The Cum Demon

My first post, but go ahead and be brutal. I know it’s not the best, but just a short humorous story.

The Cum Demon by Ramot1

The two sisters, Anna and Karen were in the school play,
and were the main love interests of two young adventures in the medieval times.

After reading through the script, they found that they both would have to kiss these guys during the play.

At home, after their bath, they talked about how to kiss these guys, and Karen wondered if they should practice so they could do it well when the time came.

They wore little when the house was hot and started practicing.
They found they really liked practicing, and for years after the play had finished.

Karen and Anna continued kissing and playing with each other for years,
until their mother found them lying naked in bed, mouths on each others’ pussy, arms tightly around each others’ buns, pulling themselves as close as possible to each other, trading orgasms.

Mom watched them for a couple of minutes, listening to the moans and cries, and smiled to herself.

She walked up to the top daughter, lifted her face from her sister, and asked, “What do you want for dinner.

Shocked and afraid, the girls separated and tried to cover themselves, and started crying.

“Girls, don’t be afraid. I had two sisters, and we all enjoyed ourselves for many years. I love you both, and I want you enjoy the time you have with each other.

It doesn’t last forever, you know. College, boyfriends-or girlfriends-marriage, and jobs will pull you in so many different directions. So enjoy it while you can.
You don’t have to hide it from me. You can do anything, anywhere in the house, any time you want, as long as your chores are done. You don’t even have to wear clothes around the house, either, except regular underwear is a must!

Our new chore? Everybody’s laundry. Thanks, Mom!

“Wow, really?” said Karen, ” that’s so cool, mom.”
Mom helped convince Anna to lay back down where she had been,
and put Karen just like she had been too.

“Now, I want you girls to have one more orgasm each before coming to supper. Oh, what do you want for supper?”

“Mom, spaghetti would be nice.” said Karen, and health conscious Anna added, ” Salad? With Italian?”

“And Mom, about that orgasm. Karen won’t have any trouble about cumming.
I think she’s a little crazy. She won’t stop sucking me even when I want her too, and she won’t stop cumming. She wants to cum all the time. And she’s pretty good about doing that. She’s insane about it.”

“Your Aunt Lucille was just like that. Mary and I both worked on her for three hours one time, and finally wore her out. She thanked us for getting what she called “The cum demon” out of her. She would be okay for about six days, then that demon would come back into her. We chased that darned demon out of her every six days for a long time!

Thank God, she finally got married, and now it’s her husband’s problem.”

The girls laughed about that.

Annie said, “Karen, you really do have a cum demon, you know?”

” I know. Now get busy trying to get it out.” as she put her mouth back on Annie, and started back to work on her pussy.

Annie said to their mother, ” I would help you with supper, but Karen won’t let me go.”

Karen said, “No, I ‘m not letting you go. Mom said one more cum, and I want it.”

“That’s okay, Annie. Just work on her demon…supper in 25 minutes.”

As she walked away, Mom was thinking about her girls. Anna seemed as if she was ready to move away from Karen, but Karen just wasn’t near that point. But technology was much better now. A good vibrator seemed like the perfect weapon against that cum demon.


1 comment

  1. No complaints with your lead of a humorous short story. It’d be a wonderful world if everyone was open and comfortable about bodies like that ?

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