Dark, Forbidden Fruit, Part 1 [STR8][mf][inc]

I breathe a heavy sigh into the evening air. My last night of summer, I think sullenly, and once again, nothing happened. I’d harbored grand ambitions for the last summer before my senior year of high school. We were supposed to go out, party, hook up with hot girls, everything a young guy could want. Aside from hang out at a few of our favorite spots in this boring-ass city, we’d done next to nothing. Sure, we’d managed to score a few bottles of liquor from our parents’ stashes, but nothing wilder than that. I decided it was time to head home. Our neighborhood abutted a nature preserve, and all I had to do was jump our back fence and I had a secluded woodland haven all to myself. Best of all, I’d found a small shack in the middle of the woods this summer. I have no idea what it was used for, but nobody seemed to have been there in a very long time. My single project over the summer had been turning this place into my secret hideaway, where I could retreat from the religious fervor of my parents. I had my books there: Hitchens, Harris, and Dawkins… books my parents would burn as Satanic. I had a few bottles of liquor I’d managed to swipe under various circumstances, along with an old oil lamp from our attic for light. I’d never shown anyone my secret retreat, but I’d spent many an evening there seeking peace and quiet away from my family.

I made my way out of the woods just as the sun set, and went back inside the house through the back door into the kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen cleaning up dinner. “Jon”, she called out, “don’t forget you have to go pick up your cousin Jessica tomorrow morning on the way to school.” Thanks for reminding me, mom. My aunt and uncle, whom I hadn’t seen since childhood, had moved back home and into our neighborhood a few weeks ago. While I was consigned to the local Catholic boys’ school, Thomas Aquinas, their daughter Jessica was starting St. Theresa’s School for Girls as a freshman. Since the schools were relatively nearby, and since I had a car, they’d decided that I was responsible for taking this girl that I hadn’t seen since she was a baby back and forth to school. Let the kid take the bus, I’d said, but my mom insisted. My parents and my aunt and uncle wanted to keep a close eye on Jessica for some as-yet-undisclosed reason, and I was enlisted as her watchman. “Yeah mom, I didn’t forget. Text me their address so I know which house to go to, would you?” With that, I bounded up the stairs to my room, shut my door, and bid goodbye to the awesome summer that never was.

In the morning, I grudgingly dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. Senior year brought with it the promise of college applications and the chance to get out of this overbearing Catholic atmosphere, even if I did have to start it off by running my undoubtedly prudish, holier-than-thou Jesus freak of a cousin back and forth to school. Since I went to an all-guys school, I put almost no work into my personal appearance before heading out the door. I slung my backpack in the back seat of my car, a black Toyota Celica that I’d worked my ass off for the prior summer, and checked my phone for my cousin Jessica’s address. It looked like she lived two blocks over, in the same neighborhood, so at least I wouldn’t have to go out of my way to get her. I pulled my car into her driveway and put it in park, letting the engine idle as I decided what music to put on. Maybe I should put on some Rob Zombie or In This Moment to scare her? Nah, that’s too mean, even for me. I looked up when I caught the motion of the front door opening out of the corner of my eye, and all at once I understood why my family wanted a blood relative to chaperone Jessica back and forth to school. In fact, knowing my family, I was surprised that they didn’t have her slated for an exorcism. I suddenly regretted not putting more effort into my appearance this morning.

She was small, only about 5’0” and she couldn’t have weighed more than 110 pounds. Her skin was pale, porcelain even, and she had her hair dyed a shimmering shade of black that was undoubtedly at the outermost bounds of the St. Theresa’s dress code. Her soft pink lips were twisted in what I imagined was a perpetual smirk. She wore the purposely concealing and un-sexy uniform of a catholic high school girl, not the pervasive male fantasy with a short skirt and knee-highs with a button-down blouse, but a white polo shirt and a navy blue, knee-length skirt. Still, her body was shockingly mature for a 14-year-old, a fact that even the Catholic dress code couldn’t hide. As she descended the steps of her front porch, I watched wide-eyed and mesmerized as her breasts (they must have been at least 32DD’s) bounced beneath the confines of her top and bra. Her waist was small and flared out into hips that would give any man thoughts sure to violate a few of the Ten Commandments. I watched as she walked in front of my car, between the hood and her garage door, practically drooling at her voluptuous profile, the swell of her breasts and the curve of her perfect ass, imagining cupping those luscious, heavy breasts from behind while ramming…

Jesus Christ, I mentally scolded myself; she’s your fucking cousin, man! As she opened the passenger side door and slid inside, I shot back to reality. I don’t care how hot or how much of a bad girl she is, this girl is off limits. Taboo. Our kids would be something out of The Hills Have Eyes. I shook off the filthy daydream just as she shut the door behind her.

“So, I’m guessing you’re my cousin Jon?” She asked as she fastened her seatbelt, “Or are you here to sell me as a sex slave on the black market?” I was taken aback by her sense of humor.

“Um, yeah, I’m Jon. You must be Jessica?” Stupid.

“The one and only” she replied, crossing her legs. Her pale thighs were barely visible beneath the navy skirt, and between the complexion and the dyed hair, they were legs that would look more at home in fishnets and a purple-and-black plaid miniskirt. The seatbelt put even more pressure on her top, already straining as it covered her rack, and separated her subtly bouncing boobs.

“Well, lucky you, you get to babysit the demoness this year. My parents think that this Goth thing is just a phase I’m going through. They have no idea that it’s a natural reaction to all the religious bullshit they force down my throat.”

I listened with disbelief. I had thought I was the only non-believer in the family. She eyed me quizzically, “Oh, I’m sorry, you must fucking love Jesus, right? Everyone else in this family does. Am I raping your virgin ears?”

“No, actually”, I stammered, finding my footing again as we pulled onto the highway. “I thought I was the only closet atheist in the family. I haven’t believed for years, I think the whole thing is bullshit. I’m only in a Catholic school because they make me go.”

“Oh, well look at that!” she said with mock excitement. “I have a demon to go with my demoness, the Belial to my Lilith. They’d burn us at the stake if they knew… and I’d tell them where to shove their crosses as they struck the match.”

She was so precocious for a high school freshman… usually teenage girls, even hardasses like Jessica, were angsty and sullen but didn’t have the intellectual chops to back any of it up. Quite the contrary here… I was certain that Jessica was smarter than me.

“Yeah”, I said, “We seem to have a lot in common. I’m glad you guys moved back here… why did you move back, anyway?”

“My dad got transferred” Jessica replied, “Actually, he requested a transfer. They had too much trouble with me in junior high. Dress code violations, skipping school, good thing they never found my weed. The last straw was when the priest caught me with my boyfriend in the sacristy after Mass one Friday. I was on my knees in prayer, Father, nothing else…” she let the sentence trail off lasciviously, and licked her lips with a tongue that was surprisingly, unnaturally long. She could have been Gene Simmons’ daughter, and the sight sent my already growing erection into full-on throbbing mode. “So yeah, it’s a new city and a new school for me. And my cousin to keep an eye on me, while my parents pray for my soul… because I’d never get into trouble with my own family, right?”

I looked at her pointedly at that last comment, and one of her dark eyebrows was raised quizzically. “Oh, of course not, um… yeah I’ll keep a close eye on you. No sexual perversions, hedonism, atheist literature, illicit substances or other damnable offenses on my watch, young lady.” I realized that we were approaching her school, and I slowed to let her out. “I expect you to walk the straight and narrow path in the sight of God today.”

She unfastened her seatbelt and retrieved her bookbag from the back seat. “I’ll do my best, sir.” She said with a wink, and she shut the door.

“Hey!” I called out to her, lowering the passenger side window. She whirled around in a maelstrom of shimmering black hair, giving me a tantalizing view of her profile again. “What do I call you? Jessica? Jessie?”

She laughed. “Jessie is what my parents call me when I’m not in trouble”, she said, “but my friends call me Lilith, and you should, too.” With that she spun around and I watched her walk into the building, a pint-sized succubus among girls who were children by comparison.

I drove off towards my school down the street, my knees shaking and my dick throbbing. I’ve never been so attracted to someone in my life, and here she’s my fucking cousin. Shit, man, this was going to be a long year. I resolved to put her out of my mind, focus on my studies, and try to rise above this temptation before I embarrassed myself.

That is, until I picked her up from school, at which point I would have to try my hardest not to pursue the lascivious thoughts I was formulating, thoughts that I just knew Lilith would approve of, even if they condemned my immortal soul straight to hell.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3aeud9/dark_forbidden_fruit_part_1_str8mfinc


  1. Only super great ! Do you have any sort of schedule concerning the next one?

  2. Working on Part 2 now, should be up later tonight. It has the first real action of the series.

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