The Massage pt1 [WIP][MF][mast]

The Massage

“Just relax. It’s just a massage” you tell yourself as you lie on the table.
As you wait for him to return, you reflect on the series of events which led you to be on a massage table, completely naked save for a light sheet covering you.

It all started a week ago when your girlfriend gave you a coupon for a free massage…..

You were at one of your favorite haunts, having a few drinks, taking in some of the talent and generally just having a good time.

“Hey!, I got you something” she says as she slides a plain white envelope across the table
“What’s this?” you say.
“It’s just a little something for you. You work so hard and have been stressed out lately so I thought you could use a little ‘me time'”
“‘Me time’?”
“Yeah, just open it”

Inside the envelope you find a small certificate for a free massage. The envelope smells faintly of pinewood and rain, which you find odd yet strangely appealing.

“A massage?”
“Yeah, he’s a good friend, fully licensed, and very good at what he does”
“Why’d you say that all weird”
“What do you mean, I didn’t say anything weird. Just go and see him, I already told him about you”
“You had better not be trying to set me up”
“It’s nothing like that. I have been seeing him for a while and his hands are magic”
“You’re being weird again”
“No I am not, don’t overthink it. He is expecting your call”

At the time, you simply stuffed the envelope into your purse and had completely forgotten about it until you found it a few days later.

It still smelled faintly of the mountains which caused your heart to flutter slightly…

You examine the card closer, it is brown heavyweight paper, similar to a business card, but there is something about the way it feels in your hand.
Its rough, but also soft. On the front of it is what looks like Indian designs and scroll work.

It reads:
Daka Liam

And a phone number

On the reverse are some depictions of traditional chakra diagrams as well as sacred geometry.

The card itself seems to have a presence which you can’t quite place, but for whatever reason, it causes you to flush.

You are slightly nervous as you pick up the phone to schedule an appointment.
You dial the number and as it rings, you secretly hope that he doesn’t answer.

The phone picks up.

“Hello” The voice on the other end is deep and confident. You start to imagine what he might look like, he sounds tall, with broad shoulders and muscular arms..
“Hello?” You snap back to reality and remember where you are.
“Uh, Hi, is this Liam?”
“Yes, you must be Erica’s friend?”
“Yeah, she gave me a card”
“I was wondering when you would call”
You make an appointment for Friday evening at 6, get all of the details about where his studio is and hang up the phone.

The week crawls by and for some reason you are completely distracted all week.
You chide yourself for behaving like a school girl but you can’t shake the feeling that there is something more here than Erica let on.

Friday rolls around and the day seems to drag, you finally give up at 4:30 and leave to go home and shower.

You make the drive over to the studio which is attached to a house that seems to blend into the landscape. The entire property is landscaped into a natural woodland that feels less manicured than wild.
You park in the gravel area, next to a stone path that winds its way in between the house and studio.
The smell reminds you of the card and you can hear a stream flowing nearby.

You round the corner on the path and see him standing there, short brown hair, broad shoulders, not overly muscular but flabby. You kind of chuckle to yourself as the words “dad bod” enter your head.
As you approach his warm smile catches your attention and then you glance upwards and meet his gaze.
His green eyes pierce your soul sending an electric shock through your body

“whoa” you think to yourself as your pulse quickens. All at once you are nervous again.

He greets you with a warm embrace, his arms enveloping your body as you press into his warm broad chest. He is firm yet comfortable and smells of sandalwood and citrus with a hint of pine.
His scent fills your nostrils and sends tingles across your body and down to your toes. You feel yourself becoming aroused, an unmistakable wetness spreading within.

You reluctantly part from his embrace, his scent lingering in your nose.

“Welcome” he says, “Did you have any trouble finding your way here?”
“Google maps” you reply with a smile
“Ahh, yes. Technology is wonderful. I will have to ask that you turn your phone off before entering the studio. I prefer for there to be no distractions during our session”
“Please come inside and place your phone in the drawer of the table”

You enter his studio which is dimly lit with a salt lamp and several strings of small white lights behind curtains. A small fountain bubbles in the corner, the room is adorned with Hindu and Asian art and sculptures.
A massage table stands in the center of the room with a small table and padded bench off to the side. The north wall opens into an enclosed atrium garden with a large Buddha statue in the center. You can smell the blooming jasmine and the light scent of nag champa lingering in the air. Some soft music is playing, ethereal, soothing. It’s not overly warm nor is it too cool.

You turn your phone off and place it in the drawer in the table where Liam indicated.

“I am going to leave the room for you to disrobe, please do so completely” you feel your face flush.
“You may place your clothes on the bench and then climb onto the table face down with the sheet over you”

He leaves the room and you begin to undress. As you slide your clothes off, you become acutely aware of how sensitive your skin has become.
You slowly slide your pants off and then your shirt. Your bra next, exposing your breasts which as the fabric slips away sends tingles throughout.
As you slide your panties off, your arousal is unmistakable.

Suddenly very self conscious, you hide your damp panties under your pants and dart under the sheet on the table, heart pounding.

“Relax, it’s just a massage” your inner dialog continues

You take some deep breaths, trying to focus on the sound of the fountain, you can hear some birds chirping outside and you try to relax.

After what seems like an eternity, there is a soft knock on the door which gives you a jolt.

“Are you settled in?”
“Yes” you mumble into the headrest of the massage table.

As he approaches you, the light smell sandalwood and citrus becomes apparent.

“Have you ever had a massage before?”
“No, this is my first time”
“Well then, I will have to take extra care. Please don’t hesitate to give me feedback, if there is something that I am doing that you don’t care for, please tell me. Likewise if there is something you are enjoying, let me know.”
“Are there any areas which you would like me to pay special attention to?”
“How about my vagina” you think to yourself before responding with something a little more appropriate
“My shoulders, back, and hips have been a little more sore than usual this week, I sit at a desk all day for work and this week has been a little more stressful than usual.”
“Sounds good”

Liam slowly rolls the sheet down from your shoulders exposing your back. The sensation of the fabric sliding down yours bare skin sends little jolts of electricity throughout your body.

You feel warm oil being poured over your shoulder blades as one of Liams large hands gently makes contact with your left shoulder blade, you are positive that there were sparks when he made contact.
You instinctively flinch a little.

“Everything alright?” he asks
“Yeah, just nervous”
“Well lets see if we can’t loosen you up”

At that point he places both of his hands on your shoulder blades, his large hands stretch from one side to the other and his thumbs meet in the middle of your back.
He moves slowly with determination and confidence slowly, gently moving the oil around your back. His hands slide downward to the small of your back, his strong fingers wrapping around your sides to rest on your hips.
Slowly both hands move back up towards your shoulders, adding a litte gentle pressure as his thumbs slide up your spine.

Unconsciously you let out a soft moan….and immediately become very self conscious.

Liam bends down and whispers just inches from your left ear
“Don’t worry about that, its the best kind of feedback and tells me that I am reading your body right.”

His hot breath on your neck raises goosebumps and sends an electric jolt down your spine right across your perineum and into your moistening sex.

As he reaches the top of your back, his fingers wrap over the top of your shoulders while his thumbs continue up your spine, to your neck, to rest at the base of your skull.
He begins to roll his fingers in a movement which starts at your neck where it meets your head and his fingers continue downward while his thumbs move up your neck.
This has the effect of making your body go almost completely limp as you lose yourself in the sensations he is creating.

Waves of pleasure wash over your body as his hands move back down your back. As his hands slide down further past the small of your back to rest on your ass pushing the sheet down exposing it.

At some level you are concerned about being so exposed, but as his hands dig into the sides of your cheeks, you no longer care as you lose yourself in the sensations he is creating in your body

He works his way back up to your shoulders again but this time his hands wrap over the top of your shoulder while the other wraps into your armpit brushing the outside of your breast as he massages your upper arm.
His hands wrap completely around you arm as he slides down past your elbow and over your forearm, and down to your hands.

As he works on your hands your mind begins to wander, as he switches sides his fingers run up your arm and down the right side of your back then down your hips, and then following the crease of your ass across brushing his fingers down the inside of your thighs slightly and then back up the left side of your back to massage your left arm.

As he alternates from right to left, you start to anticipate his fingers across your ass and begin to lift your ass slightly each time causing tingling jolts of electricity to shoot up your inner thighs, into your labia and clit. You’re breathing has become a little more ragged, and moans of pleasure are regularly slipping out as you fall deeper into a state of relaxed ecstasy.

By this point the sheet, and with it any bit of modesty, have slid to the floor leaving you completely exposed.

As he begins to slide down you back again you prepare yourself, however instead of caressing your ass from one side to the other, he continues down your leg to your foot.
He takes your foot into his hands and begins to work his thumbs into the sole of your foot sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.

He switches to your other foot repeating the same strokes, then he moves to your calves, strong thumbs working up the muscles while his fingers wrap around the front.
As his hands move up your leg, one on the outside, the other slowly sliding up your inner thigh sending tingling sensations out from his fingers.

He gently moves your leg to the outside a little exposing your pussy which by now is glistening with arousal. His hand slides further up causing the breath to catch in your throat as his index finger slides between your labia and your leg tracing the fold all the way back to your perineum sending shivers throughout your body causing you to squirm.

“Would you like me to continue?” He asks

Breathlessly you reply “Yes”, the desire in your voice leaving nothing to question.

He runs his fingers across your lips parting them slightly and slickening them with your juices which are flowing freely.
He traces the outlines of your labia with a well lubed finger up and down but never penetrating past the soft folds, lingering on your clit which is swollen and sensitive.

Then he grabs a hold of your lip between his thumb and forefinger and begins to massage your outer labia sliding up and down, eventually getting both hands in place to massage your lips but never penetrating.
The sensations are like nothing you have ever felt before, and you as practically climaxing by the time he grabs your labia in one hand, gently squeezing them together while rubbing his finger up and down from clit to base.
He lingers on your clit slowly swirling his finger around with the barest of touch sending waves of pleasure washing over your body.

At this point you are moaning uncontrollably and moving your hips in response to his touch practically begging for release.

By the time his thumb slides into your aching vagina, and begins to massage your g-spot slowly while he caresses your clit with his other hand, you are losing control.

Slowly methodically he he moves his thumb in a circular motion against the backside of your pubic bone, while his index finger slides gently back and forth across your engorged clit.

It doesn’t take long before you feel the orgasm building in the pit of your stomach your breathing faster as the first climax washes over your body, but he doesn’t stop.
He never speeds up, never slows down, just keeps going as orgasm after orgasm washes over you your juices flowing like you have never experienced before.

Just as you reach the point where you cannot take anymore, he begins to slow down and slowly withdraws his thumb as you shudder uncontrollably.

He picks up the sheet and slowly, gently drapes it over your still shuddering body and gently caresses your body over the sheet.

You swallow hard having never experienced anything like that in your life and lay there floating in complete relaxation.


1 comment

  1. The maître d’ stops by to say hello to McDermott, then notices we don’t have our complimentary Bellinis, and runs off before any of us can stop him. I’m not sure how McDermott knows Alain so well—maybe Cecelia?—and it slightly pisses me off but I decide to even up the score a little bit by showing everyone my new business card. I pull it out of my gazelleskin wallet (Barney’s, $850) and slap it on the table, waiting for reactions.


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