A Chance pt. 6 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


Kimmy’s heart still pounded as she lay in Lizette’s arms. She could feel soft kisses on her bare shoulder and the tickle of warm breath in her hair. Focusing on those sensations grounded her, because after what had just happened she wasn’t sure gravity still worked.

Nothing was the same. Pleasure had just been a word before. Now it had a visceral reality that made the previous definition dim in comparison. She’d been giving herself orgasms for years and assumed those had been the peak of all possible pleasure. Now in one afternoon her whole frame of reference had been expanded.

Love and sex had been a mystery, but nothing could have prepared her for the sensual give and take she’d experienced with Lizette. Things that had seemed odd or gross in abstract turned into an undeniable craving. The experience had been freeing in ways she couldn’t even put in words, but one thing she knew; Love was no longer a simple equation with a fixed answer.

“You okay?” Lizette whispered in her hair.

“Yeah. Just… yeah.”

Lizette chuckled. “I’ve made the famous Kimmy McKimson, speechless.”

That tickled out a laugh. “I had no idea what I was missing.”

Lizette chuckled, then was silent. “This was the best night of my life.”

“Mine too,” Kimmy whispered and Lizette’s arms squeezed her tighter. “I mean it. There’s so much I want to tell you, but my head won’t stop spinning long enough to form the words.”

“So we can do this again sometime?” Lizette asked it lightly, but Kimmy heard a quiver in her voice. She rolled over in her girlfriend’s arms to kiss her again.

“Oh yes,” she murmured, then deepened the kiss. Lizette kissed back, but allowed Kimmy to take the lead the moment.

Pushing Lizette over on her back, Kimmy kissed and explored with a patience born out of her own intense satisfaction. The lidded look Lizette gave her echoed the new intimacy Kimmy felt. It didn’t feel wrong or strange as their breasts pressed together. And when her hand slid over Lizette’s firm stomach, there was nothing but pure desire in her heart.

Kimmy ran her fingers up between Lizette’s breasts. They were a little larger than her own, especially spread out as they were. The skin was so soft, but her touch pebbled Lizette’s nipples. She smiled at the reaction, then bent to softly kiss the erect peaks.

Lizette ran her fingers through Kimmy’s hair as though to encourage her to linger. It made her auburn tresses fall around her face as Kimmy kissed her. Lizette got tickled enough to bubble a quiet laugh. Using her hair like a duster, Kimmy moved it along those lovely breasts and up to her face until Lizette pressed the back of her head to bring their lips together again for a kiss. The kiss deepened until Kimmy had to gasp for breath.

“God, how can I have you right here and still want you so much?”

“I’m all yours,” Lizette whispered, drawing her arms above her head which made her breasts pull up in a most appealing way.

Kimmy moved on top of her then as Lizette parted her legs. When they came together, Lizette raised her knees high to run her toes along the backs of Kimmy’s thighs. The sensation made Kimmy rock her hips forward, creating a delicious friction as their mons’ pushed together.

“Damn,” Kimmy muttered at sparks shot between them.

The intensity of the kissing grew as Lizette pushed up to rub herself against Kimmy’s furry mound. Kimmy pushed back, feeling Lizette’s breathing change as she grew more aroused. Now Kimmy opened her eyes as she nipped at Lizette’s lips. They found a rhythm without words, grinding together until Lizette rocked her head back.

Lizette grabbed Kimmy’s hips and pulled, her slick core making a wet mess of Kimmy’s stomach and hair. Kimmy watched in wonder as Lizette held her breath, then gasped once before crying out, “Oh God, fuck me harder!”

Kimmy held herself up with one hand while the other reached down under Lizette’s thigh to probe deeply into her core. They pushed together, Kimmy driving her fingers deep inside while she continued to thrust against her lover. In seconds, Lizette arched her back and froze, her mouth open as a low growl of pleasure begged Kimmy’s kiss.

Lizette shook like she was being electrocuted, gasping out insensible sounds as her body rocked and pulsed around Kimmy’s fingers. The sight brought Kimmy as much pleasure as her own release had. She had brought Lizette over the edge in a way that communicated her love and passion as deeply as she felt it.

“Oh God, I love you so much,” Lizette whispered as she collapsed, her arms and legs wrapped around tight.

“Me, too.”

Kimmy brushed the golden brown hair out of her friend’s face. Unwilling to move and end the moment, she pushed her face into Lizette’s neck and sighed until they both stilled in each other’s arms.

“Kimmy!” Lizette sounded panicked. “Kimmy wake up!”

She felt herself pushed up as she blinked away the confusion of sleep. She glanced at the dark bedroom window and felt her heart race. “Oh, fuck.”

“Come on, I’ll drive you home,” Lizette said as she tossed our clothes on he bed from the floor.

It was like Kimmy couldn’t wake up, not completely. It had been years since she’d broken a house rule as serious as missing dinner and her curfew. The last time she’d been ten and stolen a small pair of earrings from the little fashion jewelry store in the mall that all her friends loved so much. When she had been caught, her father had beaten her ten times on her back and legs with a wooden rod made from polished ash.

Her father hadn’t allowed her to wear jewelry, calling it *tempting pride*. He said the only jewelry that was appropriate for a woman to wear was her engagement ring and wedding band. He allowed himself one additional item; a rough-cast silver ring with the signet INRI across the face. It stood for *Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum*; Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews. It was the symbol of his office as a deacon and he never took it off.

Her stomach roiled as she tied her shoes. He was going to beat her again and she’d be lucky if it was only ten times. Her hands shook so bad, Lizette knelt to tie her shoes for her.

“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered to Kimmy, but Lizette didn’t really know how bad it was at her house.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to stay over tomorrow night,” Kimmy said with a shaking voice.

“Come on. Let’s go,” Lizette said as she pulled Kimmy to her feet. “Just remember I love you, no matter what happens.”

Kimmy nodded as she wiped her eyes, then grabbed her purse and book bag.

The ride was too brief for her fear to fade, but she forced Lizette to stop at the end of the block. “If he sees me getting out of your car it’ll just be worse.”

They embraced one more time, kissing softly once, twice, then Kimmy pushed away to get out of the car. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

“Call me or text me if you can. I’m so sorry I let this happen.”

“I’m not sorry,” Kimmy said as she swallowed the painful lump in her throat. “I wanted it, too. Go on before someone sees us.”

Lizette turned around and headed back the way they’d come while Kimmy squared her shoulders and walked down the sidewalk towards her house. She shook like she was cold, trembling with each breath despite the warm evening. When she reached the walk to the front door, she pulled her keys out of her purse. Then taking a deep breath, she prepared herself prepare to face her father.

After she unlocked the door, it still wouldn’t open. She realized her father must have set the deadbolt to force her to knock. She tapped three times, hoping that perhaps her mother or brothers would hear her and let her in.

When the door finally opened, her father stood above her with the hall light making a halo around his head. His face was in shadows, but she could still see his expression was furious.

“You will go directly to my study,” he growled as he stepped back.

Sitting her purse and book bag on the entryway table, she turned and walked into his study just past the front door. The walls were covered with bookcases filled with a old books that gave the room its unique vanilla scent. They surrounded a broad desk on three sides. His chair was dark leather and wood, tall and imposing over the two smaller chairs in front of the desk.

Kimmy stood in front of the desk as he locked the front door, closed the study door, and made his way to his chair.


“No sir, I’d prefer to stand.” Kimmy tried to put steel in her voice, but it betrayed her by breaking over the word *stand*. She couldn’t stand against him, but she had to try.

His chair squeaked as he sat, his elbows going to the armrests as he templed his fingers under his chin. The gold wedding band was on one hand, the silver signet ring of their church on his other. He stared silently. It was one of his tricks, but she knew better than to fill the quietness with useless explanations.

“I know what you’ve been doing,” he said at last. His voice rumbled low, making her want to flinch from his stare.

Kimmy stood with her fingers together in front of her jeans, her eyes blinking back the tears of fear. He couldn’t know. Not really. He was just trying to scare her.

“I can smell your sin on you like a miasma.” His anger had always been so controlled, but this time his lips quivered as he paused. “You stink of *fornication*.”

Kimmy couldn’t stop the shiver that passed over her. His lips thinned at the sight of her weakness.

“You’ve been with *her*. I warned your mother that we must be vigilant, but she was blinded by her own sins. Like Eve, she doesn’t understand that you are unworthy of trust. But you can’t fool me.” He reached down under his desk and withdrew a long rod of polished ash. “It is time for you to repent.”

“I’ve done nothing wrong,” she whispered at last, her eyes unable to leave the sight of that wooden rod. He was going to beat her again. How many times would he strike her this time?

“Bend over and place your palms on the arms of that chair,” he said, extending the rod towards the chair closer to the door as he stood.

“No,” Kimmy said firmly. “You will not do this to me again.”

“Now you disobey me as well?” He raised an eyebrow as he slapped the rod across his palm. “That will add to your stripes.”

“You will never hit me again.” Kimmy shouted as she backed away, angling towards the study door.

“You are wrong about that,” he snarled, his anger reforming his hard features into a mask of rage.

She had been watching the rod in his left hand when he backhanded her hard across the cheek with his right. There was no pain at first as she stumbled against the bookcase and fell at his feet. Her cheek felt cool, then hot as she tried to stand.

The first stripe fell across her shoulders, diagonally across her back. There was a moment of white-hot clarity as she cried out in pain, then the next blows fell. Each time she pulled herself up using the shelves, he would backhand her again to send her down to the floor. Then he would beat her again with the rod, leaving stripes of fire behind.

She lost her sense of time and direction, blindly crawling away from her father as he beat her. He called her vile names, commanding her in English and Greek to repent of her sins. When she called Lizette’s name, he beat her harder, missing her back to land stripes on her neck, cheeks, or legs.

He finally stopped with the rod snapped after a flurry of blows, panting with the splintered fragment in his hand. Kimmy looked up at him through the damp hair stuck to her face.

“I’d rather be damned with her, than live in heaven with you,” she whispered, tasting blood in her mouth.

“Then be damned!” Deacon McKimson grabbed his daughter by her shirt and dragged her from his study. He dropped her long enough to open the front door, then picked her up by her shirt and belt to hurl her out onto the concrete walk. “You have no place here anymore!”

When the front door slammed shut, Kimmy rolled to her knees and forced herself up. She wept as she walked circles around her front yard, her thoughts sluggish and unable to focus.

“Lizette,” she murmured through bruised and bloody lips. “Lizette.”

Then she set off towards the park in a shambling walk. Her arms went around her aching stomach as she sobbed. Her back and legs felt hot and wet as she made her way across the playground. She stumbled and fell in the sand, but eventually forced herself to get back up.


The street lights beckoned her onward as she made her way up familiar streets past dimly lit homes. When she turned a corner and her destination finally came into view, she gasped, her ordeal almost over. With fading strength she arrived again at the house that had become her hope. The lights from the upstairs bedroom shone like a beacon.

She leaned against the front door, her breathing ragged. The doorbell took the last of her strength as she slid to the ground. When the door finally opened her left eye couldn’t open anymore, but she looked up through flowing tears to see her lover, her friend.

“Oh my God, Kimmy, what did he do to you?” Lizette cried as she knelt down.

Then Kimmy knew no more.


Vote or comment if you want me to continue.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4af4c8/a_chance_pt_6_ff


  1. I love this story but this chapter nearly made me cry.

    Keep going please I can’t wait the next one

  2. I started reading this series for smut, and I couldn’t stop reading because I became too invested. The next chapter can’t come soon enough!

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