Quick Stop

He pulled at the white button up that clung to him with sweat as he put another magazine on the shelf. Squinting through the bright light he could see the brightness of summer was already in full bloom outside. He placed the last magazine on the shelf stood from the hunched position he was in and stretched his arms and back. Reaching back he grabbed the cart and pushed it down the the aisle.

When he rounded the aisle he found a old lady looking at one of the shelves.

“Mrs. Nakajima, what are you doing back here?”

“Ah Devin, I was looking for you when I got distracted by the way this shelf was organized.”

“Would you like me to reorganize the shelf?”

“Not today, it’s too hot in the store with the A/C being out. I want you to finish the restocking and take off. The A/C should be fixed tomorrow so when you come back from your weekend it should be much easier to work.”

“Are you sure? It’s not too bad.”

“Kid you are sweating through your shirt, go enjoy the sunshine somewhere that doesn’t feel like a sauna.”

“I appreciate it. I will finish this and water the plants outback and then head out.”

“Oh I nearly forgot about the plants, what would I do without you?” Devin pushed the cart down another aisle placing items on the shelves as he came to them.

He unbuttoned the white work shirt and shook it out, amazed at how sweaty it had gotten in a single short shift.

“I need to member to wash this before I come back. Unless I want to lose this job.” He put on the white t-shirt that he had brought with him and rolled up the sweaty work shirt before placing it in his small bag he carried with him. He opened up the “employees only” door and walked through the front of the store. “Goodbye Mrs. Nakajima, try to stay cool.” She gave him a smile and waved him off.

Reaching for the door handle he noticed a flashing white in front of the door, for a moment he thought it was just a light but luckily he reacted just in time to dodge the opening door. Stepping back out of the way of the door he reached out and gently grabbed the person coming through the door.

“Excuse me miss.” He let go of the person, the woman he realized, and stepped to the side and walked out the door. He had made it to the end of the parking lot before he realized he had been holding his breath. He looked down at his hands remembering the smoothness of her skin.

Quickly he shook the thoughts of her skin from his mind but as he did he began remembering what she had looked like. By the time he made it home he had almost memorized her to memory. The woman was absolutely beautiful, he remembered the way the white dress accented the woman’s straight light brown hair which seemed to enhance the faint darkening of her white skin. The term sun kissed came to mind but he found his face heat up as his mind went to her lips.

Devin grabbed the sweaty shirt from his bag and threw it over the couch as he walked through his front door and dropped the bag. He walked over to the kitchen and opened the freezer door before promptly shoving his head onto the bag of ice inside.

It was crazy to be thinking of a girl that he had just run into or any girl for that matter. It’s not like he had ever been in a serious relationship to begin with, it took more than looks to score a girl like that. Thanks to the money his parents sent him he was well off, but he remembered the friends he made when he had bragged about money and how they had all left him so quickly.

He knew he was at least average looks but that hadn’t helped him in the past and it wasn’t like his education was going to help either.

“I am just straight out of luck.” He pulled a few ice cubes from the freezer while he was there and placed them in a cup. After filling the cup with water he slid open the patio door and sipped the water on the balcony. Taking a glance at his watch he walked back inside and pulled the patio door close, thankful for the A/C in his apartment. What was the point in going outside when it was so nice inside?

Waking up he grabbed his watch from the bedside table and groggily looked at it before throwing himself from the bed.

“Fuck I am going to be late.” He grabbed an extra shirt from the closet and grabbed the jeans from the floor from the day before. Taking a hesitant sniff he decided they were fine and threw them on with the fresh shirt. Grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator and the bag he ran out the door.

It was hotter than he remembered it being yesterday and by the time he reached the tiny convenience store he was already drenched in sweat.

“I am so sorry I am late Mrs. Nakajima, I must have slept through my alarm.” He lowered his head to a bow and after a moment raised it slowly to look at the old lady staring at him.

“Devin it’s your day off, remember?” He took a hesitant look behind the counter to a calendar he knew was there and then to a man working on the A/C machine in the back of the store. “If your head wasn’t attached to your shoulders I swear you would have lost it long ago. You know if we could afford to pay you to work everyday we would but until then please stop showing up on your days off.

“Sorry mam, I am really bad with dates apparently.”

“Don’t I know it, now off you go, do you need some water before you go?”

“No, I have some in my bag. See you tomorrow.”

“See you in two days. You show up tomorrow I am putting you to work at my place in the gardens.” Devin chuckled and closed the door to the shop. He walked back through the parking lot while fetching the bottle from his bag and took a swig as he reached the sidewalk.

“Excuse me sir.” Devin turned around at the voice and stepped back promptly thinking he must have blocked the speakers way.

“I am sorry about that, I..” He paused as he looked at who spoken to him. Standing next to him in a white dress with a black ribbon tied around the waste was the women who had nearly run into him yesterday. He found himself staring and took another step back. “Umm.. I am sorry didn’t see anyone coming when I stopped..”

“That’s fine, I was actually looking for you.”

“You were looking for…me? Sorry do I know you?”

“No, at least not yet. I wanted to apologize for almost running into you yesterday. Among other things…” He heard her say something under her breath as she spoke.

“I am sorry, what?”

“I wanted to to apologize for almost running into you.” She smiled at him and he felt his breath catch in his throat.

“I..uh..appreciate that. Anytime. Hopefully you slow down a little in the future it would suck if you ran into somebody..with..umm. I would hate for you to get hurt.”

“That’s sweet of you. Do you mind walking down the street with me?” The woman gestured down the road and smiled at him again.

“Umm yeah. I would be happy to.” She walked forward and he followed at her side. They had only walked for a few moments before she spoke to him.

“So why don’t you tell me a little about yourself, are you from around here?” He took a moment as he tried to steady his heartbeat and catch his breath, what in the world was going on.

“I uh. Live in the area but I am actually from California. My parents do a lot of traveling but decided to settle here in Japan. Not that they are really ever in one place for long.”

“Interesting, nice meeting another foreigner. Same with me, Arizona to be more specific.”

“Crazy, what are the chances?” What are the chances of him having this long of a conversation with a girl, this girl. He tried to keep himself from freaking out but a combination of this girl, the heat, and the feeling that something strange was happening was making his hands shake.

“It really is a small world. What are you doing in Japan, still living with the folks?”

“Not really. I live in the unit next to theirs in a building up ahead, I make sure that everything is running smoothly while they are gone. I just finished up my degree so the next time they are in town they want to take me with them to join the family business.” As he finished he realized it was becoming easier to talk to her, if the topic was himself.

“That’s really cool. What is your degree in?”

“Business and Management.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“Yeah.. Yeah.. Not really it was actually really boring.” The woman laughed, Devin could feel his heart race at the sound of it, he couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect sound. “So umm. Why are you in Japan?”

“Just traveling around a bit. Going where the wind takes me.”

“Sounds nice.”

“It’s been great. Nothing better than going where you want, when you want.” They stopped at an intersection waited for the light to change with the women point to their right. “Do you mind if we sit down over there in the shade?” Devin looked to where she was pointing, it was a park that he recognized not far from his apartment.

When they reached the park to his surprise the woman pulled up her dress slightly as she sat in the grass.

“Are you sure you want to sit here, there is a bench a little further down the way?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I mean your dress is going to get dirty.”

“I can wash it. Are you going to sit next to me or are you just going to stand there?”

“Oh yeah of course.” He sat down next to her careful not to stare as he stood over getting the good look at the white bra underneath the dress and a glimpse of the breasts underneath.They sat in silence, as he looked over she was smiling as she looked out at the people walking through the park. Devin found himself smiling in her company in the, comparatively, much cooler shade. Could life really get any better than this?

“My name is Kelsey by the way.”


“I know.”

“Yeah? How’s that?” Devin leaned away slightly, was this the moment she was going to admit she was a secret agent sent to kill him?

“The woman at the shop you work at, she told me. I told her I wanted to thank you for being nice. She told me you worked there but had the next few days off. Luckily you always tend to show up on your days off so I got to meet you sooner.”

“Ah yeah, I guess it’s a bad habit of mine.”

“It’s not the worst thing. She really likes you though. It’s hard to find managers that care for their employees. How did you manage that?”

“Luck mostly, I walked into that convenience store when I first started school, the place was falling apart, almost literally.”

“Thats horrible, it looks pretty good now. I have been there a few times before I almost tackled you.” He got another view of that smile that seemed to be intoxicating him.

“Ah… well I asked if they needed help with the financials of the business. That woman is nice and she makes some good food but she is terrible with money. I helped with some organizing and arrangement of new product, just goes to show a little know how can get things done.”

“That’s amazing.” She leaned closer to him and Devin could see more of the cleavage he had gotten a view of before. She was close enough that he could smell her, something flowery mixed with something he couldn’t describe. He felt a tightening in his pants and shifted slightly, it was about time for him to get going. He felt a regret but knew things could get bad if he stayed with Kelsey much longer.

“Yeah it was pretty nice. Hey I am not sure where you’re going but I have some stuff that I have to get to today, before it gets too late.”

“Your not getting rid of me that easy Devin.”

“Excuse me.” He gulped, suddenly feeling a very different kind of nervous. She moved closer to him her face inches from his and leaned in more till he felt her breath on his ear.

“How about we go back to your place and play a little game?”

“I..um..don’t think that’s a very good idea. I mean I didn’t do anything. I mean your..I don’t.” She smiled at him, it was a very different smile than she had given to him before.

“I want to make something very clear Devin..” She reached her hand down and rubbed her hand against the growing mound in his pants. “This is something that I want, you don’t really have a choice.”

By the time Devin arrived with Kelsey at his apartment he was practically panting. He opened the door and escorted Kelsey, who had decided to hold on tightly to his arm the entire trip back, into the large living room of the apartment. She looked around and Devin was thankful for his tidy tendencies.

“Do you want some water?”

“Yes please.” Devin let Kelsey wander the apartment still in shock with how things had turned out. When he walked back into the living room he found Kelsey on the couch where he had left the work shirt from the other day. She pointed to it and he tried to shrug but managed to hand over one of the bottles of water.


“Don’t be, I thought you smelt good sitting next to you but that definitely confirms it.”

“Thanks then.” He managed to say hoping not to sound like a complete idiot.

“I guess this is as good as time as any.” She stood and walked away from Devin towards the bedroom.


“Aren’t you coming?”

“I am not really sure what..” Kelsey walked back toward him and grabbed his hand gently leading towards the bedroom. Devin wasn’t sure if he should resist but his willing feet followed.

“Now I am going to let you know how this is going to go. First we are going to have sex. Then I am going to tell you how you did. After that we will see what happens.” They had reached the bedroom and Kelsey turned back towards him. She tugged at his trousers. Devin froze and found himself unable to move.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want to?”

“It’s not exactly that..”

“You know..” She stopped and stepped away from him. “I said you didn’t have a choice, I didn’t 100% mean that. I can leave right now if that’s what you want.”

“That’s..” She stepped back towards him and looked at him in the eyes. Devin felt very much like he was being weighed and measured.

“First question. Do you want to sleep with me? Yes or No?”


“Yes or no?” There was a gentle forcefulness to her voice that Devin had never heard before.

“Yes.” He admitted feeling tension ease in shoulders as he said it.

“Good. Now let’s get everything out on the table then, whats holding you back.”

“Well I.. I don’t know you.. And..”

“That can happen later, depending on how this goes. Next?” Devin almost laughed at how simple she was making everything.

“I uh..”

“Oh my god, your a virgin aren’t you.” Devin felt his face turn red and nearly felt like running out of the apartment. “You know I am pretty good at judging these things but you are over 18 right?”

“Oh yeah. Of course I am 23.”

“You hesitated, do I need to check your ID?”

“No, yeah. I mean, yes I am virgin.”

“That’s fine. Nothing that I can’t fix.”

“What do you mean, wait not that. I mean what do you mean it fine?”

“I mean it’s not a problem, in cases like this I almost prefer it. Better I teach you how I want it than to have you try to jackhammer from stage one and run out of gas before I can count to ten.”

“I guess that’s a good way to put it.”

“I am not going to lie to you Devin I have some experience but if I ever let experiences get in the way of relationships on any front then I would be alone.”

“That’s a very interesting way to look at things. It’s kind of refreshing actually.”

“Thank you. Now what’s the next problem?”

“I don’t umm..”

“Don’t tell me you have a small penis? I mean I got a good feel of it earlier but pants can hide things. I am sorry though, a small penis can be a deal breaker.”

“Oh I am not really sure.. Never really compared to anyone.”

“Okay then.” Before Devin could blink Kelsey was on her knees pulling at his pants like an animal trying to get to something locked away. When she got the button and zipper out of the way he felt a moment of freedom as his growing cock leapt forth. As he looked down Kelsey had the look similar to that of one his professors trying answer a difficult question, except she was absolutely beautiful and centimeters from his cock.

“This should be fine.” She stood and walked away gently tugging on his cock before sitting back on the bed, winking at him before speaking. “Now I know what your going to say “fine” and the answer is yes, fine. You know how they say it’s not the size it’s the motion of the ocean?”

“Umm yeah.” Devin realized his pants were halfway down his legs. He let them fall but bulled up the boxers.

“Well that’s exactly right, I mean I can’t row a boat with a twig, and well rowing with a log would be just as useful. It’s mostly personal preference. Which leads me to ask, are you ready?” Devin nodded, not that he was entirely confident. “Good then. Come here.”

Kelsey started and pulled of his shirt, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Instinctively Devin leaned in and kissed her neck, his hands holding her back and the other holding her ass in his hands. Despite just getting started he could already feel himself breathing heavy. He heard a small moan escape her mouth which was so close to his ear that he swore he felt her breath.

Adjusting his hold on her back he moved his hand under the white dress and grabbed at the underwear beneath. She laid back and moved her feet out so that he could pull them off. As he pulled them away he caught a sweet scent that switched something in his brain. Cradling her in his arms he pulled them further up the bed, surprised at how light she felt and how easily he had shed the uneasiness. He lifted up the dress around her waist and pulled at the boxers. Surprisingly he found Kelsey’s hand there as well.

“Not yet, come here.” She had him lay on the bed and slowly she lowered herself onto his chest. She grabbed his hand and slowly lowered it past her waist. This time the moan was much louder and less controlled.

With his fingers he explored the area rubbing the moist exterior as she gently led him.

“Slowly” she said, and he listened making his movement more purposeful. Every time she spoke he felt his confidence grow. Then he put one finger into her and felt her shudder at his touch.

“Good, now what your going to want to do is..” He curled his fingers slightly and watched as she shuddered again. He continued keeping a rhythm while moving his hand where she directed. He felt the guiding hand leave and glanced at her, she was having trouble controlling the spasms in her body. A short while later she clasped her hands around his arm, digging nails into them, the combination of her harder breathing and the fresh pain in his arm however did nothing to stop him until he felt an almost violent spasm and the uncontrolled sounds of pleasure. He stopped for a moment to let her breath as he slowly exited her and heard her moan again as the last of his finger was outside of her.

“Lick it.” She rolled over and looked at his hand. Hesitantly he put the finger in his mouth and found the blood in his body boil as he licked every drip of her juices clean from his finger.

“That was amazing.” Devin had the sense she was exaggerating but felt sense of pride in himself none the less. “Now it’s time for the next step.” Raising herself onto her hands and knees she grabbed the boxers and slid them down. He kicked them off gently and took a look at the scene.

“What?” Kelsey lowered her backside and took a seat on the bed.

“Nothing.” Devin felt himself blush.

“Say it, or else.”

“Your beautiful, all right.” He wasn’t sure if he had really ever called someone that before but he felt that like with the rest of everything that they done that he should follow his instincts. For a moment she paused and Devin almost thought he saw a tear form in her pristine hazel eye. She smiled at him and then without warning he felt her mouth around his cock.

He tried to watch as it happened but he kept feeling like the pleasure overwhelmed his ability to keep himself upright enough to watch as she bobbed her head up and down. When he felt like he was about to explode she pulled away and winked at him.

“Wait, I..”

“Don’t worry, we aren’t done yet.” She moved herself forward and positioned her pussy just over his cock. As he watched he could see her dripping onto him. He felt the urge to thrust himself into her but remembered the comment she had made about a jack hammer. For what felt like forever he waited until she slowly lowered herself onto him. Now if her mouth was supposed to prepare her for what was happening now, it failed horribly. Her folds enveloped him and pure pleasure washed over him as she continued lowering herself, and then raised herself, only to lower herself again.

She put a hand on his chest to steady herself and slowly went up and down on him. Devin reveled in each moment, his cock as she traveled the length of him, the heat of her hand on his chest, the sounds of their breathing and moans.

Slowly he began adding his own thrusts to the rhythm she made and he watched as she pulled off the white dress over her head. He felt himself go deeper and deeper into her, listening to her sounds of pleasure. And then he felt the boiling pressure build up, he thrust faster and faster and then the he felt her raise herself off him and lower her mouth over his cock.

He breathed hard as she raised herself over him and he saw her body rise and fall with her own exhaustion.

“I think that..” Not entirely sure what he was doing he grabbed her and twisted to put himself on top of her. “What are you?”

“Hush” he said lowering himself down lower and lower. He kissed a trail from her lower stomach all the way down to her thigh, hovering briefly over her mound, and then moving on to her inner thigh. Then back to the mound, he hovered a moment longer than he previously had taking the scent of her in before moving on to the left thigh. Following the guiding sense of Kelsey’s bodily response he continued, not that she said anything through the deep breathing he heard. His mouth hovered over her glistening pussy and slowly he began rubbing where he had showed him was one of her weakest places with his finger. Her body immediately responded with small shaking that he felt reverberate through her and into him.

Then still rubbing her sensitive area he began licking around, the glistening moisture that he had started to crave from when he had first tasted her. When the outside was cleaned of what he desired he went deeper and deeper. Her thighs held him tight and he didn’t mind in the slightest. He devoured her more and more desperately as she tightened more around him.

She exploded, juices came forth and he drank them, savored them. When he felt like he had almost finished he found himself lifted up and thrown to the floor. Before he could react she was on him her tongue entered his mouth and her lips pressed to his so strongly it almost hurt. He pulled her closer until he couldn’t find where she began and he ended. Then he felt her push herself up on his chest and looked into his eyes.

“You are mine.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/asvzv0/quick_stop