The Blog [hot wife] [free use] [MF] [interracial]

Inspired by 3_little_holes’ story *An Office Free Use Tale*

# Chapter 1

Reg was driving with his best friend Tony sitting in the front passenger seat when he pulled up next to a convertible with an all-female crew at an intersection. The girls looked to be in their early twenties.

Tony lowered his window. Said, “Any of you young ladies up for free use?”

“Why don’t you suck your pal’s dick,” said the brunette directly across from him. The other girls laughed, Tony turned red.

“That’s a good one,” he said, accepting the cock block.

Reg waved at the girls as the convertible lurched forward, turning left. He went right.

“You don’t turn it off, do you, Tony?”

His friend gave him the look of mock righteousness. “Nope, never.”

They both chuckled, drove in silence for a few minutes before Tony asked, “How are things with you and Elle?”

Reg thought that question about him and his wife was a bit odd, but he answered anyway. “Just great. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, nothing – just wondering.”

There was a feigned lightness in Tony’s tone that made Reg uncomfortable. A smirk crept into the other man’s face when he asked if he had heard about the Free Use Bill.

“Yeah, not a fan,” Reg replied.

Tony nodded while ogling a billboard they were passing proclaiming a nondescript, bleach blonde bombshell as Playboy magazine’s Playmate of the Year.

“I admit, anything with the number ’69’ in the name gets people the wrong way.”


Tony shook his head, rolled his eyes. “‘HR69’, dude. That’s the official title of the bill.”

“Oh… Didn’t know that,” Reg said, glumly.

“There’s a lot you don’t know.”

Reg raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Meaning?”


Reg gripped the steering wheel tightly, gave Tony a steely glare. “Buddy, we are in a moving vehicle. If you don’t come clean with me in next ten seconds, I’m going to kick you out, right through that door.”

Tony threw up his hands in surrender. “Fine.” He pulled out his phone and started swiping and tapping away at it.

Reg looked at him, curious. “What are you doing?”

His friend didn’t look up, tapping as he spoke. “Coming clean, old buddy.”

The last two words hung in the air between them with the ring of a death knell.

Tony put his phone back in his pocket at the same time Reg’s phone chirped, alerting him to a new text message. Reg knew it must have come from Tony, but he wasn’t going to text, or even glance at his phone while driving.

He simply asked, “What’s that?”

Looking blankly ahead, Tony answered, “The truth.”

This was unbelievable. In a few minutes, the air in the car had gone from warm and friendly to cold and ominous. Reg tried to lighten the mood with a quip.

“Will it set me free?”

Tony shrugged. “Depends on how you choose to look at it.”

Reg dropped Tony off at his place. Before they parted, Tony said, “I hope we can still be friends after you read the text I sent.”

Reg laughed. “Of course! Come on, dude, how bad could it be?”

Tony croaked and scratched his head, looking nervous in a way Reg had never seen him before. “See you around, Reg.”

He turned and walked toward his house.

Elle was still out at the gym when Reg got home. He locked the door and opened Tony’s text on his phone. It contained one line: a url link. He turned on his data and tapped the link. His web browser popped up, taking him to a blog with a title in large, violet, 3D, block letters that read “Cum Dump Wives”.

The blog entries were arranged chronologically from latest down to the earliest. Content was either text, photo, video or any combination of these. It wasn’t just one wife on display; Reg noticed several different women right away, but his heart stopped at one of the photos.

It was a photo of Elle, naked, upright on her knees with a huge black cock in her hand, smiling upward at the equally naked owner of the sizable appendage: Kurt, an avionics engineer, former 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper, and most significantly, a close friend of Tony’s.

*To be continued…*



  1. # Chapter 2


    Reg’s world came crashing down like the Tokyo skyscrapers from those old news footage of major earthquakes. His wife and his best friend had been less than forthcoming with him. He dropped his phone and wished he could just melt into the couch where he sat. His head spun for a bit until…


    Reg passed out.


    He woke up wondering where he was. Everything was dark. He fumbled around blindly until his fingers touched something familiar. A click and the bedside lamp came on. He was in his and Elle’s bed. His phone was on the drawer nearby. He reached for, woke it and saw that the web browser was still opened up with the “Cum Dump Wives” blog displaying.


    There was a new entry posted 20 minutes ago. It was a photo of Elle in their kitchen preparing dinner, but her top was pulled up – no bra. Kurt stood behind her, a big smile on his face (and her’s as well) as his big left hand fondled her breasts while his right hand had taken the selfie (or was it a twosie, since the pic had two people in it?). The caption below the pic read: Who knew preparing dinner for your husband while being fondled by a big, strong, handsome black man could be so much fun?


    Unbelievably there were already ten comments on the entry. One of them was from Tony’s wife, Raquel. She had posted: Ooh, you two look so perfect like that! Sexy!!! ;) :D


    Bitch, thought Reg. She was in on it too. Now he knew what Tony meant when he had said he hoped they would still be friends after he (Reg) had read the text. Well, he had read and seen more than he needed to. Their friendship was over, as far as he was concerned. His blood boiled when he saw that Tony was the owner of the Cum Dump Wives blog. His best friend had been facilitating this all along.


    Groans coming from downstairs interrupted his train of angry thoughts. He descended into the kitchen just in time to see Kurt empty the last drop of cum from his big black cock into Elle’s mouth. She was on her knees and he had a camera pointed down right at her. She gargled and swallowed his rather large load, while Kurt recorded it.


    Wiping her mouth, Elle turned and smiled at Reg. “Hi, honey. Are you feeling better?”


    “Feeling better? Hell no! What the fuck is going on?”


    “Freeuse, baby. Haven’t you heard of the new bill?”


    “I have, but what about us?”


    “We’re still good,” said Elle, pulling her top down and resuming her cooking. She turned to Kurt, who wore a white tank top and nothing else. The guy was ripped and his cock was wet with Elle’s saliva. “Hey, hunky stud, make yourself useful and start chopping some carrots. Freeuse isn’t free, you know?” She gave him a sexy wink and grin.


    Reg’s jaw dropped as he witnessed the unbelievable in his own kitchen: his wife, who had just been used as a semen receptacle, was cooking dinner for him, while being assisted by her black user. Stunned into silence, he once again settled on the living room couch and put on the TV.


    The news reported that he wasn’t alone. Women and men all over the country were now being used freely in accordance with HR69 that had to be cited first on their verified social media profiles or verbally. Several apps had already been developed specifically to locate persons who wished to be used. The apps typically gathered data from social media outlets and transmitted locations and other pertinent data to the devices of interested individuals.


    Kurt left without notice a few minutes before Elle summoned Reg to the dinner table. The first word that Reg uttered was “Divorce.”


    Elle responded in a polite, calm, measured tone. “You can divorce me for any number of reasons, honey. There are only a few reasons that won’t permit divorce, however, and one of them is citation and enactment of HR69 by an individual. It’s a human right now and cannot be prejudiced in any way.”


    Reg looked for words that wouldn’t come. This was all too much for him to process. A knock on the door brought him some relief from having to tangle with the issue of freeuse. Elle answered the door. “Please come in,” she said.


    A drop-dead gorgeous Latina walked in: rich, silky, black curly hair forming a mane around her head and shoulders, lips full and red, dressed in a trench coat and high heeled shoes. She removed the trench coat to reveal nothing else but her beautiful naked body underneath. Elle introduced her to Reg.


    “Honey, this is Narcissa, Kurt’s wife. As of two days ago, you cited HR69 on your Reddit account.” Elle winked slyly at her husband. “Narci requested some pictures of you and I obliged her. Now she’s here to use you. Are you going to be an upstanding citizen of this country and obey the law?”


    Reg didn’t say anything, but the erection evident in his pants was answer enough. He ended up watching TV again with Narcissa mounted on his cock, riding him late into the night with multiple orgasms for both of them.


    *To be continued…*

  2. # Chapter 3


    Tony had that smile on his face as Reg recounted what had happened the previous night with Kurt and Elle and then Narcissa and himself. He had not expected Reg over at his house as early as 4 AM, but Reg wanted to get all the craziness out and know more about what exactly was going on.


    When Reg came to the end of his story, Tony handed him a drink and asked, “Did you let her use you in your bedroom with Elle sleeping next to you?”


    Reg paused, looking embarrassed. That was all the answer Tony needed. He laughed like a lunatic and slapped the other man’s left upper arm.


    Narcissa had been hellbent on getting all the cum out of Reg’s system that night. She had coaxed four loads of cum out of Reg in the bedroom with Elle reading an eBook beside the two of them, glancing over a few times just to see how they were doing. Reg filled that hot Latina’s pussy, ass, and mouth with his cum in full view of his wife.


    Now Reg wanted to know how long Elle and Kurt had been an item. Tony looked nervous when he was asked, but since Reg was there in his home, and not as an enemy, he opted for full transparency.


    He had introduced Elle to Kurt three months ago, long before the Freeuse Bill had been made law.


    He and Kurt had been buddies in college, played college football together, shared notes for the classes they both attended. They had parted ways after graduating. Kurt had signed up with the Army while Tony had found work at a tech manufacturer. They connected again when Kurt had finished his tour and found employment with Tony’s company. Kurt now worked in the defense contractor side of the business while Tony remained in the commercial line.


    One day after hours, he and Kurt had gone to a diner for drinks to let off steam. Elle happened to be there, meeting up with a few of her friends. He knew a spark had gone off when he brought Kurt over to their table, introducing him to Elle and her friends. After that, he had noticed Kurt looking over at Elle from their table, and Elle checking out Kurt as well. Whenever their eyes met, they’d both smile politely, but the growing heat was evident.


    Tony looked straight at Reg when he said, “If you’re going to blame someone, blame me, Reg. I started all this. I slipped Kurt’s phone number to Elle via the waitress that day. Cum Dump Wives is my blog. I started it three years ago. I established a network of married women, including my Racquel, who were secretly or openly fooling around with men who weren’t their husbands. Elle and Kurt wasted no time in getting down to business, i.e. fucking each other’s brains out. I told them about my blog and they eagerly requested I post updates of their affair on it. It’s kinda my thing. I get off on extramarital affairs and being the one who gets to watch and upload that stuff. And if you’re hurt, I’m honestly sorry.”


    Reg accepted the apology with a nod and smiled. “It’s okay, buddy. We’re all in this now.” He pulled out his phone and held it out to Tony. “Elle got some videos and stills of Narcissa and I last night. She shared them with my phone before I drove over here. Both she and Kurt really want you to upload them on your blog. Would you be so inclined?”


    Grinning like an idiot, Tony took his friend’s phone and began the file sharing with his. “Hell yeah.”


    Just as that was going on, Racquel, Tony’s hot Malaysian wife, entered the living room in a bathrobe. She saw Reg and smiled like the two-faced bitch she was. She and her husband were a perfectly matching pair, except Reg knew that Tony was capable of remorse and embraced it as a healthy thing. Racquel, however, in all the years Reg had known her, had never shown anything close to remorse, even in situations where she had been at fault.


    “Good morning, Reg. Oh my, you’re both up early.”


    “Hi, Rac. My phone had a glitch. Thought Tony could help me.”


    She folded her arms and looked at the two men suspiciously. Dressed in a thick bathrobe, her amazing figure was still evident in the curves that showed. Everything about her was perfect, except for her personality.




    Reg held up his hands in a sign that he had nothing else. “That’s my story. What’s yours?”


    “I’m going for a shower.” She headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.


    Reg peaked at what Tony was doing. He was thinking up and typing some uber-steamy text to go along with each video and still shot of Reg and Narcissa. Seeing that he was fully occupied with that, Reg got up and headed for the bathroom.


    *To be continued…*


  3. # Chapter 4


    Racquel heard the bathroom door open and close while she was standing under the shower head. She swiped the shower curtain aside to see Reg standing there, looking at her naked with hot water hitting and cascading down her even hotter body.


    Reg unbuckled his belt. As he unzipped, Racquel said, “So you’ve become aware of the freeuse bill. Didn’t know you were capable of intelligent thought. Are you also aware that you are liable for rape if the person you have used has not cited your freeuse ID in their useby list?”


    That stopped Reg in his tracks. Racquel saw his deer-in-the-headlights look and giggled a fit.


    Finding her breath, she added, “That is, within six days of free use. That leaves me plenty of time to cite you, but you never know… with my busy schedule, I might forget.”


    She was truly wicked and it made Reg even more horny. He stood just outside the tub, grabbed her head and pulled her down to level with his cock. He turned off the shower, steam filling up the room. Felt his cock get taken in by her warm mouth; he heard and felt himself being sucked by an expert.


    He groaned in pleasure and said, “You’re a two-faced bitch, Rac. Your husband is my best friend, but I wouldn’t call you a friend, maybe not even a woman, but right now… ohhh, keep sucking me, you fucking slut.”


    Racquel moved her mouth from his cock to his nut sack, sucking each ball separately, before she rose up to face level and stared hard at him, keeping her hand on his cock, stroking it. “So what would you call me?”


    “A she-demon.”


    He grabbed her face and kissed her hard, deep, fucking her mouth with his tongue. Her tongue fought back and she pulled him into the tub. They collapsed together, twining their bodies, grappling, carresing, his clothes getting wet.


    The steam had cleared, he was staring into her face as she was into his. Looking at him with an almost motherly expression of loving concern, Racquel said, “Don’t blame me for your wife’s lust.” She touched an index finger to his lips. “There’s very little that separates me from Tony. He and I are both notorious voyeurs and swingers. It’s something we’ve kept a secret from you and Elle until recently.” She brought her face closer to his, her mouth within half an inch of his, until he could taste her breath. She uttered his full first name so he would know she was serious. “And Reginald…,” her eyes searched his soul deeply until she had him completely in her mental grasp, “Don’t you ever address me, or even think of me, by a derogatory name or label again, because if you do, you will regret it, I promise you… friend.”


    All of a sudden, Reg’s throat was dry. He gulped and nodded in understanding. He was in a bathtub with a beautiful woman whose capabilities he knew nothing about – she was dangerous.


    “Good,” said Racquel. She pulled him to her, kissed him fiercely, feasting on him; she pulled his pants down to his knees and rode his cock in the bathtub, her wet ass making a slapping sound on his lap, squeezing him inside her, sliding up and down his meat pole. She rode him to an orgasm first, and a few minutes later, reached hers, slowing her pace, but keeping herself firmly impaled on his fuck tool.


    Digging her fingers into his chest and abs, she asked, “So… What is Tony really helping you with?”


    He told her. Racquel laughed. “You go, boy. Hahaha, wow, you’ve been busy. Two different pussies in less than twenty four hours. The freeuse bill has been good to you, sir.”


    “I make the most of every opportunity,” Reg said with a smug look.


    Tony poked his head in through the doorway and waved at them. “Oh damn, hot action going on here.” Reg and Racquel waved back at him. “I’m done uploading the adventures of Reg and Narci. I have a feeling this might be the most liked entry in the blog’s history yet.”


    Racquel shook her head. “Not if I have anything to say about it. Get the camera rolling, baby, and hand me the shower head.”


    Tony stroked himself, recording his wife washing her sexy body while impaled on his best friend’s cock. Neither she nor Reg seemed to care that Reg was now completely soaked in his clothes. Racquel seemed oblivious to the man under/inside her as she went about washing herself – except when she made him cum again inside her, riding him hard, right before dismounting and soaping up her vagina.


    Reg drove back to his home to get a proper shower, change into dry clothes, and eat breakfast before heading off to work. When he eventually got to his office, he went online via his phone to check out Cum Dump Wives. There were three new entries receiving a flurry of comments, likes, and shares. They were titled “White wife Elle cheats with bbc in the kitchen”, “Hot wife Narci makes Elle a cuckqueen,” and “Swinger wife Racquel showers and fucks another man’s dick.”


    *THE END*

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