drone stared down. Ari looked at the camera and give it the finger. The beast crushed it against the wall with a single swipe and then began to cum in her ass again.

‘Breed me,’ moaned Ari, ‘breed your bride.’


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