Chasing Anna: Day 1 morning (mf, no-sex, slow start, part 1/7+)

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>!First time author here. I’ve left the descriptions of the main characters vague to let people imagine them as they would like. You’ll note the scenes do not start out terribly explicit. This will change as the story progresses. The descriptions are an indicator of Anna’s mood. The first day ended up WAY longer than I intended and will likely be the longest section. There are probably a whole bunch of typos too as this was written without the benefit of spell check initially. I welcome any comments or criticism. !<

Day 1: Morning

A couple, wanting to get the whole ordeal over with as soon as possible, stopped outside the gate to await their fate, the rest made for the woods. As they ran, they began to spread out, thinning the crowd. A few began looking for places to hide. *Won’t do any good going to hole this early. Plenty of trackers are going to be able to sniff you out*, Anna thought to herself. She kept running. There were still a woman off to her right, and two more to the left. She had trained for this, put as much ground between her and the hunters as possible at the outset. As the field cleared, the most experienced hunters will have already taken their prizes, leaving the less skilled amateurs left. If she could dodge them for a week, she was in the clear. Her legs ached, her lungs burned, but she held her pace. The maps showed a lake, partially surrounded by swamp to the south-east The swamp would be too dangerous, but squeezed in between was an elevated patch of forest. It would be hard to get to, but if she could make it, it should be old growth, plenty of cover. As long as the trackers were out by the then, she should be able to dodge the rest and ride out the rest of the week. She looked around again, the two on her left had fallen back, not able to maintain quite the same grueling pace she had set for herself, the one on the right was still flanking her though, pacing off of her it seemed. The woman noticed her looking and gave a nod and a strained smile, but didn’t waste the air to say anything. She nodded back. They ran together in silence. Her mind began to drift back to the previous few months.


It was 7:30 in the morning. She was in her room, still in bed but awake. Classes were over, so she had nowhere to be until track practice in the afternoon, but she had woken up needed to pee. I silent battle raged in her mind between the warmth and comfort of her bed and the discomfort from her bladder. She resigned herself to what had to be done. She pulled the covers back, swung her feet down to the floor. The room was chilly, it was deep in winter and her parents were quite keep conserving every bit of energy they could. She scowled around at the cold room looking for her robe, arms crossed across her thin t shirt. *Ugh, I left it in the bathroom*. She debated taking the time to dress properly, but the call of nature was getting far to persistent. *T shirt and panties it is*.

She cracked open the door and peeked down the hallway. There were 5 doors off the hallway, hers and her parent’s rooms were on one end, then her brother Kevin’s, then the bathroom and the door to the kitchen The bathroom door was open, but the doors to her parents and brother’s rooms were closed. *They must still be in bed, here goes nothing*. she ran down the hallway on the balls of her feet as quiet as she could. Past her brothers room, 5 more feet. There was a loud creak as the front door swing open. She nearly jumped out of her skin as she ducked into the bathroom. She peeked around the door and saw her dad coming in with the mail. Heart pounding, she quietly closed the bathroom door. Despite the chill of the air, she now felt quite warm. She saw her reflection, flushed with embarrassment and excitement at the thought of so nearly being caught in her underwear. She quickly pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet. *Damn That scared me so bad I peed a little*, she thought to herself as she drained her bladder. She tossed her undies in the hamper and caught sight of the empty towel rack. *Oh no, where’s my robe?* She got up and went over to the hamper. *Empty, mom must have taken it with the laundry.* She had nearly been caught once and was in no mood to risk it again, much less without any underwear. She stood by the door, listening to the sounds of her parents in the kitchen as she tried to come up with a plan to get back to her room with her modesty intact.

“…wonderful news! She’s selected already?” her mother’s voice drifted in.

She listened in as her father replied, “But she’s so young. Shouldn’t they wait a few more years?”

“Oh hush Henry, they know what they’re doing.”

“It just doesn’t seem right, sending her off so young. I don’t think she’s ready”

“If it’s time for her to go, you should be a lot more worried about her staying here. You know that.”

“I suppose you’re right. We’ll talk to her tonight. Just do me a favor and hide it in the bedroom. I don’t want her finding it before we get a chance to talk to her about it.”

“OK, now get going or you’ll be late for work” The front door opened again as her father left for the day. “Kids!” her mother yelled down the hallway, “breakfast is on the table, I’m heading into work. I’ll be back by 5!”

“OK mom!” her brother yelled. After brief flurry of footsteps and a jangle of keys, she heard the front door open again and her mother whisk out of it and off to work. Her mind was swirling. What were they talking about? Were they going to send her off? Where? Why? When would she be back? And then there was that last bit. Why should Dad be more worried about her staying here? She had to find whatever was hidden in her parents room and get some answers. She washed her hands, brushed her teeth, and headed out of the bathroom back toward her room to get dressed. She stopped dead in the hallway.

There was her brother, right in front of her, a piece of toast halfway to his open mouth, staring at his half naked sister. They both stood there in shock for what seemed like an eternity. “An… Anna?” her brother managed to stammer.

“EEP!” she squeaked, her paralysis broken. She ran past him into her room and slammed the door.


The sun was dipping low in the sky. If they went much further they would be trying to make camp in the dark. Not a word was said, but they both slowed down and began walking to cool off and catch their breath. Anna guessed they had run at least 20 miles into the reserve. Anna finally spoke, squeezing out words between deep breaths, “Should be … safe for the night.” Her running mate nodded, also still gasping for air. They walked for a few more minutes and eventually stopped, dripping with sweat, by the side of a large, slow moving stream. Anna bent down to drink deeply from the cool water as the other woman waded right in and dove under the surface. Anna quickly changed her mind and followed her in. the water felt wonderfully cold, rinsing the sweat of the past several hours away. She floated on her back, hoping the cold water would ice her muscles enough that she wouldn’t be too sore in the morning. She made her way back to the shore before drifting too far away from their packs, and went about working on getting set for the night. Fill the canteens, check for readily available food, find a sheltered place to hide, cover tracks, plan for the next day. The list sounded short, but Anna knew it would take the rest of the dwindling day to do properly. Anna grabbed her canteens, noticed another two canteens sitting on the other’s pack. She shrugged and grabbed them too. As she filled them in the stream, the other woman began wading back to shore, a decent size fish in her hand.

“Got us some dinner!” she said happily. Though they had spent most of the day side by side, this was Anna’s first good look at the woman, and she realized that ‘woman’ was probably not the best word. The girl was young, perhaps younger even than Anna. She was tall and lithe, runners build, but despite her height, there was no mistaking her youth. Dark hair clung wetly to her neck and shoulders, framing a smiling face quite out-of-place following the grueling near marathon they had just run. The wet shirt molded around her small bust and flat stomach Legs, long and lean, every muscle clearly defined. She had an air of energy and happiness despite the rough week ahead. She seemed to be viewing the whole situation as some grand adventure rather than a serious situation. *I can’t get too comfortable. If I try and protect this girl it’s just going to get me caught too*, she thought to herself.

“Good job keeping up. I thought I’d leave everyone behind.” Anna said.

“Yeah right, I could have pulled away any time I wanted. I’m Nickie by the way” The girl thrust out her hand.

“Anna” she said grabbing the offered hand “So if that’s true, why didn’t you?”

“Strength in numbers! If there’s just one hunter, we can probably overpower him. Besides, if there’s two of us we can take turns keeping watch for rests.”

“Just make sure you’re covering your trail. I don’t want you leading a tracker to us.”

“Can do!” The girls bubbly attitude was somehow equal parts endearing and annoying. “So you hungry or what?” she asked, glancing down at the fish still flopping as it dangled from her hand.

“Not sure how you plan on preparing that. We don’t exactly have cooking gear out here”

“Let me worry about that!” the girl grabbed a rock and bashed the creatures head in with one blow. Anna was stunned by the sudden casual violence of the action, and the girls cheerful smile, which hadn’t cracked at all as she killed the poor creature instantly changed from slightly annoying to disconcerting. She couldn’t help but wonder if the girl was a threat.

Nickie looked at her quizzically, reading the discomfort on her face, “Are you a city girl?” Anna felt somewhat relieved the smile was gone for the moment.

“Um, yeah, well, suburbs”

“You know we have to kill it first. Everything you get in the supermarket gets the same treatment, you just don’t see it.” Anna turned red, embarrassed at seeming so naive

“Um, yeah. I suppose you’re right. It just surprised me”

“Yeah, well, don’t freeze up on me if I need you. Now grab some of those leaves, no, the big ones. We want to keep it clean” Anna busied herself plucking leaves as Nickie seemed to be hunting around the rocks by the bank. By the time two suitable plates of leaves were assembled, Nickie had found what she was looking for and was banging two rocks together. A flake of rock popped of which Nickie picked up and inspected. Finding it acceptable, she set to work using the makeshift knife to gut and filet the fish on the first of the leaf plates, stacking the chunks of raw flesh on the second. It was a rough but functional job that left the carcass looking like it had been through a meat grinder, but the stack of meat seemed clean enough.

“Hope you like sushi, Anna” Nickie said as she took a bite of the raw fish

Anna reached down and took a piece. She hesitantly took a bite. Perhaps it was just the hunger from a day of running, but it tasted glorious. The two girls dug into the pile polishing it off it short order.

Nickie pointed at the remains, “Toss it in the stream?”

“Hold on, I’ve got something for this” Anna dug into her pack and pulled out a spool of fishing line. She dropped a rock in the middle of the mess, rolled up the leaves into a neat bundle, and tied it off. The package went in the stream where it sunk to the bottom. “I doubt it will last more than a day down there, but we should be well on our way before it busts open and floats up.

With the last of the light, Anna pulled out a compass and map and began plotting exactly where they were. “22 miles today. That should be a long enough lead. I’m hiking tomorrow to hide the trail. Are you sticking with me or running ahead?”

“I’ll stick with you. You have a destination in mind?”

“Yup, we’re halfway there. Another two days then I’m going to ground” Anna began showing her companion the wooded area on the map and explaining her plan. Nickie nodded cheerfully until at last the light was gone, and they could no longer see the map.

“Hey, you want to watch the recap of the first day?” Nickie said slyly”

“huh? How do you plan on doing that?” Nickie winked, reached into her bag, and pulled out a small tablet.

“Ma’am said it was the first time someone asked for a portable terminal. You should have seen her scowl, I think she thought I was going to just watch movies out here until I was caught.” There were cameras set up all through the woods to monitor the hunt and make sure no one was hurt, but they didn’t have access to those feeds. Each day, the captures were put out for review and documentation and that went out to everyone.

“Let’s set up a place to sleep first. In the gloom, they set up a small shelter by stringing a thin camo tarp over a ditch and spreading some leaf litter over it. Even if someone was moving through the area in the middle of the night, they weren’t likely to see anything until they put a foot through the tarp. As they worked, Anna thought back to her last day at home.

To be continued…

Next update tomorrow, I need time to proofread.


1 comment

  1. I really want to read this, but the first paragraph has me stuck.I am not familiar with running jargon…going in a hole, and the hunters (?) really had me confused.

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