Exploring the Mysteries of Belle, a 7-part serial; Scene 7-epilogue

The screen darkened and the backstage lights came up. Lilith had disappeared. Our clothes were neatly folded on the bench where we had been so involved in carnal activity just a short while ago. There was also a basin with warm water, two sponges and two towels.

Belle took my hand and led me back to the bench. She dipped one sponge in the water and put it in my hand then guided it to her neck. I took the hint. I gently mopped her neck. I washed across her shoulders before starting down. I lingered at her nipples, still erect and red from the clamps. I bent and kissed each one. I took the sponge back to the basin then I had a thought. I set the sponge aside and grabbed Belle at her waist and lifted her up and stood her on the bench.

I wet the sponge again and resumed washing her. I started at her feet and washed up her left leg front then down the right, staying well away from her pubic area. Next, I reached behind her and went up the backs of her legs. At the top, I swept long, lazy circles around her lower back then again around the perfect globes of her ass. I moistened the sponge again and touched it lightly to her navel. I drew small circles at first then larger and larger ones; never pressing, never increasing speed. Finally, the sponge brushed her mons and she stifled a gasp.

“Too sensitive?” I asked. “I can stop.”

“You had better not! But maybe you could lose the sponge, hmm?”

“Of course,” I said, tossing the sponge in the basin. With her standing on the bench, her pussy was almost eye level. I put my fingers on her hips —her waist is so narrow— my thumbs were vertical on either side of her vulva. When I pushed them together, it caused a sideways pout. I tilted my head to the left and chuckled.

“You!” She said in mock exasperation, as she threw my head back upright with a swipe of her right hand. “That is not what I had in mind.”

“Sor-ry. Let me get about m’lady’s business.” I spread my thumbs and pressed gently. Like a beautiful flower, she opened up, pink and moist. I looked up at her face as I took one long lick. She was looking down at me with keen anticipation.

“More please, I want you to make love to her, now. Please.”

“Mmm, it will be my pleasure.” I put my left hand behind the small of her back and my right behind her knees and swept her off the bench. I gently laid her head on the pile of clothes. Her knees open at the opposite end of the bench. I found the small cushion Lilith had used for my head earlier and knelt on it, facing Belle’s warm treasure. It was my turn to be in control.

I paused for a moment and considered this beautiful, sensual woman. How amazed I was at her passion, her art. Her eyes were closed in anticipation. Her breathing was steady, controlled.

My reverie was broken by light taps on her thigh. She was not to be denied. I chuckled, “Okay, okay. At your service.” Apparently, I am not quite in control. I adjusted my reawakening penis to give him room to move then leaned forward.

I lightly touched my index finger to her skin just below her belly button. I drew it down counting slowly as I did. “One, two, three, four, five.” I lifted it off her skin just before reaching her mound. She shivered. Silently, I counted to five and started over. “One, two, three, four, five, six.” My finger lifted off again, just glancing off the top of her hood. Another ‘resting’ five count. Her legs were bouncing, she wanted more. I wanted her to want *even* more.

I started again, “One, two, three, four, five, six” I was at the top of her clit, but kept moving and counting, “seven” I traced the valley but kept my touch light, “eight, nine, ten.” At ten, my finger was at her perineum approaching her anus. She bucked her hips and I withdrew my hand. “Uh uh uh. Not yet.”

I lifted my hand back to her belly, only this time just half way to her navel. I moved my first two fingers at the same, slow pace. I looked at Belle’s face. Her lips were mouthing the numbers in anticipation even as I counted silently. I was enjoying the anticipation too. My cock was rolling side to side as new blood started to engorge it. At seven, she arched her back slightly. My fingers parted at her hood then followed the hills of her lips, this time pressing a bit more firmly. At the bottom, I let them circle and massage the tight skin between her pussy and asshole.

I leaned forward. I grabbed her labia firmly between the thumb and forefinger of my left hand. I bent in and kissed them then traced the slit with my tongue. I rose up on my knees and moved my right hand up between her thighs. I licked down to the vaginal opening to make sure it was well moistened. It was. I turned my right hand sideways, index finger on top. Then I let the first two fingers follow my tongue to the entrance and started to push them in.

“Mmmm. Yes; just like that.” She said. “Don’t stop.”

I licked very softly. I carefully savored both the taste and texture of her inner and outer lips. After a few moments, my fingers had gained slight progress up the wet tunnel. I was in no hurry. She was moving slowly too, just barely rolling her hips. I pressed in, then retreated to bring out more lubrication. I pressed again. My first knuckles were now in and she was moaning softly in response to their presence.

She put her hands on either side of the back of my head and pulled my mouth tighter. She wanted more now. I opened the fingers on my left hand to expose the reddening channel begging for my tongue. I licked from the side of the index finger of my right hand up the valley until I found her throbbing clit. I put my lips over my teeth and bit her firmly. She gasped. At that moment I thrust my fingers as far as they would go then rotated 90° so I could press her g-spot.

“That’s it! Yes, yes.” She yelled as I flexed my fingers inside her and licked her more fiercely. She bounced her legs and bobbed my head as she rose to another climax.

Suddenly, she squeezed her thighs together and moved her hands to my forehead and pushed me away. “Uh, stop. I can’t handle any more. That was so intense.”

I kissed her pussy as I pulled away. I slowly withdrew my fingers. I raised them and examined the viscous gleam on them. I put them in my mouth to clean them off. I slowly pulled them through my lips, smiled and said, “you taste good on me.”

She grabbed my left hand, which was still on her hip, and squeezed it for a long second before she spoke, “Thanks for cleaning me off. Now it’s your turn.” She grabbed my forearm with her other hand and pulled herself up to sitting. She reached back for the basin and set it beside her on the floor.

Belle took the sponge and wrung out the excess water. She lifted my chin with her left hand and gently scrubbed a small crusty trail of dried semen from my neck —Lilith must have missed it with the spatula. Next she swirled the moist sponge around my shoulders and chest, spending extra time at my nipples, which were protruding somewhat and more sensitive than usual from their time in the clamps.

When she leaned forward to wipe my belly, she glimpsed my rock-hard cock. “What’s this?” She said as she flicked the tip with her finger. She grabbed the shaft and pulled up. “Come on. On your feet, I need a closer look.” I put my hands on her knees and pushed myself up while she continued pulling and coaxing me upward.

When I was fully standing, my slightly-above-horizontal erection was at her face. She moved it side to side, carefully inspecting my penis and scrotum from every angle. “Yes, as pretty as he is, he still needs attention. We can’t go out like this. You have powder from dried sex juice all over you,” she said as she leaned in, turned her head and blew at the base my cock in the perineum area. My balls retreated upward at the cool air.

“Ah ah ah! Where do you boys think you are going, huh?” She said. Belle wrapped both hands around my scrotum and guided my testicles back down. “Good boys. You deserve a kiss.” She loosened her grip and kissed each several times in turn. Then she eased them apart, licked her lips and sucked one fully into her mouth. I don’t know how, but she circled it with her tongue pressing in from every side.

She sucked in her cheeks and pulled her head away. *Pop!* Her lips smacked as my ball sprang free. “He he. That’s one. Let me clean this other one.” She drew it into her mouth and moved her hand up to grip my cock as she bathed this one. She massaged it with her tongue while stroking me with long, firm pulls. Another pop and she leaned back slightly.

Belle looked up at me and said, “Ready for a surprise?”

“There’s more? You seem to have no end of surprises.”

“Yes, you are right,” she said, taking my cock in both hands. She squeezed firmly and the head expanded and glowed crimson. She smiled. “Mmm. What a nice color.”

She started at her left and kissed lightly all the surface she could reach. When she got to the opposite side, she pushed her hands toward my belly and licked my frenulum with the very tip of her tongue. She pulled her tongue in to rewet it. She lazily bathed it from where the skin gathered to the slit opening then licked circles around the sensitive rim of the crown.

She kept a firm grip as my knees started to give. I was on the edge of losing my self control. “Don’t pass out yet. You need to be awake for the surprise, he he he.”

Belle said, “Hold onto my wrists.” As I took one in each hand, she parted her lips and opened them over the swollen head of my cock. She bobbed her head several times to get me sloppy wet. Then she moved her hands to either side of my ass.

I am standing in a naked Superman pose —feet shoulder-width apart, fists at my hips— when I meet my kryptonite. Belle bent her head slightly forward, engulfing more of my throbbing penis in her mouth then suddenly pulled her hands toward her forcing my hips into a forward thrust. She swallowed once to open her throat and let the head pass her glottis.

Her nose now touched my belly and the tip of her tongue was at the end of my shaft, brushing my scrotum. She kept her hands still. She didn’t want me to move. I didn’t need to.

Belle began swallowing. The tip of my cock was situated such that each swallow massaged the most responsive place. She was milking me with her throat muscles and I was hyper aware of her ownership. I was giving up my semen with each movement. Within seconds I was drained and my knees gave out.

She carefully eased me to the bench as my flaccid penis receded, first from her tight throat then through her moist lips.

She slid over and laid my head on her thigh and said, “Good boy. Now rest.” She caressed my hair with one hand and traced my resting form with the other. I think I fell asleep for a few minutes under her gentle touch.

She was still cradling me when I became aware of some sounds at the rear of the theatre. I shifted slightly and saw daylight peeking around a curtain as an outside door opened and closed.

“What time is it?” I said as I sat up.

“Maybe 7:30. The cleaning crew is arriving. Hungry?”


“Good. Let’s get dressed and go to the park to eat.” She kissed me on the cheek then stepped back and looked me up and down. “I will never lose my appetite for you, but I need a coffee and some calories.”

She grabbed my pile of clothes and playfully threw them at me. Then she threw her hands up and spun around and the floral shift settled on her shoulders.

“Do me, please,” she said as she turned her back to me and held her hair aside. I pulled up the zipper and hooked the clasp. “Now you. Arms behind you.” She stood behind me and guided the sleeves over my hands and up my arms. She walked around me, dragging her fingers across my chest to the buttons, which she patiently closed, one-by-one from top to the bottom.

Between the sides of my shirt, my penis started peeking out, rousing again from his slumber as he sensed the nearness of her hands. “Stay,” Belle playfully commanded as she knelt down to help me into my trousers. She took hold of the belted waistband and stood, pulling it over my thighs and the shirt tail. She fastened it, fabric and belt, leaving the shaft exposed to the cool morning air. He was again gaining girth, but still flexible.

She gently tucked him behind one side of the fly then carefully zipped him in. She patted my package lightly and said, “Good. Now put on your shoes while I put on my face.” She stepped into a small dressing room and emerged a moment later with fresh red lips.

She flew across the stage, grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the rear doors. “Let’s go slow poke, let’s go.”

We ran passed the cleaning crew, who shouted, “Good morning, Miss Belle.” “Good morning, friends,” she sang as we bolted through the door. She led me five steps down the loading dock, through the narrow alley and back to the plaza.

To one side, along an iron fence, was a small food kiosk surrounded by eight or ten café tables. The attendant was just finished setting a table. There was a plate of aged meats and cheeses, a warm baguette, a carafe of coffee, and a small pitcher of milk in the middle. By each of the two chairs was a small place setting —small plate, fork, spoon and knife— and a cup and saucer.

“Your usual, Miss Belle,” the attendant said with a flourish and low bow as he pulled out one chair.

We finished off the food fairly quickly then sipped the dark coffee at a more leisurely pace. We held hands, looked into each other’s eyes and flirted for an hour.

“Walk me home?” she asked.

It would be my pleasure. I pulled out her chair and offered my arm. She rose and leaned into my arm as we started through the park.

“The long way?” I asked.

“That’s the way I like it, sir.”


*Author’s note: I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story.*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/aith9m/exploring_the_mysteries_of_belle_a_7part_serial