Chained and Spanked Mother, Ch. 9 [inc, M/s, BDSM, slow, mdom, spank, rough, oral]

Chained and Spanked Mother, ​ by DiscipleN ​ ​

. . . a fan prequel to Kathy Andrews’ 1984, raunchy novel, “Chained and Spanked Sister” . . . ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Chapter 9

Robert told his mother to dress, while they ran to let their sister in. They stuck out their tongues after telling her, she was in trouble.

Peggy stormed in, ignoring her brother’s insults. The reason she ditched class was to meet a boy at the far end of the school grounds. He was a handsome jock who promised to make her feel good, but all he did was sniff her panties and tell her to suck his cock! She thought about biting it but marched away without a backward glance. Someday, she would find a boy who could realize her secret fantasy. Until then, she’d suffer grounding and extra chores. Her parents couldn’t stop her search for erotic satisfaction.

That night, her mother ripped into her, in front of her father, promising to send her to a boarding school! Peggy had never felt such malice from her mother. It was like her mother had taken anger pills. Her brothers sat quietly, somehow more content and righteous than ever. Being sent to bed without supper was a relief from their smug presences!

The next day, Robert and Tommy were ready for more fun with their mother, but that morning, their dad asked her to take the car in for service. She also had to shop for groceries. Instead of using their mother for their pleasure, they discussed new ways to punish and enjoy her. They returned to the books which had inspired their campaign, and wanked to lurid but fake stories. Some ideas were simple and covert enough, they might get away with doing them when their dad or sister were around. Other ideas required special goodies and more work.

Tommy came up with the best idea of all, but they had to save it for late afternoon.

After her day long ordeal with Robert and Tommy, Joan had drifted about their home, sapped of will. She’d waited to be told how she would next suffer her son’s pleasures, until they told her to call the school. That night, anger exploded out, filling her limbs and thoughts with purpose. Her diatribe against Peggy caught her daughter and husband by surprise. He had to intervene at one point. She nearly barked at him, for disturbing her rant. Eventually she calmed, when he sent Peggy to her room. Joan felt alive again. She made dinner with gusto, and slept well. Her husband had offered to make love, but she claimed a headache and fell fast asleep.

The next day, she was grateful to bring their car to the local mechanic. Her husband left early to catch a bus. She took her time shopping, after the minor maintenance was completed, and returned an hour after the boys were back from school. They would have no time to rope her into their evil schemes. Instead, they eagerly helped her bring the groceries in and restock the cupboards and fridge. Peggy sat on the couch reading a silly magazine. Joan’s hackles raised.

When Tommy whispered in her ear, his audacious idea, she nearly thanked him by patting his crotch. She marched up to her lazy daughter and told her, “Peggy, you could have helped me with the groceries, but you just let your brothers do the work, like always. This time, the chore I have in mind will keep you busy for a long time.”

“Mom?” Peggy looked up, already annoyed by her perfect brothers.

“Last night,” Joan coughed, “Or the night before, a cat slipped into the cellar through the window. He peed and sprayed all over. I want you, young lady, to get a bucket and cleanser and scrub that foul stuff until you can’t smell it anymore.”

“MOM!” Peggy cried and threw her magazine to the floor. “That’s nasty! Get a professional to do it!”

“I don’t care how nasty it is down there, Peggy Collinsfield. You will march your smart mouth down there at once! And don’t climb back up until it smells like roses. We don’t have money for a professional, but we do have one lazy daughter who thinks she can get away with sneaking out of class and lying to her mother and father!”

Peggy screeched, but she got up from the couch and hunted down a bucket, brush, and the strongest cleaner she could find.

Joan felt the thrill of power in her household, once more. But after Peggy slammed the cellar door behind her, the mother realized she was effectively alone with her two sons.

Robert strode up to her, empty handed but full of plans. “You’re going to take us shopping, Mom.”

Tommy had marched up beside him. “And we’ll be out late.”

“I will not.”

“Fine,” Robert looked dead serious. “Then we’ll go downstairs and tell Peggy just whose pee she has to clean up.”

“Yeah, and we may even add hers to the floor down there.”

Joan hadn’t considered that her daughter might be a target for the boys. The idea was insane. Yet her sons had already proved the insane lengths they would go to satisfy their lusts. “You can’t be serious.” She stumbled over the words.

“She’s as good a cunt as any, Mommy.” Tommy mimicked his brother’s expression.

“Younger, tighter, fresher.” Robert let a half a grin curl one corner of his lips. “Maybe we’ll use the both of you.”

“You may have caught me off guard, a couple times.” Joan gulped, “But I’m going to be more careful, from now on.”

“Sure, Mom. Go ahead and try. If we can’t catch you often enough, we might have to hunt more foolish game.” Robert threatened.

Joan’s thoughts raced. Her daughter was as willful, but not as strong as she. Peggy might submit to her brother’s lusts, deeper and more easily, and be broken far worse. However much her daughter was a trouble maker and trouble itself, Joan loved her daughter. A mother was suppose to protect her children. But what if she couldn’t protect her children from each other?

Joan fumed. Her sons were using Peggy as a weapon, to take advantage of her. She had to do something to stop them. A familiar helplessness seeped into her head. She had to make a deal. “Fine. I’ll consider what you want, if you promise to never involve your sister.”

The boys were quick to promise. Robert then told her they needed stuff from the local hardware store. “In fact, it’s going to occupy our time for a few days, Mom. We may be out of your hair for a while.” He grinned.

The boys had promised, but would they keep their promise? She told herself she had no choice. The Joan, from scant days ago, would have sent the boys into the cellar to work alongside their sister. She didn’t realize how much authority she had lost to her sons. She fetched her keys and ushered them to the car.

In the hardward store, Robert and Tommy spent time carefully collecting: a pile of wood, rubber mats, leather strips, nails, screws, bolts, pulleys and all manner of odds and ends including a yard of fake fur. When the store manager asked what they were going to build, they told him, “Soapbox derby!”

Joan couldn’t guess what they would actually build, but it wouldn’t be for public sport. Even having taken the bus, their father arrived before they returned with their booty. They found him praising Peggy.

“Thanks, Peggy.” Her father beamed. “It looks like you did a good job down there.” He hadn’t descended farther than the first two steps, before making his appraisal. Joan huffed at her husband’s lack of diligence. She went to make supper while Robert and Tommy dragged everything they bought into the mostly cleaned up cellar. It eventually proved impossible to remove lingering smells, not that those bothered the boys. The odor reminded them of their first victory over their mother.

Later that evening, Peggy walked up. “Mom, what are iron rings doing in the floor and walls down there?”

“I don’t know anything about them, Dear. Maybe they were part of the old furnace your brothers dismantled and cleared out.” That should put a stick of respect up her daughter’s ass. Peggy pouted, not entirely believing her mother.

She accused, “You said we didn’t have enough money to hire a professional cleaner, but you sure had enough to buy your favorites all the weird, expensive crap they wanted.” Without waiting for her mother’s reply, she spun on her heels and strode to her room.

The week that followed felt like a calm before the storm. The children went to school and returned on time. The weekend was spent hiking on Saturday and fishing on Sunday. Everyone appeared happy. Each evening, however, as sawing and hammering seeped through the floorboards, Joan fretted. There were incidents.

One afternoon, Robert found his mother loading the washing machine in the utility nook just off from the kitchen. He grabbed one her arms and twisted it behind her back. “I caught you, Mom.”

“Ow! Robert, stop it! Peggy is in the living room.”

“Yeah, and she’ll stay there if you keep your trap shut.” His other hand reached up her dress.

“I need to get these clothes washed.” Joan complained. Getting Peggy’s attention might have saved her, if she wasn’t instantly embarrassed to be caught in an arm lock, bending over for her oldest son.

“I’m just making sure you still understand.” He groped carefully for her crotch but her girdle got in the way. “I guess you don’t.” He lifted her arm, causing her to either bend over or feel worse pain.

“Please, Robert, just tell me!” She bent over the open washer. Her words echoed metallically.

“I’m going to take this damn thing off of you and then teach you never to wear one again.” He lifted the skirt of her dress over her ass. “Hold this.” He smiled at her tight but wide cheeks.

Joan complied with her free hand, keeping the skirt from covering her underwear clad backside, but she complained, “It helps to shape me, Robert. I don’t like the weight I’ve gained since I married your father.”

“Then we’ll put you on a diet.” He fumbled for his pocket knife, withdrew it. Robert managed to open it and keep his mother’s arm pinned behind her. She winced upon hearing the sturdy, stretch material sliced off her thighs and waist. “Please don’t cut me.”

The ruined garment fell to the floor. “Huh, I guess you do have a little extra around the waist, Mom. But it’s not enough to spoil my fun.”

“Fun?” What was her oldest son planning? The answer struck her with a sharp TWHACK! Something hard and broad smashed against her pantied butt! She almost didn’t clamp her mouth shut to muffle her shout. “YEOW!” The unknown implement was more surprising than painful, but her ass hadn’t fully recovered from its recent tortures. It was plenty painful!

Another strike immediately followed. THWACK! Robert hauled the ping pong paddle straight back and struck a third time.

“OOOWWW!” Joan exclaimed as low as she could. “I can’t take it. Peggy will hear!” She wished she had stuffed more clothes in the washer, to silence its ringing echo.

“HEY, what’s going on in there?” Peggy couldn’t bother to get up from the couch.

“I’m swatting some bugs that are scaring Mom.” Robert yelled back. THWACK!

“OOOHHH. No, please, stop!” Robert was the only thing scaring her.

“Do you understand now, Momma. You’re a bug!” He hissed. SWACK!

Joan’s ass jerked and twitched. The hard swats, though spread across the paddle’s surface, added up to where she couldn’t stand them. She stuffed the hem of her dress in her mouth to mute her outcries. Then she grabbed every cloth item within her free arm’s reach and stuffed it in the metal tub. All the while, her son beat her ass.

“Promise me, Mother. You’ll never wear those damn things again!” He had lost count, but continued to whack her ass.

“I PROMISE!” Joan wailed through the skirt in her mouth. Her ass burned like acid had been poured over it.

THWACK! “Promise what, Momma?”

“OWW!!! I promise, I won’t wear girdles, ever again.” Another swat landed. “YYIIEEE!! I’ll throw all of them in the trash. I promise!”

Robert rested. “Good. I’m glad we had this talk. Now hush, and don’t move.” He reached between his mother’s thighs. Her panties were large and uninteresting, but they were no barrier to his exploration. Fingers slipped under one leg band and felt out the sensitive lips sporting rugged hairs.

Her son’s probing sent waves of shame up his mother’s body. She yearned to cry out and complain, but her ass was too inflamed to risk more punishment. Then she felt the young finger sink into her vulva and seek out the inner ring entrance to her vagina.

“You’re dry, Momma.” Robert stated.

“Please, not that. You can’t fuck me! Not here. You’ll get caught.” Joan couldn’t resist pleading.

“HUSH!” Her son hissed. He reach forward and pinched his mother clit, hard!


Robert released her clit. After a few heavy breaths, his fingers re-engaged it. This time, they stroked it softly. “Hush, Momma. Relax. I want you to feel good.”

Robert’s words confused her. The boys had never cared how she felt. Why was he playing with her clit, as a lover might. The initial pain of his pinch passed, but Joan didn’t experience pleasure. The rubbing did ease her pain. Fresh embarrassment flushed her cheeks, but she resisted complaining.

Abruptly, Robert stopped stroking her clit. he reached back and fingered her inner hole. Touching it made him smile. “You’re getting wet.”

NO! She hadn’t noticed how his gentle rubs had relaxed her pussy. It barely seeped her fluids, but she couldn’t deny he had affected her.

Then Robert did something stranger. He released her arm. “Don’t move.” He hissed. Probing fingers pressed upon her pussy’s slightly moist entrance then relaxed with casual repetition. At the same time, his other hand pressed the rubber clad paddle against her ass and rubbed her inflamed flesh.

Two sensations clashed, pain and comfort. “What-”

“Shhh, Momma. Just feel it.” Her son said. The paddle pressed harder and rubbed harsher.

“Mnnngg!” Joan winced. Then, one finger took advantage of the increased moisture seeping from her pussy. It wormed into her cunt tunnel and wriggled sensually. “Hhhhhh!” She gasp!

“That’s it. I’ll take it slow.” Robert cautioned. “Don’t fight it.” He added fingers as her tight hole lubricated. They fucked in and out. The paddle grated across her tortured flesh

A heat appeared within her loins. Unlike the spark and small flames that had taunted during her sons’ assaults. This heat expanded like wildfire the moment Joan abandoned her fears, to simply feel her son’s conflicting touches. “Oooohhh, it’s not right.” She whimpered.

The hand in her fucked faster. The paddle ground into her raw ass. “Cum, now, Momma.” Robert commanded.

Fire flared across her ass and cunt! It seared her bones and nerves and exploded in her mind.

“HAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!” She shouted, as intense pleasure erupted from her body. The hem of her skirt flew from her mouth. The narrow walls of the utility space echoed her outcry of incredible lust!

“MOM!” Peggy jumped up from the couch and ran to the kitchen. “What’s the matter?”

She found her mother and stupid Robert standing beside each other. Both had red faces, but Robert glared at her, while her mother looked away.

“It’s over, now.” Joan’s voice rattled.

“One of the bugs got in her hair.” Robert explained. “I plucked it out, which made Mom shout.” He wanted to gloat to his bratty sister, that he had plucked their mother’s shout, from her cunt hair.

“Ewww!” Peggy scrunched up her face and withdrew to the living room.

…to be continued…
