Legacy (trilby else) an alternative ending [ff][fDom]

A lot of this document is copied directly from a story that was linked to recently. My edits start at "As she felt". I think this got caught by the spam filter for linking to other content so I'm leaving that out for now and the link to the original will be in the comments.

Also please keep in mind this is my first story of this kind here or anywhere. I wrote it just to get over the ending of the original.

Hypnotizing her first girl had left Robin excited and guilty. Drawing first-turn, her willowy Asian opponent tried fascinating her with strobelights and staccato commands.

Christine had conditioned Robin to resist those before she’d learned to drive.

The girl hadn’t expected to lose, which undermined whatever resistance she’d tried to marshal against Robin’s subsonics.

As Shane led her away, Robin silently promised: I’ll be good to you.

She’d also thought My pretty pony—and more fun to ride and scolded herself.

Now she was back, seeing antiques and electronics gleaming under the pavilion’s track-halogens. Unseen webcams and microphones would give the judges every detail.

A girl-shape left the opposite shadows.

Kendall Pearce.

Robin cocked her head. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m as surprised as you are.” Her eyes raked Robin’s body, as if wanting to fuck her instead. Of course, if she hypnotized Robin—“It’s coincidence. And irony.

“Or are you accusing the Abbey of something?”

“You don’t seem surprised, Kendall. Not that I question your word or anything.”

Kendall waved it off. “Once you’re obedient, you’ll forget the attitude, so why punish you? And you’ll be my second victim.” Shapely but not at all muscular in the leotard, her arrogance was almost endearing.

But Robin had met the adult version. Bitches are cuter, when they’re puppies. Had Kendall really already hypnotized another girl, too?

“We should tell the umpires.” Robin shrugged. “Maybe it’s a test.”

“They’ll think you’re making an excuse not to lose to me.

“Are you? Robin?”

Robin rolled her eyes.

“It’s all right.” Kendall’s poor-little-kitty voice was surprisingly soothing. Genuine.

Maybe she was a psychopath.

“Your mother’s brainwashed you for years about Libby-the-evil-hypnotist. Now you’re about to match wills with her daughter, and to lose—” Theatrical sigh.

“Surrender isn’t defeat, Robin. You don’t have to fail. Just don’t try.” She stared at Robin, as if this were working. “Bliss. Obedience. I’ll do all the heavy thinking.”

Robin golf-clapped. “We don’t know you’re first, Kendall.”

If Kendall’s patter were ruled an induction, it helped—Kendall was either out-of-turn, or wasted her try. But no judge intervened.

“What do you have?” Robin held up her number.

Kendall looked startled, uncrumpled her slip. “Seven.”


Now Kendall looked concerned. She straightened, eyes darting from table to table. Robin watched which hypnotic devices she looked away from, and which she didn’t even look at.

It was an easy place to Brer-Rabbit someone into using something you’d specially trained to withstand. With no way to predict her opponent, Robin hadn’t considered it.

But Kendall had some real worries, apparently. She was standing straight, trying to withdraw into herself. It just made her look half-controlled already. It was weirdly seductive.

“Robin, I think—”

“Not for long, Kendall. And you shouldn’t try to drop me verbally. It still counts, and it’s still not your turn.”

“Robin. I am not trying to hypnotize you.” Kendall sounded unconvinced, as if the idea were foreign to her. She also sounded scared.

Robin got a headrush.

She stepped deliberately closer. So weird, to have imagined falling to this soft little princess. “Coinky-dentally, though—” She glanced casually at the Victorian mesmerizers.

Kendall’s gaze snapped over. So—she knew about Libby using that antique on Robin’s mother.

“Robin. I’m only realizing now,” Kendall whispered, gulping. “How—seductive—obedience is . . .”

Her nipples were bullets under the leotard.

This headrush echoed between Robin’s thighs. Kendall had been racing her own secret slaveneed. And lost.

Poor Kendall, a Dove in Falcon’s plumage. Becoming Robin’s slave would liberate her.

Robin smiled reassuringly. Kendall wanted this. When she worshipped Robin later, the only unhappy one would be Libby.

She indulged herself, imagining the darker what-if. Slipping, letting Kendall lull her—or just drawing a lower number. Having to let that pet-soothing voice slither into her head. End up kneeling to that pussy while Kendall decided which Robin-thoughts disappeared, and which became Kendall’s-slavegirl-thoughts.

“Robin. My mother will be—!” Kendall’s exquisite eyes, so wide, so terrified.

Pleasure shuddered through Robin as she stared into them. Kendall publicly submitting, while Libby cringed, melted into herself instead at the Pearces’ feet, nude and masturbating—while Mom—

Robin was dizzy. It was secret masturbation, naughty and forbidden.

And safe. She had control. Kendall wasn’t hypnotizing her, but was realizing how seductive it was.

“Robin.” Kendall trembled. “I can’t resist.”

Boom. Robin didn’t actually climax, but—god her head was spinning. That felt good.

Soft princess Kendall was hers, ready to melt. Robin slid against her toy and imagined their first perverted game.

“Hypnotize me, Kendall.”

She heard herself say it, and saw Kendall’s face—she writhed against Kendall. It was real. She’d thrown away—

So evil. So insane.

So hot.

Kendall smiled now, holding her, all that princess condescension back. It buzzed in Robin’s cunt, like her favorite vibrator thrumming away her willpower to pull it out.

She was fucked. She’d conceded out loud, and it was Kendall’s turn now and she’d fucked herself and that felt sweeeeet.

Kendall’s mother was right. “Susceptibility’s in my—”

“Shhh.” Kendall gripped her arms. “Do you surrender to me, Robin?” Once more, for the microphones.

No one was intervening. The judges had ruled.

More headrush. “Yes, Mistress. I surrender to you. I will be hypnotized.”

Kendall kissed her. “You can’t call me that yet, Robin.”

“I obey.” Robin’s head spun. Her pussy was on fire. “H-how will you—hypnotize me?”

Kendall stared, and Robin submitted to her gaze.

But that wasn’t it. “Maybe—” Now the antiques were Kendall’s tease. “Use what turned your mother into my mother’s fuckpuppet?”

God. Mom—!

It made Robin wet and helpless. It made her nod.

“Mmm—nope. Fuck retro. We’re next-generation.” She leaned closer, dazing Robin with her long fragrant hair. “I’ll use your mind, then.” She turned them toward the electronics table.

“Which machine are you most afraid of?” She laughed. “Before you remembered you’re a slave and want it.”

Betraying herself nearly made Robin come. Kendall kneaded her ass and drank another kiss. She fought to look into Kendall’s eyes and tell her.

“This one, Robin? Ooh.” God. Robin would be brainwashed to obey that purr. “You’ll have to show me—how to use it on you.”

Putting the phase modulator’s leads on her own head, she watched Kendall’s smile widen. It would read and then blunt Robin’s brainwaves—paralyzing her defenses while Kendall hypnotized her.

Wires trailing down like a bridal veil, she ensured Kendall knew exactly how to use it.

Then she put her hands by her sides and waited to be hypnotized into Kendall’s Dove.

As she felt the last speck of control drift away, something new rose up into her consciousness. Her mother had called it a "backup" and it wasn't technically allowed. The rules directly forbid such mental constructs (page 3 paragraph 2). They gave an unfair advantage to those with an Abby background. Of course, given that such things were almost undetectable what doting mother wouldn't install such a fail safe in their daughters? It would be cruel not to given the consequences. Dove's generally did not have the skill to imbed such thought patterns not having the experience of years of manipulating other minds. Robin's mother was one of the rare exception determined as she was to not have her daughter follow her example.

The backup couldn't really think especially in her current state, but still it had a crude form of intellect.

"Do you have any reservations slave?" Kendall ask another facets of Robin's psyche one that would do absolutely anything mistress asked.

The backup sat in a corner of her mind and played dead. Very very dead. The next question would be critical with a 72.4% confidence based on historical testing data and the previous interactions with Kendall.

"Ok slave," the world made Robin's primary psyche burst into an explosion of pleasure, "I want you to look deep inside yourself and tell me if their is anything that seems… out of place."

There was a 33% chance that it would all be over here, one part of her psyche coldly calculated, while the much logger part of herself that was deep under hypnosis searched her mind castle for any sign of a resistance. She ran through mental corridors, through deeply and long hidden rooms only pausing the briefly to contemplate her first orgasm whispering Kendall's name. It was a good name she decided almost having an orgasm just at the memory. The much older and considerably better hidden door near the center of her castle stayed closed, however, hidden.

"All of me is yours," she purred lovingly to Robin.

Robin sighed a stuttering sigh of relief. She had come so close to failing she realized now. Her mother had promised she'd be fine, but yet she'd still had a moment of weakness, still she'd won.

A more experienced or even just less confident hypnotist would have dug deeper. Katrin for all her mothers teaching, however, lacked the gut instinct that might have saved her, instead she just nodded with satisfaction glad the process was over and already envisioning her mothers praise.

"When I snap my fingers you will wake as if nothing has happened, but," she glanced down at the instructions from the judge, "you will reply with the world rabbit whenever you hear the words 'green slim'."

Kendall snapped her fingers loudly in front of Robin. As she began to wake, her backup sprang into action. It rushed around her mind acting as damage control in it's limited capacity sealing off those pieces of Robin's mind that had succumbed. It left just the barest inkling, so she would know that she'd been programmed. It couldn't do more. It sealed up again the programming packaging it back into hidden parts of her mind all the while knowing that it had failed. That whatever damage, whatever, access had been granted to it's greater's part mind was beyond it's capacity to heal, still scabs were good enough.

Robin woke. Her brain felt fuzzy. That was actually a good sign. Programming she'd probably remember or if not she wouldn't even care to speculate.

"Green slim" a voice shouted echoing out of a hidden speaker.

Kendall grinned, Robin grinned. Kendall's lips curled down as Robin didn't speak.

The voice called out a second time, "green slim."

Robin remained silent. The voice repeated the two words one final time and Robin knew she'd won the round. It wasn't exactly un-heard of. Being hypnotized only to recover later, but to do so after yielding was quite rare indeed. Robin's quick analytical mind could only remember one other occurrence: her mother, but still that had ended badly in the end. She wasn't out of the water yet. Still this time she knew some kind of fail play had been involved.

Kendall had turned violently pale.

"Weak willed," Robin taunted trying to drive the point home and nock Kendall even farther off her proverbial feet if possible.

It was now her turn again, and she was going to capitalize on it as quickly as possible. She selected the one item at her disposal she decided was most likely to keep her quarry off balance at the moment. A minimalistic pendulum on a small gulden chain. It wasn't the same one Kendall's mother had used, but it was close enough. Normally she wouldn't have dreamed to use it, but in her current state of fear and aw such a simple trinket might prove to be her downfall.

She raised her hand in a salute and began to sway the pendulum.

It was a struggle, first to pull Kendall's eyes in to the snare and then to run them back enough to overpower her inbuilt filters and perceptions. Finally though Kendall stood in front of her dull eyed.

The next short while was critical. Rule breaking though they were Kendall's mother would surely have installed "backups" into her daughter. Some fragment of her conciseness was just this minute springing into action ready to undo all her work. Her first focus would have to be in undoing that.

"Kendall, you love me right," she whispered softly.

Kendall nodded her head slowly ready to acknowledge anything that her new master told her.

"Good," Robin purred as she leaned in close and casually pushed her hand into the other girls tight skirt. It was distasteful but as her mother explained really the best way. Pure merely hypnotisms produced obedient but rigid minds. For the more subtle levels of control, and to produce a slave with some level of self control required a combination of techniques. With this in mind Robin reluctantly began to pull down her new slave's skirt exposing the panties (sensibly plain in keeping with just this eventuality). Robin stood back for a second watching as goose bumps developed. At least two people had failed at this point she knew. Not pressed forward and ended up with their onetime slaves turning the tables. She didn't really have an option. Telling herself that she'd have done the same. With bated breath she reached out and casually pulled down the Kendall's panties exposing her pussy and surrounding tightly cropped hair to the cold air.

"From now on your pussy is only to be used by me," Robin informed her victim as she got down on her knees in front of the poor woman. "I want you to think back to every time you have ever been touched by yourself, by anyone, any time you felt aroused, I want you to forget all of it. Can you do that?"

Kendall nodded eagerly as Robin began to stroke her pussy. Lubing her fingers in the now abundant juice flowing out. This needed to be Kendall's first sexual experience. If she could keep that order if nothing else from this session, it would probably be a success.

As Kendall got closer and closer to orgasm, she began to visibly shake but no other sign of her pleasure could be seen. Robin formed her hand into a fist and began to slowly push it into the tight pussy. Then with a deliberate grin which may well have come off more as a grimace, she started to rapidly pound her fist in and out.

At last with an involuntary gasp, Kendall orgasmed, her pussy contracting itself around Robin's arm in spastic jerks.

Step one done, Robin thought to herself with some satisfaction.

"Now," she told the still trembling Kendall, "I want you to search deep inside yourself for anything out of place, anything that doesn't want me to be your master." She wouldn't find anything unless Libby had been exceptionally bad at implementing her failsafes, they would need finesse to be removed, but still it was worth a try. First she quickly ran through the standard commands almost all Falcons used to control their doves. Simple, but well thought out commands, to tie ever waking day of existence of a dove to her master. The most important part came after.

Robin gently faced Kendall and asked her if she'd found anything. Kendall blankly shock her head. This had always been the most likely outcome. Slowly Robin began to hum. It wasn't really a tune, but it spoke to a deep part of the minds subconscious. Forming new subroutines and molding them to fit her purpose. A new "backup" now working for her goals, and then she created another, then another. Their was a danger to creating too many such things. As long as they functioned, they would radically slow her conscience as too many resources were given to their survival, but honestly she didn't care about that. With barely more than a gesture, she instructed them all to begin a search for the hidden backups and in the meantime, keep Kendall in her wide open mental state, to Robin at least.

Finally with all she could easily do done. Robin sighed, crossed her fingers and after reading he instructions to Kendall told her to wake.

Kendall grinned at first as her backups repaired the "damage" Robin had so recently inflicted, then just as quickly her grin turned into a frown as she realized something had wiped out the backup and was now busy unlocking sealed doors once more ripping off scabs if you will. Moments latter the frown was back as a grin, but now for an entirely different reason. Robin could see her pussy glistening at her.

The lead speaker cried out, "tree scrub!" and Kendall answered back gladly, "snail!" and just like that Robin was a Falcon and Kendall was a Dove. It would take many more days she knew to cement her hold on her. She might yet slip free at this point, but the lovely thing was it wouldn't matter. The school as a whole would work together to track her down again and ensnare her again.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/35078d/legacy_trilby_else_an_alternative_ending_fffdom