How did it happen? [MF] [Fdom] [oral] [reluc]

She arch her back and went stiff as a board. Wow, I thought. She fell back on the bed and we sat for a few min wile she try to come down off the high she was on. Hey, I said are you all right? She look at me and smiled. That was good she said. Where did you learn that? From you the last time I said.

She was tall as she was long. She had to be over 6’2 and 189lb. And I keep asking myself how did I get her to fuck me.

We had been at this for the last two weeks. I met her at a bar on the south end of town. We had both been looking for something or someone. But if the truth was told it was not about the sex, that was just a after thought. I don’t know about her but what i want is some one that will like me for what i am. That is the reason i went to the club in the first place was to find some one to ease the pain of life. I don’t do drugs and i do not drink at all. I am not that much to look at 5’8 230 a little on the thin side. Balding and graying. Well pass my prime. Most people act as if they don’t see me. Unless the want me for something. That is why it came as a shock when this woman that has taken the little bar were I goto buy storm. Came and sat down beside me and said hello.

What do you want? I ask. I has been going to this same bar for weeks after work. Getting the same drink. And looking at he same guys strike out with her every night. Wishing I could talking to her just once. But not having the balls to go to her and say something.

That is a funny thing to ask, the question is what would you like from me? She said.

I don’t have any money, or for that matter something that you would want.

She looked at me with sad eyes. Where has your life taken you when think that all people want you for something. I want not a thing from you, But I am will give my self to you for a little while.

And if to show me that she wanted to put me at ease, she lean over taking my head with her hands and kiss me. Time stop for me, this was the first time I had been kiss by someone that was not my mom. It seamed to go on and on. And then it stop.

How was that? She ask. I did not know what to say to her. I has been on this planet for almost 50 years an in all that time I cold not get a woman to say five nice things to me. And now this woman come from god knows where and kisses me. What does a man say to that? How do I react to this without looking like a goofball. Why would you do that I ask her? She look at me with eyes that had a question on them. Kiss someone you don’t even know? You look like you need it, and the way you look at me day after day that I come in here.

A guy that look to be in his early 30 came up to us and said to her, why don’t you come back to my place and leave this old man to his drink. I was about to get mad when she said with a loud voice, why so you can show me that tiny dick of yours.

He look like he was going to me mad but one of his friends came up and pull him away. I told you she was cold. Just leave her alone. When they got out of ear shot I ask her what was that all about?

You see they have been after me for a long time now just because they think I am good looking. Boys like that are all about the superficial but I want a man that will take his time and work at it the right way She said. And you look like just the man for the job. She beam at me and put her had on my leg. So why don’t we get out of here an go to your place?

So that is what we did. I have never taken a woman back to my place before. I live in a old walk up. Like me way past it’s prime. In what the kids would say is in a rundown part of town. But I have live here all of my life. An it is not far from my job. So I am never late to work.

But she didn’t seem to mine it. As she went to sit on the sofa I had to pull all of the pants that was on it. Would you like a drink? I asked. What do you have? I look at my ice box and said Rum and coke That is fine. So I made two and took it over to the sofa. Siting down, I gave one to her. After she took a drink, she ask when was the last time that I had sex with a woman. Spiting out my drink all over the table I turn and look at her. Why would you ask a question like that? The way you kiss me at the bar said that you don’t have a lot of moments with the fairer sex. It was true I did not. I could count on one hand the times I had sex with a woman. Five years. That long, she said you must be back up. I can fix that if you want me to. What are we talking here I ask? I will come over once a week and you can do what you want to me for a long as you like but you can’t ask me about my life or were I go. When I go I go, ok.

Not having a better offer I nod my head. Good, now take off all the things that you have on. When I did not move the got up and started to undress. As I said before she was long thin. With blue green eyes and long black hair. She did not look like she had a ounce of fat on her.

She had this smile on her face that said that she was going to eat me alive. When she got out of her dress she walked over to me and pull me off the sofa. Standing up she started to pull off my shirt. When she got it off, she lick my right nipple. I laffed and pull away. But she did not stop and try to do it again. Not trying to scare her off I let her. Does that feel good she ask?

I don’t know I said, I told her. How about this, and went down on me. Taking my cock out and licking the base slowly. Almost as light as a feather.

Would you like me so suck it for you? She asked. And that point feeling overwhelmed I came. Long and hard. To me it was like two minutes but in real time it was about 60 seconds . After coming all over her face hair and body she took some and put it two her lips. It has been a long while for you? She said. I did not say much just fell back on the sofa. She pull off the rest of my things and went back to work on my cock. She still had cum all over her face and hair. Taking it in her mouth she pull at it slow at first the she got down to it. Hard and fast, it went on and on till it seamed like the light went out. Or I black out. All I know is that I woke up on my back with her on top of me. Your awake she said. Yes, I said. She smile and moved her ass. I was sill hard, It was like my dick was make up for lost time. Then she got into it, and rode me like I was her play toy. That when she started to talk.

You like that you fucking old man? Yes, I said. Up and down she went faster and faster like she her self was making up for lost time then she stop. And I could feel her pussy contracted around my cock. She did not cry out just let out a long little thing like a humming bird. The she fell on me like a feather. That was good for a start. She said.

She was not covered in cum like the last time I seen her. How did she clean up? I did not think to much into it. Then she got up and put her dress back on. Picking up her panties. She came back over to me and wrap them around my sill hard cock.

Licking the tip, she said I have to go now. I will be back here in one week you are not to jack off till I come back.

Then she took me into her mouth and pull all the cum out of my dick. After she made me cum for the like forth time that night. She got up and went out the door with out a glance back.

I was left siting there a smile on my face. Door wide open. But at that point I did not care if the walls came down.
