The Night Prior [MF]

I woke up to the feeling of being nibbled on- her teeth just barely pinching the skin on of my neck. She was awake. She wanted to play. I, however, was still trying to enjoy the comfort of the blanket that I wrapped around myself after the events of the night prior. She wasn’t having my laziness, however.

“Would you please get up, stop being so lazy and give me attention.”

“I will, I just want to get some sleep before I do so.”

“No. I want to feel your touch. Now.”

She was very persistent with the attention “that she so desperately needed.” So, like any good partner would have, I gave it to her. Her dark chocolate skin, her naturally curly hair, her voluptuous body- all at my fingertips.

I kissed her on her beautiful full lips- they were bare from any lip gloss and lipstick; her face was bare come to think of it. It was her natural beauty that I was enjoying in this moment.

“You are so beautiful”, I kissed her as I whispered this into her ear.

“And you are so sexy”, she said as she kissed me back.

She continued to speak, “You know, I kinda don’t want to leave the house today. Being here, with you, is what I want all day.”

My heart skipped when I heard this, I mean we’ve only been dating for about half a year, so we were still a fairly new couple and we only did this 1 time before, but even then, that was cut short because we had ‘unwanted’ company come over. But, as it stood, I was perfectly content with the idea of being at the house all day if it meant being with her all day. I mean come on, I love this girl.

I sat up and she snuggled under me, only a blanket covering our nakedness, “We don’t have to leave.”

“Good”, she climbed on top of me now.

I tried to protest, “Can we at least get clean first? After yesterday we kinda need to.”

She, protesting my protest, started kissing my neck and chest pretending she didn’t just hear my request, “Why clean up if we’re just gonna get dirty again? Dirty together even.”

I sighed and reciprocated, “Fine, but after this we clean up and do stuff, like a movie and I need to clean the house, it is that time after all.”


As she kissed and bit my neck, she ever so slowly moved down to my chest. She traced her fingers around my chest. Side-to-side, as if she was writing or interpreting something on paper or a tablet.

“These spots on your shoulders. Where did they come from?”

“When I was younger, I had acne. Most of it cleared up, but I still have some of the scars from when I picked at them thinking that that would take it away.”

She looked at me, pity in her eyes, “Aww, you poor thing. Well I love you for you, acne or no acne. I can tell that this was something that bothered you for a while. And I sympathize with you. I use to be bullied for my skin; the kids would make fun of how dark I was.”

I caressed her in the places where she liked to be caressed, “Well, I love you for you; you are lovely with your pretty brown skin- like dark chocolate, the richest chocolate.”

She smiled and closed her eyes in relief, she had the most beautiful smile- it complimented her rich dark skin, “I love you.”

We kissed some more and she went down on me. She started to lick the tip of my dick and continued to tease me for a minute. Then she decided to stop playing; She stuffed the whole thing down her mouth to her throat. I pushed her head down, causing her to gag on it. Knowing her, I wouldn’t have to apologize, she definitely liked it. She likes it when I’m aggressive, even more than when she’s in control.

Spit and saliva covered my magic stick. She came up and jacked me off. Then she went back down on me. I was holding my own for a while, but the dam was gonna burst eventually. I told her that I was about to burst, and she continued to lick and suck. So, I bust. Right in her mouth. She had no right to say I didn’t warn her.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I told you I was about to bust.”

She didn’t spit, she swallowed, “I’m not. I wanted you to bust in my mouth. It’s all gone, see.”

She proceeded to open her mouth to show me; only a small white streak at the back of her tongue was left.

If it was a woman that I was gonna marry, it definitely be her.

“So, do you really think that I would just let you get away with doing that?”

She wiped her mouth, “Since you don’t wanna play with me, I thought that I would make this one-sided.”

She mocked me with this and I responded with, “So you want things one-sided, huh?”

I flipped her on her back and pinned her, she let out a moan. She grinned with anticipation- knowing exactly that her elusive plan to let us become as intimate as we were last night worked.

“Oh no, your plan to get me from being lazy and to come get you worked. What ever must I do to you now?” I knew exactly what I was going to do to her.

Just like the night prior, I had pinned her in this position, and just like the night before, I went down on her- same position, same place. I sucked on her clit- rubbing it in between my fingers when I had lifted my face from there. She squealed with lust and sexual glee. I went back down on her. I poked my tongue in and out of her lower lips- she enjoyed that. In fact, she enjoyed that so much that she put me in a headlock, making me unable to remove my head from her box. I then wrapped my hand around her neck, squeezing slightly, not to the point that I was preventing her from breathing, but letting her know that I was there- like proclaiming my presence. I was very aroused from her arousal. I spit on her clit and rubbed it vigorously with my other hand- she was soaked and leaking so it made her experience very pleasurable, because if she wasn’t as wet as she was, it’d be like carpet burn for her. She came. Hard. She squirted from the bed to the wall horizontal from us; The wall was like 10ft from our position.

“WOW! WHAT A SHOT, WORLD RECORD EVEN”, I said with as much enthusiasm as possible!

She covered her face, “Oh stop! I’m so embarrassed. That was my first time doing that.”

I kissed her with my goo cover lips, and licked what remained around my mouth. I adjusted myself between her legs and proceed to enter her. I put my hand around her neck again and started my strokes- keeping a constant rate. Her pussy was that good, if I went too fast, I’d end up cumming; too slow and it was boring- moderate was the way to go here. She moaned more; After a while, I decided to tune the gears- I began to speed up. She made more noise, even louder. I put my hand over her mouth because it was still morning and I didn’t want her to cause a disturbance.

I shifted gears for the final time for that session. I went the fastest I went in that moment. She began to whimper, she huffed and puffed. I made noise too, groans and grunts, like a wild animal. When the dam was about to burst, again, after the repairs, I pulled out. She quickly made her way over to my dick and immediately stuck in her mouth. I let loose, her eyes widened- she really didn’t expect much. But, just like before, she swallowed.

“You know, with as much cum that you produce, you should start putting it in my food for extra protein”, she jokingly said.

Sneering at such a crude joke, I said, “Eww, gross”, I proceeded to laugh at it.

“Now,” she said, “Let’s get breakfast ready, I, for one, am starving.”


“Nah, what about French Toast and bacon?”

“I can get with that.”

And like that, we made our way to the bathroom to clean up.


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