CORRECT – Office Politics/Blackmail –Learning, Pt.2 – Chapter 12

“Sherry…” he said, and noted the surprise in her face when he referred to her by name. “You ask a pair of great questions. So yes, I will answer them. ***Why*** This one Sherry is partly out of circumstance. By complete chance I happened upon your phone, and it was unlocked. So it was your actions, rather than my snooping. The other part is the fact that I saw you not just stepping over other people in our firm, I saw you crushing them. Others have stepped over me, and that is fine, but I have worked too hard to allow myself to be crushed, and we both know, Sherry, that soon enough, your sights would be on me.”

At that, Sherry had to cast her eyes downward, because Jono was right. She coveted his position, his office, his power.

“Now do not be dismayed, little one.” Jono continued, “ I do not blame you a bit. In fact, I find it on some level flattering. But realizing this had got me thinking about possible options. No shock you are very attractive, so when I found the phone, well, it reminded me again that luck is when preparation and opportunity meet….and they did.”

Jono and Sherry ate for a few minutes in silence. Jono had poured them both some wine, and took a sip of it. Then Jono broke the silence. “But that is not what makes you most curious, not the ***Why***…but rather the ***How***. Am I right?” Seeing that Sherry was looking him in the eye, he continued. “Sherry-Sherry-Sherry…the How isn’t me….it’s actually ***YOU***” Seeing her face go almost white, Jono shifted from the chair directly across from her to beside her, touching her am as he sat down. “Do you remember in several meetings, I was able to easily persuade you to make small changes? That told me something, Sherry. It told me that deep-deep down, you wanted to be directed. You wanted to be in service.” Moving close to her, Jono said in a low voice, “Admit it Sherry, you wanted to submit, to be owned.”

Sherry sat there dumbfounded, her blood had run cold. That was the deepest, most private part of her, and yet this man had been able to see it based on a few cues? She grabbed her glass and had a large gulp of it…followed by another. She felt so exposed. The emotion had begun to well in her, and she had to choke it back, her voice cracking as she simply stammered “Yes Sir…..” and her head dropped.

Sliding his chair over, Jono took her in his arms and said “Now-now, it’s OK little one…it’s fine. I have told no one, nor will I.” Standing he handed her the glass, and let her have partake of it again. Setting it aside, he guided her to the couch. “Now little one, there is more.” Jono told her. “So why didn’t I just fuck you and then report you? It’s because your work skills are truly needed. What’s more, if your skills are put to proper use, then it can very much benefit us both.”

Sherry was still in shock. NEVER before, not n all her years, had she been laid bare like this. The little door/room/whatever she had never looked into from fear of what could be in there, true, but also of what it could do TOO her. “S-Sir?” She said meekly, “It’s umm….like I am scared. I have a real desire for this part of me, but a real fear as well.…..”

“I understand,” Jono said, but we are going to work on it a bit at a time. As I have said before, you must do as I tell you. Not all of it will make sense, but you must trust me , THAT is the key.” Standing her up, Jono gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her “All I am doing is unlocking a desire within you. Now go get ready for bed.”
