The Practice (Hannah 3) [FF, MF, Fsub, Mdom, oral, huml]

Hannah felt refreshed and frisky. She’d slept more than 10 hours and woken before the first rays of sun peeked over the canopy of trees below. The previous day of travel had worn her out and her muscles were still sore, but now it felt good. She had spent the night cuddled up to the warm, soft form of Emily, and wasn’t surprised to find that her pussy was wet. When was the last time she had shared a bed with anyone? Probably not since childhood, and never naked. She stretched and reached her arms around the other girl to hold her close. Last night had been… incredible? Sweet and warm? Hannah purred at the memory of Emily’s lips on hers, Emily’s fingers inside her. She had never thought she’d have sex with another girl, and she wanted to do it again.

Emily felt Hannah’s stirring and creaked open her eyes. She smiled when she saw Hannah looking back at her, and snuggled in. “Good morning,” she said.

Hannah said, “Good morning. Mrs. Carver said that breakfast won’t be served until the sun clears the horizon.”

“Do you know where?” Emily asked. This was the first time for each of them to visit Dr. Wilcox’s island.

“Nooooo,” Hannah said, gently cupping Emily’s breast in her hand. Emily was a B-cup, and her boobs fit nicely into Hannah’s hands. “But I’m sure we have a little time.” Hannah’s tongue peeked out to dance over Emily’s nipple.

Emily purred. “It’s not like we have to get dressed or anything,” she said, and they both giggled.

Hannah’s hand traced down the curves of Emily’s body, remembering their journey the night before. Emily was athletic, and Hannah enjoyed feeling her lithe, muscular body beneath her soft skin. “Your legs are amazing,” she said. “Last night when we were climbing the endless stairs… I was checking out your ass,” Hannah said, and glided her fingers past Emily’s pussy to feel her butt cheeks from between her legs.

Emily squirmed. “That tickles,” she laughed. Hannah’s fingers firmed up and pressed into Emily’s slit, and Emily’s laugh turned into a moan. “I know you were,” Emily said. “Why do you think I went up in front of you?”

Hannah laughed and dipped her fingers into Emily’s pussy. “You’re naughty.”

Emily grinned. “Maybe, but whose fingers are in whose pussy?” she asked. Hannah curled her fingers inside Emily and rubbed in a gentle circle, and Emily arched her back and pushed down. “Keep doing that.”

“I like it when you say my name,” Hannah said.

“Please, my dearest Hannah, please keep rubbing my pussy!” Emily said.

Hannah obliged, and slid her thumb over Emily’s clit. She slowly brought Emily to orgasm and reveled in the girl’s writhing pleasure. Her orgasm didn’t have the fierce urgency of the night before, but Hannah warmed inside as her friend sighed and curled around her arm like a contented kitten.

Emily slowly roused herself, looked out the window at the rising sun, and said, “Your turn!” Then she slid under the covers and between Hannah’s legs. Hannah’s smooth pussy was already really wet, and Emily got a face-full. Hannah intertwined her fingers in Emily’s curly blonde hair and sighed as Emily’s lips and tongue explored her pussy. Emily’s tongue felt small and soft as it traced the edges of Hannah’s pussy lips and teased her clit. After playing for a while, Emily wrapped her lips around Hannah’s clit and began to lick in earnest. The focused attention quickly pushed Hannah over the edge. Her thighs squeezed Emily’s head and her fingers pulled her hair as she came with a loud cry. Emily didn’t relent, but as Hannah’s quivering subsided she began to lick more slowly, in long strokes, lapping up Hannah’s juices.

Hannah was grinning from ear to ear when Emily’s head popped back out. She pulled the other girl up to lay on top of her and kissed her face, from forehead to chin and all around, finishing tenderly on her lips. “You’re amazing, Emily,” she said. Emily sighed and laid her head on Hannah’s breasts and the two girls snuggled just a little longer.

“You may have already eaten,” Hannah teased, “but I’m hungry.”

Emily laughed. “Dr. Wilcox will be there,” she said. “I definitely need a shower.”

Hannah agreed and they squeezed into the small shower together, washing each other and drying off with the plush white towels. All the toiletries they needed were stocked in the cabinet, but they had no make-up. They dried and and brushed each other’s hair: Hannah a brunette, Emily a curly blonde. By the time they were ready the sun was above the trees and shining brightly into their tree-top hideaway.

Hannah led the way down the winding staircase that spiraled around the trunk of the massive tree. As they descended through the canopy the sunlight dimmed and the breeze grew still. The squawks and whistles of tropical birds and unknown animals enveloped them, a marked contrast from the roaring screams that periodically tore through the silent forest the night before. Maybe the right word was “jungle”, but if so, this portion appeared to be tame. The stairs eventually brought them back to the sign at the base of the tree: “Robinson Tree House”. The path that felt so forbidding last night was well-kept, and a short walk brought the girls to a wider trail.

Emily paused at the intersection. “Do you think there are… any… men here?” she asked. They had been naked since arriving, but also mostly alone. The prospect of meeting a bunch of strangers naked was intimidating.

“I don’t know, but I’m hungry,” Hannah said, and added: “Dr. Wilcox, for one.”

Emily took her hand, and Hannah picked the direction that looked most promising: back towards the airstrip they arrived at yesterday. They had walked only a short way when they heard voices ahead and came upon a group of girls emerging from a round green door set into an embankment along the path. Emily’s grip tightened.

“Oh. My. Gosh,” Hannah said. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

A sign near the door said, “Bag End”.

Hannah released Emily’s hand and hurried forward, oblivious to the three naked girls who had just emerged from the hole. She bent over to examine the door and squealed with glee. “Look, it even has Gandalf’s rune!”

The three girls looked at Hannah uncertainly, and then at Emily. There were two brunettes and a blonde, all beautiful, of course. The blonde was a bit taller than the other two and frowned at Hannah’s behavior. “Get a grip,” she said. “It’s a door.” The two brunettes with her giggled.

Hannah straightened up and said, “It’s from ‘Lord of the Rings’. Did you sleep in there last night?”

The blonde said, “Yep. I didn’t see those movies. Not really my thing. There are all sorts of rooms along the path. You never know what you’re going to get when you visit.” She looked up and down the path.

Hannah blushed and shrugged. “They’re books. I’m Hannah, and this is Emily. We stayed in the tree house.” Emily waved.

The blonde said, “I’m Nicole.”

One of the brunettes, a tiny girl, said, “I’m Ashley. I knew they were books.”

The other brunette said, “I’m Elizabeth. Nice to meet you. I can show you Bag End later if you want. There are tunnels –”

Nicole cut her off. “This is your first time here, am I right?” Hannah and Emily nodded. “Well, follow us to breakfast.”

The group of five girls started walking, led by Nicole. Hannah and Emily were full of questions, but where to start?

Nicole had been in their position once. “Dr. Wilcox brings us here when he has a customer and wants to show us off. Sometimes it’s all the girls, sometimes just the graduates,” Nicole said, finding her way confidently through the trees.

Hannah started putting pieces together in her mind. “So the customer is here to pick out a girl,” she said. “To marry.”

Nicole stared at Hannah like she was a bit slow in the head. “Obviously. One of the graduates. So not any of us. You can tell the graduates because they’ll be wearing black chokers.”

“So why are the rest of us here?” Emily asked.

Ashley snickered, “Because Dr. Wilcox likes to fuck a bunch of girls at once?” Elizabeth giggled and Emily blushed. From what Hannah knew of men, it sounded likely to be true.

Nicole said, “It’s more than that. It’s part of the training, I think.”

Hannah repeated Mrs. Carver’s words from the night before, “Not everything here is what it seems.”

Nicole stopped the group. They hadn’t seen anyone else on the path, but she looked around nervously and leaned in close. “I trust Dr. Wilcox with my life. Literally. But he isn’t telling us the whole story.” The other girls were silent for a moment, and Nicole started walking again.

The group walked in silence until they emerged from the trees into a grassy clearing. The the surrounding trees cast shadows in the morning sun that covered the whole clearing, but it was still a lot brighter than the path had been, and the girls shaded their eyes with their hands.

“Great, we’re late,” Ashley said.

Elizabeth looked worried. “I’m sorry, it’s not my fault.”

There were almost a dozen large round tables in the clearing, and the setup reminded Hannah of a wedding reception. Each table had eight to ten girls sitting around it, talking and eating. The mood was jovial, like long-lost friends reunited.

At a table set a little apart from the others Hannah saw Dr. Wilcox wearing a white linen robe. To his left sat Shelly, the pilot from yesterday in a blue sun dress, and to his right was a clean-shaven man in his mid-thirties wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. The other seats at the table were occupied by naked girls wearing black chokers. It was then that Hannah noticed other girls in chokers scattered around… Maybe one in ten.

None of the breakfasters seemed to pay much notice Hannah and others, but Mrs. Carver appeared next to them out of nowhere.

“Breakfast is out. Serve yourselves,” she said. “Except you, Hannah. Dr. Wilcox told me to send you to him.”

Hannah looked at Emily and shrugged. “See you soon.” She glanced at the other girls. Ashley and Elizabeth were looking for seats, but Nicole met her eyes and reached up to touch her own ear. Listen?

Hannah made hey way between the tables; the grass was wet with dew and some stuck to her feet. It smelled freshly mowed. Why weren’t there any bugs in it? Or anywhere? She felt dozens of eyes on her as she walked naked through the crowd of strangers and her skin reddened, but she refused to cover herself in embarrassment.

As Hannah approached the table Shelly turned her ever-present smile on her, but no one else noticed her. What was the protocol? Hannah had no desire to be switched in front of all these people. Dr. Wilcox and the other man were deep in conversation with one of the graduates. Hannah decided to play it safe: she knelt and assumed her patience position behind and to the side of Dr. Wilcox and waited patiently. Her butt on her heels, her knees spread, her back arched to push her breasts forward, and her arms behind her back gripping her elbows. The wet grass tickled her pussy and made her wiggle a little, and as she struggled to maintain position she noticed for the first time another girl under the table… Sucking Dr. Wilcox’s cock!

Hannah must have made some involuntarily noise of surprise, because it was right then that Dr. Wilcox turned to her. “Hannah, relieve Abigail, she needs some breakfast,” he said, and gestured under the table. The girl, Abigail, slowly lifted her head off of Dr. Wilcox and heaved a deep breath. His cock was hugely erect and dripping wet.

Abigail deftly crawled out from under the table and licked her lips, then smiled at Hannah. She was tan and blonde with amazing d-cups and an ass to match. She curtsied towards Dr. Wilcox. “All yours,” she whispered to Hannah, and walked off to find a seat.

The conversations at the table hadn’t stopped. Hannah crawled forward from her patience position and saw the strange man looking down at her. He looked surprised for a moment, then looked away. Hannah slid between Shelly and Dr. Wilcox and under the table. What was that look for? Did they know each other? Her face burned.

Hannah moved between Dr. Wilcox’s legs and approached his penis. She had grown very familiar with it over the past few months of training, having spent many hours with it in her mouth and pussy. Dr. Wilcox said that sucking cock was a primal, cathartic comfort for many girls, and that had certainly proven to be true for Hannah. The first time she had sucked him she had cried like a baby. As she leaned forward and took his warm thickness into her mouth she felt a wave of comfort wash over her, even in this strange environment.

As she sucked, the conversation above her was muffled by the table and cloth, but she could make out bits and pieces. “It’s been a over a year,” Dr. Wilcox said. “It’s time. It’s part of the agreement.”

The other man mumbled something that Hannah couldn’t make out, and then Shelly said, “It’ll be good for your kids, too.”

The man said something about “Rachel”, and that’s when recognition hit Hannah: she did know this man! They’d met at one of his parents’ parties a few years ago, when his wife Rachel had been pregnant with their first child. What was his name? Stanley? He must have recognized her, too. What was going on here? Hannah kept sucking on Dr. Wilcox while her mind whirred.

“Girls, you’re dismissed,” Dr. Wilcox said loudly, and the girls at the table immediately started rising to leave. “Not you, Hannah,” he continued. “Rub your pussy while you suck. Keep coming.”

“Yes, sir,” Hannah mumbled, though who knows if he heard it with a cock in her mouth from under the table. They’d played this game before, training her to orgasm quickly and easily, over and over, while sucking dick. It was usually a lot of fun, but Hannah would have a hard time eavesdropping. She began to rub her clit with her right hand and continued bobbing her head on Dr. Wilcox; this was no longer a coordination challenge for her. The hard part was keeping her mind straight as she began to come for the first time. She moaned and her lips tightened on Dr. Wilcox, and she leaned forward to take him deeper as she came. What are they talking about now?

“We’ve passed golf,” Dr. Wilcox said. Or was it “gulf”? Then something about a “hotel”. Hannah strained to listen, but lost focus as she came again and moaned loudly. Stanley paused and chuckled, presumably at her, and her eyes tightened with humiliation.

Stanley said something like, “Seven more with Rachel.”

Dr. Wilcox spoke softly in reply and through his cock Hannah felt him reach an arm out to comfort Stanley. Her pussy was dripping onto the grass now and her fingers were a blur. Just as she started coming again, Dr. Wilcox said, “… would be fine. You’ve got all week to meet them.” Hannah moaned again and took Dr. Wilcox to the back of her mouth.

Stanley paused, hearing her moan again? “What about Hannah?” he asked, and her stomach jumped. Her whole body jumped, and her head hit the table with a thunk, rattling dishes and glassware. It felt like the world went silent, and Hannah’s humiliation was complete. She felt tears pouring from her eyes as she panted on Dr. Wilcox and rubbed herself. Another orgasm crept up on her and her body shuddered.

Dr. Wilcox said, “No, only the graduates. We have a few years left.” Hannah felt his cock suddenly spasm in her mouth and a rush of hot, salty semen flooded her tongue and throat. She was almost dizzy from her own orgasms, but she sucked and slurped to make sure she caught every drop from Dr. Wilcox. She really didn’t want to be switched in front of all these people. She swallowed two mouthfuls of semen and began cleaning the cock with her tongue, but Dr. Wilcox reached down and touched her cheek to stop her. “You’re dismissed, Hannah,” he said.

She crawled out from under the hot table into the cooler air. Her body was drenched with sweat and her own come dripped down her thighs. Her hands were covered in her juices, and her mouth tasted like hot semen. Her nipples hardened as she emerged, and she carefully avoided looking towards Stanley, though he was studying her body intently. Hannah hoped they’d think her skin was red from the heat under the table and not embarrassment. She curtsied towards Dr. Wilcox and scrambled to find her friends.



  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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  2. Another great episode to the story. I’m looking forward to more.

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