[Mf] [hypnosis] [ageplay]

Part one of a possibly ongoing story about a school guidance counselor who uses his hypnotherapy skills on troubled girls.

The Guidance Counselor:

Five minutes before my appointment with Meghan was scheduled to begin I heard a faint knock on the door.

“Come on in, it’s open.” I tried to sound friendly and as non-intimidating as possible.

The knob began to turn and slowly the door crept open, revealing a beautiful 8th grader so nervous she was almost trembling. Shifting her weight from one tiny leg to the other she waited, unsure what to do next. I admired the little girl, savoring her insecurity and clearly visible anxiety.

“Meghan, right?” I flashed a warm smile that seemed to reassure her.
“Yeah, I … um … Mr. Roberts?” She spoke softly, barely above a whisper.
“Call me Steve!” My voice was upbeat but gentle, I needed to be as disarming as possible.

“oh, um .. okay Steve” She smiled and even giggled a bit, she was becoming more and more comfortable with me, a good start.

Getting up from my desk I walked up and placed my hand on her tiny back softly guiding her toward the couch “Let’s sit and chat a bit. Tell me, what class did I get you out of today”

“Math.” Her face brightened up a bit, realizing that this would probably be an improvement over her boring math lesson.

“Math? You lucky girl!” She giggled shyly as I walked back to the door, placed a ‘Session in process, do not disturb’ sign outside my office and discretely clicked the lock on the knob before shutting the door and taking a seat on the leather chair next to Meghan.

Her teachers had expressed concern over her sullen demeaner in class and anti-social behavior with her classmates. This was a far cry from the cheerful and sociable girl that her fourth and fifth grade teachers described in their student evaluations. Something had changed, and suddenly at that.

I asked her the standard questions about school, her classmates, and her extracurricular activities. She answered me with canned responses, everything was “fine” or “Okay I guess.” When I got to her family life I sensed her demeaner sour, despite her attempts to hide it. She was an only child and lived with her mother and ‘Mike,’ her mother’s new husband. Not referring to him as her stepdad and the way her intonation changed when she said his name made me think we had located the cause of her anxiety.

“I’ve got an idea!” Meghan looked up at me, she seemed grateful for the interruption. “I wanna play something called the relaxation game.”

“Um…okay…how do you play?” She was skeptical, but I could tell she was also intrigued.

“Just listen carefully to my voice and try to follow my instructions. Okay?”

She nodded her head, looking up at me with her big brown eyes. I began to take her through a series of relaxation exercises, lulling her closer and closer to a state of hypnosis. Eventually she was teetering on the edge of consciousness and I made my move, bringing her deeper and deeper until she was completely under. I gave her a key phrase “Megan sleep” that would return her to this hypnotic state whenever she heard me, and me alone, say it.

I told her that I was her friend and that she could trust me completely. I told her that when I asked her about something, she would want to answer me as honestly and completely as possible. She would have a desire to get everything she was holding within off her chest and would feel relief when she shared her secrets with me because I was the only one she could trust. I spent a few extra minutes reinforcing these commands before waking her.

“When I get to one, you will wake up feeling refreshed. Three … Two … One.”

Her eyes opened, and her face immediately brightened.

“I want to ask you a few questions about your Mom’s new husband, okay Meghan?”

“Sure.” She looked far more confident than before.

“Why don’t you tell me about him.”

Her nose scrunched up a bit as she started telling me about this new man in her life. “His name is Mike, my mom married him last year. I wish he would go away, he’s awful!”

“What makes him so awful Meghan?”

“Ugh … Everything! He’s so mean to me and he tells mom what to do like he’s her boss and he’s so gross the way he looks at me, it’s so creepy.” She broke eye contact and looked at the floor before continuing “And he punishes me a lot.” Her cheeks started to glow, she was clearly embarrassed.

“Tell me about how he punishes you.”

“It started a few months after we moved into his house, he came home after drinking and was yelling at my mom, so I told him to stop.”

Her cheeks reddened “He started yelling at me, calling me a brat and a spoiled little tart. Then he said he would straighten me out and he grabbed my arm and dragged me to a chair and he pulled me over his lap and started spanking me! I screamed and cursed at him and told him I was too old to be spanked but he just hit me harder and it hurt so bad I started crying and begging mom to make him stop but she said I shouldn’t have mouthed off at him and I need to learn respect and that it was his house and his rules! I couldn’t believe she would say that!”

Meghan’s eyes started to well up and a tear rolled down her cheek. She went on “Then almost every night when he came home he would take me to his study and make up something to punish me for. One night he flipped my skirt up and before I could stop him he pulled my panties down and started spanking me on my naked butt.”

She was fully crying now.

“I tried to get away from him, but he caught me and pushed me against the wall and ripped all of my clothes off and spanked me naked. I told my mom what he did, but she said to behave better because Mike was a great man and was taking care of me and paying for my clothes and school. Now he always makes me get naked before he spanks me and he touches me and it’s so gross, he’s so awful!”

I got up and sat next to the sobbing girl and put my arm around her, she nuzzled her face into my chest and I just let her cry. Eventually she calmed down and looked up at me not sure how to feel.

“Megan sleep.”

She went under immediately.

I told her that when she woke up she would continue to tell me about her stepfather but when she thought about the way he abused and punished her she would become aroused. The more she thought about how he looked at her and touched her the more she would be turned on, the more humiliating the memory the hornier it would make her. I told her that when she realized how turned on this was making her she would feel incredibly embarrassed. If I found out that this turned her on then I would know her stepfather was right and that she was a little tart.

I reinforced the strong feelings of arousal and embarrassment she would feel and decided to add one more instruction.

“As you tell me your story you will start removing your uniform until you are in just your panties, this will seem totally normal and natural to you, you will feel more comfortable in just your panties. Do you understand Meghan?”

“Yes, I understand.”

I could hardly contain myself as I looked at the little girl before me, dressed in her school uniform she was the embodiment of innocence. I enjoyed the view for a moment before waking her.

“Three … Two … One!” Just like that she was awake, and she got right back to sharing the story of her abuse.

“Oh, and it isn’t just the spankings!” She started to unbutton her shirt as she spoke.

“He took the locks off my bedroom and bathroom doors. ‘If you act like a little girl you’re treated like a little girl and little girls don’t get privacy’ he told me. Yeah right! He just wants to barge in on me in the shower!”

She unclasped her skirt as she ranted about her pervert step-father, nonchalantly disrobing in front of a man she just met like it was the most natural thing in the world. Finally, the skirt fell from her tiny waist, leaving just a training bra and an adorable pair of sky blue panties covering her 8th grade pussy.

Fumbling with her plain white bra, clearly a new addition to her wardrobe, she went on. “Whenever I’m in the bathroom he comes in, no knocks or anything! He’ll even stand there and watch me pee, once he came in … this was so embarrassing … he came in while I was pooping!” Her face darkened immediately, awash in humiliation from reliving the event.

“He laughed at me whenever … er … sounds came out and after I wiped he made me bend over in front of him to make sure I did a good enough job. He even made me spread my butt cheeks!” A tear rolled down her face, now scarlet with shame, but that wasn’t her body’s only reaction. Her tiny nipples began to harden, a confusing blend of arousal and humiliation overwhelmed the young girl.

To be continued, if there’s interest!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/aq1sp3/mf_hypnosis_ageplay

1 comment

  1. Okay, this is fucking disgusting. What the hell?! Turning fucking **child rape** into a twisted fantasy involving a little girl being taken advantage of by a guidance counselor. No. Get that fucking disgusting shit out of here.

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