‘My REAL Dad Used To Spank Me’: The Story Of A Teen And Her Step-dad [Straight] [M/f] [Step] [Inc] [Teen] [Spanking] [Barely Legal] [Daddy]

When I met my fiance Cassie, I was a little disappointed to hear she had a kid.

I never wanted children myself before and being in my forties now means that I want them even less. I just want a quiet peaceful life which is why I made the decision to finally find someone to settle down and share my life with in the first place.

I could tell you about my future wife Cassie and how we met but I get the feeling you’d be more interested in her eighteen year old daughter, Kacie.

Like I said, I didn’t want kids myself so I’ll admit that I was relieved when I learned that Kacie was eighteen.

Sure, I had definitely heard the stories of bratty, stroppy teenagers and they didn’t sound appealing but I figured that she was technically an adult now and surely past that phase.

And for the most part, I was right.

Kacie’s a really good kid and someone I’m proud to call my daughter. She’s smart, kind and caring. A little cheeky at times but it’s all in good fun. Mostly independent. Sure she lives with us but you can’t expect a kid to move out as soon as they turn eighteen but when that day does come, I’m sure she’ll be fine. She knows how to look after herself.

She’s also a little head-turner. I don’t doubt she’s been the cause of numerous heart (and cock) throbs to many of the boys at her school . . . and probably some teachers . . . and parent’s.

Okay I won’t sugar coat it.

The first thing I thought when I met Kacie was how much I wanted to fuck her little, tight, teen body.

My cock still stirs just at the thought of her.

The first thing you’ll notice about Kacie is how soft her skin looks; so smooth and tender. Very pale, sort of porcelain. This contrasts highly with her dark, brown eyes but the mix of the two give her a very innocent look. That and also the fact that she has a very natural doe expression. Her eyebrows are wispy and dark, matching in color the straight, sleek, jet black hair that falls halfway down her back.

If I had to guess her bra size, I’d probably say she’s got b cups. I’m no expert in identifying women’s underwear but she has these little perky peaches that you could swallow up in a mouthful. She has a surprisingly big butt for a girl her size though. Despite her petite stature, Kacie has a pretty fleshy little booty. Don’t get me wrong, it’s no Kim Kardashian and I’d still say it’s on the small side but it definitely stands out on top of her slender legs.

Maybe I just notice it more since she seems to like showing it off. I swear she’s always wearing these skimpy little shorts that hug her firm curves and ride up into her little asshole.

Anyway, Kacie and I actually really hit it off and quickly developed a good relationship. She even took to calling me dad, something neither her mother or I had asked her to do yet. A welcome gesture, nonetheless.

In fact, everything seemed more or less perfect until a couple of months of us all moving in together.

I’d grown rather close to her and treated her as if she was my own. In fact, I’d say that she effectively was at that point. But for some reason, she started getting a little bratty from time to time. She’d frequently bring up her biological father and although she never gave me the “YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD” thing, she’d instead say, “My *REAL* dad would . . .” In a pretty bratty manner and I didn’t really know how to respond at first.

I assumed that maybe it was all just a bit much for her. You know, moving in together and her mom and I getting married but the strange thing was how quickly she’d go back to being so sweet and polite.

It was like she’d develop this spoilt, unruly persona for a short period of time and then just snap out of it.

I noticed that these moments would only ever seem to occur when it were just her and I in the house which is why I assumed that maybe we weren’t ready to take on the full daddy/daughter relationship yet as she couldn’t cope without her mother around.

But if I ever sat her down and tried making sure she was okay with everything and with me, she’d be as right as rain. She’d sing my praises and tell me how much she appreciates me and everything I do for her and how upset she’d be if I wasn’t around.

But she’d still have these bratty phases.

I was pretty confused and decided to try taking a different approach. Instead of just leaving her alone, giving her space and letting the phase ware off. I decided to see what’d happen if I put my foot down and tried disciplining her.

You know, nothing heavy, just the ol’ firm talking to in a very stern voice. I figured I could try some other pretty standard punishments like grounding her or taking her phone away or something and if she tried contesting me, I even had the whole “If you’re under our house then you have to live by our rules” thing prepared, although I assumed I wouldn’t need it. I thought a good talking to about how it’s not appropriate to speak to me so rudely just because mom isn’t around would be good enough. But that’s when she said something I found pretty strange.

So after getting a little bit of backchat from Kacie, I decided to give my new approach a go.

I explained to her that I can’t tolerate bad behavior and if she keeps it up, I’ll be force to discipline her.

And her response was, “What’re you going to do, huh? Spank me?”

I was a little taken back by not only the words she said and the cheeky tone she said them in but the fact that her bratty phase seemed to worsen, when I thought the opposite would happen.

“Uh . . . n-no, I’m not going to ground you.” I told her flatly before putting a little more oomph into my voice. “But I’ve absolutely no problem grounding you if that’s what I have to do.”

“Yeah? Well my *REAL* dad, used to spank me.” She replied sassily.

I wanted to tell her that I am her real dad. I mean, not her biological one but I honestly felt like that outside of these moments, we had such a good relationship. It actually hurt that she implied that she didn’t see me as her real dad.

I ended up caving and explained to her that, that isn’t how I do things and she’s on her first warning but any more lip and she’ll be getting grounded.

That confrontation ended there and for a few days everything was fine again.

But then one day when she returned from school and her mother was out at the groceries, it happened again. It was a real hot day and Kacie ended up wearing a pair of those skimpy little shorts I told you about. The thing is, she decided that it was too hot to wear a tee shirt and started strutting around the house in her bra.

Now sure, okay, I didn’t want to complain. But as I mentioned, Kacie’s a smart girl so I was certain this was another one of her moments. Plus if her mother walked in and learned that I had said nothing, I would have been in deep shit. So despite the fact that I was drooling over her unbelievably sexy, little body and could barely fight the urge to not keep looking at her perky little tits, I had to speak up.

I simply explained that it’s not appropriate for a young girl to walk around in front of her step-father in just her bra and that she was free to wear what she likes in her own room or even just have a little tank top on or something when she runs down to the kitchen but she has to cover up a bit more.

And you know what she said?

“Why, what does it matter? It’s not like you’re my *REAL* dad.”

I gritted my teeth. I hated that saying with a passion. “What do you think your mom would say about this?”

Kacie shrugged her shoulders. “Well my *REAL* dad never had a problem with me walking around in my underwear.”

I clenched my fist. I was feeling so incredibly horny and angry at the same time and that’s not a good mix of emotions to be directing to your teenage daughter so feeling frustrated and defeated, I told her simply to go to her room which she happily obliged.

At this point I was getting pretty wound up. I was so sick and tired of hearing *WELL MY REAL DAD* all the fucking time. She seemed to be having these moments more and more and nothing I tried was working. I did everything to look after this girl and if she can’t or doesn’t want to see me as her real dad then that’s fine but that doesn’t mean she can treat me however she pleases. I didn’t know what to do but I was certain that if I didn’t figure it out quick, I’d snap and really put my foot down . . . or maybe lose my temper and do something I’d regret.

Well one day, Cassie was invited to this sort of girl’s night thing which I encouraged her to go to as I knew she hadn’t been out with her gal pals in so long. So I took that Friday evening as an opportunity to sit down, crack open a beer and catch a game.

But my relaxing evening was cut short as Kacie decided that she’d strut right in front of the TV, as brazen as anything, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She was wearing a pair of the tightest leggings I had ever seen. You know the kind that young, teenage girls like to wear. They start barely at your waist and stop above your ankles and are so skin tight it looks like someone drew them on. You could easily see the pair of tiny, pink panties she had on underneath. As for the white crop top she was wearing, well I almost thought that she was just going about in her bra again. Honestly, it concealed less then a bra would which was made worst by the fact that she wasn’t wearing a fucking bra.

After she swaggered on in front of me, she began searching underneath the couch cushions and checking around the back of the furniture.

“What are you doing?” I asked, disbelief ripe in my voice.

“I lost my phone.” She replied casually. “Could you call it?”

“I meant your outfit. Are you planning on going somewhere?”

As she crawled around on the floor, peeking under the TV stand, I couldn’t take my eyes off her perky, teen rear.

“Oh, yeah. A boy from school is having a party since his parents are away for the weekend.”

Clearly she had lost her mind along with her phone.

I put the TV on mute.

“Your mother never mentioned anything about a party?”

Kacie stood back up. “That’s because she doesn’t know. Now will you call my phone?”

“No!” I barked, unable to believe that this is the same young girl I spoke to that same morning. “I’m not letting you go to some party that you’re just bringing up now. Especially not like that.”

I know what guys are like. Fuck it, I’m still one of those guys. Despite the words coming out of my mouth and the fact that I love this girl as my daughter, I’m not immune to her sexiness and I can’t deny that I was getting pretty turned on. I could only imagine what a big group of young lads would want to do to her.

Kacie rolled her eyes, ignoring me and walked off into the kitchen to continue her search where she did find her phone.

I couldn’t let this happen though so I hopped up from the couch and followed her in.

“Hey! Are you listening to me? You are NOT going to that party!” I said, raising my voice but keeping as calm as I could.

“You can’t stop me!” She snapped back. “I’m eighteen now. I’m an adult.”

“Barely!” I scoffed. “And I don’t care. If you’re going to live in the house that I pay for, eating the food that I bought and dressing like a slut in the clothes that I assume you got with the pocket money that I gave you then you’re damn well going to do as you’re told!”

Kacie was silent for only a moment. She bit her lip, seemingly dwelling over things in her mind as she picked up her phone.

“It’s not like you’re really going to do anything.” She said, beginning to head out of the kitchen. “If you were my *REAL* dad then you’d-”

“WHAT?” I roared, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her over to me. “WHAT WOULD I DO? WOULD I DO THIS?”

I bent Kacie over the kitchen table, making the thin fabric of her leggings to dig deep into her asshole.

I raised my hand and swatted her left buttcheek, watching it jiggle through her clothing. I did so again, except I bought my wrath down on her right cheek this time, and I continued. I repeatedly smacked her little ass more times than I could count, becoming so engulfed in my whirlpool of rage and lust that I was paying no attention to how hard I was hitting, how many times I hit, or which side I was spanking. I just slapped that ass until I had it out of my system.

And then there was silence. A long drone of nothingness except for our harsh breaths.

We were both panting pretty heavily and I couldn’t believe what I had just done, though I only made things worse for myself. My dick was tenting my sweatpants pretty hard and it definitely prodded her once or twice during my outburst.

I wasn’t entirely sure what to say next, but I had to say something.

“Is . . . uh . . . is that what your *REAL* dad would do?” I asked.

Kacie nodded. “Except . . . he would pulled my leggings down so I really felt his blows.” She told me breathlessly.

“R-really?” I gasped, wondering if she was really suggesting what I thought she was.

Without saying another word, I grasped the waist of her leggings and gently tugged them down to her knees, revealing a pair of little pink panties. In doing this, I also revealed a little, darker pink spot; a wet patch where her delicate slit is.

So that’s what she was trying to tell me that whole time.

That wet patch proved it, she wanted it, she was enjoying it. And I wasn’t able to turn back if I wanted to.

I carefully pinched her soft little undergarments and pulled them up into her firm, young ass, giving her a good wedgie and revealing her crimson Red bottom. “Uh, this way, your panties won’t help soften the blows neither.”

Kacie bit her lip. Her bratty voice was completely gone now.”Well, in that case, maybe you should just pull them down too.”

She sounded as nervous as I felt but it was clear we were both pushing to make something happen. I had no idea what this was leading to, but I was determined to find out.

I took the waistband of her panties and pulled them down to her knees, unveiling the teeniest, tiniest little pussy I have ever seen in my life. It was so small and pretty. And almost bald except for the tiny tuft of pubic hair that sat just above her cute little cunt lips. The air became filled with the aroma of her musky scent and I inhaled it deeply as I gazed down at her glistening little pussy. I thought my cock was going to burst through my pants.


I swatted her firm little backside, biting my lip a I watched her flesh shake. She let out a yelp that sounded half painful and half joyful. So I spanked her again.

“OH!” She gasped loudly. I could tell this was hurting her but I guess that’s what she liked so much. So I tested my theory.

I raised my hand and with all of my might I boomed down, hitting her flesh with such impact that even my fingers stung from the blow.

“OH FU-UCK!” She shrieked, her knees buckling causing her to grab the table for support.

Kacie’s breathing became very short and timid, like someone who almost drowned and was desperate for air.

I gently traced my fingers up her pale leg and over her raw booty. I could feel the heat radiating from it’s beaten flesh.

“Are you okay?” I asked gently.

She nodded, though her eyes were closed and she was biting her bottom lip intensely.

I gazed down at her sore butt, her beautiful pussy, her tight teen body and her pretty little face. It was all too much. I thought my cock was going to explode. I longed to fall to my knees and kiss her ass better before burying my face in her tiny, teenage twat. It was drooling too, like her cunt was aching for this.

“You know what daddy would do next?” She asked, speaking rapidly though her voice came out a mere whisper.

I was going insane with lust at this point. All fear of any consequences were long gone.

I yanked my top off and dropped my pants and boxers in one swift motion, freeing my stiff, aching cock. I nestled it firmly between her rosy little cheeks, feeling it throb as the head laid over her tiny asshole as I leaned forward, our sweaty bodies uniting as my abdomen pressed against her back and I whispered in her ear.


And then I moved my hips backwards and guided my furious mushroom head to her heavenly entrance and with one quick thrust I broke through. Her young pussy was so warm and wet that I groaned out maniacally the second I was inside of her. The feeling of euphoria that pulsated through my swollen prick was so intense that I felt like I was cumming instantly.

Kacie groaned out, her voice shuddering as the lips of her eighteen year old pussy stretched around my veiny rod. I kept my body pressed to her back, feeling her beads of sweat press into my skin and run down my abs. I wrapped my arms around her little body and bought her to a standing position. She was so much smaller than me that she was forced to tip toe and I could still rest my chin on her head.

I began thrusting quick strokes, pushing two-thirds of my cock in and out of her barely legal kitty.

I pressed my face into her head, inhaling the coconut smell of her hair before I kissed the back of her neck and began nibbling lightly on her earlobe then making my way down to her neck and sucking on it like I was trying to drain her blood.

I picked up my pace, thrusting more brutally into my step-daughter’s teenage fuckhole as she groaned and whimpered.

I then dragged my tongue up her neck, leaving a long trail of sticky saliva to her ear.

“I’m your real fucking daddy.” I grunted in her ear, one of my hands holding both of her arms behind her as the other one stretches around her tight body and helped support her up. “Do you understand me? This is how you get punished from now on. Got it?”

“Yes daddy!” She squealed.

I let go of her arms and ran my free hand up her body, taking a moment to grope her little chest before running my fingers over her neck and tilting her chin so she was looking up at me whilst I mercilessly pounded her young, teenage body.

Her beautiful, dark, doe-eyes smoldered up at me, gazing into my very soul.

“Good girl.” I told her huskily and watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

I felt her whole body go limp so I quickly wrapped my arms around her tiny frame again. I leaned forward once more, bending her back over the table as my balls clapped against her creamy little thighs. I kept one hand on her chest, fondling her little tits as my other hand reached down between her legs and began circling over her tiny clit.

She continued to whimper under my touch, her sexy little moans like music to my ears.

And it was all too much.

I let go of her little peach-like titties and I reached up to her sweaty, black hair, balling up some of it in my fist as my other hand moves up to her hips and holds her in place as my cock absolutely batters her eighteen year old slit.

I felt my balls begin to tingle, signalling that they were ready to blow a huge load into this teenager’s fertile womb.

And if I did bust in my step-daughter’s barely legal pussy and implant her with my baby then it’d be fucking worth it.

But I didn’t do that.

Instead, I told Kacie that if she really wants to make up for being a naughty girl then she’s going to swallow daddy’s load. And with barely enough time to spare, I withdrew from her little slot and rammed my cock into her gob as she quickly fell to her knees, making her suck the taste of her teenage pussy from my dick before I filled her mouth with all of my warm goo. I blew so many thick ropes of cum inside of her young chatterbox. I coated her tonsils and sent my sperm sliding down her throat. Her cheeks even puffed out and cum began to overflow from her mouth, leaking out onto her lips and running down her chin.

I held the back of Kacie’s head as my cock spasmed uncontrollably in the young girl’s mouth, flooding her with my semen. I was in heaven. Some other realm of existence. I had never known a joy so wonderful than that moment; it was truly indescribable. It was like nothing else existed. Just my cock and Kacie’s holes.

Eventually I did stop shooting my seed into her little facehole and withdrew, causing more of my middle-aged man-cream to seep out from her lips. She gazed up at me, despite being sweaty and leaking cum, she still had such an innocent look on her face as she swallowed all of my massive load.

I grabbed the table for assistance before stumbling into a chair, gasping for breath like crazy, my body feeling so sensitive as powerful sensations of bliss still pulsated through me.

Kacie continue to watch me for a moment as I caught my breath before slowly standing up herself, her swollen pussy leaking juice. She licked my salty goo from her lips and wiped her chin before giving me a peck on the cheek.

“You’re my *REAL* daddy now.”

# The End

**DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fictional. I, the author, OceanBliss, in no way condone or encourage any real life acts that are in any way illegal, immoral or abusive.**

**This story was written as an erotic fantasy by an adult writer for adult readers.**

# Author’s Note:

I’d really love to know if you enjoyed my story! Any and all feedback is appreciated so let me know what you thought, good or bad. I hope to build quite the library of my own erotica so if you did like this and think you’ll enjoy more of my stuff, please keep an eye out for more of my stories.

I’m always up for a chat and keen to hear what people think so feel free to PM or Direct Chat me too!

Thanks again!

With love,

– Ocean

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ahillk/my_real_dad_used_to_spank_me_the_story_of_a_teen


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