It’s Been Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Too Long

I’d been watching porn videos while my lover worked her evening shift. I hadn’t had a man for so many years that before this moment, I thought maybe the craving would never return. *I was completely WRONG.*

I wrote messages to Linda while she worked her shift, indicating that I needed a man, as soon as possible, even though I’d never had one since we had been together. Her reply was quite a bit surprising. She said her female friend at work was going to attend a swingers party in the area after work and had asked if we wanted to come along, too (since it wasn’t a secret at how hot Linda was and how she loved looooooooooved to be fucked). So, Linda said she would quickly pick me up after work and we could go to interact with the horny swingers.

I showered and trimmed by beard and was more than ready for our adventure when Linda picked me up at about 11:22 PM. We both expressed how excited we were to experience this, since we’d discussed possibly doing something like this just a few days ago.

The directions on the GPS got us to our destination withing 20 minutes. After finding a parking spot, we made our way to the front door of 2010 Golden Avenue. After ringing the doorbell, the door was answered by a middle aged woman with slightly graying hair and a hot body, barely dressed in much of anything. She asked, : “What’s the password?” Linda replied: “Hot and Horny.” The woman said, “I’m Destiny. Come on in and have some fun.” So, since that’s why we were there, we walked through the door.

We were led to a huge living room where a few lovers were already connecting with blow jobs and and tit sucking types of action. Linda’s friend, Julia, cam over and said, “I’m so glad you two come make it. What do you each want the most, tonight?”

I answered, “It’s been so long since I’ve fucked a guy that if you can find me a horny dude who’s into that, I’ll do whatever *you* may want, later.” We all three laughed. Julia said, “I know just the guy. And, if you’re up for it, later, I’ll definitely find something fun for us to do…later.”

Linda loudly yelled, “Who wants to tie me up and blind fold me *for a really hot and hard gang bang…NOW??”*

I couldn’t believe the number of men who quickly came over to where Linda stood, raising their hands to indicate they were *in.*

Linda looked at me and insisted, “I know you want a guy to fuck your ass. But, I want you to be first in line to fuck my pussy *really Really hard.”*

I gulped, replying, “Baby, you know your hot wish will always be my command. But, when we do this, *YOU* will be my fucking slut.”

Destiny came over to lead us all to a room that, I later learned, was for gang bangers. The room was brightly lit so that everyone who wanted to see the action could easily catch a view. A king-sized bed was in the middle of the room and was fairly high off the ground. Everyone of the men quickly entered the room with Destiny leading Linda to the bed. Out of a dresser, she pulled out some items to be used for a blind fold and ties for Linda’s hands (which were quickly tied to the bed posts after Linda had totally stripped her clothes off of her amazing body.

The blind fold was tied around her head and I walked over to the bed, already having removed my own clothing. “Where’s the lube?” I asked “No warming up your body, whore. You want dick? You’ll get dick.”

As I lubed up my thick seven inch dick, I yelled, *”Tell me you want it, slut.”*

“I want it,” Linda said in a soft voice.

I went next to her and pulled her hair back, insisting, *”TELL Me you want to get fucked, whore!”*

Linda yelled, *”I want to get fucked by every hard dick in the room!!!!”*

Getting onto the bed, I *SHOVED* my hard cock inside Linda’s really tight pussy. She kind of flinched, but then said, “Harder. Push it in harder.” So I did. For the next ten minutes, I shoved my dick inside that wet pussy. When I knew she was about to cum…I stopped.

I couldn’t see her eyes, but I knew they must have been burning hot with desire.

“You want to cum?” I asked. Really dumb question to ask here since I knew how she loved to cum.

*”Give it to me…I neeeeeeeeeeed to cum.”* She yelled.

So, I shoved my hard cock deep into her hotness and stopped again when I knew she was ready to cum.

*”Give it to me…Give to to me. I neeed it. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease make me cum. I’m such a fucking whore. I need to cum,”* she begged.

This time, I shoved it until she had cum, squirting her hot liquid so hard that my dick was nearly pushed out of her before I came, myself.

Then, one after another, men of all shapes and sizes and colors took their turns. They followed my lead of yelling at their slut and fucking her as hard as they could. The entire experience lasted more than an hour. So many condoms were used that I’d lost count.

Mine was the only cum that was actually inside her, and even if she had been filled with lots of semen, I’d still want to softly suck and lick her vagina once she was finished with her fantasy. So, that’s what I did, comforting her and loving her with my very soul.

When the entire process was finished, Linda said: “Now, let’s get that ass of yours fucked really good.”

After drinking some much needed water…we went to find the next chapter of the evening….



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