injection fetish fantasy

He was so charming. That was your first impression of him. Even beyond his handsome features and his expensive suit, you were captivated by his charisma. His presence was intoxicating and you distinctly remembered thinking “maybe this is just what I need.” Oh there were warning signs to be sure, but you ascribed his thinly veiled innuendos to the sexual tension between you two, and you even found yourself wishing that he was hinting at a sexual kink that the two of you could explore together.

So you went home with him. To his place. And you were all over each other the moment the door closed behind you. His embrace was strong, his kiss was passionate, and you found yourself eagerly stripping off all your clothes and thrilled to be thrown face down onto his bed. A moan escaped you when you felt the power of his body on top of your own. His hands gripped yours, and pulled your arm away from your body. When he slid the cuff over your wrist, he was gentle, and you shuddered with anticipation. When you turned your head to meet his eye, his face seemed to be asking for permission, and your own expression, betraying your excitement, granted it.
Eventually you were naked, spread and cuffed to his bed at wrists and ankles. The vulnerability of having yourself so exposed to a complete stranger thrilled you beyond simple arousal. You remember thinking that he could do anything he wanted to you, and you were helpless to stop him. You were almost purring when you turned your head to see him walk back into the room, carrying a small metal case.
Your stomach froze. Your heart began pounding, not with excitement, but with fear, as he withdrew a small vial and a large medical syringe. Its body was clear glass with marked gradients. Its tip was long, cruel and polished steel. It glinted in the light as he turned it over in his hand and pressed the tip to the foil top of the vial.
It punched through easily and your terror grew. He pulled the plunger back slowly, drawing a thick clear liquid into the syringe. A voice inside you tried to break through your terror, to spur you into action, but you were frozen with fear. He withdrew the needle and flipped the syringe upright. Air bubbles frothed to the top as he tapped the glass. His fingernails made a soft clinking sound.
He depressed the plunger gently, squeezing out all the residual air, until the mysterious liquid inside spurted out into the air in a sudden and violent but restrained eruption. The voice in your mind finally broke through. You began screaming, wailing, begging, pleading, anything and everything you could do in your current situation to keep him from plunging that needle into your body.
He ignored you of course, unconcerned with the noise you were making, indifferent to your pleas for mercy or your attempts to negotiate “anything but that.” Instead, he steadily walked toward you, holding the syringe out, needle first, a stray drop of its mystery contents shining at its sharp tip.
You began to thrash. Straining against your bonds as if to break them free. Then squirming in your cuffs as though to slip free. Finally shifting in the bed as much as you could to put even a few more inches between you and the sharp steel tip.
He simply sat down at the edge of the bed and reached out to you. You remember feeling something cold and wet rubbing the meat of your bare and vulnerable ass. The antiseptic smell of the alcohol swab filled your nose, but your eyes were locked onto the steel, onto the glistening tip of the long needle.
There was no ceremony to it. No attempt to terrorize you further. The voice inside your mind screamed in futility as he calmly reached forward and sunk the long tip of the cruel steel needle into the flesh of your ass. It was a large needle and the pain of the prick was larger and deeper than you would have expected, made all the more painful by your terror. It felt like you had been stabbed by a knife. Wounded deeply, crippled. After what seemed like an age, but was most likely only a moment, he pressed down on the plunger, and the voice inside your mind wailed in anguish at the violation of your body.
Your terror was extreme, your body convulsing, stomach heaving, heart pounding, dripping in sweat, as the syringe’s contents penetrated further into your flesh. You felt lightheaded, nauseous. Would you faint? Vomit? The voice in your mind told you to protest, but it already seemed quieter, further away. As it receded, you began to feel a warmth spreading through your body, radiating outward from the injection site. A calm descended on you, a numbness. You did not even feel him remove the syringe. It was blissful you remember thinking. The voice in your head knew better of course, and it screamed out for you to fight, but it was so far away, so noisy.
You settled down in your newfound bliss. Your heart stopped pounding, your breathing calmed, your body stopped shaking. But of course, you remembered thinking, the last thought you remembered having in fact, it was not really your body anymore was it? It was his body. His to use, you thought, and then you drifted away.
When you came around, your body was yours again, and it was in agony. The first thing you felt was a soreness in your bones, and a burning in your veins, as though your very blood was on fire. You were no longer bound, but it hurt to move, so you stayed, and groaned. Groaning hurt, and it made your head pound. Your mind was crushed gravel. Every thought was a shard that seemed to pierce your brain and left you aching for the peace of oblivion.
You laid there, for who knows how long, trapped inside the hell of your own ruined body. When he returned, you did not notice or respond. Your body hurt to much to acknowledge him, but there was no fear. Nothing he could do could possibly hurt you any more than you already did. Then you noticed that he carried a small metal case. A familiar voice from the back of your mind piped up. The one that had begged you to fight, to resist the needle. It seemed like eons ago. The voice grew stronger, closer, louder. Only now it begged, the pain had broken it, broken you at your deepest primal level. The voice begged for the needle. And so did you.
He might have smiled when you let out the pathetic groan that was meant to be a plea for another injection. Either way, he opened the case and drew out the needle. Its glass body was clear and seductive. The sharp metal tip was phallic and enticing. You licked your dry lips, craving its penetration.
He punctured the foil tip of another vial and you almost moaned. He seemed to be moving so slowly, no doubt he was teasing you for being so difficult earlier. As he pulled back on the plunger, you watched the liquid ambrosia fill the sexy glass syringe. He pulled it free. Flipped it and tapped it. The clink of his fingernails was the most seductive sound that you could imagine. When he pressed out the air and sprayed a few drops into the air, the corrupted voice in your mind raged with jealousy.
He was talking now. Your mind ached to understand him, but you found yourself rolling over onto your back. Your bones creaked with the effort and your muscles burned. There was some brief respite when your head rested back on the mattress. You would have been happy to just lay there forever, except for a voice in your mind that demanded the needle. So you spread your legs wide as ordered. The hard use of your body had left you broken, but the voice would not be denied, so your spread your legs wide through gritted teeth as he walked toward you.
The smooth steel needle jutted forward salaciously. The wet drop at its tip making it glint seductively. You fought the pain in your body to crane your head upward and watch him sit down between your spread legs. He rested his hand on your inner thigh. His touch was warm and soft, but you had eyes only for the steel tip of the needle. He brought it closer and closer. Soon it would touch you. Soon it would penetrate you. Soon it would fill you with liquid bliss.
The voice inside your mind was helpless for it, begging incoherently, whining at the delay. Finally you felt the cold wet touch of the alcohol swab in the sensitive spot between your wet pussy and your sore ass. You drank deep of the alcohol fumes and shuddered with excitement as you felt the tip of the horny needle prick your skin and then plunge inside deep.
Relief washed over you. The pain was still there, but it would be gone soon. The needle would see to that. You felt it twitch inside you as he depressed the plunger and flooded you with the needle’s liquid seed. The warmth spread through you, driving away the pain. The voice inside your head moaned and screamed in ecstasy. Together you and that voice faded away, surrendering to the bliss and leaving behind only your broken body, wishing that you would never have to go back, and hoping that the needle would oblige.



  1. written for a friend… sorry about the formatting, but literotica was taking forever to approve it…

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