REPOST – Office Politics/Blackmail -Acceptance Pt.1- Chapter 07

Chapter 6 – [](

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

Sherry spent her afternoon shopping, work be damned. A small part of her enjoyed being able to buy new clothing, shoes, & accessories, and rather expensive items, at that, but buying the lingerie, in the full knowledge of how it would be used, made her angry, so much so she even dined using the company card and used the malls’ attached gas station to fill her car, despite being told it was clothing only.

At home, she laid out a nice blouse/skirt combo, and with trepidation changed into a set of white cotton underwear, and texted a picture of herself in her only mirror, a small one on the back of the closet door. In a few minutes, jono texted back “Good job. We will discuss tomorrow” After this, she fielded a call from Ron. Telling him it was over was really no big deal. He wasn’t creative in bed and the sex was just meh. Sherry drifted off, wondering if she could do this mentally, or if the shoe were going to drop, ending her career, which terrified her.

Jono saw Sherry as she came in. Waving her into his office, he said, “leave the door open, come here and sit.” Speaking in a lower but authoritative voice, so that the conversation would not carry beyond his office, Jono said “So I’ll share a bit more. I had originally intended to cum-dump you a few times, then report you, but now I am enjoying myself, &am thinking there is potential in you.”

Jono fixed her in his gaze. “Sherry, when I look at you, I can tell something is there. From day one at this company, you have espoused that Femi-Nazi BS, but when I had you in good ol’ room 13, your reaction told me there is a fire…a *place* deep inside you. You have shown it to me twice now. This “fire” if you will, plus your natural leadership skills here in this office, make you a natural for the job. Stick with me, and you will go very very far.”

At the mention of this fire, Sherry looked away. She knew it was there, but she had only allowed it to show only once, and that person had just ruined it, and she had sworn that it would never be shown again, and she was angry at jono for being able to see it. Keeping her voice equally low and calculating, Sherry retorted, “You have done little more than rape me. I do this because I *have* to, not by choice. This ‘fire’ you speak of? You imagine it. And soon, this plan of your will fall to pieces” As she said this, she did so with a defiant attitude.

Smiling, Jono replied “Come now, woman, you think you are the first to visit room 13? No little girl, just the next one.” Jono then tugged her to her feet, and walked her his personal bathroom. Standing her just inside it’s door. Jono looked over her dress, said “I like this, good choice…now lift the skirt.” Sherry hesitatingly lifted the skirt. Jono placed two fingers in the hemline, and gave it a tug, then motioned for her to lower it. “That is OK, but I prefer satin. Tomorrow you will wear satin for me.” With htat, Jono motioendd for her to leave, simissing her

Sherry sat at her desk, working, but in a trance. He KNEW the fire was real, and SHE knew she could not deny it forever. Jono’s cock was not the largest she had ever had, but the way he used it, the way he forced her, the way he did damn near everything, made the whole situation, especially considering the job and it’s perks, seem positively addicting.
