CORRECT – Office Politics/Blackmail -Training Pt.1- Chapter 09

Sherry spent the remainder of the day at her desk, working away. Despite her efforts, the occasional dribbling of Jono’s cream pie in her was distracting, especially as she was in a nice two-color dress with a belt. About 10 minutes before 5, she got a text. It simply said “Do not leave work until 5:30. Go directly to –“ and the address, which she could only guess was Jono’s place, and she dreaded it, but why? She was getting some of the most incredible sex of her life, yet it was counter-intuitive to everything she had ever been taught. Sherry soon arrived at a condo in a posh, gated community. Upon entering the drive, Sherry could see Jono standing in the garage, and pulled in. Gathering her bag, she followed Jono in.

Wordlessly, Jono pointed to a chair at the kitchen table, and Sherry found herself taking a seat. Pulling up another chair and straddling it backwards, Sherry could see that his cock was already bulging in his pants. Sherry noticed that Jono had looks that were either benevolent, or stern. Room 13 was stern….and so was this.

“I am sometimes too kind,” Jono said. ”You need to keep in mind that the key to you getting all this is keeping me happy & entertained, and we both know what that means.” Jono stood himself & Sherry, and as he began to speak, he also began unbuckling Sherry’s belt. “In my house, ***you*** either wear nothing, or you wear the lingerie I picked.” Turning her, he reached back, under her hair, and gave the zipper of the dress a snap as he unzipped it. “You are to remove the dress, the jewelry, & the shoes. Put them on the guest bed. Then meet me in the main bedroom, naked.”

Sherry had still couldn’t believe that she was tolerating this. Now he was treating her like a servant, just when she had started to think she could manipulate herself out of this. Yet the part of she still ignored was craving it…and it was getting harder to ignore. Shaking her head as she entered the bedroom, she realized she ***was trapped***…and getting used to it.” Seeing Jono standing there, Sherry didn’t hesitate. She simply walked over, and started undressing Jono. It was as though a part of her simply *knew* what to do, even neatly folding and putting everything on his dresser.

Jono said, “let me look at my handiwork.” And, sitting on the bed, he smiled as he looked at the cum trails that had oozed out of Sherry during the day. “little one, that looks really good. It appears that my new pussy took what I could give it.” Touching her under the chin, Jono continued, “Don’t be ashamed. I could feel you opening and accommodating me. It felt good knowing that my favorite part of this piece of ass was submitting to me, even if your mind wasn’t. Now sit here, at the foot and center of the bed, time to talk about what you will be learning….along with some fun.”

Taking some padded cuffs from the night stand, Jono handing them to her and said. “put this pair on your ankles, and this pair on your wrists.” Seeing her hesitate, Jono only needed a small snarl of “Sherry…” and she immediately complied. As she was doing so, Jono continued. “Each time you are here, you are to put these on, no matter if they are used or not.” Seeing that they were on, Jono reached under the mattress, and pulled a set of straps at the foot of the bed, and, stretching them out, deftly clipped them to Sherry’s wrists. He did essentially the same, using two straps at the head of the bed to attach to her ankles, the opposite of what you might think.

Sherry had a look of confusion, as they appeared backwards, but when Jono pulled the straps, her arms were immediately pulled down to her sides, while her ankles were pulled up. This also had the side effect of pulling Sherry’s knees open, and the net result was that her tits and pussy were now fully open to Jono. Standing beside the bed, holding his phone, Jono looked at her and said, “I like what I see. Look away” Sherry tried to protest, but Jono shut her up, and took a great pic, followed by another….and another. Then, he abruptly left the room.

Sherry laid there, thinking, “How the fuck did I get into this?” This was what she had always considered with the men she dated, why complain now? ‘It is just because he is forcing me’, she thought, almost aloud. ‘But then, why the hell am I enjoying getting used?’ As she was laying there, Jono came back in. His dick as at half-hard or better, and Sherry found herself staring at it. She wondered if he intended to fuck her right here. The thought was partly wonderful, and she found herself staring at the large, circumcised cock growing right in front of her, but stared at it a bit too long.

“Like what you see?” Jono asked. “hey, I am glad you like it, & I am glad you like taking it, based on each time we have fucked, cause trust me, little one, Until life changes or I get tired of you, you’re going to be taking this damn thing a lot.” As he said this, Jono took some time to play with Sherry’s nipples. Her areola were sized just right for her breasts, and her nipples reacted well, as Jono alternately rubbed in circles on them or played with the nipple. “Someone likes this,” he said. “Most men don’t play with them?” he smiled as he asked, and leaning over, gave the one nearest him a kiss, then a flick of the tongue, while his fingers found their way to the other nipple. At that one he began to give it a light pinch and tug. Moving to the other, he reversed the process, and could feel her breathing getting deeper. Kissing his way up her chest to her neck, then down to the nearest nipple, he expertly changed sides.

Sherry found herself wanting so smile at the feeling. She had never had anyone take genuine time with her breasts, which she felt were just right in size. Moreover, the restraints were providing a unique feeling. She *wanted* to hold Jono’s dick. She *wanted* to pull him in and kiss him. She even *wanted* to touch her dampening pussy, but the restraints prevented that…and she *really liked* how that made her feel. She inadvertently felt herself groan at his touch, her breathing becoming ragged. She *wanted* to be used.

“Well-well-well…seems you like that.” Jono said. Allowing one hand to slide down her belly, he played with her pubic hair a minute and told her, “We’re going to have to do something with this.” And sliding his fingers down farther, he stopped for a moment, then began to rapidly/lightly brush over her clit. Sherry twisted and her face contorted at the sensation, as she tugged harder at her restraints. Jono was laying beside her, smiling, and at breast level. “This is a trapped I think you like.” He told her, and as his fingers slipped down the length of her slit, he pulled it back ever so slightly, and Sherry tried to rock herself towards him. Ignoring it, he settled in as before, using his fingers to circle her vagina opening. As he did so, Sherry moaned aloud. Then, he did something she had not expected.
