[MFF] Some Wine, a Couch, a Fantasy. (Unfinished, Part 1)

You come home from a long walk to find me and a girl you haven’t seen before sitting on the couch. We’re chatting and laughing, both holding glasses of wine.
I look up and smile at you, “Hey! This is Trinity, she’s a hygenist at the dentist’s. This my husband.”

Trinity is just a little taller than me, with a long messy ponytail of dirty blonde hair. She’s got blue eyes, thick rimmed glasses and a smile that lights up her face.

“Hii! Surprise. Hope you don’t mind me invading your space. I kinda got locked out of my place. Long story, but my mom has a key and she’s going to help me out tomorrow. But I brought wine!”

“Yeah, I offered to let her sleep on our couch tonight if that’s alright.”

Not about to kick a tipsy temporarily homeless girl out of your house, you agree, “Yeah, that’s fine. No wine for me though.”

You shake off your coat and boots and have a seat at the desk, catching up on your phone game.

We spend some more time, chatting and drinking. You glance up at us now and then, and notice how we seem to be inching closer together as time goes on. Eventually we start to talk less and giggle more; she’s a snorter.

“Maybe you guys should cool it on the wine over there,” you tease.
“You’re just jealous,” I stick my tongue out at you.

“Nah, I’m good,” you say.

We calm down a bit and get quiet, our voices lower, our words slurring just slightly. She’s got her head on my shoulder and I’m drawing designs on her hand with my finger.

I see you peeking over at us and get up and make a beeline for you. “You know I can’t keep my hands to myself when I’m tipsy, and you’re ALL the way over heeere…” I sound only slightly apologetic.

“Hey, I don’t mind,” you say smiling, “you two do whatever you want to do.”

“Ppphhhtt, this guy thinks we’re gonna start kissing or something” I say.

“I did NOT say that. I didn’t say that.”

I go back to sit beside Trinity.
“But what if we did?” She asks, glancing from me to you. I look at you for your reaction.

You put your hands up in the air. ” You two do whatever you want,” you say again, still poorly concealing a smile.

“I think he’d like it. Hell, I think I’d like it,” Trinity winks. I can’t believe my luck, and I let her lean forward to put her lips to mine.

Between finally knowing that she also wanted what I’ve wanted all evening, and the wine in my system, I’m instantly upon her.
Hardly knowing how, I end up on her lap, a hand on her face, the other at her waist.

I glimpse her looking over at you, and I’m suddenly reminded we’re being watched. I turn to look at you too, a little embarassed, but very turned on.

You look back and forth between us both and see that we’re waiting on your word.


I snicker and reach for the hem of Trinity’s scrub shirt, biting my lip and meeting her eyes. She smirks back and helps me lift it over her head. Underneath she’s got a soft black cotton t-shirt which is soon gone too. A lacy purple bra is revealed, holding two beautifully round breasts. I sigh enviously.
“Your boooobs! They’re so nice.”
“Haha awe, well they get in the way sometimes.”
“THIS is the only thing in MY way…” I run a finger along the top edge of her bra.

She giggles, “Oh really? Well then, let’s get rid of that.” She quickly unhooks her bra and it joins the growing pile of her clothing on the floor.

“Mmm, fuck they’re nice” is all I can think so say, as I’m presented with her perfect pale tits. She raises her arms above her head in a dramatic pose. “Yeah? You like?” She looks to you, making sure you’re getting an eyeful as well.

Again, we both look over, gauging your reaction. “Are you jealous NOW?” I ask you, giving Trin’s boob a squeeze without breaking eye contact with you, giggling.
You shift a bit, your jeans feeling tighter all the time.
“Nope,” you say, trying not to betray just how into it you are.

Trin starts pulling my shirt up and over, I help her, eager to feel my skin against hers. She unhooks my bra and without hesitating, takes them both in her hands, giving them a little squeeze. “Aw, you have cute little tits.” She dives for a nipple, and teases it with her tongue. I let out a small moan before I can stop myself. She pulls back and looks at you again. “You did say we can do WHATEVER we want, right?”


“Well I want these pants off,” she says to me.

I get up and strip, she does the same.

“You know what else I want? I want that man over there to come join us.”

“Y’know, I want that too. Come plaay with us.”

That’s something you won’t have to be asked for twice. Two playful naked women calling you over is not something to be ignored.

You get up quickly, tripping sightly on the desk as you come. We snicker just a bit, noticing your haste. “So should I strip too or what?” you ask hopefully.

“Well it would be more fun if you did, don’t you think?” Trinity challenges.

“Well, yeah, I just didn’t want to… Make you uncomfortable or anything, I dunno.”

“Hah, you’re sweet. We invited you over here to play, not to watch, silly.”

You strip to your boxers, and I’m immediately up against you, arms around you, looking for kisses. You smile and kiss me and walk me backwards until I’m sitting on the couch, then you sit down beside me. Trin follows and sits on your other side.
She places a hand right at the bulge in your boxers, and looks up at you smiling sweetly. “I think he DOES like us kissing,” she says to me, while looking at you,” can I kiss him too?”
I feel a twinge of possesiveness but let it go. Of course she can kiss you. I’ve been kissing her in front of you, and things are about to go much further than kissing.

“Mhm! As long as you promise to kiss me more later too.”
I get up to pour myself another swig of wine, and Trinity moves to sit on your lap, and starts kissing you passionately, her hips grinding into you. I watch from the kitchen doorway as she takes your hands and places them on her soft round breasts. You massage them and hold them up, squishing them together gently. You pull back from kissing her to admire them briefly, before putting one in your mouth, licking her and sucking her pale pink nipple. She puts her head back and moans.

I quickly put my glass down and rejoin the fun, putting my mouth to Trin’s moaning lips. She comes off your lap to face me better, pulls my lip into her mouth and puts her arms around me. She pulls me down until we’re both on our knees, I distractedly reach an arm out and tug on your boxers.
You get the message and fling them aside.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/awigf1/mff_some_wine_a_couch_a_fantasy_unfinished_part_1

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