A Chance pt. 5 [ff]

Click my name to read the earlier parts.


“Guess who showed up at my house this morning,” Kimmy whispered just as Lizette walked up to Kimmy’s locker after homeroom.

“Tim?” Lizette guessed with a frown. The answering nod made the blood cool in her veins.

“Yeah, he apologized at youth group last night. I guess he thought when I forgave him that everything was all back the way it was.” Kimmy rolled her eyes, which settled Lizette’s heart a bit. “Needless to say I still rode the bus this morning.”

Lizette hated the insecurity that riddled her heart. In that moment of vulnerability, she wasn’t sure if wanting Kimmy and not having her was worse than being afraid of losing her. She wanted to touch her, just to get a little reassurance, but kept her distance to avoid the possibility of rejection. It was good she didn’t reach out just then, because the object of their discussion walked up to glare at Kimmy.

“Tim.” Kimmy acknowledged him with a wary look as she continued to load her book bag from the books and binders in her locker.

“Who is he, then?” Tim asked. His mouth turned down into a frown, like he was eating something foul.

“Who is who?” Kimmy asked as she slammed her locker door to punctuate her question.

“You said you were guilty of lust last night at youth group. And now you don’t want go out with me, so it has to be someone else.”

“I’m *so* not discussing this with you,” Kimmy said, but Lizette could see the flush creeping up her neck. She looked at Lizette and asked, “See you at lunch?”

“Sure,” Lizette said as Tim turned his frown her direction.

“You’re hanging out with *her* again?” he huffed at Kimmy in apparent disbelief.

“You weren’t the only person I apologized to last night,” Kimmy sighed as she stepped away. “She’s been my best friend since kindergarten and I’m done being a bitch to her for no good reason.”

With that, Kimmy was gone, leaving Lizette standing next to Tim in the hallway watching her walk away.

“So do *you* know who he is?” Tim asked with a look of desperation that almost made Lizette feel sympathy until she remembered he’d been banging Nicole like a drum.

“No,” Lizette said. “She just told me she was done with dating for a while.” It was technically true, after all. “Maybe you should give her some space. Kimmy’s never responded well to pressure.”

“Yeah,” he said as he stared after his former girlfriend. Lizette took that moment to slip away before she was late to her own class.

She had been over the moon when Kimmy announced she wanted to end the public distance Lizette had suffered through for a year. Now the reality was hitting her.

Sean and Christian would be wary at first, but she could see them accepting Kimmy eventually. Amanda was a complete wild card. She wouldn’t out Kimmy to others, but that wouldn’t preclude the inevitable sharp comments and attempts at intimidation.

It’s not like Lizette and Amanda had been in love or anything. Their relationship was more founded on curiosity and lust, which had been a good source of distraction and support after Kimmy went crazy.

She and Amanda remained close friends outside of bed, or at least as close as Amanda got with anyone. Lizette was grateful to Amanda for showing her how to keep sex and emotion in two different mental boxes. Keeping that distance had been critical as Lizette came to terms with her attraction to women and the implications of being out about it. That had been hard enough without adding relationship expectations to the mix, which made her worry so much about what Kimmy was going to face.

Lizette’s shared her last class before lunch with Amanda. She had just sat down in her usual desk when Amanda walked up and dropped into the desk to her left.

“So how’s it going,” Amanda said as she pulled out her English textbook and binder. The casual demeanor couldn’t disguise the curiosity in her eyes as she turned to Lizette.


“So why are you blushing?” Amanda sucked in her cheeks and raised her eyebrows as if daring Lizette to deny it.

“I have a favor to ask,” Lizette said, stirring her courage. “Kimmy wants to sit with us at lunch and I need you to be nice to her.”

Amanda blinked. “Damn.”


“You got it *bad*.” Her forehead wrinkled as she frowned. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you’re gonna be crushed when this goes south. And it will go south.”

“I know it’s a risk,” Lizette said. “I’ve got my eyes open.”

“Look, you know I was there when she turned on you the first time. And I get she’s your *first love*,” Amand said with air quotes and a mocking tone. “But have you forgotten how she treated you? She *outed* you, Lizzy!”

“Don’t call me Lizzy,” Lizette grumbled. The reminder stung more than she wanted to admit to Amanda. “Just be nice at lunch and don’t embarrass me.”

“I’m your friend. You know that, right?”

Lizette looked at Amanda’s sincere expression of worry. Memories danced through her mind of their wet hair tangled together as they helped each other find release. She’d kissed those lips a thousand times over the last year, even after they lost their lustre when Amanda asked to open their relationship. “Yes, I know.”

“Guard your heart. Wait until she proves she’s ready.”

*Too late.* “I hear ya. I really do,” Lizette whispered as she looked away from Amanda’s penetrating gaze. “Just be cool today, okay?”

“Fine,” Amanda sighed.

The class dragged on as Lizette marinated in her doubts and fears. She couldn’t concentrate on her classwork assignment, so she doodled as she tried to work up an appetite. When the bell finally rang, Lizette gathered her things and headed for the lunch room.

She and Kimmy hadn’t really planned where to meet, so Lizette got in line at the lunch counter. By the time she’d selected the meatloaf, mixed veggies, and juice, the lunchroom tables were already filling up. Instead of heading to the four-top table at the edges of the room where she usually ate with her friends, Lizette sat at the end of one of the longer row tables nearby.

“You ditchin’ us?” Christian asked, with his shadow, Sean, trailing up behind.

“Nope, just makin’ more room,” Lizette said as she unloaded her tray, then stood and walked off to put it on top of the trash can nearby. When she returned and sat down, she spotted Kimmy standing with her tray in her hands near their old friends. Kimmy was saying something and nodded over at Lizette with a smile.

Lizette felt her stomach churn as most of her old friends at the table followed Kimmy’s gaze. She put on a smile she didn’t feel and gave a little wave. Nicole was sitting at the far end of the table with a look of disgust on her face. Their other friends either nodded or shrugged at Kimmy’s comments. Then Kimmy turned with her tray and headed toward them with a smile plastered across her face.

“Hi,” she said to Lizette, Christian, and Sean. “I’m Lizette’s friend, Kimmy McKimson. Mind if I join you?” When no one objected, she unloaded her tray across from Lizette, then carried it over to place it with the others on top of the trash can.

“Uh…” Christian looked back and forth between Kimmy and Lizette. “What’s going on?”

“My friend’s gonna eat lunch with us sometimes. Do you mind?”

“But she hates you.” Sean said.

“She apologized. And we’re friends again,” Lizette knew her face was heating up as much from their scrutiny as the half-truths. “Just be nice. Please?” She begged in a whisper them as Kimmy sat down to join them.

“How was your morning?” Kimmy asked Lizette with an optimistic smile.

“Not too bad,” she said. “I have write a report on a modern novel, but most of the suggested books on the list Ms. Gardner handed out were written in the 80s.”

Amanda plopped down next to Lizette. “So do one on *Rubyfruit Jungle* just to make a point. It was one of the first novels about a lesbian coming out back in ‘83 and would probably shake her up.” She looked up then without a note of surprise. “Hi, I’m Amanda. You must be Kimmy.” She extended her hand to Kimmy with a worrisome grin.

“Hi,” Kimmy said, her smile a little less certain. “Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Yeah,” Amanda said as she held Kimmy’s hand a bit too long, keeping her gaze uncomfortably direct. The intimidation tactic might have worked if she hadn’t said, “Ditto.”

In an unexpected moment of synchronicity, both Lizette and Kimmy quoted, “‘Ditto’, you provincial putz?” And immediately burst out laughing at each other. Kimmy withdrew her hand from Amanda’s grasp to smack Lizette a high five over the table.

“I *love* Blazing Saddles!” Christian cried, then clapped his hands and immediately broke into song. “Throw out your hands! Stick out your tush! Hands on your hips, give them a push! You’ll be surprised you’re doing the French Mistake! Voila!”

In an instant, all the tension at the table was gone. Kimmy was accepted as a fellow film geek and connoisseur of Mel Brooks movies. Lizette stayed engaged in the flow of conversation, but kept an eye on the interactions around the table. Kimmy’s real personality shown through, not the twisted version of herself she had been the last year. Even Amanda had a genuine smile peeking out by the end of the meal.

When the bell rang to indicate the end of lunch, all five of them stood and Christian invited Kimmy to eat lunch with them again anytime. Lizette warned that she might be sitting with her old friends some of the time, but her new friends accepted the news with a nod and understanding smile.

As they took their dishes to the conveyer that fed the dishwasher, Kimmy whispered to Lizette. “Wanna skip practice this afternoon?”

Lizette glanced around with wide eyes. “You never skip volleyball practice.”

“Mom thinks Elias is picking me up. Elias told me he couldn’t and I said I’d find a ride.” Kimmy raised an eyebrow. “When does your Mom leave for her trip?”

“Last night,” Lizette whispered as she realized what Kimmy was suggesting. “I’m on my own until Sunday.”

“As long as I’m home at the regular time, no one will miss me.”

“Meet me at my locker after last period,” Lizette said, her heart pounding like a sick dance club beat. Kimmy stared at Lizette’s mouth and shivered before turning away with a hungry growl.

The rest of the day crawled by while heat coiled in Lizette’s stomach and extending down to her panties. Kimmy obviously wanted more than a quickie in the shower or at the park. She was going to come over after school, which was how almost every fantasy Lizette ever had about her had started.

After her last class, Lizette practically ran to her locker to sort through her books and binders for what she needed later. If she had the energy to think about schoolwork later. If she ever let Kimmy out of her bed again. Wait, were the sheets on her bed clean? Her dirty clothes were all over the floor of the closet. Had she scrubbed the bathtub this week?

“Ready?” Kimmy asked from behind her.

Lizette slammed her locker and spun around. “Uh… yeah.”

“Hey, are you okay with this?” Kimmy asked as her eyebrows drew together.

“Nervous.” It was all Lizette could trust herself to whisper.

“*You’re* nervous,” Kimmy chuckled, then leaned closer. “I soaked through my jeans.”

“Oh, God…” Lizette felt her heart speed. “Let’s go.”

They ran through the doors and out to the student parking lot. Lizette unlocked her door and reached over to open the other door for Kimmy. Stuck in the traffic exiting the lot, Kimmy reached her left hand over to brush along Lizette’s right thigh. Lizette dropped her hand to intertwine their fingers, but both of them kept their eyes forward.

“Did you ever think about this happening?” Kimmy asked in a breathless tone.

“Every fucking day,” Lizette confessed.

“What did you imagine?”

“I can’t talk about that and drive at the same time,” Lizette groaned.

Kimmy giggled. “Sorry.” Then she giggled again. “I’m so freakin’ excited,” she squealed.

That made Lizette laugh, which made Kimmy laugh even harder. Soon they were both wiping their eyes as Lizette pulled all the way into her garage and pushed the button on the remote to shut the overhead garage door.

“So,” Lizette said as she gathered her things.

“So,” Kimmy chuckled back as she grabbed hers as well.

“Come on in.” They dumped their bags on the kitchen island before coming together to kiss. Their fingers hooked together for a moment before Lizette broke first and pulled Kimmy towards the hallway to her bedroom.

“I feel like I’m on fire,” Kimmy said as she allowed herself to be led. “I want this so much.”

Lizette looked over her shoulder as they passed her bedroom doorway. “Good.”

Turning near the bed, Lizette pulled Kimmy into a deep, passionate kiss. Lizette’s hands moved up the soft t-shirt and into the even softer hair flowing loose around her shoulders. Kimmy’s response was just as enthusiastic, tugging Lizette’s shirt out of her jeans to run cool hands over hot skin. They broke the kiss and created a flurry of discarded shirts, bras, jeans, socks, and panties.

Coming together again, Lizette pushed Kimmy back to fall on the bed with a laugh. Joining her with a leap, they rolled together as gravity pulled them into a tighter orbit. Moving continuously, hands and lips, squeezes and nibbles, the two of them laughed and loved until the heat rose past boiling.

“Right there,” Kimmy murmured as Lizette kissed down her neck. Fingers slipped and rubbed, wringing pleasure from wet flesh. “So good.”

“I’m not gonna let you cum yet,” Lizette said, then sucked down on a swollen nipple.

“Too late,” Kimmy gasped as she clenched down on those probing fingers.

“No way!” Lizette laughed as Kimmy shuddered from the impact of her orgasm. The lidded expression of pleasure was almost enough to send Lizette over herself. “Damnit, I wanted it to build up some more.”

“My turn.”

Kimmy attacked her mouth as her fingers squeezed Lizette’s rounded breasts. Falling backwards, Lizette marvelled at her best friend, now her lover, kissing down fearlessly past that thin strip of hair at the top of her slit. Her lack of experience was more than made up by enthusiasm as she focused her attention on Lizette’s wet folds and swollen nub.

Lizette rocked back, her knees opening without a touch to present herself to the mouth feasting on her core. Reaching for the hair obscuring her view, Lizette moaned at the sight of Kimmy. Her eyes were squeezed shut in rapture, her cheeks and chin moved until Lizette lost all control. She arched her back and cried out to give voice to the pleasure Kimmy brought her.

Satisfied but not finished, Lizette tugged her up to kiss the slick results off her face. The taste of her own passion on Kimmy’s mouth was as satisfying as dark chocolate. They paused for a moment, foreheads together, their eyes full of love and passion.

“Wow,” Kimmy whispered, her eyes sparkling in delight.

Pushing Kimmy over on her back, Lizette stroked her whole body from neck to knees, the tips of her fingers leaving trails of prickled flesh behind. They kissed and parted, breathing the heated the air between them until Kimmy rocked her hips to beg those fingers to linger. Lizette took her time now that the urgency had passed.

The slick hair at the joining of Kimmy’s legs drew her attention, but only enough to whet her arousal. She rubbed long strokes with her palm, from her navel down and under, then back at slow, easy pace. Kimmy shuddered against her, kissing with a renewed passion.

“Please,” Kimmy begged as she parted her thighs. “I need more.”

Slipping out of her grasp, Lizette rolled over to place her thigh between Kimmy’s legs. Her fingers were trapped there now, between Kimmy’s heat and her own thigh. Kissing deeper, Lizette used her middle two fingers to fuck Kimmy harder. The instant response was Kimmy arching her back to press deeper into the palm cradling her sex.

“Don’t stop,” Kimmy murmured, lost in the moment.

Lizette kept moving her fingers, pressing them deeper with her knee while biting along Kimmy’s lower lip. The indrawn breath cooled her face, but reflected the deeper heat below. Kissing with more passion, moving together in a kind of dance, Lizette brought her to the edge and kept her riding along as Kimmy slowly lost her mind.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped. “Oh God, don’t stop.”

Lizette moved her lips down as Kimmy’s chin went up. She tongued the soft spots along her jaw, then down her neck to her shoulder. Licking turned to sucking, pulling at the soft flesh of Kimmy’s neck until the heat gave way to a feverish groan. Kimmy cried out at last, her body rigid as she pulsed into her Lizette’s hand. Rubbing throughout her release, Lizette kept her in a state of ecstasy by moving down to suck on her tantalizing nipples, one then the other. Aftershocks rocked Kimmy, causing her to shudder and twitch until finally she was still.

Then Lizette kissed lower, sliding down Kimmy’s sweat-slicked body to finally reach the warmth she’d dreamed of for years. Her lips down below were swollen and red, the hair soft instead of wiry like her own. Parting those lips once with her tongue, Kimmy uttered a feeble protest.

“Too sensitive.”

“Trust me,” Lizette breathed, making sure her breath cooled some of the heat. She placed soft kisses on the creases of her thighs, never quite touching the liquid center. The scent was intoxicating, raw. The bright coppery flavors she found along the way whet her appetite for more.

Taking her time, she pushed one of Kimmy’s knees up to kiss the skin along the back of her thigh. Massaging as much as kissing, she allowed time for Kimmy to recover while exploring every inch of her. She kissed along the back of the calves, around the delicate bones of her ankles, her heel, arch, and the painted nails on each toe.

By the time she worked back up the other thigh, Kimmy was panting and reaching to run fingers along her face. Lizette saw that raw need in her expression and finally went where she had been dying to go.

The soft skin parted at a touch, opening to something even softer inside. Tasting the heat drove Kimmy mad as she writhed and pulled on Lizette’s hair. Wrapping one arm around Kimmy’s thigh kept her from escaping while Lizette fed. Her other hand opened Kimmy’s folds to let her explore even deeper.

Kimmy made Insensible sounds, then her hips rocked into the rhythm of Lizette’s tongue. Top to bottom, then back again, taking every drop and begging Kimmy for more with low moans of pleasure.

“So good,” Kimmy whispered. Her fingers gripped Lizette’s hair to hold her mouth where she needed it most.

Lizette slipped two fingers inside her lover, feeling for her to respond when she found the magic spot inside. Kimmy gasped, her fingers tightening as Lizette made circles when she found it. Reading Kimmy’s responses to guide her, Lizette played her friend like fine instrument, directing their symphony to a massive crescendo.

“Oh, my God! What are you doing?”

Holding Kimmy still took most of Lizette’s strength and concentration so she could bring her higher than before. Involuntary movements announced the avalanche of pleasure that was coming. Kimmy cried out, full voice, as if she were dying. Lizette knew she was being reborn, finally comprehending the shrouded mysteries of sex and pleasure.

Kimmy lost control of her body, shaking as she tried to move away from the incessant stimulation. Lizette held her on the edge, letting her dangle in a river of pleasure before letting her go entirely to be swallowed up.

When she let Kimmy go, she immediately curled up in a quivering ball, panting like they’d just run miles. Lizette moved up to nestle against her back, wrapping her arms and legs around her girlfriend. It took minutes before she could talk again.

“Don’t let me go,” Kimmy whispered, then shook again.

“Never again,” Lizette whispered in her hair. “Never again.”


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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/490j1j/a_chance_pt_5_ff


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