1st Story: A Wife Grants her Husband’s Birthday Wish (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of the story

So we had some time to kill after meeting with Shawn at the bar. A mall was close by and my wife thought we could go in and check out some things there before we met up with Greg.

So as we were walking to the mall, she told me she was really getting nervous and excited at the same time.

“I understand babe. You haven’t been with another guy in almost 10 years. So this is just natural.” I say to her.

“Maybe you’re right.” She says. “Like I kind of feel bad but I know this is what you asked for your birthday and you’ll be there every step of the way as well.”

“Exactly!” I tell her, “this is just something for you and I. I’ll be there in the room and everything.”

She pulls me to closer to her and kisses me as we walk into the department store. I love that she’s doing her best with all of this. I guess I hooked up with the right woman after all.

So in the mall we decide to hit up Victoria’s Secret. She said it’s been a while since I got her something nice from here and she was right.

“Might as well get you two outfits. One for just you and I and one for that night.” I said to her.

“You just want to see me try on a bunch of stuff but that’s fine, your paying mister.” She replies back.

So we pick out a few things. She usually fights me on everything I pick but today she went with it. I had her try on what seemed like 5 different outfits before she finally settled on 3. Two of which she really loved and another I really loved. So as we are walking up to the checkout counter, she says to me,

“You think I should send the guys the pics I just took in the changing room to get their attention?”

I look at her and she has this sly little smile on her face.

“God I love this woman!” I think to myself.
“Just send it to Greg and see what he says.” I tell her.

“Yeah no need to tease Shawn with this just yet.” She agrees with me.

So I pay for the outfits and we start to head towards the restaurant to meet up with Greg. While walking there, my wife shows me his response to the picture she sent him.

I didn’t know until then what the picture that she sent him looked like. She was wearing the 2nd of the two outfits she really liked. She was wearing this yellow matching set that showed off her curves wonderfully. I love seeing my wife in bright colored lingerie items. With her dark chocolate skin tone, anything that is bright on her just makes her look that much more sexy in my eyes.

In the picture she was turned around with her ass in all of its glory for Greg to admire. The lace panties were barely covering her ass but they got the point across to Greg.

She had texted him “Trying these on. What duk you think?” And his reply back was a lot of fire emojis and he texted her saying that she was smoking hot in those.

“How old is this guy again?” I ask her.

“He’s fairly young. 23 I believe. Shawn was 25. So I guess I’ll be the cougar with one of these two.” My wife joked. Both of us were in our 30s so it had been a while since we interacted with a person that young that we were trying to sleep with.

“Did you reply back to him?” I ask her.

“I said thanks. My husband just got it for me. See soon.”

“Mmm” I thought to myself. My wife is fully entertaining both of these boys while at the same time letting them know their place with her. This is going to be more fun then I thought.

So we finally get to the restaurant. And my wife spots Greg sitting at a table not far from the entrance. He is about my height. Same build as well and he wears glasses like I do. He doesn’t have much facial hair but he is handsome if I do say so myself. He sees her and waves us both over. I shake his hand and he hugs my wife and we all sit down. It was a booth we were sitting at and my wife once again surprised me. Instead of sitting next to me, she sits next to Greg.

So as we were all sitting at the table we start chitchat between all of us. We tell him a bit about us, how this is our first time doing this and stuff.

“So Greg, have you ever been with a black woman before?” I ask him. I think this question catches my wife off guard.

“I don’t think I’ve ever asked you that either.” My wife says to him. “Have you been with a black girl before?”

He looks kind of nervous at this moment because it takes him a while before he finally answers.

“No, not really.” He says. I had this girl I knew from college give me a handjob because she owed me some money but that’s it really.”

“That’s too bad, I would’ve blown you if I was that girl.” My wife says while calmly taking a sip of her drink.

This stunned Greg and myself to hear her say that.

“Oops sorry babe, did I say that out loud? This drink must have me a bit tipsy.” She says as she takes another sip of her drink.

My dick is hard hearing her talk like this. What was once a long off dream and fantasy, seems to be getting closer to happening with each moment.

“Well I wish I would’ve known you in college then!” Greg says and we all laugh.

“I actually have wanted to date a black girl to see what it was like since that moment. I just haven’t been lucky enough I guess.” Greg says to us.

“Well cheer up buddy,” I say “Your lucky moment may be coming up soon.”

“Are you ok with getting tested for my husband and I?” My wife says to him.

“Are you kidding me? I’ll go tomorrow if I have to. That picture you sent me has me going crazy!” Greg says.

“Oh I know.” My wife says.

“Well Greg it was nice to meet you.” I say to him. I drop a $50 on the table cover our tab and wait for my wife to get up and come with me.

“This was fun. I’ll text you later on tonight!” My wife says as she leans over and kisses him on the cheek.

She takes my hand and we leave. As we were walking back to our car, I ask my wife what she thought.

“I think it’s going to be Greg. Like I said before, I’ve had the most fun talking with him this week. Shawn was great but he wanted it a lil too much. Plus I can tell Greg will fuck my brains out for me better then Shawn will.”

“How do you know that?” I ask her, wondering how she could possibly know that.

“Because Greg’s dick was bigger that’s how.” She says. “Why do you think I was sitting next to him just now?”

“To tease me obviously.” Was my response.

“Yes that but to also see how hard I could get his dick. Shawn got hard but not nearly as hard as Greg got.” She says coolly as we walk up to our car.

I look at her as we finally get settled in and say, “Is that an old trick you used to do before we dated?”

“I only did it once or twice but I always got the results I was looking for once I got the right one.” My wife says.

“And what results were that?” I ask.

“A good fucking of course. I bet he is in the restaurant bathroom right now jacking off to that picture I sent him and what I was doing to him under the table. He’s our one.”

“Well good. Are you happy with your decision babe?” I ask as we start to head back home.

“Yeah I am. And once we get back home and you fuck me really good like we both like, I’ll send Greg a message telling him to get ready.” She says.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/auiszn/1st_story_a_wife_grants_her_husbands_birthday

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