Hilly and Ben – The Choir Trip 2 [mf][mast][oral]

Click my name to see the first part.

When Hilly used the cardkey on her hotel room door, it flew open as she pushed making her fall on the floor. "Fuck."

"There you are!" Madison helped Hilly up, then grabbed her garment bag and shook it out flat. "I was worried when I didn't see you on the bus."

"I'm too short," Hilly said as she tossed her duffel bag on the far bed and yawned. "I could barely see the movie over the headrest in front of me."

Hilly didn't have many girl friends after growing up with three brothers. She found the catty games most girls played hard to deal with, but Madison was so easy going they'd hit it off and never looked back. Their only real difference of opinion involved sex. Madison claimed she had no interest at all, but always wanted to know every detail of Hilly's tame adventures.

"So did you sit with Ben?" she sang.

Hilly schooled her face, but could feel the heat rising. "Yeah. He's nice."

"That blush says he's a little better than nice."

Turning to dump out her duffel on the bed, she began to fold and put her clothes away without commenting. Madison chuckled as she opened the garment bag to hang Hilly's formal dress in the closet. "I wonder if we can get a steamer to get these wrinkles out."

"Mom hangs her clothes in the bathroom and runs hot water in the shower," Hilly suggested. She gathered up her toiletries and went into the bathroom, then arranged her things on the free side of the sink.

"Good idea," Madison said as she leaned against the bathroom doorway. "So are you gonna keep me in suspense forever?"

Hilly sighed. What happened on the bus felt more personal than the playful kisses and light petting she'd shared with Madison before. She and Ben slept right up to the hotel. When they woke up things felt a little awkward as they scrambled to get off the bus and checked into the hotel.

She hadn't known what to expect after they arrived. He hadn't tried to take her hand or talk to her much at all, and his hesitance threw her off. He had smiled at her, but after his tenderness on the bus it felt more like a brush off. Her last view of him was heading to the elevator with his roommate for the trip, Edward. He had checked them both in earlier so Ben didn't have to stand in line.

"Hey, are you okay?" Madison asked with a wrinkled brow. She stepped into the bathroom and touched Hilly's shoulder.

"Just a little tired," Hilly said as she forced a smile. "I want to shower before dinner if you don't mind."

"Sure, I'll just hang out and watch TV." Madison didn't look like she bought it, but Hilly didn't care as long as she could shut the door.

Alone in the bathroom, she pushed down her sweats and panties to pee. Looking at the white crust on her panty's gusset made her frown, but the crusty bits still clinging to her pubic hair made her mutter to herself, "I wonder if having a dick is this much trouble?"

After she wiped off, she put her own finger where Ben's finger had been. It wasn't the same at all. She was a little sore but the tightness she'd always felt at the entrance was gone. Glancing around the bathroom, she spied Madison's hand mirror and scooted to the edge of the toilet.

Her furry friend looked the same as always. Its pink, uneven lips stuck out as if it was blowing a raspberry at her. Hilly held herself open for a quick inspection, noting the strong scent she'd always associated with her arousal. Ben must have stretched her out or something, because it didn't hurt to tuck her finger inside anymore. She put the mirror down with a sigh and stood up.

After taking off her t-shirt and bra, she folded her dirty clothes so Madison wouldn't catch a glimpse of the evidence in her panties. Starting the hot water first, Hilly got in to stand in the steam for a while. She washed her hair, then scrubbed her body with a soapy wash cloth to remove all the evidence of her adventures with Ben. After she got out, she put her hair up in one towel, wrapped up in a second one, then picked up her dirty clothes.

"All yours," Hilly said as she came out into the room.

"Thanks," Madison said as she hopped up off the bed. She paused at the bathroom doorway to look back. "You'd tell me if he'd hurt you or something, right?"

"Of course," Hilly said, touched that her friend cared so much. "Everything's fine, really." Madison nodded and went into the bathroom.

After drying her hair some more, Hilly put it up in loose tail again. Then she got clean panties and slipped them on under the towel. They caught on her leg stubble, reminding her she needed to shave in the morning. She sniffed her bra to see if she could get another day out of it, then slipped off the towel to put it on.

Her favorite pair of skinny jeans went on next under a white babydoll top with lace sleeves. She was just putting on her white leather sandals when Madison came out vigorously drying her hair with a towel.

"I have some gold hoop earrings that would look great with that outfit," Madison said as she plopped on her bed.

"Thanks," Hilly said as she stood to look at herself in the mirror. "Mind if I borrow them?"

"Here," she said as she tossed over a small velvet jewelry bag from the dresser.

"Thanks." Hilly found them and put them on, turning her head to see how they looked in the mirror. "Good suggestion."

"Don't wait for me," Madison said as she dug through her drawer. "I may skip dinner to read, but I'll call your cell if I decide to come down later."

"Why don't you hang the do not disturb sign if you go to sleep? Then I won't make noise when I come in."

Hilly went down to the lobby without much of an appetite. There were three places to eat inside the hotel a ton of restaurants within walking distance. When she paused to consider her options, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey," Ben said. His hair was still damp and he'd changed into a polo shirt in an effort to dress for dinner. The shirt was faded and a little small on him, but that just highlighted his broad shoulders and chest. She swallowed hard at the sweet smile he gave her.

"Hey," she said, stepping close to encourage a more personal greeting.

He blushed as he took her in from top to bottom, his gaze lingering a bit on the lace collar of her babydoll top. "You look great."

"For a kid sister?" she joked, but his smile came a beat late and it made her heart skip a beat. Something was definitely off between them.

"You wanna get something to eat?" he asked.

"Sure." She wished he would take her hand or touch her, anything to show what happened on the bus hadn't changed things between them. They'd been friends first, despite the occasional flirty kiss, and she didn't want to lose that.

She followed him to the atrium in the middle of the hotel where some of their group were already eating. She noted the terrible trio of Kaylee, Ashley, and Bailey giving her and Ben an odd look. Ben spoke to the hostess for them and they followed her to a table near a decorative water fountain.

Hilly glanced at the menu, picking the grilled chicken salad in an instant, then she put the menu down to examine Ben. Maybe he could tell how inexperienced she was. Or maybe the kid sister comment from earlier in the week meant he wasn't really attracted to her that way. But if he didn't like her then why did he get a boner when they held hands? Everything was simpler when she just teased him a little, she decided, then looked away.

Kaylee was staring daggers at her while Ben was focused on the menu. The terrible trio were all older than Hilly and seemed to view her as some kind of freak. Hilly assumed they were just jealous that the guys in the choir liked hanging out with her, but her evil stare made Hilly wonder if there was something else going on she hadn't considered before.

"Have you decided?" Ben asked.

"Yeah," she whispered while she mentally reviewed the last couple of weeks. She had seen Kaylee around Ben, but hadn't given it much thought at the time. "Why did you ask me to sit next to you on the bus?"

The guilty look on Ben's face took her by surprise. She had assumed that he just wanted to be with her, but as the pieces fell into place she realized what an idiot she had been.

"I just wanted to hang out with you," he mumbled.

"No," Hilly said as her temper rose. "You were avoiding someone, weren't you? That's why you picked the back of the bus. It didn't have anything to do with me at all." She looked up at the skylight far above them and let out a sad laugh. "God, I'm so stupid sometimes."

"It's not what you think." Ben's eyes shifted around while he struggled to speak.

"What I think is that I don't want to hang out with you anymore." She stood up and headed out of the restaurant before she made an even bigger fool of herself. She barely made it out before she heard quick high-heeled footsteps behind her.

"Going somewhere?" Kaylee hissed as she grabbed Hilly's arm to pull her behind a large potted bush. "You stay the fuck away from Ben."

"Oh, you have nothing to worry about there," Hilly laughed. "You two are made for each other. I can see that now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kaylee pulled back with a suspicious look.

"I'm not interested in playing games with either of you. Now let go of me before I break your arm." Hilly had been training in mixed martial arts with her brothers for more than a decade. She hoped Kaylee wouldn't let go so Hilly could kick her ass without violating her Sensei's rules about striking first.

Kaylee dropped her hand, but drew herself up to tower over Hilly. "Everyone knows what a tease you are. No guy would ever really want to date you anyway."

She couldn't stop the ironic laugh from escaping when Ben came around the bush in time to hear her comment. Finding the two of them together brought him to a sudden stop. Hilly saw the panic in his eyes as he glanced back and forth between them. "Like I said, you two deserve each other."

"But I don't even like her," Ben insisted, gesturing to Kaylee. "Just because I was avoiding her on the bus doesn't mean I don't like you, Hilly."

Hilly felt like she'd been punched in the gut when her breath fled.

"What?" Kaylee spat at him.

"And for the record I'd be happy to date you," he said as he flushed a deep red. "If you wanted to, I mean."

"What could you possibly see in her?" Kaylee sputtered, like Hilly's faults were so self-evident that she didn't have to even name them.

Ben turned with a scowl. "She's cute and fun to be around. She takes me seriously and cares about what I say. And I doubt I'll ever have to worry about her going around behind my back." The last statement was said with enough heat to imply something had happened between them.

Kaylee stood for a moment with her mouth twitching, then turned to stalk back to her table. Ben sighed in relief and looked down at Hilly.

"Will you come back to the table with me?" Ben asked. "Please?"

"Is this a date?" Hilly asked as her smile tried to escape.

He extended his hand to take hers. "Yes."

After they sat down and ordered their food, Ben was back to being his old self again. "So about that bus ride…"

"I've never done anything like that before." Hilly had eaten her chicken breast and was stirring the lettuce around with her fork. She couldn't meet his eyes.

"Does that mean you never want to do something like that again?" he asked with a playful lilt in his voice.

"No," she confessed as her face heated. "I just wanted you to know I don't normally do things like that. I'm really inexperienced." She looked up to see Ben shifting around in his seat.

"I am, too," he whispered and looked away.

The way he admitted it worried Hilly. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"But guys are supposed to know what they're doing." He shrugged and frowned.

"I'd rather we figure it out together." Hilly took his hand and gave it a squeeze, then leaned in to whisper, "I loved what you did this afternoon."

He looked in her face as if to confirm what he'd heard. "Let's get out of here. I've got an idea."

Ben picked up the check, then led Hilly up to his floor. They had a couple of hours before their curfew, but he only stopped in his room long enough to grab his blue blanket.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he led her back to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

"You'll see," Ben grinned. After they got off the elevator, Ben led her around to the stairwell. "My dad does industrial maintenance at a hotel back home, so I know some interesting secrets about these kinds of places."

The stairs went up another level and ended at a half-sized door with the words Roof Access stenciled on it. Ben tried the doorknob and the little door swung open to reveal the evening sky.

"Excellent! Come on," he said as he pulled her hand to follow him out.

The roof had large metal boxes and protrusions all around, but the surface was covered with a fine gravel. Hilly looked around at the horizon and saw the city spread out around them.

Her heart was racing as Ben spread the blanket out on the roof and took off his shoes to sit down on it. He patted the spot next to him with a grin.

"It's beautiful," she whispered as she sat down next to him. "How did you know we could get out here?"

"I didn't," he said as he put his arm around her to pull her in for a kiss.

Their lips touched and ignited the same fire Hilly felt earlier that day. He tasted of the pasta salad he'd had for dinner, but her real hunger wasn't for food. She broke the kiss to lay on her back, inviting him down with a touch on his cheek.

They kissed until the stars came out, soft, wet, and open. She melted into her panties when his hand brushed her stomach, prompting her to rub his back to encourage him to continue. When their touches grew more insistent, he slipped his hand under her top to tickle up to her bra.

"I want to kiss you here," he said as his fingers toyed with her stiff nipples through the sheer fabric.

She pushed up long enough to remove her top, leaving her front-clasp bra for him to explore. He returned to her lips while his fingers caressed her and fumbled with the clasp. When it finally opened, they both sighed and smiled.

He drew back to look at her as he moved the cups aside to see her breasts for the first time. Taking his time, he explored them with his fingers, tracing under and around before bending to take her areola between his lips.

Electric sparks shot through Hilly. His warm mouth covered one breast while his fingertips tweaked the other areola to bring her nipple to a hard point. She arched her back while gasping his name, the sensation prickling her skin in the warm night. He suckled her gently, spending minutes on one breast before moving to the other.

"That feels so amazing," Hilly breathed as she gazed up at the stars.

"They're perfect," he whispered against her wet flesh. "I can't get over how soft they are."

Hilly giggled. "Not all of them."

He hummed as he sucked one areola deep into his mouth, swirling his tongue around to prove her right. It felt like what he was doing to her breasts was tied directly to her core somehow because she couldn't stop moving her hips.

"Can I touch you again?" he asked as his hand went down to tickle her navel.

"Would you taste me instead?" she whispered, then bit her lip when he tugged at the button on her jeans. He got them open and she lifted her hips to let him slide them down her legs along with her panties.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered as stopped to take in her nude body.

His eyes were so expressive, she thought as he studied her. He took his time and touched her feet and calves. Then moved her knees apart with soft touches along her inner thighs. After touching her stomach and breasts again, he bent to kiss her lips.

Feeling him on top of her, even fully clothed, made her heart race. When he broke the tender kiss, he moved down to kiss her breasts, letting his tongue trace a slow path down to her navel. She twitched and pulled away as his breath tickled the wet path of his tongue.

He spent a moment circling her navel before dipping his tongue into the thin slit it made on her stomach. She had to grip the blanket to keep from pushing his face down to where she wanted it most.

"You smell wonderful," he whispered. "When I tasted you on your fingers I knew this would be great, but I had no idea."

She opened herself to his mouth, spreading her knees far apart as a whimper escaped her lips. She felt his breath first against her wet skin, then the first tentative touch of his tongue against her lower lips. A shuddering cry tore out her as she pushed herself towards his mouth.

He continued to tease and explore, ignoring her growing impatience. She felt his fingers tracing around the creases of her thighs, then they opened her inner lips. Her breathing was irregular as the intensity made her hold her breath at times, only to pant when he moved on to tease another spot.

When he finally began to focus on her pleasure she arched her back and called out his name. His tongue started low, then moved up through her slit to reach her swollen nub. He lapped at her like that with incredible patience, making low sounds of satisfaction as he worked her closer to the edge.

His fingers weren't idle as they opened her up for his tongue, then his hand slipped lower to fill her with a thick finger. She pushed down against the intrusion, demanding more with a squeeze and whine. As he reached her depths she felt his lips encircle her nubbin to suckle it as he had her nipples.

"Oh fuck, Ben," she whined as she passed the point of no return. Her body spasmed and twitched as the strong orgasm gripped her. Her fingers went into his hair to hold him where he was. His stimulation kept her in a constant state of release for so long that she thought she was losing her mind.

The sensations went beyond anything she'd experienced before and left her delirious. Then she began to laugh with a joyful abandon. Ben seemed content to continue forever, but she finally had to push his face away to close her legs and roll on her side.

"Oh fuck," she murmured. "Oh fuck."

Ben chuckled as he moved up behind her. "You okay?" he whispered into her hair.

"I don't know," she giggled and covered her face. "I can't stop laughing."

"Then I'd say that's pretty good," he said with a touch of pride in his voice.

She turned in his arms to face him, then rolled him on his back. "I want you in my mouth again."

She couldn't stop grinning as she sat up to open his belt and free his enormous cock. He had a stunned look on his face as she worked the zipper open and tugged his pants and boxer-briefs down enough to give her access.

"I won't last a second," he said with a gasp. "I swear getting you off has me so close right now."

"Good," she said as she took his shaft in her hands. "But next time it's my turn to play first."

She was still riding the high he'd given her when she took him into her mouth. The warm musky taste of him satisfied the crazy hunger he'd left her with. He shut his eyes and moaned her name while she sucked his soft head. She used both hands to grip his shaft, sliding them up and down while the slippery head expanded in her mouth.

He was bucking his hips with her motions, trying to get more of his long cock into her mouth. She did the best she could, but he was too big for her to take more than a few inches. The hunger for his cock drove her to salivate like he was her favorite steak or ice cream. With her saliva and his slick emmision dripping down, her hands finally began to slide along his shaft.

"Hill, I'm gonna cum," he whispered while he moved her hair back to see her face. She grinned around his thick shaft and kept eye contact while he let go in her mouth. Without thinking about it, she began to swallow his slick cum with each pulse. His face twitched while he watched her do it, a happy smile breaking open when he finally slowed to a trickle.

"Holy shit," he murmured as he touched her cheek. "That was incredible. You are incredible."

She let his softening shaft slip from her mouth before she climbed up his body to lay on top of him. He caressed her naked body as she snuggled into his neck with a sigh.

"Ben?" she asked after they recovered a few moments.

"Yeah, babe?"

She wanted to tell him everything that was flying around her head, but she was scared he'd freak out. What she felt was too intense to describe without using poetry or music. Her body ached in new and interesting ways. It was like the best workout she'd ever had or the high she felt after running for miles. Maybe it was hanging around her brothers so much, but she wasn't comfortable saying those kinds of things out loud. Not even to Ben. Not yet.

So instead of saying any of that, she simply said, "Thanks."

Ben pulled her close and kissed her hair. "Don't worry, I know. Me, too."

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/36zqn4/hilly_and_ben_the_choir_trip_2_mfmastoral


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