NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 22

Chap.21 – [](

After reheating dinner, Sherry shared the issue regarding Ron, while just picking at her dinner. “I want you to know, “ she told Jono, “I am not provoking any of this. Ron is just jealous. He doesn’t know the who, he just knows that there *is* a who.”

“I’m glad you are telling me this, little one,” Jono replied. “I can’t just fire him or talk man to man to him, he isn’t that mature mentally, but I know how to handle him. Remember, it’s always good to hold an Ace.”

Sherry was really comforted by that, but she didn’t really eat. Rather, she continued to pick at her food. She was quite lovely, wearing the little satin PJ shorts and tank top. But it was clear, she was a bit cool. “Wait here,” Jono said, and in a moment returned with a fleece blanket. She gladly took it from him, with a broad smile.

“OK woman, you need to spill it, what is really going on here,” Jono told her. “we have been at this almost a month now, and I know a few things about you.” Touching her knee, Jono looked he in the eye and said, “Come on, I know there is more than our ‘talk’ that we just had….right?” He finished with his sly grin.

“Damn Sir…..that was WAS nice, what we just did…” Sherry responded, grinning and flushing just a tad. “But you said you had a purpose to all this. I know now that there is more than just using me, but I want to know more.” Setting down her chopsticks she said “No Sir…I NEED to know more…because I WANT more out of this than just straight fucking, as much as I enjoy it.” Sherry felt defiant. If he had a plan for her, then she needed to know.

Jono nodded. “Little one, you don’t get to know all, ‘cause you don’t need to, BUT, you need to know more.” Setting his food aside, Jono slid a bit closer to her. “What I need, little one, is someone I can fully trust. So work-wise, the whole site thing is more than working out. I NEED someone in that office that can keep an eye on things and run it well. That is you, simply put.”

Sherry nodded. It was good that He saw this, because she felt she had earned it. But if this was only work, Room 13 at the Motel would never have happened. “OK Sir, but…”

Jono held his hand up and smiled. “Little one, “ he said, “ you need to show restraint. You are going to ask about ‘everything else’…” Sherry nodded, and Jono continued. “Little on, I have awakened something within you. I bet that something finds the sex addicting, right? Jono saw Sherry’s mouth drop. You *like* it because it touches that part you keep reserved. You *like* it because you never orgasmed like this, and you *like* it because it feels so damn good…..” Jono looked at her. Sherry was totally stunned, totally speechless.

“You *like* it because I forced that part open,” he continued, “And you *especially like it* because you can let go, and allow ME to control it.” As Jono finished, he could she had the makings of a tear in her eye. “Little one,”Jono said, in a lower, kinder tone, “I call you that because in this, it is like you are an infant. *Why* do you think your work has gone so well? *Why* do you think you have a new found confidence? *And why* do you think you are here? It is not by force my dear, Not now. Little one, I think you are willing, I can show you how not to unleash it, but to train it. It will affect far more than your sex life. While I can do this forcibly, it would not be successful. Little one, I see it in you/you are capable, but I would prefer that you want it. So are you ready to explore this next step?

Sherry thought about it, staring right at Jono, wordlessly. She held this for more than a minute. To those who did not know her, she would seem undecided, but Sherry was really wonder was if she would ever want to *stop* it. “Sir…..” she finally said, “You are unlocking something within me…but really I am not so sure how long it will take to bring it out.” Standing up and pushing the chair back, she stepped out of the blanket and straddled Jono. She gave him a kiss and said “I want this, Sir, I’m ready for the next step.”


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