NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 27

Chap.26 – [](

Reaching the 3rd floor landing, Jono stepped to the door, and peeked thru the small window. What he was doing was crazy and reckless, not like him at all, but he was loving it. Place appeared pretty empty. Quietly opening the door, he stepped in, and looked at his watch, never really noting the time, it was more for any possible security cams. No one around. Jono strode confidently thru the floor. Stopping at the closet door, he took a quick last look, then stepped thru. As the door closed behind him, he flipped the lock.

Sherry waited for Him. She had taken a Fresh linen and folded it multiple times, then set in on the floor, where she knelt. Already, she was wet, especially after this morning, and thinking about it all morning, she wanted again just to be used. As she heard the door opening, fully trusting her Man, she was kneeling, & held the panties up for Him to see.

Jono smiled. Closing the door and flipping the lock, in a low voice he said “That’s my girl, now stand, and lift that dress.” As Sherry did that, Jono used the back of his pointing & middle fingers to brush her pubes. Looking up, he said “Now we have to remain quiet, and time is not on our side….”

“Sir?” Sherry asked, “I just want to be used right now, Sir, *Please* put your dick in me.” She said, in a pleading tone.

“unzip that dress” Jono said, and picking up a hangar turned around, only to see Sherry had already pulled it over her head. Jono took it and as he turned to hang it up, Sherry began unbuttoning his belt, and practically tearing open his pants, His Dick jumping out at her..

Jono picked Sherry up, and she immediately wrapped her legs around him, heels and all This is where the harness worked to Jono’s advantage. Holding the belt portion, it partly supported Sherry’s small weight, and held her vagina open. No wait/no tease, Jono wanted something, and his dick slid right in, being instantly enveloped by the lovely, hot wetness that was Sherry’s cunt. *HIS* cunt.

Sherry had to stifle the scream of pleasure in feeling His fat, meaty Dick invading her. She shuddered as it again stretched her & she inhaled sharply. The leather straps dug into her flesh, yet held her open at the same time, and made the pain most definitely worth His pleasure. She made her quiet whimpers as He began to lift & lower her lithe, light body on & off His Dick. She loved it, but not being able to make noise caused her to simply groan a long, quite, high “*sirrrrrrrrrrrr…..”*

Jono was loving this, but knew he could not spare the time. Thankfully, there was “an option” as they say. Jono had ‘pre-stacked’ a set of cartons, covered in linens so that they were just the right height.

Lifting her off his dick, he turned her around, and his property instantly knew what to do, throwing herself over the linens, her ass up, her face down. To keep her quiet, Jono *did* insert himself slowly,, but again grabbing the harness at the belt, he began pumping into his pussy, HARD, feeling it’s goodness oepening for him, Sherry trying to be quiet as he pounded her in the way she *should* be taken. looking down, He loved the way his fat dick looked, covered in her juices and sliding in & out of her, to her accompanied grunts.

Jono was getting to the top of his game. He had the local Mayor at his beckon, and was even impressing the Governor, plus he was power-fucking a girl hot enough to be a model. The wave of power came fast, and with a “*OOOFfff*….” Jono dumped his load into **His. Personal. PUSSY**.

Sherry loved being used like a mere cum rag. She especially liked the way He stood there for almost a full minute after his orgasm, His Cock in her, letting her feel it as it shrunk. She several times whispered “Thank you Sir…thank you….” As she panted.

Sherry didn’t seem to mind that he simply stepped away, and used *her* panties to wipe himself. She smiled as he zipped up, gave her some basic instructions, and left. She dressed quickly, putting on her now cum-stained panties, as she knew she would surely leak, and made it to the women’s room, when she managed to brush her frazzled hair. A look in the mirror showed no cum stains on her, thank goodness.

As she left via the stairwell, she heard the elevator bell. Apparently she was just ahead of the crowd. And she intended to stay there.
