The Captain Dares [mf] [nerdlove]

The Captain Dares

"That should do it!" I snug the cans of Mountain Dew into the fridge for next week and stuff my character sheet and dice into my backpack. I look up when there is no answer. "Mac?" I call, puzzled. Still no answer. I sigh. He usually stalls taking me home, but that's what you have to deal with when someone else is giving you a ride.

"Mac, I've got work in the morning," I walk through the living room, the TV dark and the only light coming from the router in the corner.

I continue on to check the only bathroom, which is reached through Mac's batchelor lair. I let out a stifled scream and drop my bag as a figure comes out of the darkness and pins me against the wall, strong hands at my wrists, holding them high over my head against the paneling.

"Mac, what the hell?" I demand, hot anger rising up…only barely covering the fear.

His hot breath tickles my ear, stirring my hair. "I have you now, Princess Estry," he growls, sending goosebumps down my arms. My breath catches and I shiver.

"M-mac?" My voice trembles and my knees buckle. He easily holds me up, pressing his body against mine, trapping me between him and the wood.

"I know no Mac, lady-fine, I am Captain Florio Metkari. I've been sent to take you back to your brother and the political union that you flee." His lips press to the skin of my neck and my breath quickens at the touch.

Mac is attractive, but he's never even asked me to a movie or anything. Well, a movie-viewing, sure, but that's the same as he does for any of his D&D group. I mean, he always has Kevin and Jeff over to watch stuff, too, sometimes all three of us, like when we watched the Avengers (again) last Saturday and ate pizza.

I feel dizzy. He presses the advantage, dropping one of my wrists to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him. I shiver again as I feel his very obvious erection even through his jeans. I guess…I mean, obviously he is interested in me after all.

Mac leans lower still, running his tongue down my neck to nip gently at my shoulder. "There's no escape, your highness," He whispers, "Except…perhaps…" He returns to nibbling on my skin.

I don't recognize my own voice as I huskily ask, "W-what do you mean?"

He makes a pleased growl that makes me clutch his shoulders as he drops my other hand to freedom and grips both my hips firmly and pushes against me. His…cock…is hard and insistent against my tummy.

"Ah, very reasonable, Princess. I never thought that one of the blood Lairen would be open to negotiation." He moves one hand to my chin and holds my head tipped as he takes my lips for the first time.

My eyes drift closed and he groans. He moves his hand to the nape of my neck, wrapping my braid around his palm like a rope.

"The Prince has promised the Sultan a virgin to cement the bargain he has created," he whispers unsteadily against my mouth. "If that were no longer the case, you'd be useless to him."

I can see him a bit now in the dim light from the Iron Man nightlight in the bathroom as my eyes adjust. He's looking at me with eyes full of longing. He waits for me to say something.

I swallow. My hands slide from his shoulders to his upper arms as he stands as still as stone and waits for me. A steadily advancing embarrassment begins to creep across his face. I clear my throat.

"C-captain, you know my brother means to sell me into slavery to that vile beast," I say, watching his lips twitch into a smile as he gently brushes the hand on my hip up my side. "I would do anything to escape the both of them."

Mac grins and leans in to kiss me again. This time, I can't stop myself from making little sounds into his mouth as he teases my lips with his tongue, but he doesn't seem to mind. I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on tiptoes to kiss him harder.

"Ah, an eager minx for a royal," he says approvingly, turning me and backing me to the bed. It's a plush, low futon. I bump the platform mid-calf and fall backwards with him following me quickly down. I whimper again as he slides himself on top of me, a sound quickly muffled as he covers my mouth with his once again.

I arch under him, unable to deny him the press of my body. Mac is an unexpectedly good kisser. His hot, wet mouth makes my toes curl and my stomach turn to liquid. I barely have time to register his lips at my ear again before he begins to nibble and suck on my earlobe and move down to my neck, causing me to break out in goosebumps and shiver.

“What, no words?” He asks, his growly captain-voice quiet against the pulse in my throat. His tongue darts out to trail down and along my collarbone. “And I had heard that the Princess had a biting wit and a ready mouth.” His suggestive tone makes me swallow hard.

“M-my dear Captain,” I manage to reply, sounding only somewhat breathless, “I’ve just been called an eager minx by a lowborn villain who is intent on soiling my honor. What would you have me say? My lessons in protocol did not school me for a situation such as this.”

“A lowborn villain, am I?” he growls against my skin. I shiver again and find my thighs parting so that his jean-clad leg slips easily between mine. I try to bite back the moan as I rub myself shamelessly against the pressure, but fail miserably. I peek at his face, embarrassed, but it shows only excitement, lust and a little bit of little-boy glee. I can’t help but smile back.

“C-captain,” I say, wetting my kiss-swollen lips, “I meant no disrespect. This is how my brother would call you, not me.”

My breasts are painfully achy, making me aware of each layer of clothing that I am wearing. Mac takes my mind from how uncomfortable my bra is by sliding a hand from my hip up and under my shirt, his hands skimming lightly over my skin to the band of my bra.

“And how would you call me then, highness?”

He fiddles idly with my front bra hook as he waits for my answer, clear that he won’t go on until I’ve done so. I take a deep breath.

“…M-Mac.” I finally reply, hoping that he takes it the right way.

It’s not that I’m not having fun. Actually, this is unexpectedly thrilling. But… it doesn’t feel right for a first time to be at a distance. I peek at Mac through my lashes.

“Not that I wouldn’t welcome a visit from Captain Metkari in the future.” I know I’m blushing bright red. I know that I’m embarrassed as hell. But I also want him to know that this isn’t unwelcome.

I’ve often woken from a dream of being with him like this. At least a couple times a week I lose my place in the papers I’m counting when the thought of his laughter or how his hand felt on my shoulder when he leaned over me comes to my mind.

I swallow, apprehensive.

Mac stops moving – processing – until I squirm under him and grip his hips and pull him tighter against myself, groaning again.

“Em…are you sure?” His voice is Mac again, not the confident tones of the Captain.

“The Metkaris are well known for their stamina and tenacity,” I allow, “But I’ve got to get to work in the morning, and I know that Mac has a car… and I really like Mac, but I hardly know Florio.”

I lean up and whisper in his ear for the next part, too ashamed to say it out loud.

“And it’s Mac that I’ve always hoped would kiss me one day.”

He turns his head and answers me with a deep kiss, his lips tender and soft against mine.

I find myself squirming under him again, moaning softly and pulling him down to feel more of his weight on me. Mac breaks the kiss, breathing hard and resting his forehead against my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and just hold him for a moment.

“I thought you said that I was ‘cute’,” he says into the crook of my neck.

“You are!” I’m puzzled. “You’re freaking adorable!”

“Yeah, you said that, too. Kevin said…”

My eyeroll was almost audible as he trailed off.

“Mac, don’t tell me you that you told Kevin about this before you even asked me.”

“…He said that ‘cute’ and ‘adorable’ means that I’ve been friend-zoned, that my only hope was to change your perception, but even that was a slim chance.” He murmurs into my throat.

“Jameson Macrae!” I lightly smack his shoulder. “‘Cute’ means that I want to curl up with you on the couch. ‘Adorable’ means that sometimes I get the urge to…” I trail off.

“The urge to what, Em?” he asks in his most hopeful voice.

His hands slide down to my hips again. The warmth of his hands through my jeans only emphasizes the gentle grip of his fingers. I shift restlessly.


His thumb plays along the gap of skin above the waistband of my jeans where my shirt rode up. I lose track of the question.

“What does ‘adorable’ mean, Em?” He persists, tickling gently.

“That I…want to…”

Things I could say come into my mind, but I finally settle on the truth.

“…Last Saturday…when the movie was over and the guys left, you were sitting on the couch. You looked up at me and asked if I was ready to go and I said yes.” He raises his head to watch me in the dim light, still gently stroking. Distracting me from how embarrassing this is, letting me go on.

“But you were adorable when you said it. I didn’t want to go. I wanted to straddle your lap on the couch and kiss you senseless.” And then other things. Of course.

“So you…like…adorable?” He asks, seriously.

“I like adorable.” I confirm, though my voice falters. I take a deep breath and continue.

“I like nerdy. I adore smart and witty and sarcastic. Most of all, I just like you.”

“Oh.” he says finally. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

I pull his mouth to mine.

“That’s adorable,” I whisper against his lips, and then kiss him.



  1. Marvelous! The balance of sexiness, emotions, and playfulness makes for utter cuteness in a very well written story.

  2. Thank you! I’ve got a big soft spot for nerds, being one myself.

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