NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 25

Chap.24- [](

After a time of recovery, Sherry appreciated that her Man had his property shower with him, showing her how he preferred his shower. She enjoyed soaping and swabbing him, and the way He in turn took time with her. Had they both the energy…..but no, that was not this nite, and eventually, after stripping the bed to the now-rubber mattress cover and replacing it with fresh linens, & setting His alarm, she found herself cuddling up to her Man, all was right in her world. Sherry had dreams. Mostly of pushing back, telling an unseen force no, and resisting…but resisting what, exactly? She was not sure, but each time she woke, it was good to be in His arms, and soon she again drifted off.

Jono had enjoyed how well she took orders, and it was nice to have someone to shower with. Although he would have been mentally up to the task, his poor dick was beginning to be a bit sore itself, so he simply enjoyed being pampered. As they slept, he felt her wake several times, and was sure he knew the cause but that would keep at this moment. Jono instructed her to set that alarm a half-hour earlier. Although she must have expected the obvious, he had something else planned.

With the alarm, Sherry woke with a bit of a start. She pushed back into him a bit, feeling His soft Dick on her PJ bottoms. Giving Him a soft kiss on the arm she was laying on, she woke him, wondering if they had time to fuck before work. With a bit of play, He sent her off, and per His instructions, she made the coffee, and made the bed. As she came in to the kitchen, Jono was finishing breakfast

Jono handed her a plate and, knowing his property liked scrambled eggs, he gave her some, along with a few slices of bacon. “Bad for you, but good all at the same time. Too bad we can’t have this everyday.” He said with a grin. As they sat and ate, Jono told her, “Now little one, today at lunch, I want you to sign out for an extended lunch. Then, get everything that you would need, from make-up to 3 days worth of clothes, and I want you to bring them here. You can get in using the key I provided. Clothes and toiletries in the guest bedroom/bathroom, understand?”

Sherry was thrilled that she was getting to move some things in, but she had to ask, “Why only 3 days?”

And Jono responded, “We are moving in steps, not in leaps” Seeing her disappointment. Jono cupped her face in his hand and said “One step at a time, little one. Now, go sit on your pillow after you put those dishes in the washer.” Jono let her sit for a few minute to contemplate this, then entered the room, and sat on the couch beside her. “OK Little one, we got up early so I could get in some training before we get ready for work.” Jono was dressed in a t-shirt and set of gym shorts.

From his pocket, he produced and odd looking item. Now this,” Jono explained, “is a ball gag. I am going to put this in your mouth, so open up.” Placing it in her mouth, Jono secured it pretty loosely behind her head. “I am keeping it loose for now, plus this is a small one. I want you to get used to taking this. Now stand.” Jono the told her “Normally, I catch the business reports in the mornings at the gym, and business + news at night sitting here, but today we reverse it. Now, let me guide you.”

Taking her hand and again using silent direction, Jono guided her, so that, as he sat back, Sherry lay completely across his lap, in a manner as though she were about to be spanked. “good girl, I have something for you” Jono complimented her, and handed her phone to her. Flipping on the TV, Jono told her, “Now you just use your phone if you wish, while I catch the news.”

Sherry accepted the gag without so much as a question. She knew she could trust Him, but it was a bit intimidating. Her former self would *never* have allowed such. She was thinking she was going to get the paddle or something, due to her position, but as He said, He flipped on the TV. He had even provided her with an additional cushion so that although she was laying across Him, she felt comfortable.

For a minute or so, Sherry just lay there in her little satin PJ’s, wondering why he was ignoring her, then she felt His hand. One started to verrry lightly rub her butt thru the satin PJ bottoms, the other doing the same to her back. This PJ set had a top that left the shoulders and back bare, having only a tony strap to hold them up, so he had a space on which to work his magic.

And Magic it was. Soon, both hands had wandered. The hand on her shorts was gently using one finger to rub her outer labia thru the shorts. This was exciting enough, but the hand on her upper back had found it’s way under her, and inside her PJ top. He was starting to toy with her nipple, and Damn she loved for that to happen. She instinctively moaned, and looked back.

Jono enjoyed this. He watched the news and business report intensely, as he knew the Site Project would come up. As he did, he began to ‘play’ with what was his, soreness be damned. At her moan, he let go, pulled his hand out, and gave one ass cheek a SLAP! Followed by ‘Silence, little one…do I need to tighten that gag?”

Sherry put her head down and whimpered, loving every second of it. She could feel her body heating up. The fingers pushing the satin into her labia was nice, but the real-deal was the toying & tugging of her nipples. “*Damn*…” she tried to say into the gag. After several more minutes of this, she heard a news report regarding the Site, and she stifled all noise, and she did not want her Man to be disturbed. Her pussy was sore, yet still it had begun to throb, and her nipples were erect. She knew she was getting wet, hell, his very touch did that, but it was killing her that he did not penetrate her.

The TV had provided the info he desired. Slowly, Jono moved his hand from her crotch to her ass cheek, and began to rub her ass as before, but he still toyed with the nipple, tugging on it, pinching and twisting it just a bit. “Little one, I do this to teach & remind you your place here. I am very pleased with you and your progress. This will help keep us in sync today” releasing the ball gaga, he continued, “I neglected to approve your clothing last night. I want you in the pale blue cotton underwear, the panties with the high-cut bikini bottoms. When I get out of my shower we are going to add something too. Also, that really nice blue one-piece dress? I need you in that, we have muckety-mucks coming thru today.”

Jono went to get his shower. He could see the mix of emotions on his property’s face, and decided that as she got ready, they would discuss it more.
