Chasing Anna: Day 2

[Day 1 Morning](

[Day 1 Evening](

*Six months ago…*

Inprocessing was embarrassing. They began with a full physical. The girls stripped down and put on hospital johnnys that seemed determined to come untied. Luckily, all the staff, from admin to doctors, were female and Anna was rather used to having to change in front of other girls thanks to years of sports. The exam was thorough. Everything was checked, vision, hearing, a complete review of every injury since she was 5, no matter how minor. Range of motion, flexibility, sexual history, strength, cardio, recent illness, family medical history, everything. Anna swung her feet down from a pair of stirrups. The gyno exam was apparently the last one as they were shuffled into a large auditorium.

“Hello everyone, and thank you for your prompt reporting for selection. My name is Dr. Laura Winston, but most people here call me the Ma’am. Please look around; the women you see around you will be your friends and family for the next several months. I’m sure you have many questions, and I will try to make sure all of them are answered. You may have noticed certain changes in yourself and the boys around you. You may find yourself starting to notice the boys, and no doubt some of them have started to notice you as well.” Anna settled in for what was sure to be a long, boring birds and the bees talk which she, and everyone else in the room, seemed far too old for.

“This all started with the Maldine virus” Anna perked up. Everyone knew about the Maldine virus, it needed no explanation. Generations ago, a mysterious disease swept through the globe and nearly destroyed civilization. It ramped up the sex drive, pheromone production, fertility, everything. Males became especially sexually aggressive. At its peak, most of the male population ended up in bands of roaming around the country, fucking every infected female they found, and raping the uninfected. It took 6 months to develop a cure, but the virus left permanent scars. Survivors regained their faculties after the vaccine was administered, but some changes were permanent. The sex drive remained elevated and pheromone production would occasionally spike, requiring survivors to be quarantined on designated islands off the coast for much of their life. Children from these colonies were removed and placed with foster families for their own protection. There were a few flare-ups even after the vaccine, pockets of virus that had escaped the the mandatory vaccination schedule some how, but with strictly enforced vaccinations, those were eventually stamped out. Eventually the populations for these colonies died off. There hadn’t been a case of Maldine in generations though. Anna wasn’t sure how a virus from over 100 years ago had any impact on them.

“Wasn’t that cured?”

“Yes, but please hold your questions until the end. The virus itself was eliminated, but the residual changes post infection were permanent. Furthermore, the virus was able to infect not just somatic cells, but also germ line. The children of the infected carried certain traits from the effects of the virus, increased fertility among them. As such, over 60% of the population now carries the genetic changes associated with Maldine survivors even if they were never infected with the virus itself. We call this new genetic disorder Maldine Residual Disorder, or Marred, spelled MRD. You are all in that 60%. You’ve lived normally for most of your life because the genes responsible for these changes only kick in at puberty.” Several hands went up, “There is additionally a lag phase before symptoms begin to appear” the hands went down “You are now entering the symptomatic phase. Rest assured thought that this is NOT Maldine. The effects are similar, but much less severe. While the psychological effects will still be present, you will remain yourself, just impaired by the virus. Part of the training you will receive will be how to remain rational and in control when you are subject to the heightened arousal from the disease. We apologize for keeping this information from you for so long, but it was necessary for your own protection. even though you are incapable of spreading the disease, history has shown us that any association with the virus leads to substantial discrimination against those afflicted. We thus encourage each of you not to discuss the disease, the Selection process, or anything else you will learn here after you are released.”

“But what IS Selection?”

“Selection is the only effective treatment we have found for the symptoms. After that, you will be able to live a largely normal life.”

“But what is it?”

“You will pair up with MRD males. After exposure to the male variant, the psychological effects will fade, as will the excess pheromone production. However, it will also reproductively bind you to that person. Any further relapses will effect only the two of you. The general population will be safe from you and you from them.”

“We can only have sex with them?”

“You will only be able to *reproduce* with them. You will be infertile with any other partners.” The reaction to this news was mixed, a few girls seemed flushed with excitement at the idea of finally losing their virginity, others seemed dejected that their first experience would probably be some clinical treatment rather than the romantic scene they imagined. A chubby girl two rows over was quietly crying, clutching a small silver cross hanging from her neck.

“Please bear in mind that the emotions and compulsions you will experience during selection are part of the disorder. They are not your fault. The males will likewise be altered, and you should do your best not to hold grudges against them after selection. We’ve been working for generations to reduce the psychological effects of the disease and we’ve met with a fair bit of success. Your selection will be much less traumatic than that of your grandparents. In addition, substantial consideration has been provided to make up for the months of lost education and work experience. You will be awarded with scholarships, internships, and job opportunities to help get you on your feet once you are done with selection. You will all be given the tools you need to make it through Selection. How much you take advantage of those tools with be up to your own motivation and discipline.

Selection itself is one week long. You will be released into an outdoor reserve where the pheromones of the males will build, intensifying the effects of MRD, further building your arousal and fertility.”

“We’re going to get pregnant?”

“There are no guarantees. The first day, since the exposure will still be minimal, you will have no more chance than any other sexual encounter. However, as the effects build, you will become increasingly fertile. By the 4th day, conception will be all but certain. Several of the girls were crying at this point. The weight of what they had just been told was sinking in.

Phase 1 of the training consisted of teaching them all about the Selection process. A cohort of females and males went through at the same time, though in separate facilities. Everything was aimed at preparing them for Selection, a competition of sorts testing how well they could function while under the effects of the MRD. Females would be trained to evade and escape the pursuing males while dealing with their own steadily increasing libido. The longer they kept from getting captured, the higher status they were rewarded with after Selection. Should you evade the males for an entire week, you had your pick of jobs and trainings. They were told males would be competing primarily trying to get these higher status females, thus rewarding those males best able to suppress their urges and work towards a longer term goal in the throes of the disease. In this way, the most resilient to the effects of the condition would effectively be bred to make the next generation even more resistant to the effects. Eventually, after enough generations had passed, the condition would be of little enough effect that they would be able to fully integrate back into society with no need for Selection. They also learned about the biology of MRD, how it impacted the hormone levels and even brain function to spike libido. How it impacted pheromone production to further boost libido when males and females were in proximity to one another. (the facility was set up with separate ventilation systems to prevent cross contamination during training). While the original virus affected anyone, MRD would only affect the person you were paired with. They were given introductory training on all manner of survival and evasion skills, how to cover their tracks, how to construct a hiding spot, how to tell if you were being followed, how to forage for food, the list seemed endless and it was apparent there would be no way to master all these skills before Selection, but Anna tried her best to pick up the skills. Physical training began as well. The girls were all different levels of fitness and by aggressively training them for the next 6 months, the less fit could have the opportunity to make up some of the gap. Anna didn’t really need the help, she was quite used to running and had been spending an hour on the track almost every day for years. However, it was the one time of day Anna felt truly normal, so she went religiously. Her usual hour stretched steadily longer until she was running upwards of 5 miles a day.

Phase 2 was the start of planning. They were encouraged to think of plans and strategies for how to evade the males. They were advised against relying to heavily on just one strategy though. If they just hid, a skilled tracker among the males would certainly be able to follow their trail to their hiding place. If you just tried to outrun them, there would likely be a faster male who could follow your trail. If you took too much time covering your tracks to avoid being followed, there were enough males that you would likely get stumbled upon by accident. Fighting off the males was allowed, but would again slow you down until you ended up outnumbered. There were no weapons allowed, either brought in or made though and intentionally causing serious injury was strictly banned as well. They were periodically taken out to the reserve to become familiar with the terrain. and to practice the skills they continued to learn. Classes were much less formal now. You could request training on anything you could think of and they would get an expert out there to train you on it. Anna had signed up for Advanced Camouflage Techniques with the plan of waiting out the last few days after most of the field can been cleared. She was waiting for their trainer in a small clearing in the woods with 4 other girls. It was the first lesson and they weren’t even sure who the instructor would be. They had all just completed the intermediate level, but Mrs. Watson said she wasn’t the instructor for the next level. She got two surprises in rapid succession. First, the trainer suddenly burst out of a concealed position not 5 feet from where they were gathered, causing all of them to jump and one girl to scream. The second shock caused one of the girls to bolt. The instructor was a man. Anna was frozen to the spot, anticipating that at any moment he would be driven mad by the pheromones the girls knew they were given off and begin raping them. Instead he smiled and greeted them amicably.

“Hello ladies! I’m Mr. John Fallow, you can call me John though” he looked after the girl running away through the trees, “I suppose I’ve over done it a bit. Please try and pass along what we cover to her before next class.”

“Um… Sir? is it really safe for you to be here?” Anna asked.

“Of course. I went through Selection 7 years ago. I’m immune to the effects now, well, except when my wife has a flare up!” Anna blushed, taking his meaning. Over the next hour, he had each of them attempt to construct a place to hide. He walked around examining the work rattling off what seemed to be an endless stream of tips and tricks which Anna couldn’t even begin to absorb. She pulled out her tablet and hastily tried to scribble down what he was saying about silhouette breaking, but he quickly chastised her, “Miss, don’t write, just try and do it! You need to feel and see what a good camo looks like” She flushed deeply at the correction. He looked closer at her own blind “Great job hiding the entrance though” She flushed even deeper at the praise. By the end of class they were all quite hot from the work of constructing their hiding spots. Anna wasn’t sure about the other girls, but she was quite a bit hotter from spending an hour so close to a man for the first time since she arrived. Perhaps if there were a couple more guys like Mr. Fallow in the selection it wouldn’t be so bad she thought to herself. On the walk back to base, the three girls discussed the unusual class and Anna was reassured that she wasn’t alone in her reaction to the unexpected male teacher.


They were awake before dawn. They quickly broke camp, did their best to hide that they had been there, and began walking as the first rays of the sun began peeking over the horizon. Anna’s whole body was stiff from the hours of running the previous day and she was nearly limping until her muscles warmed up. The first day had been all about gaining distance from the pack, now they needed to navigate and be sure they weren’t being followed. The entrance to the wooded area they were aiming for was small. 200 meters off to either side and they’d hit swamp. They still wanted to move fast, but had to check their azimuth often, so rather than a run, they hiked. It was slower than the day before, but the terrain was getting rougher and the pace they set was every bit as painful as the run the day before. Nickie, however, seemed as spry and cheerful as ever and as they walked, she began to quietly talk to Anna about her past. She grew up on a farm in a small town just outside the city. Her parents had taken time to make sure she was out in the woods often, getting used to moving through the brush. They encouraged her to run as well, putting her on the Track and cross country teams. This was something Anna found quite familiar. Her own parents encouraged her to run as well. It retrospect, they were surely trying to prepare her for Selection all these years. Anna wasn’t quite so comfortable sharing her own story, but Nickie didn’t seem to mind. She just happy continued babbling quietly away about her life. They had their first scare that afternoon. Nickie was telling Anna an embarrassing story about a friend from school named Vicky who ended up topless at school after a thread from her sweater caught on something unraveled as she walked down the hall. Anna was very skeptical about this story, but said nothing. Suddenly Nickie grabbed her shoulder and froze. Anna strained her ears and slowly looked around. They heard rustling approaching. they quickly dropped down behind a bush. A boy with rope slung around his chest came bounding out of the trees about 100 meters away. He luckily wasn’t headed quite for them, instead passing by and running ahead. As the footsteps faded, they slowly got up.

“How did he get this far out so quick?” Anna whispered. Her heart was pounding out of her chest.

“I told you there were some fast runners. I recognize the rope. We’ll try to get some more info on him tonight”

“Let’s cross the stream make sure he doesn’t accidentally bump into us.”

They made their way back to the water, moving much slower to make sure they didn’t leave a trail. When they got the the shore, Anna hesitated.

“What if someone sees us cross?”

“It’s a risk we have to take. We can watch after we cross to make sure no one follows us over” Nickie didn’t wait for a response, she was in the water and swimming for the other side. Anna stood watching her for a moment, then looked up the river for any indication they had been spotted. After Nickie pulled herself out on the other side, Anna knew there was no more sense in delaying. She dove in. The stream was not terribly wide, it probably took no more than 30 seconds to cross, but Anna felt terribly exposed after the near miss and it felt like an eternity. When she made it to the tree line by Nickie, they looked again up and down the river, but saw nothing but some ducks and driftwood.

“I think we’re safe” Nickie whispered.

Anna didn’t feel safe, but nodded. They walked slower now, and Nickie’s fantastical stories were at least at the moment silenced. Twice they stopped after hearing leaves rustling, but both times they saw nothing more than animals. Anna’s skin crawled, after the scare, she felt as though there were eyes all around, watching her, waiting to pounce. Despite her misgivings, the rest of the day was uneventful. They picked some blueberries as the sun set, they weren’t about to risk fishing if there might by guys around. They took turns keeping watch until it was good and dark, then crawled into their shelter to review the day’s report. Several of the captures were from the night before that must have come in too late to be included in the report, then continued through the day.

A boy was walking around a clearing as if looking for something, just as the sun set, a girl stepped out from behind a tree and spotted him. Instead of bolting though, she called out to get his attention. He quickly followed her to where she had been hiding. She kissed him passionately as she ripped his shirt open. his hands wandered over her body, grabbing and groping. If she was bothered by his inartful foreplay, she didn’t show it though. Their clothes fell to the ground piece by piece until finally the girl lay back with her legs open. He fumbled briefly between her legs until she reached down and guided him to the proper place. She winced slightly as he took her virginity, but wrapped her legs round him to pull him deeper.

A girl spotted a boy through the tree and made a run for it. The boy saw her, and took off after her. She seemed to be a natural sprinter and quickly pulled far ahead. They watched through multiple camera changes as he followed the trail at a solid jog. After 5 minutes, The girl stopped, panting, out of sight. She obviously thought she had lost him, a minute later she say him jogging along behind her and took off again. after a few minutes, she slowed, not stopping, but slowing as her energy levels dropped. Her face looked pained, obviously not used to distance running. The boy remained calm and relaxed. “She ran herself out too quick, that’s how he’s gonna get her” Nickie whispered. Sure enough, the boy slowly closed the distance. Anna expected a replay of the rough treatment they watched yesterday, but the boy didn’t grab her or tackle her, but rather pulled up next to her and jogged along side her, She turned, running away again, but he followed, sticking right next to her. He knew he had her and was waiting for her to accept it. Eventually, she stopped, panting, sitting with her back to a tree and staring at her soon to be mate. She looked miserable, both from pain from the run and shame at her capture. Surprisingly, the boy still did not claim his prize. Instead, he offered his canteen. She glared warily at it, but eventually took it and drank deeply. The boy smiled as he took his canteen back. He said something to her. There was no audio in the recordings, so they couldn’t tell what, but the girl seemed more at ease. With a sigh, she dropped her shorts and bend over on all fours, offering herself to him. She still didn’t look happy, but seemed resigned to her fate. He pushed his cock into her; she winced at the pain of her defloration. He stopped, buried inside her, placed a hand on her back and said something. She turned her head to look back and gave a slight nod for him to continue. The boy fucked like he ran, steady and relaxed. Before long, the pained look on the girls face had faded into moans of pleasure. By the time the boy finished, she was thrashing under him and pushing back into his thrusts. The two lovers collapsed on the forest floor, holding tightly to each other.

“It seems gentler than yesterday” Anna said.

“It’s the pheromones. you feel it too, don’t you? She was running, but she was also horny as hell. Part of her wanted to get caught. That’s why she agreed so quickly after they stopped.”

“They guys seem nicer too. I think the worst of the bunch took the easy catches at the start.”

“Could be, These are mostly the guys that ran past looking for girls that would be harder to catch. They’ve at least got enough self control to want someone higher status.”

They watched the rest of the captures. There were still some rough, forceful captures, but many of them did seem somehow polite, almost apologetic about forcing themselves on the girls. The girls, for their part, did seem to be more willing. Most of them, even if they were crying at the start, seemed to enjoy it by the end.

“You know it’s only going to get worse as the pheromones build” Anna said, “We’re going to be fighting not to throw ourselves at them by the end of the week”

“When you say it like that, it sounds like it’s getting better!” Nickie replied, a twinkle in her eye.

“Well, I don’t intend my first time to be with just whoever can catch me.”

“Well, better than a drunken night at a party at least. How much distance did we cover today?”

“Barely 8 miles. We’re really going to have to push if we’re going to reach the lake by tomorrow. We might have added another day already.”

“Well, let’s get some sleep and try and start before dawn tomorrow.

Anna couldn’t fall asleep right away though. She was thinking back to the training. She knew the feelings would only intensify and hated not being in control of herself. There was a deep ache in her, an arousal she knew would get stronger. She reached down and began touching herself, her mind turning to the boy that had almost caught them. She wondered what he looked like underneath the uniform. She came quickly, holding her breath to avoid waking the sleeping girl next to her.

*Two months ago…*

“The third and final phase of the training will be preparing you for the psychological effects of MRD. You will be fighting not just to evade the males, but also fighting to maintain control over your own urges.” No training was scheduled for the weekend. instead, all the girls had been summoned to a large room for a rare mandatory event. Ma’am was addressing them to kick off the final phase before Selection. “The males will likewise be effected by you and will be struggling to think clearly during the Selection as well. We want you to remember they are your peers, not your enemies. They are going through the same thing you are. That’s why we brought you here today. Enjoy. The back wall began to slide open. There was a half wall remaining up to stomach height. Anna gasped and cowered into the corner. There on the other side of the room were over a hundred men. The only thing separating them was a 4 foot high barrier. Anna looked around. The rest of the girls were pressing back into the wall as well, trying to get as far away from the young men as possible. Amazingly, some of the boys seemed to be backing away from them as well.

“Let’s set some ground rules. No one is to cross the barrier and all clothing is to stay on. Aside from that, please feel free to socialize with each other. Get to know each other. Staff will be watching to make sure nothing gets out of hand. Rest assured you are all perfectly safe.”

With that, Ma’am swept out of the room and left the two hundred plus boys and girls in the still completely silent room. Seconds ticked by slowly. Eventually, one brave girl stepped cautiously towards the barrier. A few boys approached just as slowly. As they began quietly, haltingly talking, others crept towards the low wall. Soon the room was humming with a low babble as boys and girls talked with each other for the first time in months. Anna remained in the corner, cautiously watching over the scene. What game were they playing here? She thought back to her mother’s words in the car, “Dear, it’s really not his fault. It’s no one’s fault. I know you’re angry, but you’ll understand soon.” They were trying to make excuses for what was going to happen. They were going to turn all the boys loose to violate the girls and wanted to keep the girls from talking afterward. She crept closer to listen in on the conversations and try and get some insight. She overheard people talking about their families, the schools they went to or jobs they worked. They talked about the surprise of getting the letters and the training they got, what they wanted to do after.

“Hi, I’m Tim” a boy said, startling her. She glowered at him for a moment

“Just saying hi. I haven’t talked to anyone but instructors and roommates for months” Tim went on

This could be an opportunity she thought. Maybe I can get some ideas about what to watch out for. She forced a smile.

“yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m Anna.”

“So how are things going on your side? Have you heard anything from the outside world?”

“No, my parents have visited a few times, but they won’t give me any news. They said I should just focus on what I’m doing here.”

“My parents are from out of town. They haven’t been able to visit. How’s training going”

Alarm bells went off in Anna’s mind. Don’t say anything he can use to catch you she reminded herself.

“Oh, pretty good. Just trying to learn everything. How about you? What’s your favorite stuff to study here” She had adopted a flirty tone she hoped would be disarming, but underneath she was on edge, heart pounding at having a threat so near.

They talked for several minutes about tracking and survival as Anna made mental notes about anything that seemed useful. She suddenly noticed the boy wasn’t really smiling anymore. She realized she had let her prying get too obvious, her smile too strained. The boy was onto her. She was worried he’s call her on it, but instead he just made his excuses and wandered off to talk to someone else. She heard a girl giggling at some joke next to her as she batted her eyes at a boy who seemed quite smitten. She saw a shy looking boy a few meters away. *Let’s try again* she put on her best smile and approached him. It took a bit, but once she got him talking he opened right up. It didn’t do much good though, he was perfectly willing to talk about the training, but dejectedly admitted he had no plan.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do. All the other guys are faster, stronger, and better than me. I’m probably going to get stuck here forever. And I’m sure not going to force myself on anyone.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find someone. We all get paired up eventually, right? Otherwise there’d probably be some 60 year old kicking around here still. I’ll tell you a secret” she whispered, taking pity on the poor boy, “a few of the girls don’t even want to run, they said they’ll just stick by the gate and get it over with”

The boy made a bit of a face.

“That’s the other problem. The idea of just being with someone to get it over with seems horrible. I want to have kids someday and I don’t want to get stuck with some girl who doesn’t even care about her future enough to go for a scholarship. I suppose if I have to stay an extra cycle or two I might have to though.”

She chatted with him a while longer. He seemed earnest and as unhappy about the situation as she was. It was reassuring that at least one of the boys wasn’t threatening. He was smart, funny (once he got over the shyness) even a bit cute, though he was a bit on the small and scrawny side. Had they met back in high school she thought they could have been good friends.

Over the next hour, she chatted up several boys, getting better and better at drawing out info without arousing their suspicions and dodging any question that might reveal her skills or plans. She began to type the boys into types. There were the runners, those who were athletic and intended to use that athleticism to chase someone down. Then there were the trackers, who intended to follow a trail until they found someone. Next came the brutes, who would probably just tag along with another guy and try and take his prize. There were the hopeless ones, like the shy boy, who didn’t seem to have any way of catching a girl. Lastly there were the mysteries. Boys who, like herself, were tight lipped about their plan and as suspicious of her as she was of them. She still viewed the boys as threats, but she understood her parents a bit better now. It wasn’t they boys’ fault they were here. They were trapped just as much as she was.


1 comment

  1. Great story! I live the constant tension and build-up, I was on edge most of the time. Any idee when Day 3 is coming out?

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