Trapped in the Thicket! [FF] [Fantasy] [Magic] [Bondage] [Trans]

Hey all! Kinda new to the whole reddit thing, but I was browsing around and thought maybe a place like this might be receptive to some fly by smut. So, without further ado:

*Hungry, lost in the woods, a deserter on the run, the young half-elf Rien Monfrense is having a pretty bad morning! Smelling the sizzle of freshly cooked meat somewhere ahead, Rien plunges forth into danger and finds herself, much to her chagrin, shackled by the inescapable magic bondage of a very curious glade witch!*

I hope you like it. Feel free to tell me if you do (or even if you don’t!)

And my website’s here, if you’re curious about me and want to know where you can find more free goods!
