SWEET TOOTH #2 [BBW, M/F, Dom/Sub]



###**| Summary**


*…A suspenseful tale, with more than a handful of taboo twists.*

*Sweet Tooth* is about Samantha, a big woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long sweet tooth. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in eight gloriously *messy* chapters.

[Links to all chapters of *Sweet Tooth* in the comments below.]


###**| TWO:** *Pets & Their Owners*


Samantha began to make her way down the six flights of stairs which led to the underground parking-lot, feeling an embarrassingly spontaneous sweat breakout on her forehead. She’d never voluntarily taken the stairs before – either up *or* down – but right now, it seemed like the most prudent thing to do. It was the only way to guarantee that Samantha wouldn’t accidentally bump into her boss, Mr. Creighton…

As Samantha descended, the beads of perspiration on her forehead became denser. If she hurried, Samantha supposed she’d be able to stop at her apartment first, have a quick shower to freshen-up and a change her clothes, before…


*Before what?,* she asked herself, feeling a quivering sense of giddiness pass over her. *What does he have planned for me?*

It was Samantha’s birthday today and she had asked her Master, Jasper, for something very specific: *a surprise.* She supposed for most girls the word “surprise” would carry certain romantic connotations: dinners prepared in secret, names spelt across the sky, a trail of roses leading to a warm bath. But Samantha wasn’t most girls; and more to the point, Jasper wasn’t most men.

He was twenty-four, making him younger than her by over a decade, a fact which Samantha unable to stop reminding herself of. Jasper was also a man of considerable wealth, both inherited and independently-gained. Though they never spoke about the subject of his career directly, it was clear to Samantha that he worked in finance of some manner.

On many occasions – including the day Samantha first met him at the dog-park – Jasper had expressed to her that he possessed neither the desire, time or nature necessary for a conventional relationship; he’d been very clear about that. *Explicitly* so, actually.

And indeed, the dynamic they’d shared over the past two months had been a unique one: concentrated intensity, without subtly, without compromise. She’d come to learn that the highly demanding way in which Jasper went about things was, *truly,* all he could ever be capable of; and, in short time, she’d became dependant on the structure which his dominating personality provided her. *Discipline,* Jasper had taught her, *when applied correctly, could be mutually pleasurable.* And he had been telling the truth, she now believed.

There were other benefits that came along with Jasper’s discipline; besides mere pleasure, of course. In the month since she’d met him, Samantha had lost nearly twenty pounds. This morning, before leaving her apartment to drive to work, her scale had read: *260 lbs // 118 kg*. Two-hundred and sixty pounds was still a very large number for a woman of her short stature, but it *had* only been a month.

And her drive for self-improvement hadn’t waned yet, miraculously; this was thanks to the creative rewards and incentives Jasper provided her. And also, to the strict and unwavering hand with which he punished her…

Samantha made it to the bottom of the stairs, then stopped to catch her breath. She had finished the last two flights of stairs lost in recollection, remembering the day she had first met Jasper in the dog park. The odd mixture of shame and excitement this memory possessed made her feel nearly delirious.

*He had taken it,* she remembered. *Snatched it right from my hand…*

Samantha had been walking her poodle – a chubby, stubborn little thing, named “Princess” – when Jasper noticed her. *And I wore my expensive sweatpants to the dog park that day,* she recalled. Samantha had bought the pants a long time ago, thinking the embarrassment required to ask the girl behind the counter to order them in her size (not to mention the steep price-tag attached) would be enough to guilt herself into working-out regularly; but, of course, she had inevitably abandoned the notion. Now the expensive sweatpants that had once come with such lofty ambitions were relegated to being worn solely on hot, lethargic days. And that was another thing she remembered about the day she met Jasper: *it had been hot as Hell.*

Samantha stood under the shade of an oak tree, waiting for Princess to finish going about her business. She could feel perspiration beginning to pool under her arms and her sweatpants had long ago turned a darker shade of grey. *Jesus Christ, hurry up,* Samantha thought, but Princess seemed determined to take her time.

So, resigned to endure the heat just a little longer, Samantha collapsed against the oak tree and dug through her purse. She retrieved a chocolate bar and began to unwrap the foil, still glaring at the little shit of a dog. *You stubborn bitch.* And that’s when Samantha heard someone behind her speak. A deep voice, with an unwaveringly measured tone.

“Who’s the one slacking off on their workout: you, or your dog?” Jasper’s voice seemed oddly warm, even though Samantha couldn’t mistake hear the underlying sarcasm.

*Is he making fun of me?,* she thought. Samantha whirled around. Her momentum stopped just shy of making her tangle her legs together and fall into a heap in-front of the strange man’s dress-shoes.

“No, ah…”, she said, feeling her face tingle. In a couple moments, if she didn’t turn her face away from this strange man, Samantha knew her cheeks would be lit-up bright red. Looking down at the grass below her feet, she continued: “With my job, I don’t get much time to work out, I suppose. Not any—.”

“What’s your name?” He had interrupted her, but for some reason beyond her understanding, it hadn’t bothered Samantha one bit; in fact, it made her heart flutter for a moment, as if he had *complimented* her somehow.

“Samantha.” She was blushing, now. Samantha could feel it on her face, like a sun-burn. “And your’s?”

“Of course you have time, Samantha”, he replied. His voice felt firm, like a hand placed on her shoulder might. It caused Samantha to avert her eyes. “Why did you stop?”, he asked.

The redness on her face seemed to sizzle now. Samantha glanced down at Princess, unable to answer. The fat dog was lazily sniffing at the chocolate bar she held limply in her hand. And just then, Jasper reached forward and took the chocolate bar from her hands. Samantha watched him do it, her eyes wide and her jaw unhinged. “Come now”, he said, in the mildly disapproving tone of a seasoned teacher, before tossing the chocolate bar into a near-by garbage can.

*He took it… Snatched it right out of my hand…*

Samantha was crossing the underground parking-lot, moving clumsily in her high-heels, when she spotted him out of the corner of her eye: *Mr. Creighton!* Her first instinct was to duck behind the nearest car, so Samantha did just that. From behind the car’s bumper, she saw him give her a friendly nod. Immediately, Samantha pretended to be lacing-up her shoes. *Dear God, I hope he doesn’t notice I’m dressed in heels right now…*

“Hello Mr. Creighton”, she called out.

“Enjoy the rest of your day, Miss. Craven!”, he called back. “See you bright and early tomorrow morning!”


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48oieu/sweet_tooth_2_bbw_mf_domsub

1 comment


    >>[**Chpt. One:** *Samantha Leaves Work Early*](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48ofg5/sweet_tooth_1_bbw_mf_domsub/)

    >>[**Chpt. Two:** *Pet’s and Their Owners*](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48oieu/sweet_tooth_2_bbw_mf_domsub/) [Reading Now]

    >>**Chpt. Three:** *The Yellow Brick Road* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Interlude:** *An Acquired Taste* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Four:** *Preparations in the Darkness* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Interlude:** *An Acquired Taste, .ii* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Five:** *What Samantha Remembers* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Six:** *What Samantha Remembers, .ii* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Seven:** *Coffee and Polaroids* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Eight:** *A Belated Office Party* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Epilogue:** *Samantha Leaves Work Early, .ii* [Coming Soon]

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