Island Vacation pt6 [mf][ff][oral][exh][anal]

Click on my name for previous parts of this story.

The knock on the door seemed to break the drowsy spell we'd all been under. Vicky sat up and stretched, her breasts rising high as she raised her arms and drew my fingers like magic to tickle her peaks. She tossed my long t-shirt over my head with a laugh so I took the hint and put it on.

Robby grunted in the other bed as he sat up to reach for his shorts. He seemed to notice Camden was standing up to pull on a pair of his boxer-briefs and smacked her on the ass with the back of his hand.

"Hey!" Camden danced away with a grin.

"Don't wash those before you give them back to me," Robby said as he pulled over his t-shirt.

"Perv," she smirked.

"I gotta have something to remember you by until you transfer down this fall."

She stopped cold and gave him a searching stare. Her mouth opened as her eyebrows drew together, but then her warm chuckle stopped her frown. "I never said I was gonna do that."

"You should, though. Weather's much better in Houston."

I left them dressing as I closed bedroom door before opening the door to the suite. Renauld pushed past Simone to embrace me. His arms kept me tight and close, his hands spread up and down my back. I could feel him taking deep breaths of my hair as the connection I felt between us flared back to full strength.

"I take it mon cher is somewhere around here?" Simone asked as she joined our embrace to kiss my cheek.

"Yes," I said, entirely too aware of Vicky's scent lingering on my lips.

"How is your sister?" Renauld asked with a piercing expression.

"Mom and Dad are at the hospital now and plan to stay the night with her. Dad texted Robby a while ago to say she's still unconscious, but stable." I slipped my hands down his strong arms to intertwine my fingers in his. "Thank you both for coming by."

"What are friends for?" Simone said as she touched my shoulder.

The bedroom door opened behind me. Vicky bounced out to embrace Simone with a glowing face. She was wearing her hotel uniform of white shorts, but the white button-down shirt was open and untucked, leaving the swells of her dark breasts visible. Robby and Camden followed with linked pinkies wearing his clothes.

Renauld followed me into to the kitchen area when I decided to play host. There were beers in the fridge and the half-pot of coffee left from what I made for Vicky and I. "Who wants a beer? Coffee?"

"Those are Dad's," Robby warned.

"You're so cute," I said as I pulled out the six-pack and Renauld started twisting off tops. We passed the bottles out as each couple found their spot in the common room. Camden sat on Robby's lap in a recliner. Simone and Vicky took over the love seat, leaving the larger sofa for Renauld and I to snuggle.

"The damage control is already starting," Simone sighed. "I saw Pierre Gaspard and Superintendent Lamont with their heads together most of the evening in the back of the bar."

Renauld blew out a frustrated snort. "I talked to Selwyn and he did the whole investigation by the book. He made Timothy video both the pursuit and boarding, including finding Peter on top of your sister. Then he made multiple copies of the video disc before it could get lost."

"Does that kind of thing happen much?" I asked. Hearing what had happened to Sarah made me feel physically ill.

"It does when the Gaspards' are involved. Peter and Selwyn 'ave some bad history," Simone said with a weary shake of her head. "Peter began sniffing around Selwyn's sister, Lizette, and wouldn't take no for an answer. After he drugged her, she made a formal charge of rape. Then a number of accidents happened, including a fire that destroyed their family home. When She recanted 'er testimony, it all stopped."

"Holy shit!" Camden exclaimed as she sat up on Robby's lap. "But as Harbor Master, does Selwyn have the authority to prosecute Peter for assaulting Sarah?"

"No, he is under the Port Authority," Simone explained. "But the official report carries he same weight as a police investigator. He is regularly involved in drug interdiction and human trafficking investigations, so this kind of cooperation between the Port Authority and the Constabulary Force is pretty common. The problem is that Superintendent Lamont controls this area and can decide not to open an investigation.

"We'll see about that," Camden growled as she stalked to her purse and pulled out her cell phone. "Despite playing that trick on Timothy earlier, my Uncle Mike really is a District Commander in the Coast Guard. If that boat was in International waters, Sarah is a US citizen and I bet he can do something to help."

She wandered into the bedroom with the phone to her ear. "Uncle Mike?"

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you don't seem particularly upset by all this," Simone said to Robby and me.

"Sarah may be my sister, but…" I paused as I tried to put our relationship into words. She was a bit spoiled and lacked judgement, but I still felt bad about what had happened to her.

"She acts up a lot," Robby said when I stalled. "She sneaks out, lies to everyone, and doesn't really try at home or school. This may be the worst bit of trouble she's been in, but she gets herself in it pretty regularly."

"I see," Simone said with a knowing nod. "I 'ave a cousin that is the same way. You cannot 'elp someone who will not 'elp themselves, no?"

"Exactly," I said as Camden came back out of the bedroom.

"Uncle Mike said he'd make a few phone calls," Camden said as she sat back on Robby's lap. "He said he can't promise anything, but if that Superintendent thinks someone from the states is watching, it can't hurt."

"Thanks, Cam," Robby said and kissed her hair as she snuggled into his chest.

"So nothin' to do but wait," Vicky said.

In the silence that followed I noticed Simone had slipped her hand under Vicky's open shirt to cup her breast. It didn't make me feel jealous exactly, but I wished Renauld was doing more than holding me against his chest. I immediately dismissed it as stupid and immature. I was the youngest person in the room, after all. And the least sexually experienced. I tore my eyes away from the lidded look on Vicky's face and smiled around the room.

"How about truth or dare?" I asked with a laugh in case everyone thought it was stupid idea. Then I glanced over my shoulder to look at Renauld.

"Dare," Renauld whispered to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Kiss me," I whispered back. He leaned in making his breath tickle my face, then our lips brushed once before he pressed in. Kissing him flooded me with warmth as he rubbed his hands across my stomach. The others clapped and laughed until we smiled our kiss away.

"You're turn," I told him as I snuggled into his chest.

Renauld glanced around the room at the others smiling at us. "Robby, truth or dare?"

"Dare, of course," he laughed.

"You've got twenty seconds to swap clothes with Camden," Renauld said as he lifted his arm to see his watch. "Starting… now!"

Camden jumped off his lap and whipped off his t-shirt and underwear without a glance at the rest of us. I laughed as Robby raced to catch up and watch Camden at the same time. I'd avoided looking at them when they were having sex on the boat, but I was seeing it all now.

Camden had the muscular legs of a dancer and curves for miles. She had no body hair from the neck down except for a thin strip of hair above her cleft. Her breasts swung as she tossed her clothes at Robby.

"Ten seconds," Renauld announced.

"Shit!" Robby had finally gotten his t-shirt and shorts off, without underwear I noted. His body had sparse hair except for a trail down the middle of his chest into the neatly trimmed hair surrounding his cock. He was partially erect, but seeing him didn't thrill me like seeing Renauld naked.

"Three… two… one!"

Robby got his underwear up just in time and slapped a high-five with Camden. "Yes!"

We all laughed and applauded as Robby and Camden bowed. When they sat back down, Robby smiled as he pointed to each of us and stopped on Simone with a raised eyebrow.

"Dare," Simone whispered, then bent to kiss Vicky's shoulder.

"Make her cum," Robby demanded.

"Someone's got a fetish," Camden sang quietly.

"Shh," Robby whispered, his eyes fixed on Simone and Vicky.

Renauld's fingers slipped down along my stomach while I watched Vicky reach behind her head to touch Simone's face. When he reached the edge of my long t-shirt, his fingers brushed along my thighs until he touched my soaking cleft.

Simone had one hand under Vicky's shirt while the other slipping down into her shorts. Vicky gasped and arched her back when Simone hit the right spot. With eyes shut, the two of them writhed as Vicky began to rock her hips.

I was caught between watching Vicky's pleasure and enjoying my own as Renauld moved his other hand up to tease my nipples into points. The feeling when two of his fingers slipped inside me forced out a whimper.

"It wasn't your dare," Camden chuckled.

I tore my eyes away from Vicky's face to glance at Camden's flushed cheeks. Robby was doing to her what Renauld was doing to me.

"Or yours," I whispered back.

When our eyes met, she glanced down at my thighs and she licked her lips. That's when I realized that as Renauld lifted my shirt, I'd also opened my legs enough to expose myself.

"I see bubble gum," Simone whispered in Vicky's ear. "Look, mon cher."

Renauld held me open for inspection with two fingers while he slowly slipped in a third. The teasing was no longer enough. I reached down to direct his fingers, pushing them where I needed them to go. My encouragement made him squeeze my breasts until I was breathless with need.

"Oh God," Vicky gasped as Simone held her still.

"Yes," Camden moaned as Robby got her close.

I felt a quickening in my core when Vicky cried out at last. Camden drew her legs up, trapping Robby's hand as she whimpered through her release. Renauld pushed me over the edge when he bit my earlobe and drove his fingers inside me. My legs shook as I rocked my head back to give him my neck to bite as well.

As I relaxed for a few moments in a post-orgasmic glow, Simone said, "Kat. Truth or dare?"

"I don't think I could handle another dare right now," I laughed as Renauld kissed my hair. "Truth."

"Where was your first time?" she asked. Vicky looked to be going to sleep in her arms.

Robby stuck his fingers in his ears and said, "La, la, la!"

My face heated instantly, but I refused to let my inexperience embarrass me. "It was in a pool cabana hut."

Renauld stiffened around me. "What?"

"A pool cabana hut. You ought to remember. You were there." I tried to laugh it off, but Renauld was staring at me with his mouth open.

"Wait," Simone said as she looked between us. "Renauld was your first lover?"

I looked around at the expectant faces around the room, except for my brother who was giving Renauld a hard stare.

"Is that weird or something?" I asked, feeling more vulnerable than I expected.

"Mon amore, why didn't you tell me?" Renauld whispered. "I would have made it more… special."

"Would it have really mattered? I wanted to be with you," I said to him as I touched his face. "And I don't regret it at all. I even came twice! You were wonderful."

He laughed and placed his hands around my face before he kissed me. "Thank you for that gift."

I screwed up my courage and whispered, "You can pay me back when you come to Houston."

It was our moment. He searched my eyes as a smile broke across his face. His kiss was more sweet than passion.

"Oh, God, someone kill me," Robby moaned as he covered his face. "She's my sister for fuck's sake."

"What about you asking Camden to transfer to U of H?" I laughed.

"That's totally different," Camden chuckled with a sarcastic flair. Then she kissed the frown off of Robby's face.

"My turn," I announced. "Camden, truth or dare?"


"What's one thing you always wanted to do, but never had the nerve to do?"

Her blush spoke before she did. "I kinda already did it."

"What?" Robby asked.

"Before," she said to him. "In the bedroom with you. Watching Kat and Vicky."

"Yeah," Renauld growled as he ran his hand over my shoulder. "Gotta admit. Dat's fuckin' hot, mate."

"Not as much when it's your sister," Robby grumbled.

I looked up to find Vicky sucking her lower lip while she stared at me. Simone was chuckling at us, making me hide my face behind my hands. "Jeez!"

"You asked!" Camden said. "Vicky, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Vicky replied as she rolled over to kiss Simone.

"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" Camden laughed. "What if I dare you to do a striptease?"

"Even better." Vicky stood up and pulled her phone out. She slid her finger along the screen until the tinny sound of a slow reggae beat came out of it. "Hold this, love," she said as she handed the phone to Simone and stepped into the center of the room.

Her shirt was still unbuttoned, only showing the swells of her dark breasts. The beat of the music moved to her hips as she rubbed her hands over her shirt and stomach. She had a natural grace that made what she was doing as beautiful as it was erotic.

Vicky faced Simone when she slipped her bare shoulder out of her shirt. Keeping her hands over her breasts, she slipped her other shoulder out and let the shirt fall down her arms. Cupping her hands, she squeezed and pulled on her breasts while Simone's eyes sparkled.

When she turned, Camden hummed deep in her throat. I glanced over to see Robby watching while he mirrored Vicky's squeezing on Camden's breasts. Just when I looked back at Vicky, she was letting the shirt fall to the floor. I loved the way her skin darkened underneath and between her breasts, but lightened along the tops. And her dark chocolate nipples made my mouth water.

Renauld's erection was pulsing against my ass in time with the beat. It was hardly fair for him. First he'd gotten me off, now was being teased by Vicky's slow dance. When her fingers went to the buttons on her pants, I reached for Renauld's zipper. He chuckled, then leaned back to allow me to open his shorts.

I knew what Vicky looked like, so I sacrificed my view to give Renauld a little pleasure. Stroking him slowly, I coaxed his slippery head out enough to lick. He relaxed into the couch with a sigh as I took more of him into my mouth. Keeping tempo with the music, I allowed a little spit to dribble out to slick him in my hand.

I was a bit more confident this time and knew better what to expect. He moved my hair to watch me, his eyes darting back and forth between me and Vicky, who was still dancing slowly.

Vicky was watching me with a smirk as she slid her shorts down, her ass facing Simone. I knew those gorgeous dark lips were slick with arousal without even seeing them. I opened my throat and tried to take even more of him for a moment, but gagged a little. It made my eyes water, but if anything that seemed to make Renauld moan even louder.

We locked eyes. His squeezed nearly shut, mine tearing up as I tried again to take him deeper. He squeezed his muscles tight and held his breath as he fisted my hair. The explosion of heat and slickness in my throat fed my fire. I ate him, swallowing like he was my food, my water, my life. And with every pulse, every heartbeat, I watched him adore me.

When he was spent, I left him resting against my tongue until he softened. Vicky was nude when I let him slip out at last, her body glorious and glowing in the dim lamp light. I turned to face her as Renauld drew me close again with a deep sigh.

She bent to kiss me for a moment, then proceeded to kiss Renauld, Camden, and Robbie. When she turned back to Simone, she demanded, "Take me home so I can fuck you."

Simone's happy laugh marked the end of the game, but not the end of the night. Vicky dressed again while Simone and Camden chatted a bit. Robby and Renauld stepped out to the balcony to discuss soccer. I picked up the suite and tossed the bottles until Vicky and Simone were ready to go.

"Call me when you know anything new about Sarah," Vicky told me as she clasped my hands at the door.

"I will," I said.

Simone kissed my cheek and stepped into the hallway, then Vicky let go and followed her. I closed the door to the suite while Robby was turning out the lights.

"You sure you wanna risk Renauld staying over?" Robby asked. "What if Mom and Dad come back later?"

Camden was already falling asleep in Robby's bed while Renauld took a quick shower. I smiled at his concern.

"I don't see you kickin' Camden out of your bed," I chuckled.

"I'm not daddy's little girl," he said with a shrug. "Suit yourself."

"Do you have any more condoms?" I asked, enjoying the obvious discomfort in his face.

"Night stand," he muttered, then went in to join Camden in his bed, laying with his back to me as I sat on the edge of my bed.

Inside the night stand drawer I found a dozen or so condoms in a foil strip and a tube of lube. I got a condom and the tube, then slipped them under my pillow. Before I got too comfortable, I sat up and took off the long t-shirt I usually slept in and tossed it next to the bed. I was so excited I stroked my smooth mons with my fingertips while I waited. I had a wicked idea, but I didn't know if I'd have the nerve to pull it off.

The light from the bathroom flared when Renauld opened the door, but went dark when he turned it off. There was still enough light from the windows to see his shadow approaching my bed. I flung the covers back when he reached me then he snuggled my back to his chest as he covered us both.

He slipped one arm under me then reached the other to cup my breast. His erection was pressed between my cheeks and I couldn't resist pushing against him. He had just hummed his satisfaction into my hair when my brother's quiet snore broke the silence.

"Are you too tired?" Renauld whispered to me.

"No," I admitted, my fingers still diddling along my slit. "How about you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He pressed into me again making my stomach clench with desire.

I lifted my upper leg to reach between and take his warm shaft in my hand. On a whim I pulled up my knees and dragged his tip from the wet end of my slit to between my cheeks.

"Oh God," Renauld murmured and pushed against my tightness.

I slipped my hand under the pillow to grab the lube. By feel alone, I spun off the lid and squeezed enough of the cold gel to fill my palm. He hissed when I reached back to slide it on his shaft, but he caught his breath with I let go to smooth it between my cheeks and into my tight opening.

"Are you sure?" he whispered in awe.

"Only one virginity left," I whispered over my shoulder. "Just go slow."

Holding his slick shaft, I rolled over on my stomach and guided him on top of me. He took over then, kissing my shoulder as he slid against me. I was too excited to relax entirely, but I lifted my hips to encourage him to try.

Using his hand, he rubbed his head in circles against my tight opening. I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax, to push back against him. First it was pressure, then a sharp pain made me bite my lip. It eased the moment his head slipped inside, but that was also the moment I realized he wasn't wearing a condom.

Working in a little further, he whispered, "So tight."

I kept myself open to the experience, as uncomfortable as it began. Once my muscles got the message and allowed him all the way in, I sighed in relief. He waited without moving, only kissing my shoulder, my neck. I turned my head to let our lips meet for a moment.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

I was, other than feeling like I needed to go to the bathroom. "Mmm-hmm."

He moved his arms around me and to give himself better leverage. Then in one smooth motion he pulled out and pushed back in. My arms broke out in goose bumps. It was different, not necessarily better, but it was undeniably good. When he pressed down it was like electricity sparked inside me. I needed more, so I moved my legs apart a little to reach my swollen clit.

Slowly at first, he emptied and filled me, again and again. What started as sparks turned into a steady heat as he pushed in deeper. We both worked towards our separate ends, but I found a way to lift into his thrusts.

"So hot, so tight," Renauld whispered. "But I need to slow down."

"No," I begged. I was so close. I rubbed faster and squeezed as I reached the edge.

"Oh, fuck Kat!" He thrust deeper than ever and gripped me so tight I couldn't breathe.

"Yes!" There was a silent explosion as I went rigid. His pulses and mine beat a mad tempo together as he finally filled me with his seed. The warmth of it spread inside me. The reality of what we had done was so much more than the fantasy I'd built in my mind. It was hot and nasty and I loved every minute of it.

Renauld slipped out gently, then kicked off the covers and rolled over on his back. "Stay there, I'll get a warm wash cloth."

When he ducked into the bathroom to clean up I could still hear Robby snoring. Camden raised up to look over his sleeping form.

"That sounded so hot," she whispered, then snickered. "I have to admit I had to diddle a little."

"Oh, Cam, it was so good," I murmured in my post-orgasmic bliss, my head resting on my crossed hands.

"Here," Renauld said as he wiped me clean with a warm cloth. I could feel my pulse down there from being stretched. When he finished he noticed Cam was sitting up. "Sorry to wake you."

Camden watched him with a twinkle in her eye. "I'd always wanted to try that."

"I can highly recommend it," I said when Renauld went back to the bathroom.

"So any viginities left at this point?"

"Nope, he got 'em all," I sighed as he climbed into bed with me and pulled me into his arms. "Well, I still have new things I want to try, but I'm good for now."

"Good, because I'm beat," Renauld said and snuggled into my hair. "Bonsoir, mon amour"

"Sweet dreams." My loveMy love… it echoed in my mind until I fell asleep.

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