Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part XIV – Take One for the Team [MF]

I called Tommy after talking to Kat the night before. I’d made my decision, I told him, and I was going to give him a chance. Dinner and a movie, no strings.
Tommy was thrilled at my concession. His car pulled up to my building the next evening at about 5:30; I met him at the door.
I felt at once disgusted and flattered at his reaction. He stood speechless, staring me up and down, taking in the sight of me in a little black cocktail dress, dark leggings, and a pair of low-heeled pumps that I’d finally got the hang of walking in. Mostly. I’d even put on a little gold chain to draw the eye to the top of my cleavage, which was tasteful yet copious in the tight-zipped dress.
“Yeah, yeah, I look hot,” I said, rolling my eyes at him. “Pop em back in the sockets and let’s go, yeah?”
The mood in the car was awkward as hell. Tommy sat behind the wheel, clearly trying not to show any creepy giddiness at the prospect of having me, and I sat next to him pretending to be cautiously eager about the whole thing.
It was the same way all the way to the restaurant, but after we ordered our drinks Tommy finally broke the ice.
“So,” he said, “have you figured out how to fix your problem yet?”
“Oh yeah.” I smiled. “I think I know how to change back. With any luck I’ll be back to normal soon.”
“Oh? What do you have to do?”
I felt my cheeks flush. I should have said no! “Uh… it… has to do with my girl-parts,” I said quietly. “It’s better if you don’t know the details.”
“Aha. Well, let me know if you need help or anything. After all, we’re still friends, right?”
“Right… yeah. Will do.” Well, he’d asked for it, right? That meant nothing was my fault anymore. Yep.
With that out of the way, it was surprisingly easy to talk to Tommy again. We’d been best friends for years, and I’d missed having someone to talk about sports with. Hell, I’d missed sports. I hadn’t had a chance to really relax in front of a game all week.
We laughed and joked and got funny looks from the waiter, but I didn’t care. The food was great, and if I forgot about why I was there, so was the company.
“So anyway,” Tommy said, taking a sip from his wine, “the next period started and immediately the ref slipped and fell on his ass! They had to stop the game!”
“Oh my god, that’s hilarious!” I grinned, reaching over the table and touching Tommy’s hand.
I froze, blushing, as Tommy took my hand and squeezed it. “Uh… sorry,” I said. “This… fuck, this is weird, huh?”
He smiled, letting go so I could withdraw my arm. “Yeah, but it’s fun, you gotta admit.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”

Tommy paid for dinner, then drove us to the theater. “It’s awesome to be out with a chick who likes guy films,” he said with a grin as he bought our tickets.
“Dude. If I’ve learned anything this week, it’s that some things transcend gender. Action movies are one of those things.”
We chose seats near the middle of the theater and leaned back to enjoy the show. I almost jumped up when I felt Tommy’s arm around my shoulders.
“Sorry, I thought-”
“No, it’s alright,” I said, settling in again. If I was going to let him have me, I thought, I might as well get used to a little contact.
Of course, a little could turn into a lot pretty quickly. We weren’t ten minutes into the movie and I was enjoying some really decent explosions on the screen when I felt Tommy’s sweat-moistened hand slide down from my shoulder to my breast.
I turned my head to glare at him, but he was doing a good job of looking like he was watching the movie. Or hell, maybe he really was watching, and this was just what he did on dates without thinking.
His reach forced me to lean against his shoulder. I opened my mouth to protest, but then his fingers slipped under my dress and found my nipple. He grinned at the sound of my sharp gasp as he gently pinched and rubbed at it.
“Shh,” he said softly, reaching across himself to take my hand in his. He squeezed my fingers and cupped my breast in his hand, then gently pulled my hand toward him.
The way I was leaning, it was actually more comfortable to rest my hand on his thigh where he put it. More natural. Of course, he didn’t want it to just rest there. I could feel the bulge of his erection pressing up against my palm through his pants.
I kept my eyes on the screen and started slowly stroking Tommy with my palm, but my mind wandered back to Chris. I remembered how my heart jumped when he touched my body. I imagined it was him I was with, holding me in his arms and groping my breast. I could almost see his face and the way he always smiled when he looked at me.
Then I remembered the blank look he’d had when I saw him last. The way he’d completely shut down when I confessed everything to him. The back of his head through the windshield as he drove away, leaving me behind.
I blinked rapidly, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. Well, I thought, fuck him. I opened up to him, and he ditched. He’d made all my choices for me. Fuck Tommy, too, making me go through with this. Once I passed on this curse and got back to normal, none of it would matter anymore.
Tommy drew a sharp breath, waking me from my angry musing. “Fuck, hun, ease up,” he complained quietly.
I pulled my hand back, realizing I’d been digging my nails into his leg instead of teasing his dick. “Sorry,” I whispered, sniffing once to keep my face from leaking any worse than it already was.
“It’s alright… nevermind,” he said, pulling his hand back out of my dress to my shoulder. “Let’s just watch the movie.”

The movie seemed pretty solid, and I made a note to come back and watch it again when my mind wasn’t full of worries and doubts and awkward embarrassment. Also when i had a penis. For now, it was just another countdown, leading to me doing something that I simultaneously hated to think of and couldn’t wait to get to. Soon, I’d let Tommy have me… and soon after that, I’d be a whole new person.
After about a million years the credits finally rolled up the screen and we left the theater. We rode back to my place in silence, watching as a soft rain started falling, finally pulling up out front.
Tommy killed the engine and stared out at nothing in particular. After a minute, I broke the silence.
“Wanna come in?” I asked tersely.
Tommy turned his head to look at me. “You sure?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Let’s have a drink.”

I poured two drinks and sat on the couch next to Tommy.
“So,” he said, “you’re gonna get back to, you know, yourself soon?”
“Yeah…” I looked at my glass, watching the ice melt into my expensive scotch. “Soon.”
“That’ll be a relief, I guess,” he said, reaching his arm around my waist and groping my ass, “but I gotta admit I’ll miss this.”
I nodded. “It really is something, huh? I got to find out that my whole life is shit, and it only took a week.”
Tommy scoffed. “Your life isn’t shit. You were the man! And you will be again. But before that happens…”
His hand started pulling me toward him. I stood up sudddenly, leaving it grasping at the air.
“I should change!” I spurted, backing away from him. “I mean… slip into something more comfortable. Wait here?”
“Whatever you say, beautiful.” He flashed me a leering smile and I retreated into the bedroom.
I closed the door and leaned back against it, sliding down until I was sitting on the floor in the dark. It felt like a million flies were buzzing around in my head, crawling in between my thoughts. I couldn’t go through with this… could I? It was a terrible thing to do to a man. I should know. But then again, Tommy was a pretty scummy man, all told. Maybe he’d learn a few things being me for a while. And besides, I’d earned my life. Everything I had here was the result of years of effort. I deserved to be who I’d always been.
And hell, if Chris didn’t want me anymore, there was nothing stopping me, right?
I heard the clink of ice on glass and realized I’d taken my drink with me into the bedroom. “Here’s to dickhaving,” I mumbled, lifting the glass and draining it into myself. It burned like acid in my throat, but the warm feeling spreading out from my stomach helped to calm me down.
I stood and turned on the light, unzipping and dropping my dress on my way to the closet.
“Jesus,” I said with a sigh, looking at the rows of hangars. In the left, my suits and slacks still hung waiting for me. On the right, my little collection of dresses and accessories. And between them, a bathrobe.
I grabbed the robe and threw it on, pulling it closed and covering my skin. The robe was soft, and felt great against my skin, touching everywhere except the small area covered by my panties. I took a moment to savor that feeling, since I would be trading this skin for my old one soon enough. Something about the feeling made me sad, like there was something I’d forgotten about, but I shook it off and turned away from the closet once more.
I cinched the robe closed, shifting it so it would expose more cleavage than it was designed to do, then walked back out into the living room. Tommy stood up and stared at me.
“Holy shit,” he said.
I smiled. “Thanks. Not a bad little body, huh?”
“I’ll say. Come over here.”
I held up a hand. “No oral, and no kissing on the lips. And none of this makes us gay.”




  1. **CONTINUED**

    ”Deal.” he grinned, reaching for the belt that held my robe and using it to pull my body hard against his. “No homo.”
    I chuckled, tilting my head to the side while he bowed to kiss my neck. His cheek was rough against my skin, and his hands were already squeezing my ass harder than I would have liked, making my hips rub against the bulge in his pants.
    “Whip it out,” he whispered, running his tongue along my neck to my earlobe.
    I reached down between us, unzipping his pants and reaching in to pull him free. Tommy was smaller than Chris had been, but still on the high end of average. No surprises there; I’d seen him in the gym before. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and started stroking slowly, drawing a moan from him.
    “Good girl,” he said, leaning back to smile lewdly at me. “Stroke Daddy’s cock, get it nice and hard.”
    He was already hard, and the daddy thing was fucked up, but I wasn’t about to start an argument. I shrugged my shoulders, letting the robe slide down enough to expose my breasts, and kept stroking him.
    “God, these tits,” he said, grabbing onto them with both hands. “I’ve wanted them since the moment I saw them.”
    I bit my cheek, trying not to smirk. Be careful what you wish for, Tommy, I thought.
    “Let me fuck them first,” he said. His hands moved to my shoulders and started pushing me down.
    I knelt on the carpet in front of him, leaned forward, and spit on his cock. It smeared down the shaft as I stroked him, getting him wet only seconds before he stepped forward, pushing himself between my breasts and squeezing them between his palms.
    “Fuck yeah,” he moaned, “right there, stay right there.”
    I held still, looking away while he started pumping his hips, rubbing himself on my chest. I had to lean back a little to keep him from stabbing me in the breastbone, and even then it was less than comfortable. His fingers pulled at my skin, and friction soon rubbed away the spit I’d used to lubricate him.
    Of course, Tommy was ready for that. He pulled a bottle of lube out of his pocket and squirted it down into the valley of my breasts, then let his pants drop to the floor and started pumping faster.
    It was easier on the skin, but my back still complained from the strain of leaning back like that. Still, to my surprise, I found my body reacting to him. My breasts tingled with the hint of pleasure, and I felt myself get wet looking down at them, watching the head of Tommy’s dick pop up between them again and again.
    Tommy groaned with pleasure. For a moment I considered getting into this, making him cum early so it could just be over… but Kat’s instructions were clear. I had to take him inside.
    I reached down and pulled the knot of my robe open, letting it fall down and away from my body. Tommy’s eyes widened and he stepped back, staring at me and licking his lips.
    “Stand up,” he ordered.
    I grabbed the arm of the couch and pulled myself up, standing in nothing but a little black pair of panties. “Like what you see?” I asked, trying to sound as turned on as my body probably looked.
    “Oh yeah babygirl,” he said, stepping in again and yanking down my panties. “Daddy likes.”
    I rolled my eyes at the comment, but Tommy didn’t see it. He was far too busy grabbing my ass and rubbing his fingers between my legs.
    I was about to say something witty when I found myself spinning around. Tommy turned me to face away and shoved me forward, making my thighs bang hard into the side of the couch and causing me to fall over onto it.
    Bent over as I was, I knew what to expect, but I still had to draw a sharp breath and stifle a pained moan when Tommy lined himself up and thrust into me. He was lubed up, but I hadn’t been expecting him to drive every inch inside at once like that. My pussy contracted against the intrusion, sending jolts of confused sensation up my spine.
    “Ooh fuck,” Tommy groaned, holding my hips with both hands and grinding against me. It felt like an alien probe. “That’s so fuckin’ tight, milk it for me baby.”
    I grabbed the couch when Tommy started pumping his hips, pushing back to keep from crushing my thighs between the armrest and his body. Tommy held tight, keeping me fixed in place while he drove into me over and over.
    I was counting the slaps of his hips against my ass like sheep when another noise filled my ears. It was a loud, feminine moan. I realized with a shock that it had come from my own lips; I was actually starting to enjoy this! It seemed that Tommy’s style grew on a girl over time.
    “That’s it, baby, moan for your Daddy,” Tommy urged me, still driving tirelessly into me. “Let me hear how you feel with my cock inside you!”
    “Oh god,” I moaned, “fuck me!”
    Tommy leaned forward and grabbed my shoulder, arching my spine and pulling me back into him. His other hand twisted in my hair, holding tight so I couldn’t pull away. “Fuck yeah,” he groaned. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect!”
    Again and again he thrust himself into me. I’d lost count now and was grunting in pleasure to the rhythm of his hips on my ass. My eyes rolled back, and I felt pleasure rising within me…
    Suddenly Tommy slammed into me, harder than before. He let out a strained groan, and I could feel his cock pulsing deep inside me. He spasmed a couple times, trying to push deeper, then finally let go of me with a sigh.
    “Sorry,” he breathed in my ear, easing himself down on top of me. “I meant to pull out…”
    “It’s okay,” I breathed. I was wrestling with the frustration of being denied my climax and the relief that the hard part was over. “I won’t have girlparts long enough to matter.”
    “Heh. I guess not.” He lifted himself off me with a little grunt and pulled back, slipping out of me. I squeezed tight behind him, remembering the instructions. I needed to keep his seed inside.
    “I’m gonna go on the balcony, have a smoke,” he announced. “You in?”
    “No, I have to… pee and get cleaned up. You know. Girl stuff.”
    “Ah, yeah. Cool.” He waved me off.
    I slid off the couch to grab my robe off the floor and retreated into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
    I had everything I needed for the ritual Kat had taught me, all in a little box in the cupboard under my sink. It wouldn’t even take very long to do it, and then I’d be free from this nightmare.
    I opened the cupboard, sat on the floor, and got started.


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