The Book From the Library: My Initiation as a Succubus [fantasy] [buk] [dub-con] [Str8] [f4MMM]


My name is Charlotte. I was 15 years old when it happened. I hadn’t even kissed a boy yet; I was raised in a very strict and religious household. I have mixed feelings about what happened that night in my bedroom. Well, it actually happened in a different world … I guess a better word might be dimension … well … let me just start at the beginning.


A week before I turned 15, I had a strange dream. It felt very real. In it, a naked and beautiful woman approached me. She kissed me on the forehead and held me in her arms. “I feel how lonely you are, Charlotte. I know you’ve never had sexual relations with anyone before. I can tell you’re embarrassed by your body, even though you’re actually quite beautiful. And I know that you’re ashamed of the thoughts you have, but can’t get rid of.”

I don’t know why, but I started crying. “There, there. It’s okay. I was like you, once upon a time. Here, look in the mirror.” She let go of me and I realized then that I was naked. She walked me over to the mirror and I saw my naked body next to her younger body, from when she was my age. She kind of looked like me when she was my age. But she was so beautiful now. “See, I was just like you once. Actually, I think you look a little better than I used to.” We both had brown hair and green eyes; pale white skin; flat chests; somewhere between 5’2 and 5’4; and both of us about 100 pounds.

“I know how to set you free, Charlotte. Do you want to be set free?” I looked up at her with wide eyes and said “Yes.” It wasn’t something I thought about. I just felt it. “If you want to be set free, then go to your library. All books in a library have a Dewey decimal code. There is one book that doesn’t have a code. That book is right next to an autobiography of President Nixon. I don’t know why it’s there, it just is. Someone else set this up before me and I don’t really care to change it. Anyways, that book doesn’t have any words on its pages. It is completely blank. Check it out from the front desk at 5:00 PM. On the eve of your 15th birthday … wait you know what an eve is right?” “Yes, it’s the night before something.” “Good girl. Most kids these days … anyways, on the eve of your birthday, leave it open, on any page, on your nightstand. Then you will be set free.” And then I woke up.


Sure enough, right next to Richard Nixon there was a book without a code and without any pages in it. I took it to the front desk at 5:00 PM and the librarian … looked familiar. She had glasses and … she almost looked like the lady from my dream, but I couldn’t tell with her clothes on. She smiled when she saw me, stamped the book, and told me to have a nice day. I couldn’t tell for sure if it was her or not …

On the eve of my birthday, I opened the blank book and set it on my nightstand. I remember lying down thinking it was all bullshit … and then I woke up, back in the dream world where I met the naked woman. The naked woman greeted me again in this dream world … but this time she was still wearing her clothes … the exact same clothes as the lady from the library! They were the same person!

“You’re surprised that I’m the lady from the library, huh? Well, I’m not just the lady from the library.” Immediately her clothes faded away from her body until she was naked.

“I’m what they call a succubus. By becoming a succubus, I was set free. And tonight, you’re going to be set free as well, here in this realm. Do you still want to be set free? You have one last chance to say no.” “I want to be set free,” I said. “Okay, we have this verification thing to make sure you’re in the right state of mind when you’re making this decision, so if you could just fill out this form … it’s got some really basic questions about like, geometry and stuff … there you go … good … good … oh you know the law of sines at such a young age, impressive … ok we’re all good. One more time: You’re sure you want to be free?” “Yes.” And with a snap of her finger I lost control of my body and I fell into her arms.

“We used to just try and hold girls down, but that was kind of hard, so we just invented a magic spell to keep you still.” I wasn’t able to move my body, but I was aware of everything around me, and I could feel everything, too. She brought me to a bathtub, which she laid me in. “Ok, just try not to freak out too much. Here, I’ll put a pillow her for neck to make it a bit more comfy.” She walked away. But then I heard footsteps. A lot of footsteps. I couldn’t move my head. I couldn’t even scream. I could only open and close my eyes and look around. Soon enough there they were. So many men. So many penises. They walked up to me and they were touching themselves. I had never even kissed a boy before, and here were these men, stroking their penises over my 15 year old body. If I could have screamed I would have. I tried so hard to scream but nothing came out.

Then I felt something. Something wet. More and more, I felt this wet stuff falling onto me. Then the librarian came back to me and leaned over my head and looked down at me. “That wet stuff you’re feeling? I wasn’t sure at first either. It’s not a leak in the roof. It’s their semen. Full of sperm. They’re ejaculating all over your body. I know, I know, you’re scared. But you’ll thank me once this is all over.” Then she left. More and more men came up to the bathtub which I was in and ejaculated onto my body. I cried and screamed in silence as the horde of men took turns covering my body in cum. Every square inch of the front of my body was covered in cum. But that wasn’t enough.

More and more men just kept arriving and cumming into the tub; the semen was slowly filling up the tub. Hours went by and eventually the semen was up to my neck. “Ok, that’s enough. Charlotte, to be set free, to become a succubus, you need to be baptized. I’m going to have to dunk you.” Before I could even register a thought, she pushed me down, completely into the semen that filled my mouth and nose as I tried to breath.

She then pulled me back up. She didn’t seem to mind getting cum on herself. “Congratulations! You’re a succubus now! Come visit me in the library sometime.” She snapped her fingers and I woke up in my room. But now I had a new problem.


I was on my bed, covered in cum from my semen bath. “Oh no … oh no … what have I done? What have I done?” I ran to the bathroom, dripping cum as I walked quickly past my brother’s room and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and I saw the cum all over my body. It was in my hair, all over my face … trembling, I ran my fingers through my soaked hair, and then raised my hand in front of my face and spread my fingers and watched as the cum dripped and oozed from my tiny fingers. And I then … I licked it from my fingers … and I liked it. I smiled at the girl in the mirror, and she smiled back.


I actually wrote this story a long time ago under a different account and then deleted it.

If you like my story and would like to chat with me about it, or maybe role-play something similar, let me know. I have all kinds of kinks.

I also appreciate constructive criticism. I wrote this in one sitting without really rereading, so there’s probably some errors or things I could have tightened up.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading! I tried to mix in some humor from the librarian/succubus, hopefully that was fun.
