Mutual masturbation fM (age gap-stepdad)

As I recall, this is how it all started. My semi incestuous affair with my stepdad. I’m not sure if it was his intention all along or if things just progressed as they normally would in any relationship.

My dad left when I was around nine or ten years old. My only vivid memories were of the fighting between he and my mom. Knowing what I know now I can see it was her fault for the most part. She possessed a very evil personality.

We were alone for a few years before she met and would ultimately marry my stepdad. The fighting started all over again. I found out from my stepdad, who I will call Gary, that the constant fights were over sex, or rather the lack of it. Instead of leaving like my real father, Gary lost himself in his bottle of Scotch. There were many mornings I’d wake up to find him passed out in the kitchen while I ate my breakfast before going to school. And then, he started coming into my room at night

It didn’t start out as a rape or anything. In fact it was incredibly slow paced. I woke up one morning with him lying in my bed, completely clothed as I’d seen him the day before. As he awoke he apologized and said that mom had kicked him out of their bedroom and he found his way in by me and fell asleep. A few weeks later I woke up and found him on my floor in his boxer briefs and T shirt. And then again in my bed in his underwear a few days after that. He was still very much apologetic and seemed genuinely embarrassed that he had to resort to sleeping in my room while my mom turned him away from hers.

Then one night I woke to my bed shaking slightly. It was Gary, and he was masturbating. He had been drinking heavily and probably was unaware of his surroundings as he grunted loudly through his teeth while he orgasmed on his stomach and his shirt. I couldn’t see very much in the darkness of the room but at thirteen or fourteen years of age I knew what he’d just done. In the morning as he begged my forgiveness I took the sheets from the bed to the laundry. It was then he knew that I knew.

Sometime later and I really can’t recall when it became a regular occurrence. I’d hear him come in, smell the alcohol on his breath as he got in my bed next to me, and then before too long I’d feel his movements. I guess I could have protested but I didn’t. I’m not sure of why. Maybe I felt some sort of power over the situation. Perhaps I convinced myself that I was more desirable than my mom at that point. The ego of a developing teen girl was getting a boost.

It was then that I started masturbating along with him. Oh, I don’t think he knew right away. I pretended to be asleep as I’d listen to him in the dark but my fingers would rub the front of my panties until I’d whimper to my orgasm. I made it seem as if I were waking up from him being in my bed. Sometimes he would stop and sometimes he wouldn’t. I guess it was all about how close he was to cumming.

Then came the night that changed everything. I was alone and had my panties off. I was fingering myself in a very lazy manner, not caring if I came or not, but just enjoying the feeling. Gary came in quietly and in the darkened room I could see him get undressed. He was naked when he crawled into my bed as I pretended to be asleep. I guess I had edged myself too far that night because I swore the word “fuck” as I came listening to his slapping sounds. He froze for a bit but then reached for my hand. That night my fingers wrapped around his wrist as he brought himself to orgasm. I didn’t touch him but I felt his cum on my hand. When he shuddered his last spasm he wiped my hand on his shirt before letting it go. He spooned with me in silence and I fell asleep feeling his erect penis deflate against my back. It was incredible !

After that night we would almost silently pleasure ourselves. I suppose I don’t have to tell you that before too long we began masturbating each other. And once you begin having those kind of intimate moments with someone…well, I think you know the outcome from all this. At fifteen I was a complete sextoy for a man nearly fifty years old. And it was so fucking awesome !



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