End of one journey, start of another [f/F] [exh] [voy] [oral] [lesb]

I should make it clear. I've always been comfortable with my body. If you told me to strip completely naked right now, I would do it without hesitation. I've always been like that. When I was younger, I was always the first to get naked as soon as I got home, and go skinny dipping by the lake. Similarly, from my teen years, I was comfortable stripping naked in a locker room, then walking bare to the showers, with around 50 teen girls witnessing my body. Of course I got comments like "slut", "whore", "no shame", did I care? No, if I want to be nude, I will be nude, everyone else can deal with it however they want. Of course, as I got to my mid-teenage years, with the arrival of alcohol and parties, me getting naked got a lot more prevalent not just at school, and boys would notice this, then act. More often than not, I was happy to end up pleasing a guy. This gave me a reputation, but once again it did not concern me. By the time I was 18, I was just finishing my higher education, getting ready for university, and had been sexually active for 3 years (if you hadn't have guessed yet, I am a free spirit). Around that time, my feelings started to change. The change started at a location I've already mentioned; the gym locker rooms. Although I was not having lessons, I would go to the school gym after school. One day, after a work out session, I ran into my ex gym teacher Miss Bellerose in the locker room. She also frequently used the gym after school. She was in her early 30s, yet by her looks could have been mistaken for a pupil, she had blonde hair, a statuesque 5'11 height, with long legs and a toned body. All of the boys in my class would always comment on her attractiveness, and I could now see why, as she came in with a low cut top, exposing her navel, and hot pants, she always seemed to be smiling too. Her look admittedly contrasted mine, I was a petite brunette, who could only hope to have a body as toned as hers. "Hey Laura! How are you doing?" She said in her usual happy tone. "Oh hey there miss Bellerose, I'm good thank you." "Please Laura, you're almost leaving to university soon, call me Amber. By the way, how are your studies going?" "Great thanks, should get into Peterson university" "That's great, I actually went there myself! Great for the parties if you get what I mean. Sorry I shouldn't be telling you that. But let's just say, you discover a lot about yourself there…" she replied in a sly tone. "Ok well I better go hit the showers, of course now with you leaving, I can speak to you as person to person, so we can continue our talk there if you want?" Was she serious? Was my ex gym teacher really suggesting that I could come and shower with her. Given she'd seen me nude many times in the locker room, and I had actually once asked her a question whilst completely nude, but I still couldn't believe it. I politely declined. As soon as I did, what happened next would change my view on life completely. With no apprehension, miss Bellerose stripped down to her bra and panties, most girls would shower like that, except for me of course as I thought it was a shame to get them wet. Clearly miss Bellerose was confident enough to think the same. Unhooking her bra, she revealed her smaller yet perfect breasts, then slid down her panties past those legs which went for miles, and took them off, chucking them in a bag. She was taking a shower au natural, and my eyes couldn't help but secretly stare, as she stretched out her flexible body, to make sure that she could get soap and water all around her luscious body. I'd felt an attraction to miss Bellerose I had never felt towards a woman. I wanted to discover more of her. I'd felt lust for teenage boys at parties, but this was a woman and more importantly my ex gym teacher. I went casually, but could not stop thinking about my feelings towards my teacher and how I viewed her bare, exposed, toned body in the shower, as well as that she had offered to converse with me, while we would both be nude, applying soap and washing our bodies in the school showers. Over the next week, until I knew that we'd meet at another gym session (for which I'd have to time things perfectly), I had cleared up my feelings about Miss Bellerose. If I had an attraction to her, I should just go with the flow, if she presented me with an opportunity, I should just go with it, and see where things go. Next gym session I knew I was going to meet her in the locker room, I had seen her stuff, and I had time to prepare getting there first. I decided to do what I'd done all throughout, be myself. I then decided to take a very long shower, waiting for her to come in, until I realised that she was not coming. I looked round and to my surprise, she had been sneaking a look at me all this time. I then performed a bit of a show for my ex gym teacher. I lavished my perk breasts with hot soapy water, making bubbles on them and cleaning them off, making sure that my erect nipples in particular were clear. The water then cleansed my whole body, including the inside of my pussy. All in full view, I then fully turned around and greeted her. "oh hi miss Bellerose, didn't see you there. Don't mind me, I'm just getting clean, you should have seen me, I was dripping after my session, well of course, I'm still dripping now" "oh sorry Laura, I wa… was… just coming in to… get changed" "I meant to say Amber, sorry, I know you told me to call you that the other day, if you want to continue our chat from the other day, I'm more than happy to talk to you here" "I might take you up on…that Laura" She then took all of her clothes off, more nervously and apprehensively than the other day. Until the woman, formerly my gym teacher, now my new focus of attraction and I were in the showers together. "So, Amber, you were saying about how you discover a lot about yourself at university. But I think I've discovered something about myself more recently" "What's that?" she says trying to keep composure. "I think I like girls miss. I especially like blondes, you know the ones with the toned body's" I then went for it. I leaned in and kissed her. She did the same, I knew she felt the same as I was, and I was so excited for our passionate, dirty encounter that would ironically be in a school shower. We kept on kissing, then she broke and said "in which case, let me show you what I learnt at university Laura". Shower still running, she caressed my petite body, and bent down her long eloquent legs, kissing first my soapy breasts, before licking my navel until I felt pleasure from just belly button play, then she went all the way. Looking up at me with experienced eyes, she bows her head towards my nether regions, tickles my lips the tip of her tongue, teasing me. Until, with the full length of her tongue, she explores my clitoris. Being the first time with a girl, I can't help but moan and move her head, I'm screaming so loud, but I can't help this wave of sexual pleasure. All the other times, I've just had to have or touch or suck an inexperienced cock at the height of my inebriation, yet this gives me a feeling I've never felt before. I'm forced into cumming like a whore, until I lay naked and almost motionless in a shower. "so did you like today's lesson Laura" "Yes miss" "Do you know what a bad girl you've been" "Yes miss" "Turn over you slutty little girl" I complied, and she spanked my bare ass as hard as it's been hit, making me release a moan. "Now, I'm afraid due to the standards being set, you're going to have to get some extra tuition and homework. I need you to come to mine so I can set it" "Yes miss" I did not know what was going to happen, I could hardly comprehend the amazing events that had just happened, but all I knew was that I was no longer just going to be Laura the gym student.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/382se7/end_of_one_journey_start_of_another_ff_exh_voy