Hilly and Ben – The Choir Trip 5 [mf][mast]

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Hilly dragged her bags into the banquet room for breakfast with a satisfied smile on her face. Even being on couple of hours of sleep couldn't keep her spirits down. Madison was a little more subdued, but even she wasn't immune to Hilly's good mood.

"Thanks for helping me with my hair this morning," Hilly said as they put their bags down with the others. She had woken up late with horrible bed-head after going to sleep with wet hair. Madison had brushed it out and put it into a French braid right before they came down.

"Anytime." Madison put her own bags down with a sad smile and stretched out her back. "I'm gonna sleep all the way home."

"Me too," Hilly said as she yawned. Her back and leg muscles were hurting so much she'd taken a pain reliever. There was nothing she could do about the soreness she felt inside as she walked to the breakfast buffet line, but it did serve as a reminder. I'm not a virgin anymore.

Hilly didn't regret it at all, but it still felt like a milestone of sorts. Ben would always be her first, whatever else happened between them, and that made her happy. She was putting some bacon on her plate when one of the older altos, Sarah, came up to her.

"Hilly? I just wanted to say how cool it was that you saved Kaylee last night, especially after all the shit she talked about you."

The comment took her by surprise mostly because Sarah hadn't said more than a dozen words to her all year. "Thanks."

"None of us ever really listened to her anyway," Sarah said with a conspiratorial wink. "How'd you learn to do all that stuff anyway?"

"Three brothers and a decade of mixed martial arts training," she said with a laugh.

"If you ever want to teach a personal safety class, sign me up!" Sarah bumped Hilly's shoulder with her fist and walked away.

"That was wild," Madison whispered with wide eyes as she got some bacon for herself. "Oh Shit, here comes Ashley."

Only one third of the terrible trio had avoided her roofie because she secretly poured her drinks out in a nearby potted plant. She told the police she didn't like the taste of alcohol. Hilly had been there listening to the whole interview, but Ashley hadn't looked over at her once.

Standing there in the food line, Hilly felt her stomach tighten as Ashley stopped to examine her fingers and pinch her lips. The nearby conversations stilled as people became aware of them standing together.

"What's up?" Hilly asked, trying to hide how nervous she felt.

Ashley looked up with a brittle look on her face, like she was hanging on to her composure with her fingernails. "I knew." Her chin quivered for an instant then stopped. "I knew and I didn't stop her leaving with him."

Hilly felt her arms prickle at the implication, but she also knew enough from the safety classes she'd taken to realize what Ashley was struggling with. "It's not your fault. You weren't trained to know what to do and stress like that can make anyone do things they'd never usually do."

Ashley wiped her nose and nodded, but didn't look convinced. "Thanks for helping Kaylee when it counted. I'm sorry I was a bitch to you." She turned and walked out of the banquet room without another word to anyone then wiped her eyes as she got to the door.

Hilly and Madison looked at each other, silently communicating their surprise, then Hilly shook her head and added a bagel to her plate. "Let's go sit down before anything else happens."

Ben met them on their way to join the tenors table with a worried expression. "What did she want?" he asked as he searched Hilly's face.

"To apologize for being a bitch," Hilly explained with a shrug. "Got room for two more?"

"Sure do," he said and smiled at Madison. "Good morning. You guys sleep okay?"

When Madison didn't reply right away, Hilly looked over to see her nod at Ben with a pained smile. "Yeah." Hilly realized he was worried Madison would say something about her being out of her room for most of the night.

"The police finally let me go around eleven," Hilly added for the benefit of the others around the table. Nathan and Roj both had carefully neutral expressions at her comment which made her worry. "Mornin' guys," she said with a bright smile to warm them up.

"Hey," Roj said then looked down at his plate.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked as he maintained that oddly blank expression.

"Yeah." Hilly sat as she laughed, "No post-traumatic stress or anything."

Nathan glared at Ben for some reason then looked away.

"What's going on?" Hilly asked him as she caught Ben's face flush from the corner of her eye.

"Nothing," Nathan said and got up with his mostly full plate. "I'm stuffed. I'll see y'all around."

Roj shook his head and continued to chew. "Don't worry about him. He didn't get much sleep last night." When he gave Ben a significant look, Hilly remembered that Roj and Nathan had the room next door to Ben's.

"Oh shit," she whispered to herself as she realized she and Ben hadn't exactly been quiet. Who had the room on the other side? Just then two of the older basses came by smirking at her and Ben. She leaned close to Ben and whispered, "Everyone knows?"

Ben put his arm around her and put his lips next to her ear. "No one knows, but some guys heard something last night. I swear I'm never going to say a word. Keep in mind that most people are only just now finding out you saved Kaylee last night, so that's why they're looking at you."

Hilly took a deep breath and pushed away the fear she felt. She was dating Ben now and everyone would assume they did things together. Her lips twitched as she silently reviewed all things they'd done together the night before. "You're right," she whispered back then kissed his cheek.

Roj watched their exchange with a shrug. "Nathan's really jealous."

"I can't help that," Ben said before taking a bite of his sausage.

Hilly glanced at Madison staring at her plate like she was a thousand miles away. "You okay?"

She jumped and immediately smiled. "Just thinking."

"Well let's hurry and eat so we can get good seats on the bus."

After they finished breakfast and hauled their bags to the bus, Hilly and Ben found seats towards the back with Madison across the aisle. In an unexpected turn, Ashley stopped in the aisle and looked at Madison for a moment.

"Mind if I sit with you?" she asked quietly.

Madison's eyebrows narrowed as she studied Ashley's face. "Sure, if you want to."

After Madison pulled her legs into her seat, Ashley tossed her bag into the overhead shelf and slid into the window seat. Hilly caught something odd about their exchange but was too tired to think about it.

Ben leaned against the window and pulled Hilly into his chest while she covered them both with the blue blanket he'd brought on the trip. In moments she had snuggled up and drifted to sleep, sitting between Ben's legs and surrounded by his arms.

When Hilly woke a little later, the bus was quiet except for the rumble of the wheels and the movie playing. Across the aisle Madison and Ashley were talking quietly. She watched her best friend give Ashley a shy smile and nod, then the two of them bumped shoulders. It was odd seeing one of the terrible trio smile like that at her friend.

Ben sighed and stretched before pulling Hilly in tighter. She had the blanket up to her neck so no one could see when he cupped her breasts.

"Someone's awake," she whispered and turned to kiss his chin. His erection was firm against her side.

"I was dreaming about you and here you are," he whispered back as his thumbs brushed against her nipples.

Shutting her eyes, Hilly took one of his hands and moved it down to the heat between her thighs. His fingers brushed against her mons through the fabric of her sweat pants, sending waves of tingles that prickled the skin of her arms and legs. It took a supreme act of will to keep from reacting to what he was doing to her under the blanket.

In the darkness behind her eyelids, she focused on the sensations he gave her. He traced her nipple, mons, and outer lips for a moment, then squeezed her flesh in his hands. She was sore, but it didn't bother her enough to distract from what he was doing.

Pressing her hands over his, she encouraged him to continue while she focused on breathing and remaining still. The circular motions he pressed into her flesh brought a welcome slippery feeling to her panties. His warm breath tickled the small hairs behind her ear and melted her even more.

The persistent stimulation made her want to squirm and cry out, but she kept her breathing slow and steady. As her arousal mounted, Ben kept a steady pace while his erection pushed even harder into her side. She began to fantasize about their last time together with Ben filling her from behind. Imagining him inside drove her closer until she didn't think she could keep still.

Ben took a deep breath as his fingers dug deeper into her mons. She shivered uncontrollably as he brought her over the edge, but didn't utter a sound. She squeezed his hands to still them, but kept them pressed into her until the shaking stopped. When the last quakes left her she relaxed into his arms again.

"Hmmmm," she whispered into his neck. "I wish I could help you out."

"Just know what I'll be thinking about tonight when I'm in bed." He slipped his fingers under her waistband to gather some of her slippery emissions, then pretended to stretch and rub his nose so he could smell her.

"Oh god," she gushed and bit her lip at the thought of him savoring her like that.

"Yup," Ben said with a chuckle. "Gonna be a good night for me and a bottle of hand lotion."

"So unfair," she whispered with a playful pout as her relaxed body dragged her back to sleep.

The sounds of everyone talking and getting their bags woke her next. The bus was stopped outside her school and she could see the families standing around to welcome the travellers home. Stretching and sitting up, she saw that Madison and Ashley were already gone, so she tickled Ben until he roused with a sleepy smile.

"We're home again."

"I wish we'd been gone longer," he said as he stood and stretched himself out.

Hilly got their bags down and put them in the seats, then she stepped out into the aisle full of people. "It feels so different," she muttered to herself.

It wasn't just the sex. She had never had a real boyfriend before. Life had been about school, her martial arts dojo, and home, weeks turning like a carousel. She'd had ups and downs, but things had been pretty predictable and comfortable. The biggest crisis of her past few months had been getting shit from the terrible trio, studying for her mid-terms, and passing her black belt exam.

For the first time she felt like her life was in her hands, without the safety of training wheels. She'd used her martial arts training for the first time in a real situation and it actually worked. Her boyfriend had given her too many orgasms to count. But now coming home felt like putting on a pair of shoes she'd outgrown.

She shuffled up the line to exit the bus with Ben behind her. She could see her parents in the crowd through the tinted windows. She was a younger, carbon copy of her mom, Rose. Their small stature and youthful features had them mistaken for sisters more than once. Her father Frank was tall and muscular, a reminder of his days playing professional football before he retired to open a sports bar. He had lost some of his hair and thickened in his middle, but he could still wrestle his kids to the ground, albeit only one at a time these days.

Hilly suddenly saw them as Frank and Rose instead of just her parents. It made her love them even more to see them holding hands, smiling at the door of the bus for the sight of her. Would they see how different everything was now? How different she felt? Her new connection with Ben?

Before they got to the steps out, she looked over her shoulder to find Ben staring at her. "Be careful around my parents, okay?"

"You mean don't lean you back in my arms and kiss you like I want to?"

She blushed and shook her head. "You're a nut."

"Don't worry. I'm not blowing my first impression with your parents."

"At least my brothers stayed home," she said as she stepped down off the bus. "That's going to be a whole 'nother level of pain."

"Hilly!" Her mother called and waved to get her attention.

She left Ben to seek his own parents while she went to give her mom a hug. "Did ya' miss me?"

"I heard you helped a friend out of a bad situation last night," Mom said as she pulled back to look her daughter in the face.

"She wasn't exactly a friend, but I still couldn't just stand by and let it happen."

"We're proud of you," her father said as he stepped close to touch her shoulder.

"Thanks." The words warmed her all the way through. Her dad's approval always had that effect on her. "After training for ten years, I always wondered if it would work when I needed it."

"Now you know," Dad said with a smile.

"Hilly?" She heard Ben call her name and saw him approaching with his parents.

She turned back to her parents. "Mom, Dad, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Ben approached with a friendly grin and extended his hand to her father. "Hi, Mister Foster, I'm Ben Meyer." He looked her dad in the eye and shook hands, then he turned to her mom and shook her hand as well. "Misses Foster. These are my parents Sam and Jill."

"Hello." Hilly's Dad looked at her with a confused expression.

"Ben's offered to tutor me in Algebra." She saw the sparkle in Ben's eyes and looked away before her blush gave away the game. "I just wanted you to meet him and his parents before he shows up after school later this week."

"Oh!" Rose gave Hilly a secret smile, then dragged her husband to chat with Ben's parents. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Rose and this is Frank, Hilly's parents."

Hilly and Ben stood close enough to touch while their parents traded pleasantries. He felt like a heat lamp and warmed her through even though she didn't dare reach for him.

In the distance Hilly caught sight of Madison and Ashley standing together, phones out like they were trading numbers. Watching them smile and speak stirred something uncomfortable in her stomach she had no name for. When Ashley turned to walk away, she looked back to smile again at Madison. In that instant, Hilly had a moment of clarity that took her breath away. She's gay… and so is Madison.

Everything was changing. Hilly was still staring when Madison caught her looking. The instant blush confirmed what Hilly was thinking, then she saw Madison's eyes flicker to Ben. Her eyebrows drew together before her gaze returned to Hilly. When Madison's expression softened, she nodded once then turned to leave with her parents.

The choir trip was over, but in its wake Hilly felt like her life had just begun.

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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/38poap/hilly_and_ben_the_choir_trip_5_mfmast


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