Chasing Anna: Day 3

[Day 1 Morning](

[Day 1 Evening](

[Day 2](

The two girls woke in the early morning dark to break camp. Anna looked in her bag, dismayed at the state of her food stocks. It wasn’t an emergency yet, but over half of her stocks were gone and it was only the start of day 3. They would have to start foraging soon to get through the week.

“Hey Ninkie, how’re you fixed on food?” Nickie peeked into her own bag”

“Maybe a day and a half”

“I’m sitting at 2. Keep your eyes open for anything edible.”

“You worry too much. Even if you’re just eating that, 5 days in should get you a cushy job.”

“I’m NOT letting some random guy fuck me because I ran out of food!”

“Then worst case scenario you’re hungry for a few days. Won’t kill you”

Anna wasn’t worried about feeling hungry though, but rather keeping her energy up. If she had to rabbit the last day, the lack of food would slow her down.

“Just keep an eye open.”

The two set off on empty stomachs in the predawn gloom. By 9, Nickie caved and began munching on a protein bar from her stocks. Anna looked jealousy at her as her stomach growled. Around noon, they came across a small patch of blueberries. Anna set to work plucking the fruits and dropping them in turn into her mouth and asack for later.

“Not a fan of blueberries” Nickie said nonchalantly, “I’m gonna go about a bit further and see what I can find.”

Anna nodded and kept working. The blueberries would easily add half a day of food to their stocks. Anna worried about how unconcerned Nickie seemed about food. *not your problem* she reminded herself. *You told her you weren’t here to take care of her. If she doesn’t want her share of berries, that’s more for you.*

The bag was half full and her stomach was stuffed before the bushes were clear. She turned and froze, A man was creeping towards her, about 5 feet away. He must have been sneaking up on her as she gathered. Now, caught, he sprung forward and grabbed her by the wrists. The bag of berries fell to the ground as they struggled. She got a hand free flailed it at his face, but he simply ignored the blows, wrapping an arm round her waist and pulling her close so she couldn’t effectively hit him. He twisted his body sharply to the left, jerking her off balance and across his outstretched leg. Anna toppled to the ground, landing on hands and knees. He was on top of her instantly, pressing his weight against her back as he groped at her shorts. She pushed up against the ground, trying to regain her feet, but it was hopeless. He was too heavy and had too tight a grip on her. His hand found the band of her shorts and jerked them roughly down her thighs exposing her ass and pussy. *No!* she cried to herself, *not like this!* She could hear him fumbling with his own shorts, trying to loose his cock to take her.

Suddenly, the weight was off her. The man was sitting 3 feet away clutching his chest and gasping for breath. She looked up and saw Nickie’s smiling face dropping her leg from the kick she had just delivered to the would be rapist.

“Come on! what are you waiting for? Run!” Anna grabbed the bag of berries and bolted in terror, She heard Nickie laugh and call out, “Better luck next time, boy!”

After half a mile, they turned, dog legging their trail, they settled into their run again, putting as much distance between themselves and their attacker as they could. Anna wasn’t sure how long they had run, but eventually the adrenaline ran out. She collapsed, back against a tree, sitting, hugging her knees, shaking and crying as she thought about what nearly happened. Nickie came up to her, smile gone seeing her friend in such distress. Nickie wasn’t quite sure what to do, so simply sat next to her and held her close. After a few minutes, the sobs started to fade.

“Here, have some water. It will help”

Anna took the water and drank deeply.

“Do you… want to talk about it?”

Anna shook her head “I just want to keep moving.” They resumed their journey in silence, listening intently for any sign of pursuers. It was dark before they stopped. They began to make camp in the gloom. Anna looked at her hard one bag of berries. some of them had been smashed in the struggle, staining the bag purple. The juice had left a mark on her shorts as well. Nickie unwrapped her own spoils, a small pile of mushrooms.

“Are you sure they’re safe?”

“Ate a few when I found them. But I know my mushrooms, we’re good.”

They ate in silence.

Clouds had drifted in, obscuring the moon and wrapping them in inky darkness.

“How did you stay so… cheerful?” Anna asked at last, “It could have been you he caught”

“I know. Tomorrow it might be. But we’ve known that for months. I’m prepared for it.”

“I… I know it might happen. Anyone can get unlucky and get caught. I’m ready for that.”

“There’s something else?”

Anna didn’t answer for a long time.

“I wasn’t ready for how I’d feel”

Nickie knew not to pry. She sat waiting for the friend to continue.

“I was trying to fight him off, trying to get away, but deep down, part of me ws relieved, part of me wanted to get caught. I wanted him to fuck me” then in a whisper, “I wanted him to make me.”

Nickie held the girl close.

“You need to be prepared for that too. It’s not your fault. That’s how MRD works. It’s not you, it’s the illness When this is all over, you’ll go back to being you.”

They sat in silence for a long time. Nickie could feel Anna’s tears wetting her shoulder, but Anna’s next words surprised her.

“Do you think we could watch the report?”

Nickie smiled and pulled out the tablet.

A girl was crouched at the base of a tree, picking small ferns and chewing on them with a grimace “fiddleheads” Nickie whispered, “it’s too late in the season though, they have to be terribly bitter, especially raw” judging by the look on the girls face, they were. She must have had far too much confidence in her ability to gather food and taken little to no rations, now after 3 days, she was reduced to hunting for anything that wouldn’t poison her. The girl was beginning to look pitiful. She had obviously started out thin, but even after just a few days she was beginning to look gaunt, obviously taking the lack of food poorly. Anna watched the girl, knowing that if she ran into a bad spell finding food, that could well be her by the end of the week. The girl stopped, raised he head, and sniffed the air. She began to move swiftly through the trees, following the scent. There in a clearing was a small campfire with what appeared to be a rabbit roasting on a spit over it, with a canteen of water and other rations nearby. The girl watched from the treeline, eyeing the meal, so close, yet at such risk. <i>Don’t do it,</i> thought Anna, <i>you have to see it’s a trap</i>. The girl circled the camp slowly from the trees, looking for any sign of the man who had set out the meal. She slowly crept up to the fire, snathched the skewered rabbit and began carefully biting into the tender meat, she after several bites, she reached for the water, and the trap sprung. A loop of rope hidden in the grass had tightened around her legs, sweeping them out from under her and dumping her unceremoniously on her back, legs held straight up in the air. She still had a chance, if she could reach up and loosen the rope she could free herself. The boy who had obviously set the snare was racing towards her as she veed up to grab the rope. She was still tugging at the knot when he reached her. Rather than fighting her hands, he reached down and gave her shorts a mighty tug, pulling them up over her legs and tangling them in the rope, obscuring the knot. The girl arched up at the shock, but legs still suspended by the rope, she could do nothing but flop down on her back, pussy exposed. The boy ran his hands up her smooth thighs in anticipation of what was to come as the girl continued to struggle feebly. When he ran a finger over the girls sopping pussy, however, she shuttered, overcome by the intensity of the touch. She continued to protest weakly as the boy lined up his cock with her opening, her legs, still tied, draped over one shoulder. With her legs held together, her pussy squeezed his cock tightly as he worked his shaft into her. By the time he had bottomed out, her face was a mask of pleasure. He began to work his cock in and out of her slowly, her juices glistening as they dribbled down her ass. Her hands gripped the grass as she came. The boy, spurred on by her passion, began to thrust faster as the girl lifter her shirt to expose her chest. She caressed her breasts as she came down, The boy was obviously on the brink himself, slowing to long, deep thrusts, then holding his cock deep inside of her. The sensation must have set the girl off again, because she reached down with her hands and grabbed the boys hips, pulling him deeper into her as her whole body went rigid.

Both girls were breathing heavily now. “Did you see her face when he touched her pussy?” Anna asked breathlessly.

“Oh my god, I love it when they do that”

“Wait, you’ve DONE that? I thought we were all virgins. They checked!” In the light of the tablet, Anna saw Nickie blush for the first time.

“Well, I’m a virgin for their purposes. I’ve never been with a guy…”

“You mean you…”

Nickie nodded.

The next scene opened on a boy moving slowly through the underbrush. “Oh my god!” Anna exclaimed, squinting at the screen, “That’s him! That’s the guy who almost…” she trailed off. The scene was playing out much how hers almost did. A girl was by the stream, filling her canteens as the boy silently approached. He grabbed her, tossed her over a hip, putting her on her back. The boy obviously had training in some sort of grappling, the moves were too practiced, too smooth. Anna felt a bit better about how easily he had taken her down earlier that day. As the girl rolled onto her hands and knees to get up, he grabbed her around the waist and pressed his chest tight against her back, using his weight to hold her down as he pulled down her shorts. There was no friend to rescue her though. She watched as he reached down to her exposed ass, dipping a finger into her pussy to feel her wetness. The sensation nearly made the girls arms buckle. He freed his cock from his own shorts. He lifted his hips and began working his way behind her while careful not to take his weight off her. Sensing what he was doing, the girl rolled to her side, trying to shrimp out of his grip. The two tumbled briefly, the girls shorts coming free and flinging off into the grass. The boy’s shorts, however, remained tangled around his knees, preventing him from getting a wide enough base. The girl seemed to have some training herself, because she wasted no time taking advantage of the situation. She planted her feet on his hips and kicked off hard. The boy toppled, legs still trapped by his shorts, and landed on his back. His shirt had ridden up, exposing an ugly bruise across his ribs from Nickie’s earlier kick. The girl pouced, landing hard on his injured ribs, making him wince. She began to flail her arms, punching at his face and chest. The boy, for second time today being beaten by a girl, turtled up, covering up his head to protect himself against the assault. They were slick with both sweat, and the girls own arousal by this point, and she was sliding around as he twisted side to side avoiding her blows. she slipped down, her pussy bumping his exposed cock. It was the wrong angle to penetrate her, but the sudden stimulation stopped her fists as she arched her back. The boy, likewise, seemed overwhelmed by the sudden contact. He thrust his hips up involuntarily, dropping his hands to pull her hips against him, though his cock, pressed up against his stomach, could not find it’s target. They stayed there, frozen in the sensations, for a few moments. The boy recovered first and rolled her off of him. His shorts finally pulled free of his legs. They struggled again, rolling for dominance, until the boy once again ended up on her back ,her on hands and knees once more. This time, he reached forward and pulled her wrist back, causing her face and chest to fall to the grass, her ass still up in the air. The boy thrust forward, hard, burying his cock inside her. A mixture of pain and pleasure washed over her face. He took her hard and fast, pounding into her with all his might, thought whether it was passion or revenge for his swelling eye wasn’t clear. Regardless of his motivations, the girl was now thrusting back onto him, awash in pleasure. Her whole body shook with the force of his hips slamming into her ass and the rolling orgasms crashing over her. His pace quickened, then he slammed into her and held himself deep as her body continued to convulse around his cock. As they came down, the boy withdrew, cum tinged with the blood of her defloration dripped from her pussy. He stood gingerly, wincing at the pain in his ribs, then offered a hand to the girl. SHe took it, and rose to her feet, wincing at the pain from her roughly used nether regions.

There were other captures, but Anna hardly saw them. The images she had just seen raced around her mind, *that was almost me* she thought with terror, and perhaps, a bit of regret. The two girls laid next to each other in the shelter, though sleep did not come for Anna. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the boy driving his cock into a girl on her knees, but in her mind, the girl wore her own face. She gave up on sleep, instead reach down between her legs and gently stroking herself, trying not to wake the snoring girl behind her. She thought back to her earlier encounter, the boy’s weight on top of her, so close, the hand reaching back, exposing her. She imagined what would have happened, the hand reaching back, touching her. The boy moving behind her, pressing into her as she lay helpless.

Anna paused, her hand still pressed against her sex, but no longer moving. Nickie was no longer snoring. She lay there in silence for what seemed like an eternity.

“It’s OK, keep going” a voice whispered behind her. Nickie’s hand reached down between Anna’s thighs. “You were thinking about it, weren’t you?”

“No” Anna lied.

“Yes you were, so was I. I want to get caught, just… not yet…” Nickie’s hand was now stroking her, gently though. So different from the rough rutting they had seen in the videos.

“I won’t give in. It can’t make me.” Anna whispered, even as she opened her legs.

“You’re not doing anything, just relax, I’ll do everything” her friend gently stroked her clit, Anna’s slick juices coating her hand. Nickie was right, it wasn’t really her doing this. It wasn’t even really losing. If Nickie’s dalliances with girls hadn’t counted when they got here, why should this count now? She imagined the girls face from earlier, overcome by the touch of the boy who nearly claimed her. It had almost been her. Her friends fingers dipped between her labia, reaching just into her folds, touching her like she touched herself, gently, carefully. Anna was breathing heavily now, grinding herself against her friend’s hand. She rolled to her back, giving Nickie better access. Looking over, Anna could see the outline of the other girl in the moonlight, the soft curve of her shoulder rolling back and forth as Nickie worked at her cleft. Nickie’s other hand snaked down to to her own pussy, slick with arousal. Anna closed her eyes. Her whole body was buzzing now. Every nerve seemed to be firing, every muscle beginning to tense as her pleasure rose. Her body seemed to be moving on its own now. She could feel her hand reaching under her shirt to her breasts, caressing, grasping, teasing. The world began to shrink in, her entire being focused on the sensations coming from her sex. She climbed higher and higher, muscles clenching, the intensity overwhelming her. She clasped her legs together, squeezing the writhing hand which continued to saw at her clit. Her who body spasmed, she couldn’t move, couldn’t breath. *Too much, it’s too much. I’m going to die.* The world faded around her, everything going grey as she began to pass out.

Then it was over, Her whole body relaxed. The world snapped back into focus around her panting, sweaty form. Nickie’s hand was still in her crotch, still, but pressing hard against her clit as Nickie’s own orgasm built. Anna watched her friend, fascinated. She had never seen someone else orgasm in real life before. Extracting herself from her friends grip, she watched fascinated as Nickie’s fingers traced small circles over her nub. Anna couldn’t resist, she cautiously reached out and caressed the girls inner thigh, encouraging her to spread her legs wider. Her hands roamed across her friend’s body, feeling the smooth skin and hard muscle, reaching up to cradle the girl’s breast, so soft and warm. Nickie went stiff, her own orgasm taking her. Anna pulled back, as if afraid to be caught touching her after the orgasm passed.

They didn’t say a word to each other. They just settled back down next to each other. Their hands found each other, fingers entwined. They drifted off to sleep.

*One month ago…*

Selection week was approaching fast. Anna was waiting outside the Director’s office. Over the past couple weeks, the co-ed “Socials” as they had begun calling them, had increased in frequency and duration. She hated them, but looked forward to them as well. The threat from the males was honest, unhidden. Compelled by their own libido and the pheromones of the girls, they would soon be chasing the girls through the woods, trying to catch them, claim them. Rape them. That’s what it really was. For all the double speak about treatment, pairing, claiming, matching, it really came down to someone forcing themselves on her, stealing her virginity as cameras watched, documenting. She didn’t hate the boys though, they were as trapped as anyone. She hated the system, this facility, and everyone that worked in it. Ma’am wanted to talk to her, but she wasn’t sure why. She was careful to do nothing wrong, wanting to dodge any possible reprisals that could hamper her chances at escape. She trusted no one, not Ma’am, not her peers. They offered training to help her avoid the males of course. They claimed they did this because they wanted to help her, but Anna knew they wanted to see the girls get caught. It was the whole purpose of the place.

“Come in Anna” Ma’am beckoned her in and pointed her to a set of chairs. They sat down across from one another

“I want to talk to you about how you’re getting along here. How you’re getting along with the other girls”

“Oh, I don’t have any problems with the other girls. We’re all very nice to each other.” This was true, while Anna had initially expected more conflict with so many girls living is such close proximity, the group was almost unnaturally harmonious.

“Yes, but I’m concerned you aren’t making friends here. I’d like to know what’s wrong”

There was danger here. Anna wasn’t sure what the Ma’am’s true motivation was, but she was sure it was not to her benefit.

“I like to keep to myself. I want to do the best I can during selection and go home to my family. That’s all I’m focused on”

“And the males? You seem to get on well during the socials.”

Anna could sense something unsaid here, something important. She could feel the true purpose of this visit bubbling just under the surface. She was sure this was valuable information. It was like that one piece of the puzzle that suddenly makes the whole picture take shape. But at what risk? Not knowing their true aims, she didn’t want to reveal anything that could be used against her. She was running out of time though, perhaps bolt action was needed.

“The socials are quite informative. Very useful.”

“Oh? Have you selected a mate then? I know several of the girls are taking the opportunity to arrange meetings during Selection.” Ma’am was smiling, but her eyes were calculating and cold.

Anna hesitated, she was about to reveal more of her strategy than she had ever spoken out loud. Anna continued, voice as cold and calculating as Ma’am’s eyes.

“No, but I’ve found that many of them are willing to talk about their plans to a girl, if she’s pretty and friendly enough. The pheromones make them incautious”

Anna watched the older woman carefully. Any reaction would tell her something, but would it be enough to reveal anything critical?

Ma’am smiled and relaxed, “What a wonderful use of the time! Very good Anna!” Leaning closer again, “but surely you don’t think the girls are a threat, why don’t you talk with them? Perhaps they have ideas that can help you?” Anna thought for a moment, choosing her words carefully.

“I trust the girls, but cameras are everywhere. I am not so incautious”

“So you don’t trust the staff?”


“Well, that’s understandable I suppose. It saddens me that your distrust of us is preventing you from bonding with the others though. Shared experience is an important part of minimizing the emotional impacts of treatment. Is there anything we can do to help you feel more comfortable?”

Anna shook her head.

“Very well. It’s your choice. Let me know if there’s anything you need.”

Anna thanked her and departed. As she walked, she replayed the conversation in her head. Obviously, Ma’am wanted to know more about her strategy. That didn’t surprise her, but the reaction to her strategy with the Socials? That was unexpected. Perhaps it was an indication that Ma’am thought such data would be useless to her. Perhaps Ma’am wasn’t on the boys’ side either. Maybe there was some third actor behind the scenes.

She set the question aside. It was time to prepare for the next social. Anna looked forward to them now, but hated how she reacted. The proximity to the males made her feel giddy. The pheromones did their job well, arousing her, intoxicating her. She was constantly on edge, guarding against any loss of control. Perhaps she would get caught; the odds were stacked against them after all. But she was determined that even if they could take her body, they wouldn’t take her mind. She walked into the common room, the low wall dividing the males from her as usual. She paused for a moment, collecting herself, then put on her most innocent, trusting face. The boys like that after all. They wanted to talk to the nice girl, the blushing girl afraid to ask for what she wanted. She knew it was the narrative the boys told themselves, justifying what was expected of them during selection. Inside, Anna ran the internal monologue which kept her grounded, kept her in control. *I will not lose to you. I will survive. I will not give in. I will not quit. I will not yield. I will fight. I will escape. I will overcome all of you.* She knew her body would respond. By the time she returned to her room, she knew her pussy would be dripping with anticipation. She knew her dreams would be full of the boys she was talking to. Her mind would still be her own though. That was what was important.

*To be continued…*


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