Some fun at the club [MF] [Oral] [Funny]

Again I was dragged to another club with my friends. The last several times the girls brought me to a club it never really ends well, last time I had to take care of Sarah because she drank just a little to many free drinks, the time before a guy got just a little too handsy with Alison and I had to hit him with my purse to get him off. I’m not a club person I don’t like to dance and I just feel so claustrophobic inside but yet again I’m heading inside with my friends.

After waiting a little bit in the line we get inside as soon as the doors close behind us I feel almost blinded by the lights flashing in my eye’s and the blaring music coming from all directions it seemed like. Sarah and Alison jump right into the dance floor looking for the man of their dreams. Like the man of their dreams was really ever going to be in the club. I instead walked right over to the bar to get a drink but before I could some frat guy offered me a free drink. I do have to say that I was looking pretty good that night. I had a tight black dress that stopped mid-thigh, it really accentuated my ass and the push up bra that I was wearing accentuated by breasts. My brown hair looked amazing tonight, just the right amount of curliness. Anyway I accepted and asked for a glass of jack and coke. “I’m Nate by the way” “Sienna” Nate looks down my body and tries to hide the fact that he’s checking me out. He leans in close to me puts his hand on my arm and whispers into my ear. “There’s only going to be seven planets left tonight after I destroy Uranus” He then leans back with a confident look on his face as if he’s the cleverest guy around. I chug my whole drink flip him off and walk onto the dance floor.

I try to start dancing hoping that the alcohol has hit my system but I don’t think It’s really working. Everyone around me seems to be grinding with the girls ass on the guy’s crotch. It just seemed like high school dances all over again. As i;m awkwardly dancing with no one I turn around and see a guy several yards away from me dancing with some people, not grinding but dancing. He’s tall with thick wavy hair and some sexy stubble on his face. His broad shoulders are almost bursting out of his white buttoned up shirt. He didn’t button up his shirt all the way and I could see his powerful chest and some sexy chest hair a long with it.

While I’m admiring him he turns and locks eye’s with me, I quickly turned away and tried not to look awkward. A few moments later I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around and see him. He holds out his hand to me, “Can I have this dance?” I grab it and quickly start dancing with him. He’s not a good dancer, if anything I’m better than him. “My name’s Danny” “I’m Sienna” “Nice to meet you” It’s very hard to hear anything over the loud music but I seem to catch everything he says. Someone bumps into Danny from behind and he gets pushed closer to me to the point where we seem to be always touching. I grab his bicep and feel the firm muscle under his shirt; I want so badly to just rip it off. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been with anyone for a while; it’s just been Mr. vibrator and me for the past few months. I wouldn’t mind to do a little something something with him tonight. Right as I’m lost in my day dream of lust I get pushed a little from behind and fall right into Danny’s chest he wraps his arms around me and asks. “Are you alright?” I go on my tiptoes and plant a kiss right on his lips. He wraps one of hands around the side of my neck and brings back towards him and we kiss for a few moments longer. I pull back and grab his hand. I start waking through the crowd pulling him behind me.

We eventually get to the bathroom and I push him into a stall where we start making out again. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me in close. I can feel his cock bulging in his pants just wanting to get out. I grab one of his hands and place it on my butt. I take my hand and graze against his dick in his pants. I start kissing his neck. In an instant I unbuttoned his pants and grazed his dick in his boxers. I feel it pulsing and wanting to be inside something. I want him so bad.

I pull back from his neck and whisper into his ear “Do you want to come back to my place?” He nods his head We walk out of the bathroom holding hands walk out of the club and call an uber

To be continued…
