Office Politics/Blackmail-The Site, Chapter 05

At his bark, Sherry found herself dropping her pants and bending over the couch. But why? WHY didn’t she do what any feminist would do, and stand up to this mere man? WHY was she allowing herself to be treated like this, like some kind of mindless piece of meat? She realized it was partly from fear, but again she had to admit, there was *something* that she found unsettlingly, powerfully erotic in all this, allowing herself to be dominated as she was.

She was snapped out of this thinking by Jono’s touch. He ran his hand over her shapely ass, in a smooth, light way. Sherry said, in a meek voice, “Sir, please don’t hit me, I-I haven’t done anything wrong. I even wore..”

“Yes-Yes, I see that have worn what I instructed,” Jono replied. “Woman, understand, I take care of what is mine. I wanted to make sure that this ass was as incredible as when I saw it yesterday…and it is.” He said with a smile.

Sherry found herself looking back at him and responding “Th-thank you Sir,” and instantly, a wave of relief washed over her. It changed to dread though, as she felt Jono’s fingers exploring her panty line. She did not want him to know that being forced to hold his cock was arousing to the point of wetness. ”I must not let him know, I must not..” and even though she tried to clench her legs together, her body relaxed at his touch. As Jono’s fingers began to rub small circles she couldn’t help it…she moaned.

“I thought as much” Jono said.” For someone that is so resistant…you are not so resistant.” He smiled at her as she looked back at him. As he unzipped his pants, he saw her eyebrows raise. Hooking the panties he gave them a small tug back, then to the side. “Look of anticipation, Hmm?” Jono asked. Sliding his dick past her panties, he placed it juuust against the edge of her vagina. Instantly, Sherry’s breathing increased. “See, you *want* to be owned…” Jon said, circling her cunt. “You *want* to feel this inside you again. I can feel you opening to it.”

At this, Sherry tucked her chin. Damn him, she thought, she DID want it, and had to fight to not rock back into him, but her own pussy had betrayed her, she felt the muscles in her pussy relax, her eye closed, and as she panted…..

Jono stepped back and away, causing her to snap those eyes open and look back at him in anger. “Whoa woman, don’t you look at me like that…ever.” Stepping to Sherry’s side, Jono said, “No woman, I am feeling benevolent today, so I am going to teach rather than punish.” He stepped forward again, his red cock was hanging I her face, the tip smeared in Sherry’s juices. “You are going to need to learn how to please me orally, woman. Now slightly open your mouth, and take just the head of dick.” Sherry looked at him with pleading eyes. She knew he was going to shove it in her throat like last night, yet did as told “Good…damn woman. Hold….OK.” he said, withdrawing from her mouth. “Now take the side of the shaft in your mouth, press your tongue on it, and work your head up and down the side.” As Sherry was doing this, Jono groaned & complimented her. He then reached back and took two fingers, and worked them in to her pussy, causing her to moan. Loudly.

Sherry had looked pleadingly at him, hoping to beg off on this. Having a man’s cock in her mouth, his ejaculate spurting down her throat was so wretched in her mind it made her almost gag at the thought. Strangely, the taste of her juices was surprisingly nice, and when Jono complimented her, she felt a rush of enjoyment, compounded by her willingly taking his fingers into her pussy. When this happened, she moaned on the side of his dick, and Jono had to lean forward and groan a bit himself. Sherry knew she was pleasing her….man? Her partner? Damn, she realized, he was her OWNER.

Jono pulled away and stepped back behind Sherry. Grabbing her hands, he placed them palm down against her ass and said “Hold your ass open woman, KEEP those hands there, got that? Placing his cock once again at the entrance to her vagina, Jono said “Now I know you want this, even though you cannot accept it mentally, so you keep holding yourself open like that, and you fit yourself on this dick….*DO IT NOW.”*

Sherry shook her head involuntarily at first. This was too much; she WANTED to resist, but then she remembered the emails. Plus, she was incredibly horny, and knew not why, so with a sigh, she began moving back. As her cunt met the head of Jono’s cock, it opened her pussy and a gush of wetness came from somewhere within her. She blurted out “Shi-it…” and involuntarily rocked back, feeling every bit of her expand to accommodate him. She hated him for this. Mostly because no one had ever done this to her before, and it was so great as to be indescribable. She found herself pushing back into Jono and forward again. She began to ride his dick, HARD. In moments she was pushing her hands back and clamping her now gushing pussy around his cock, then pulling herself shamelessly open as she rocked forward. As soon as her thighs hit the arm of the couch, she launched herself back on him, repeating the process. Sherry was past moaning now, she was crying out. When Jono grabbed her hips and began to wordlessly thrust, it was over the edge and she had an incredible, shaking, yelping orgasm. It must have lasted 30 seconds, and she ended it whimpering and half crying, feeling incredible lust and shame.

Jono pulled out of her. Normally, he would have kept plugging in to her, filling her with a creampie, but there was not enough time, the crew would be here soon, and this meat was still far too good and too fresh to share. Taking a few small towels from his desk, as he wiped himself he threw one at her and said “Clean yourself, woman. The meeting crew will be here in about 15 minutes, and I can’t have you looking like a used whore.” As Sherry stumbled about recovering, he caught her looking at his stiff dick. “No woman, it’s not over, you’ll be handling this later, trust me.”
