The Hungry big sister. [fm] [Vore] Part 1

Milia was sleeping in her room and was tossing and turning. There she put her hands on her stomach and opened her eyes a bit. She got up and looked at her brother and smiled softly as she had a look on her face that even her brother knew about when they were little though. She went downstairs and looked at her brother who was making her breakfast. She looked at the breakfast, and suddenly threw it at her own brother.

"So this is what I'm going to eat now" Milia said with an angry tone as she was starving waiting for something to eat. Jiru looked at his sister, and looked away and tried to make her something else. "I don't see the problem though." Milia grinned a bit like any sister would, and gave her brother which would be an orange. "Tell you what little brother I know I've been hard on you these last couple of days, so eat this it has my love and pride on it as well as my hatred."

Jiru looks at the fruit and decides to eat it which turns out that he is smaller than anything else as he looks up at his own sister, seeing as her size is as big as a skyscraper though. "What gives milia, I thought we had a truce and I don't think I taste very well either, I mean I….don't eat me I never done one single thing I've always been the greatest little brother you had."

Jiru was looking terrified and what is worse than that being inside his own sister, that seems like one nightmare that no one or not even him would want. Seeing as though he tries his best to escape the area, the sister trapped him and brought him to the kitchen holding her stomach as she was starving as she needed something to hold her off for a while.

Milia looked at her brother and sighed a bit and picked him up, as his tiny little legs were ragged and rusty a bit as she had a strange look in her eyes and put her on her shoulder to keep an eye on him a bit.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to eat you, I only wanted to see if you would actually shrink but apparently it worked and I guess you were surprised of what just happened not too long ago though." "Although depending on your behavior will be on how I will address this matter along with your head, you microscopic creature who is my own brother"

Jiru looked calm and was hungry himself and asked his sister if he could eat something. He went and rested on her shoulder, but the sister had an idea as she looked at her brother and laughed to herself. Milia looked at her brother and went into the bread cabinet and grabbed two pieces of Italian bagels and started to open them both up and looked at the knife and put it towards his neck to see if, he would make a move or not.

Milia's breast was open as he sees her brother watching her as she blushes a bit and decided, to use him as her pray as she couldn't stop to feel the hunger just keep coming as she looks at her brother and moved her tongue a bit. Their was nothing for him to do about it as he tried his best to escape, but the grasp was as tight as a force that couldn't be reckoned with as she slowly dropped him towards her warm tongue as she could feel him squirming. But deep down it wouldn't stop her from getting what she wanted from her brother.

"You can't escape this brother" Milia said with a vicious voice "Milia you can't do this to your own flesh and blood we are family and you know it!" Jiru was pleading for her to stop this madness, but that was only the beginning as he was sleeping and beginning to see that the nightmare was about to begin as he prayed for a safe landing.

Milia looked and sighed within her and swallowed him once and for all, and looked down into her stomach and smiled softly and patted her stomach a bit and sighed just a little

"Little brother you know this is just temporary as soon as you know it, you'll be out of me in no time…or you will just have to suffer like the rest of the people I have swallowed…either way you should be thankful that you have a sexy sister like me" She said with a cute voice as she went into her bed and read the newspaper a bit and closed her eye.

"Well I guess this is good night brother, I love you.." This was only the beginning..



  1. What the fuuuuck! :-D This is the most bizarre thing I have read in a LONG time and I knew the definition of vore but had never explored anything in the genre. Holy fucking shit, this is cool. Wow. Here are my suggestions though 1) Do not extend this. Cranking out a bunch more chapters will dilute the cool creepiness and uncanniness of this specific scene (but once again, I’m new to vore literature so forgive me if the above is ignorant/unqualified). 2) "THERE was nothing he could do about it" and "to use him as her PREY." Otherwise, this is dabomb. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks I gave it my best. I thought maybe an original story would be great, maybe a part 2 is overdoing it though.

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