Melanie, The AuPair [mF]

It was a normal Saturday. I woke up staring at the ceiling as the late morning sun threw its light through the crack in the curtains. This was going to be a boring weekend. All my friends were out of town leaving me on my lonesome to entertain myself till school on Monday. What’s an eighteen-year-old supposed do…My stomach grumbled. *Oh, right yeah, I should probably go eat something. Fuck I’m hungry.* I stretched releasing a groan of satisfaction and then rolled out of bed. I practically fell down the stairs as I made my way to the kitchen. Down, left, down, left and down. I came to a stop stumbling into the island and gracefully whipped out a bowl, cereal, and milk, prepping the lot with practiced efficiency. A minute hadn’t gone past since being in the kitchen that I was already wolfing down mouthfuls of cinnamon toast at the table.

“Wow. That was impressive” said an accented voice across the table from me. I froze, spoon in mouth and looked up. *Melanie…* She was the new French au-pair hired by mum to look after my siblings whilst she and my dad worked during the week. Melanie was hot. Big pale blue eyes, tanned skin, dirty blond hair to her shoulders fell in waves framing her pretty face. I realised that I must seem quite odd just sat there staring her, spoon in mouth.

“Tha-“ I dropped the spoon into the bowl with a splash. “Shit. Wait no, shit…Fu-“She laughed softly as I made a fool of myself. *What is wrong with you? Can’t keep yourself composed I front of a pretty woman??* “Thanks, I practice” *You practice?! Nice reply dumbass.*

“I can see” she said, amused. *“*How are you today? Do you have any plans?” she asked.

“Good good yeah…plans um, no not really. Maybe I’ll do some homework or something you know, watch a film maybe. How about you?” I replied

“I’m good thank you, I thought I might go for a walk or read a book. I have today and tomorrow off so we’ll see” She sipped her coffee, peering at me then returned her attention to the novel she had been reading. I spooned another mouthful of cereal into my mouth and eyed her warily. *Nice shirt, I like the blue and white stripes, so very fr-* It was then I noticed the two points poking the fabric subtly. *Is that…is she?* She shifted in her seat and her chest jiggled lightly. *Not again…Damn her and those bloody shirts.* It clung to her tightly following her contours. High necked with no cleavage but you didn’t need it to know how awesome her breasts were. Perky and full, just the right amount. *God damn I’m never gonna leave this ruddy table. At least not until she leaves…*The erection I was hiding under the table would not be hidden in the slightest by my thin pyjamas. I forced myself to eat slowly as possible, but the minutes past and she seemed absorbed as I came to the end of my cinnamon flakes and my situation had not abated. Speed was the answer, if I could move, twist, dump my bowl into the sink and bolt up stairs I had a chance. *Ready? Here we go.* Pushing my chair back I picked up my bowl, twisted around and took two big steps kicking the island with full force. Tears formed in my eyes as a silent scream escaped my mouth. I froze there in agony.

“Are you okay?” came Melanie’s voice.

“Yeeeep” I replied inhaling.

“You sure?”

“Yepyepyep. All good” I hobbled on, depositing my bowl in the sink and then made my way to the stairs.

“I can look at your foot if you want, I know first aid” she said, a touch of worry in her voice.

“I’ll be fine, thank you Melanie” as a single tear fell down my cheek. “I’ll be fine”.

Much of the day was pure boredom past breakfast. I grabbed lunch from the supermarket and ate in my room, avoiding the au-pair at all costs. I played games on the computer mostly, scrolled through reddit. Anything to pass the time. I even went into the garden for a bit, kicked a flat football. Threw a tennis ball as hard as I could at the wall and winced when it flew over into the neighbours, lost forever I guess and whistled as I walked away. Getting on late afternoon, tired of watching crap on youtube, I thought I’d go have a bath. Wash off the boredom perhaps. I left my room and made my way to the bathroom whose door stood open a crack. I pushed it open and stepped in.

Melanie stood there. Eyes wide in surprise, her arms and hands did their best to maintain her decency, but clean white soap bubbles and foam still clung and crept down her slick, bare olive skin. Though it was only a moment, that was all it took for the scene before me to become etched within my mind for all eternity. The daylight from the large window in the bathroom reflected off the hot water running down the length of her athletes’ body. Steam curled in the air. The young French woman used to be a professional cyclist before she became an au pair and it was clear to see. Her legs seemed to go on for ever, thick without a millimetre of fat.

They were crossed now in embarrassment. Glistening wetly. Her core was toned, but not too hard, with soft, gracious lines that traced the length of her slender abdomen. Her chest was awkwardly hidden by her hand and forearm, squeezed flat to her body. Her neck rose elegantly from her strong shoulders to her head. And my word what a face. Her eyes were large and pale blue but almost iridescent with hints of turquoise and cobalt. Widened in surprise. Her eyebrows, light caramel in colour, rose upon her brow. Her cheekbones were high and reddened, her nose was the perfect complement to her already stunning features. Her dirty blonde hair was plastered to her back. Lips parted in shock to see me standing there in the doorway. Time unfroze. The sound of running water struck my ears and I shook my head, mumbling an apology at the naked woman shifting uncomfortably in the shower. I ducked out of the room and shut the door before sprinting away. Left then right, up a short flight, right again and into my room.

It was so wrong. Seeing her beautiful face like that, burning red with embarrassment, wide with shock. I never felt more turned on. *Oh Melanie…why didn’t you lock the ruddy door!* The look on her face became submissive as her arms slowly came into motion. *Wait…*The hand covering her breast slid across her chest, lightly gripped and then released. *Fuck…stop!* Two plump gorgeous breasts swayed and came to rest. The hand covering her lower abdomen moved too. *What the fuck is wrong with you yo-*

“What will you do with me?” She said meekly. *Oh shit…oh fucking hell.*

“It seems I please you.” She said, the barest hint of satisfaction played on her face past the innocent wide-eyed stare. Those pale blue eyes flicked down my body before coming to rest on mine again. Looking down at myself I felt my cheeks burn just as hard as hers if not more. I was stark naked, cock standing to attention long and thick, and pointing straight at the soapy naked glistening goddess standing in my shower. *What is that?! Eight fucking inches of dick??*

“It’ll be a struggle, but I think you’ll fit.” *Jtvjuyvkbvjk…* She beckoned me forwards, I obeyed. I walked towards her, stopped before my cock touched her skin. Tentatively her hand reached forward. *I’ve always wanted to feel those hands on me, feel those lips on mine, feel those same lips wrap around my cock. Always wanted to take hold of those boobs. All those times she wore a shirt but no bra. All those times she would wear her too tight jeans. Her ass seemed to pop. She’s so fucking gorgeous…I…I want to fuck her so fucking bad…*Her hand closed the gap. To my cock. She took a hold of it gently, pushed the skin back and then pulled. She seemed so eager to please me. Walking out of the shower she took me with her. Momentarily letting go of my cock she turned and sat on the waist high dresser. Steam filled the room now; it made the both of us sweat in the heat. She brought me forward and parted her legs for me to stand between. Those strong thick thighs held high; she rubbed the head of my cock against her entrance. *She’s so wet… we haven’t even kissed yet!* With a start she lifted her eyes from her task and peered at mine. She bit her lip and with her other hand reached to the back of my head to pull me into a kiss.

Her lips were softer than silk and my head went to mush. After a heated kiss to render me addicted I retook control of my body and slid my hands up those smooth hairless thighs before rushing to run them up her abdomen and then back. Startled, I felt cloth. I broke away from those heavenly lips and noticed Melanie wore a snug fitting sports bra. Without taking it off her I eased my hands beneath the elastic and took hold of those constrained tits. Roughly squeezed and massaged, she moaned at the treatment. In the back of mind my mind, as I fondled Melanie’s breasts and kissed her luscious lips, I remembered the action of her hand on my cock, rubbing the sensitive head against her womanhood. Except now my cock is becoming enveloped in a hot wet sheath.

My eyes sprung open and I looked down to the sight of my cock as it sunk inside the au pair. I look to Melanie’s’ face; her features are twisted in pleasure and pain. “Trop grands…j’en peu plus…” she whimpered. By instinct I took hold of her lower back and applied my own pressure with the weight of my body. I wanted more, I wanted to feel all of me smothered by the warm divine pleasure of her pussy. Her face contorted, she threw her head back, arched her body and now gripped the sides of the dresser with both hands to keep from collapsing. Still I pushed and still more of me slid inside her. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to be within her, I groaned in ecstasy just as she began breathing more rapidly. Finally, after a torturously long time I gave one final push of my hips and pulled her body to me, the last three inches slipped deep inside of her. She wailed in agonising pleasure and mashed her lips against mine. She took a hold of my head with her hands and wrapped her strong legs around my waist. The pure satisfaction of being buried deep inside was… mind shattering.

Lying atop her on the bed I proceeded to slowly fuck the au pair. Melanie. With my cock pulling out and pushing into her pussy. *Didn’t she say she had a boyfriend back in France?*

“You fill me up so much better than he ever could” she whispered eyes closed in heavenly bliss. *Melanie…I…I think I’m gonna cum.*

She opened her eyes and stared at me. Half pure innocence half pure devil. “Then you should fuck me, and fast. You should come inside me.” Roaring with primal urgency I grabbed a hold her hips and finally saw that mind-blowing ass. Big and round, I sunk my cock between those cheeks and fucked her pussy like a man possessed. She buried her face in the mattress and clung to the sheets murmuring “oui…oui…ouiiii…”. The sensation was overwhelming, and I felt the orgasm bubbling up inside of me. Suddenly Melanie bucked and quivered, “Je vieeeeens! Oh, mon dieu je viens…”. Her pussy gripped my cock and that was all the added stimulation that I needed. *Fuck.* It felt like I was emptying my all inside of her pussy. Bliss.

*Author’s Note: I lost the ability to post with my old account “fanofwriting”, so here we have the second edition. I might repost my old story “The Mountain” just so that everything can be in one place.*

*On this story I had the idea to write multiple alternate realities where different scenarios play out with the au pair. I’ll try to add more context to the next as I feel it’s key to the build-up of the scene. I have other scenes ready to post, unrelated to this, but they don’t really have much of a story attached yet…Anyway I hope you all enjoy. I enjoyed writing it. Feedback is always appreciated.*



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