The Greatest Present [MF]

“Who the hell left the alarm clock on?” groaned a restless Aaron Wales.

The former theater actor turned sales manager rolled over and pounded his fist on the blaring clock radio. Much to his annoyance, it read 6:00 a.m. That was usually the time he had to get up just to be at work on time. Christmas morning was one of the few times when he could sleep in. Now, with his ears still ringing, he sighed as he laid back in bed.

“Merry Christmas, indeed,” he muttered.

Neither his tone nor his mood was very festive. That wasn’t entirely because he’d been jarred from a peaceful sleep, either. Christmas had been extra stressful for the past couple years. It was stressful enough, getting together with family and finishing all his shopping in time. Both he and his wife, Violet, came from big families that loved to go all out when it came to celebrating the holidays. It was usually so joyous, but for Aaron, there wasn’t much to celebrate.

Not long ago, his dream of acting professionally took a big hit when the theater company he worked for went bankrupt. It happened unexpectedly. While he later found out his boss had been mismanaging the budget for years, Aaron had worked hard for that company. For a time, it laid out a path for him to achieve his dream.

That dream now felt like a distant memory. He’d married Violet just before the company went bankrupt, promising her that he would bring raw spectacle to their lives and many others. She believed him. Being a graphic designer, she was one of the few who appreciated his love of the arts. Having to take a job in a sales department, just to keep paying the bills, felt like he’d broken that promise.

“I miss feeling excited about the holidays,” Aaron said to himself. “I miss feeling excited about any day.”

Resigned to his lack of holiday spirit, he turned over to see that the other half of his bed was empty. That didn’t surprise him. Violet was an early riser and was probably planning out their trip to his parents’ house later that morning. Content to let her work, he rolled over in hopes of going back to sleep.

Then, his phone started buzzing. He’d received another text. With another groan, Aaron reached over to response.

“What now?” he muttered.

Upon opening his phone, he was surprised to see a text from his wife. The fact they shared the same undersized apartment made that strange. What was even stranger, though, was the content of the text.

“Wake up, you wannabe Scrooge,” he read. “Santa came last night. He left something special under the tree.”

A string of colorful emojis followed, which confirmed it came from Violet. She ended every text with excessive emojis. It was her way of letting him know she appreciated his taste for the theatrics. It also let him know when she was being serious.

“Something special, eh?” Aaron said. “Well, I’m definitely not getting back to sleep now.”

Curiosity quickly overrode grogginess as he slipped out of bed and put on his bath robe. He then replied to the text, letting Violet know he was on his way. She responded with more emojis, as if to encourage him to hurry.

Heeding her request, Aaron exited the master bedroom and made his way down the hall. He suddenly felt like a kid again, making his way downstairs on Christmas morning to open presents. He already noticed that the lights from the Christmas tree in the living room were turned on. He could even hear a fire crackling in the fireplace, which was very unusual at such an early hour.

“What are you up to, Violet?” he wondered.

Seeking both answers and a good excuse for being up so early, he entered the living room not knowing what to expect. What he saw would’ve roused even the most bitter of Christmas spirits, among other things.

“Good morning, darling,” greeted a loving, sexy voice. “I hope you like your present!”

Aaron just stood in stunned silence for a moment. What he saw before him might not count as a classic Christmas miracle, but it probably should have.

Lying just in front of the Christmas tree they’d only finished decorating a week ago was the same beautiful woman he’d married, but presented in a spectacle that any theater enthusiast could appreciate. That simple nighty she’d worn to bed the other night was long gone. In fact, all her clothing was gone. She was as naked as the day she was born, except for an oversized red bow over her breasts and connected streamers that covered other parts of her female anatomy.

In addition to the bow was a large tag that read “To: Aaron. From: Santa.” It, along with the lighting from the tree and the steady glow of the fire in the fireplace, gave the impression that St. Nick himself had dropped off an angel to revitalize his Christmas spirit. If the sudden change of blood-flow in his lower body were any indication, it was working.

“Wow,” Aaron said with a beaming grin. “I don’t remember putting this on my Christmas list.”

“You didn’t have to,” Violet said curtly. “Santa knows what the boys and girls of the world wants, especially if they’ve been extra good.”

“And I’ve somehow been that good?”

“You have,” she said, “more so than you think.”

Like a true angel of the season, she rose up from the floor. The big red bow stayed on her body, covering her breasts. However, the fancy red streams did nothing to hide the rest of her nude features. Her legs, hips, and pussy were all clearly visible as she approached and took him in her loving arms.

“I’ve seen it too,” Violet told him. “These past few years – ever since the theater company went under – you’ve wanted more than just a cushy position as a sales manager.”

“Guess that’s one part of the list you don’t need to check twice,” Aaron said.

“I remember how your spirit sunk that day,” she went on. “I don’t think it has fully recovered. You still want a life in theater, but your path to it seems blocked. Even though it’s disheartening, you still find a way to be so good…to treat your family, your friends, and me with such love.”

“I’ve never been one to take my frustrations out on others. I’ve always tried to save that for the stage.”

“And in the spirit of Christmas, I just can’t let someone that good go without a special present.”

She embraced him closer, parts of her naked body making contact with his. Aaron stood enchanted under her touch as she lovingly caressed his unshaven face, not minding his bed hair or demeanor. He found himself returning her gesture, slipping his arms around her waist and feeling under the bow to touch her naked skin. Suddenly, Aaron wished he’d worn loser boxer shorts.

“Your holiday spirit never ceases to amaze me, Violet,” he told her. “This is a hell of a way to cheer a guy up on Christmas morning.”

“What makes you think that’s all I’m doing?” Violet asked with a sneaky undertone.

“Well, your lack of panties – and any other clothing, for that matter – does send that message.”

“That’s still only part of it. Take a look under the tag. You’ll see what I mean!”

Now intrigued, as well as horny, he did as she asked and turned over the extra-large tag hanging from the bow. Taped to the back was something almost as astonishing as seeing his naked wife under their Christmas tree wearing nothing but a bow.

“Holy…babe, is this what I think it is?” Aaron exclaimed, his excitement rivaling that of any child.

“That depends. Do you think it’s a business card of the West Broadway Theater Company? One that happens to have a note from the managing partner on the back?”

“A note that asks when can I start and who to call,” he said, his head spinning. “How did you…I mean, I thought they weren’t hiring!”

“They weren’t,” Violet told them, “until I cashed in almost every favor I could at my company. I offered the company some extensive pro-bono work from my team, provided they give you another chance to prove yourself. They agreed two days ago.”

“And you’ve been keeping this news from me ever since?”

“Only because I wanted to make it something special,” she said in a more serious tone, “a holiday spectacle the likes of which you didn’t think you could have anymore. Well, guess what? That changes today!”

The intensity in her voice was almost as big a turn-on as her being naked. Aaron still needed a moment to process it, holding the card up with his shaking hands to make sure it was real. Near as he could tell, it was as real as the falling snow outside. It was really happening. He officially had another chance to achieve his dream.

From the looks of it, his wife had gone out of her way to make it happen. That work she mentioned meant she was in for a lot of late nights for no added pay. If that beaming smile on her face was any indication, though, it was a price she’d gladly paid.

“Violet…I’m at a total loss here,” Aaron said, still in disbelief. “This is, quite possibly, the greatest Christmas present I’ve ever gotten.”

“Even better than the time your brother got you Hamilton tickets?” she questioned.

“Yes! This is definitely better than that,” he said without hesitation. “I honestly thought my dream was over. I did everything I thought I could possibly do. I was almost resigned to the idea that it was impossible.”

“Except, it wasn’t,” she pointed out. “You just needed some help getting another chance.”

“No. Not just help,” Aaron said, “a Christmas miracle!”

The card still in hand, his dream once again within his reach, he gave his wife the biggest kiss he’d given since their wedding day. His heart and spirit were energized in ways that he hoped to channel into his next theater performance. For the time being, though, he focused all of it onto the beautiful woman in his arms.

Their kiss was so passionate that it ended up loosening the bow covering her breasts. It also loosened his bathrobe, which already felt burdensome under the heat of their intimate contact. With the fire raging in the fireplace nearby, the whole room felt hot and wearing any clothing at that point felt untenable.

“Mmm…miraculous, indeed,” Violet said, already breathless.

“That’s just the first part. Now, I have to give you your gift!” Aaron said in his most seductive tone.

“You mean the new headphones I asked for? You already gave me those,” she said playfully.

“You know what I mean,” he quipped with a smirk. “Beside, I get the sense you didn’t dress up like a present without wanting to be unwrapped.”

“You sensed right, dear husband.”

Her seductive tone now matching his, they kissed again with greater purpose. As their lips and tongues meshed, Aaron undid the sash to his robe and let it fall to the floor, leaving him in just a pair of white boxers. He then took his wife in to his powerful arms and laid her down on the carpet just in front of the Christmas tree.

She laughed joyously as she showed off his strength and spirit, which he hadn’t shown much of in recent years. That must have really turned her on because she began undoing the bow covering her naked body. What she started, though, Aaron made sure to finish. Like a kid tearing into the biggest present under the tree, he ripped it off to render Violet completely naked.

“Now there’s a sight worthy of holiday magic,” Aaron said with a festive grin.

“Then, what are you waiting for?” Violet teased. “Get those boxers off and join your greatest gift under the tree!”

He didn’t need any further tempting. With a perfect blend of urgency and eagerness, he slipped out of his boxers, rendering him as naked as his lover. He was already partially aroused, an unavoidable byproduct of seeing his beautiful wife under the Christmas tree so early in the morning. As he hovered over her and took in the sight of the woman who’d just helped revitalize his dream, the arousal escalated in accord with his passion.

“Come, my loving husband,” she said to him. “Let’s create our own holiday special!”

Needing no further miracles to give his wife the gift he desired, Aaron went to work expressing the breadth of his love for her in the most physical manner possible. Being a lover of theater, he knew better than most how to turn passions into actions.

He began with a round of heated kissing, complete with plenty of tongue. He supplemented that with his wife’s favorite brand of foreplay, which involved him kneading her breasts with both hands, giving her nipples a pinch while she raked her fingers over the sinews of his back. That intense, physical touching created a heat that even the holiday cold couldn’t hope to quell. The added light of the Christmas tree helped create an even greater ambience.

“Mmm…I’m definitely in the spirit, now!” Violet purred as he kissed down her neck.

“Just you wait,” Aaron whispered into her ear, “the show’s just getting started!”

Further tapping into his theatrical talents, he proceeded to the next act of their holiday special. All the kissing and touching had rendered his love aroused and eager for his manly flesh. He could tell by the way her legs parted, the heat from her inner thighs radiating with desire. His manhood already fully erect, he prepared their flesh for a very festive union.

Shifting his hands from her breasts to her hips, Aaron positioned himself between her legs. Violet showed plenty of spirit as she eagerly hooked her legs around his waist, welcoming into her grasp. Their eyes never diverted as he guided his member towards her wet entrance. With a single, determined thrust, he entered her. In that moment, the line between their love and a Christmas miracle disappeared.

“Ohhh Aaron!” she gasped. “That feels so…festive!”

“Festive indeed,” he grinned.

They kissed again. Holiday miracles gave way to more basic instincts as their bodies began moving in the traditional dance of lovers. Aaron was more focused than usual, really digging his knees and feet into the floor as he made love to his wife, working their bodies in a rhythm worthy of the holiday spirit. Deep moans, hard gasps, and blissful proclamations of love followed, welcoming Christmas morning with the utmost joy.

Upon establishing that extra-special rhythm, their naked bodies moved and rocked together in a procession of intimate positions. They rolled around together on their living room floor, laughing and smiling as they embraced each other with amorous passion. One moment, Aaron was on top, pumping away into her intimate depths. The next, she was on top, riding his cock like the true holiday angel she was in his mind.

Beyond the inherent bliss that came with making love to his beautiful wife, Aaron saw in her a woman who had gone the extra mile. Violet was not just someone who married him for who he was. She married him for who he was striving to be. That kind of love set her apart from any woman he’d ever known. Like any good theatrical performance, the vision had to take priority over the various acts. For a love like theirs, it made for a beautiful performance.

“Violet! Ooh Violet…my Christmas angel,” he moaned in between his heated movements. “I…I’m really close.”

“Me…me too,” she panted. “Come on! One more miracle! Let’s…let’s come together!”

Whether by theatrics or holiday magic, their bodies seemed perfectly entwined for their ultimate peak. As they made their final push, they ended up in front of the fireplace, both in an upright position. Violet had her legs arched around his waist while he had a firm hold on her butt. From that position, she could ride his cock and he could supplement her every movement with his arms. It was the perfect setup for the grand finale.

Together, they guided each other to the brink or orgasm and beyond. When they reached the top of that proverbial peak, he embraced her closely and she embraced him back. Then, in one final miracle, they each shared in the ultimate holiday treat.

“Ohhh Aaron!”

“Oohhh Violet!”

Just as their voices supplemented one another, their bodies trembled under the weight of unfiltered ecstasy. His manhood tensed while her womanhood throbbed, their fluids mixing together in a pool of intimate bliss. Ripples of sensations morphed into waves as a euphoric heat surrounded them, compounding the heat of the fire with that of their naked bodies.

In that moment, under the light of their Christmas tree and the fire in their fireplace, the greatest present he could’ve asked for manifested before his eyes. His wife hadn’t just demonstrated how much she loved him and how far they’d come. She showed, through the spirit of the holidays, that dreams didn’t have to disappear. Through his wife’s love and a little holiday theatrics, miracles were possible.

“Merry Christmas, my darling husband,” she said lovingly.

“Merry Christmas, my beautiful wife,” Aaron replied, matching her love every step of the way. “Thank you for giving me the greatest Christmas present I’ve ever had.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied, “and if you think this is special, just wait until you see what I have planned for New Years!”


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