Ambiguous [MM][Crossdressing][Teasing]

Hello Everyone, this is a paragraph from my possible first novel and I was wondering if you guys like it and think I should keep going.

Paragraph 3

Solid party:

I wasn’t feeling in my place at all: The short dress was already riding up my leg, the heels felt wobbly and some guys kept staring at me. Were they onto me? Everyone is going to think I’m a fag. Louis said I looked pretty and I actually believed the jerk, this plan is a disaster. Maybe I’ll have fun if i get wasted. At the very least I won’t remember this humiliating night.

All of a sudden a girl tapped my shoulder. I turned around towards her and noticed it was Katie, the hostess. She already had her hand extended towards me, so I took the invitation to shake her hand.

“I’m Katie” She said it with a friendly smile.

“I’m Jaeniffer, Jennifer hehe” My nervous mumbling made her smile transform into a laugh.

“You’re Louis’ girl right? You don’t really seem to enjoy yourself, is anything wrong?” Her question seemed genuine, so I tried to stick as close to the truth as possible.

“I don’t really know anyone at this party and I’m too sober to not care about it.”

“Why don’t you just go and dance with Louis?”

“I really can’t dance.” This wasn’t even a lie. As a guy my dancing was awkward at best, so as a “girl” in heels I probably couldn’t dance even if my silly life depended on it.

“Do you need some help with that? I want everyone to have a good time at my party.” Her friendly smile turned into a suspicious one.

Katie put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag with about 10 tiny yellow pills in it: undoubtedly XTC. Now I do have some experience with XTC and it does indeed make my dancing less awkward. Also, the chance of me doing something to blow my cover would be way smaller if I were rolling on molly than if I were to get shitfaced.

I stuck out my cupped hand towards her. “Fuck it, let’s do this, I might even have fun.”

This was all Katie needed to hear to open the bag and take out one of the pills. She broke it in two uneven halves and put the biggest half in my hand while putting the other half in her mouth, quickly swallowing it with a sip of her drink. As she handed her drink to me I did the same and felt the cold liquid escort the pill down my throat.

Katie put her hand on my bare shoulder and rubbed it. “Relax, try to have some fun, I’ll keep an eye on you.” She winked and walked off towards some other people.

As I waited for the molly to start its effects I realised I had gotten a bit thirsty. So I set way to the kitchen to fetch myself a drink. My choice had fallen on a rum ‘n coke. Not too much rum, but my talk with Katie had given me some new excitement, so a little bit too much rum probably wouldn’t hurt. As I walked back towards the edge of the dancefloor my ears started feeling warm and the music started to sound more intense. All of a sudden one of my favourite songs came on so I couldn’t resist the urge to dance. I downed my drink and walked up to Louis while my body started to vibrate with the song. My dancing still felt a bit unnatural so I looked around at the other girls for inspiration. They were all rocking their hips and while some threw their hands in the air others rubbed their hands on their bodies or had them around their partners waist.I figured my hands in the air would be the safest bet. While they were in the air I met eyes with Louis for the first time since we arrived at the party. He stepped towards me and lowered his head near my ear.

His soft breath tickled my ear. “What has gotten into you?” He asked with a bit of surprise in his voice.

A pleasant mixture of his cologne and musk filled my nose as I tilted my head towards him. “Katie gave me a bit of party spirit in pill form.”

Louis laughed. “She definitely knows how to host a great party”

He brought his head back up but didn’t step back. Our bodies remained pressed against each other and I felt the heat from his waist radiate into mine. The dancefloor started getting more crowded and someone bumped into us, this pushed my cheek against Louis’ chest. The softness of his shirt combined with the heat of his robust pecs felt amazing against my drugged body. I wrapped my arms around his waist in an attempt to catch even more of his soft warmth. His big hands rubbed my exposed shoulders and started to drift down my backside, stopping in the hollow of my lower back. My thoughts started to wander as Louis’ hands pressed me even tighter against his body. The intimacy felt weird, but in a good way and besides we did have to at least make it believable that we’re a couple. Why did this feel so good though? We’d hugged before, what was different about this time? Was it the drugs? Probably. But there was also a little bit of unknown excitement. I couldn’t really put my finger on the feeling, but chalked it up to the anonymity of my costume.

While my body felt like it was dissolving into the music and Louis’ torso, he started grinding his hips to the tune of the music. Without thinking my hips answered his’ by following the grinding. Before I knew it Louis started moving his hands all over my back while sometimes letting them stray over my hips and the top of my butt. The friction from his grinding and rubbing felt too good on my burning skin to care about the implication. All I cared about was how great this moment was. His hands lowered themselves onto my butt and started softly petting my ass. His soft petting slowly turned into a gentle massage as he began to squeeze and pull apart my ass cheeks. This quickly turned into groping and soon his hands found their way underneath my dress. At first the pleasure of his hands against the sensitive skin of my butt caught me off guard. For a short while I let him have his way underneath my dress. But soon I realised I didn’t want everyone seeing my ass and possibly ruining my cover so i pushed his hands away and turned away from him. I don’t know if he got the hint or was just distracted, but he used my sudden movement to turn me around and press his crotch against my ass. This made me miss his glowing chest against my cheek, but at least he kept my dress in place, and his hands pressing my ass into his crotch also felt kind of nice in a weird way.

Our movements synced up again and soon we were almost dancing as one. The back of my head rested on Louis’ shoulder as I put my arms around his neck, his hot breath covering my jaw and neck. His hands moved their way from my hips to my sides and began to run over my stomach and thighs. Louis increased his pressure against my ass and all of a sudden I realized I could feel his dick through his dress pants. It felt hard! Was our dancing getting him horny? To be honest; our bodies rubbing so intimately together with his firm hands all over my glowing body got me a little bit hot too, but luckily the drugs prevented me from getting hard, thus keeping our secret safely tucked away into my tiny panties. Well safely might be a bit too optimistic because Louis’ hands started wandering underneath my dress again. This time he was more careful and started to softly caress my thigh with his left hand while slowly working his way up. His right hand firmly around my waist gently squeezing my side. His left hand eventually stopped at my loin, where he started to very delicately rub the fringe of my panties. With his tenderness he probably tried to avoid a similar reaction as the first time his hands found their way under my dress. It worked; the pleasure that arose from his gentle tickles drowned out any embarrassment I had left. Even when his fingers began to lift the edge of my panties and started to find its way inside I couldn’t muster up a protest. All I could do was close my eyes and let out a soft moan while his fingers invaded my pubic area. Luckily for my cover Katie did muster the kind of protest neglected to give.

She pressed her body against mine, tightly sandwiching me between her and Louis, pressing his hard cock tightly against my behind. This sudden attention made Louis pull his hand away from my crotch.

“Hey there lovebirds” Kate said it with an almost evil grin. “The party’s almost over and I think you two need to get to somewhere private because I would like to preserve the little bit of civility my party still has left.”

Louis and I laughed awkwardly in agreement while I took a quick look around the dancefloor. Kate was right; most people had left and the people that were still around all giggled our way. Louis quickly took action with Kate’s suggestion and hastily made us two drinks for on the road. Kate waved us goodbye from her door and wished us goodnight.

While standing on Katie’s driveway Louis conjured a joint from his back pocket. He lit it in silence and we smoked and drank while we walked towards his home. Our conversation started with a bit awkward small talk but after a few minutes and and a few puffs from his joint the conversation became quite natural again and our friendship felt like normal again, although for just a few minutes.


1 comment

  1. Yes, you should definitely keep writing! I quite enjoyed this story, and wish there was more.

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