Dark, Forbidden Fruit, Part 2 [Str8][mf][inc][oral]

I spent my first day of senior year with my heart pounding in my throat, palms clammy, and driven to distraction. Not because my nerves were on edge at the prospect of my high school career coming to a close, but over memories of taking my freshman cousin to school this morning. Recollections of her body, her precocious wit and demon’s tongue clouded my thoughts through all of my classes. It was embarrassing enough going through an entire day at an all-guy’s high school hiding a persistent erection, but add to that the shame of knowing that the arousal was all because of my fucking cousin. At the end of the day I felt like I needed to attend confession and then shower in bleach.

That said, I had no intention of backing down from the plan that had begun to take shape in my mind.

I threw my bookbag in my trunk after school, and got into my car to head for St. Theresa’s to pick up my cousin. As I pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the street to the girls’ school, I started to relent from my plan. Look at all the girls walking home from school… they’re everywhere. I almost ran a red light watching a blonde girl with a tight waist and stomach taking off her uniform top to reveal a tank top underneath. That girl over there, the redhead, her rack was almost as impressive as Jessica’s. Plus, these girls were closer to my own age, and most importantly, these girls were not my cousin. Maybe I should focus on some of the other fish in the sea before reaching for the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden…

All my doubts flew out the window when I saw her. She was sitting on the stone staircase in front of the school, sheltered beneath the shade of a magnolia tree. Black hair cascading down her back, heavy breasts straining against her uniform top, petite shoulders and tiny waist struggling to support her voluptuous dimensions… no way was I going to let this opportunity get away.

I honked the horn twice to get her attention. Her deep, dark eyes flickered up from the book she was reading and, upon recognizing my car, she grinned and jumped up, shouldering her bookbag and bouncing over to my car. She threw her bag in the backseat and then slid into the passenger seat. I was intoxicated by the glimpse of thigh as she sat down, by the seatbelt defining her breasts. “What, no Albanian mobsters? I didn’t think you’d honestly let the chance to turn a profit on me get away so easily. Too bad, you could have used the money to upgrade your beater to an actual chick magnet.” She grinned.

“Hey, fuck you Lilith” I said, putting extra emphasis on her demonic nickname. “At least I’m not likely to go home to a pair of priests splashing water at me while shouting ‘the power of Christ compels you!’”

“All I’d have to do is take my top off and those fuckers would have a heart attack and die”, she said, arching her back. “The power of my tits compels you, bitches!”

I ran a stop sign, causing a chorus of honks to erupt from enraged motorists. Lilith chuckled, biting the tip of her sinuous tongue in her teeth. “Easy there, cousin. We’re related, after all.”

“Yeah, of course” I stammered. “So, how was your first day of classes?”

“Brutal”, she said, pushing a strand of raven hair back behind her ear. “The other girls are all children” – this last word she spat with obvious disdain – “and all the classrooms have religious shit plastered all over the walls. My religion class is going to cover the goddamned Old Testament, as if I needed a crash course in the merits of child sacrifice, slavery, genocide, and incest.” She let the last word roll off her tongue like the smoke from a pipe, savoring it in her mouth and allowing it to hang in the air.

“Well, now, those are all topics on which everyone could stand to brush up once in a while. So, did you make any friends?”

“From that gaggle of vapid bitches? Please. I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.” She adopted the persona of a stereotypical cheerleader, bouncing up and down in her seat (don’t look at her tits, Jesus…) and squealing “OMG like totes hashtag go fuck yourself!”

I laughed in spite of myself, forgetting her temptress’ body for a moment. “Yeah, the pickings are pretty slim in your circumstances.” I agreed. “So, do you have any friends here?”

“Nope, just you” she replied. “And you don’t count. You have to like me, or at least pretend to.”

“Hey, that’s not true” I protested. “You’re the only one who’s not a religious douche nozzle. So, if you don’t have any friends… do you want to hang out later?”

She eyed me quizzically. “Hang out, like you and me? What ever would we do?” She batted her eyelashes in an exaggerated display of coyness.

“I have a place I go, nobody knows it but me. A secret building in the nature preserve behind my house. I have books there, atheist books, some vodka, and an oil lamp… it’s my escape. I could show it to you?”

She was quiet for a moment, and then gave me a half smile with twinkling eyes. “Sounds like you really know how to show a girl a good time. Ok, what the fuck. Let’s do it. I’ll have to sneak out, of course. After dark okay?”

I pulled into her driveway, reluctant to let her leave. “Ok by me” I said. “Meet me in my backyard, by the kids’ swing set. I’ll lead from there.”

“Alright, you’re on. But you’d better get me drunk, I’ll be pissed if you don’t have enough liquor to make it worth my while.”

“Jesus, you’re fourteen! How the fuck did you ever get wasted?” She leaned back into my open window. “With an ass and tits like this, a girl can get a lot of things she wants. See you what, at nine?”

“Nine it is” I said, and then drove off as she made her way into the house.

That night, I spiked my hair and put on cologne. I dug out my favorite concert t-shirt and black jeans, and when I was sure my parents were asleep I grabbed a Mag-Lite and snuck out to the swingset to wait for Lilith.

She arrived right on time, and I cursed the dim light for not affording me a good look at what she was wearing. All I could see was the glow of her cell phone screen reflected off of her face. Maybe she really was an ethereal demoness – she seemed awfully sure of her footing in the pitch blackness.

“Well, look who actually showed up.” I said dryly, trying to exude calm and indifference. “The cabin is about a ten minute walk through the woods, but don’t worry, I cut a trail this summer so it’s easy footing.”

“Look who better not have been lying about the alcohol”, she said quickly. “Lead on, sir. Being led into a dark forest on a Monday night by an older man isn’t exactly a new thing for me.”

We hopped the fence, and as we walked by the light of my Mag-Lite I decided to make conversation. I didn’t want her to get the impression that I was nervous… or worse, and more correctly, excited. “So, when did you stop buying into the whole religion thing?”

“Oh, there’s a question I’m rarely asked by boys in secluded locations late at night.” She said. “I guess it was sometime around the sixth grade. I just had the realization that the entire thing was bullshit, and that most of the Bible stories I had to memorize were just horrible. Plus,” she added, and I could hear the smile in her voice, “Jesus tells me not to do a fuck of a lot of things that feel damn good. Who needs that shit? What does a universal creator-god care if I want to suck a cock every now and then?”

My own cock throbbed at the mention of this girl, my 14-year-old cousin, sucking guys off. Lucky bastards, I thought to myself. The cabin loomed ahead out of the trees, with cinder-block walls covered with ivy and creeper. The door was rickety wood, but functional. As always, I did a quick sweep of the cabin to be sure I was alone.

“This is your spot?” Lilith asked, and I expected her to be disappointed. “This is fucking awesome. How did you find it?” “Just out hiking one day”, I answered as I lit the small oil lamp. “I’ve never seen anyone else here. Look,” I said, drawing her attention to a far corner of the single room. A blanket was heaped over something in the corner. I pulled it back, revealing a few bottles of alcohol, a stack of books, and an oil lamp. “Add some music, and I can kill a whole evening out here, away from the prying eyes of family and God.”

I lit the oil lamp, and looked up at Lilith for the first time. I hadn’t wanted to obviously pan her up and down with the flashlight – that would have been too obvious. My breath caught in my throat. I had lit the lamp just in time to see her taking off her hoodie, revealing a skin-tight black halter top underneath. Her pale, creamy cleavage swelled up over the neckline of her top, and the tight fabric clung to the contours of her petite waist. Below she was wearing tattered black jeans and biker boots. But her face, once I could tear my eyes away from her rack and look at it, was equally stunning. Black eye shadow, eyeliner, and black lipstick contrasted against snow-white skin. I let my eyes wander back down to her cleavage, shadowy in the firelight.

“Hey, cousin” she said, snapping her fingers. “My eyes are up here. Jesus, you’d think you could be a little less obvious.” I was momentarily horrified that she’d caught me, but then she picked up a bottle of vodka and took a swig. Her face contorted as she swallowed. “Oh, god” she breathed, “that shit’s strong! I can’t get too fucked up, but I wanna get a decent buzz on.” She smiled devilishly, accenting the smile with a flick of her demon’s tongue, which to my utter surprise now included a black tongue stud.

“Holy shit, how the fuck did you get a tongue piercing at your age?” I asked. I couldn’t even get a tattoo when we all went to Florida for Spring Break last year.

“Oh, I knew the guy who did it” She said nonchalantly. “Plus, I let him tittyfuck me afterwards. So he had incentive to break the rules.” My jaw must have visibly dropped. “Oh come on”, Lilith scolded. “I’ve had these boobs since I was 12. Do you really expect me not to use them to get what I want? Life is much easier when everyone wants to fuck you. Add the taboo factor that I’m jailbait, and I become irresistible. People will do anything for a chance with me.” She winked deviously and said, “I love to read, believe it or not. What books do you have there?”

Painfully aware of my throbbing erection, I knelt down in front of the pile of books. “Everything that would make my parents shit bricks” I said. “I have Hitchens, a few of Dawkins’ books, Harris and Dennett… people who actually think for themselves instead of just parroting back the dogmas of organized religion.” Lilith took another swig from the bottle, handed it to me, and knelt down beside me. She eyed the books’ titles as I eyed her – I didn’t know whether to look at the exposed small of her back, just above the perfect curve of her ass, or get lost in the barely-contained, milky cleavage bursting out of her black halter top. I took a drink of vodka as Lilith withdrew a book. “Could I borrow this one?” she asked, giving me her best wide-eyed pouty face. She took the vodka back from me, took a final drink, and sat the bottle aside.

“Of – of course”, I stammered. “But where are you going to read it, away from the prying eyes of family and God?” Out the window, the still night air hummed with the songs of insects.

Lilith smiled wryly, still on her knees and resting forward on her hands. The posture accentuated her breasts (which needed no accentuation) to the point that I could barely contain myself. “You really think God can’t see you here? I think he can. You know the stories, I know you do.” She began to crawl towards me, slowly, expertly, with a predatory flicker in her eyes… black eyes, reflecting the flame of the oil lamp, black makeup and lips completing the effect of a succubus on the hunt. “He watched Lot and his two daughters inside the cave; he watched Abraham and his barely-legal concubine. I think” she continued, crawling a few paces towards me and putting her hand quickly onto my thigh, “that God likes to watch. So maybe”, her hand flicked to my rock-hard cock, stroking it beneath my jeans, “maybe we should give him a show?” She licked her lips sensually, her long tongue snaking out from between black lips, the stud glinting in the firelight. She was able to make her tongue ripple in waves, from front to back, a trick I’d only ever seen before in YouTube videos. I was on the verge of exploding. “Lilith – Jessica, we’re related…” I trailed off. “Are you sure you want to…” but my pitiful objection trailed off as she deftly unzipped my jeans and pulled out my throbbing cock. She quickly and softly stroked the tip with one hand while untying the straps of her halter with the other. The black fabric fell away, freeing her breasts. They were even more perfect when naked – large, soft pink nipples against alabaster skin, as firm as possible for breasts so large. They swayed softly as her hand stroked my shaft. “Yes, I’m sure. Like I give a fuck that you’re my cousin. You’re cute, I don’t know anyone here, and I haven’t had a mouthful of cum in for-fucking-ever.” She snaked out her tongue and licked me hungrily, sending shivers of ecstasy coursing through me. She stroked harder, and from the position of her head and shoulders I could see that she was about to take me in her mouth. “So fucking give it up, right in my mouth,” she panted, breathing huskily, “and I’ll let you have as much more as you want.” I didn’t have time to protest. Her studded tongue licked out, cupped the bottom of my head, and she took me inside her mouth. Head bobbing in perfect tandem with her jerking hand, focusing on the end of my cock, her cheeks caved in, her tongue swirling inside her mouth for extra stimulation – this girl was fucking amazing. I began to moan and move my hips in time with her mouth, staring slack-jawed at the black lips wrapped around my cock, the swaying pale breasts that bounced harder with every passing second. Lilith’s demoness eyes looked up at me, and with a mouthful of cock she smiled and sent her tongue out in a flurry around my throbbing shaft.

“We don’t have much time, but I just fucking know you’re dying for these tits”, she said. “Do you want them?”

“Yes, God please let me fuck your tits…” I moaned, a little too eagerly. I reached out and grabbed her boobs, one in each hand, and shamelessly felt up my cousin. Her warm, pale skin yielded just enough beneath my hands; she was the perfect combination of soft and firm. I squeezed them together, pinched her pale nipples, and then buried my cock in her cleavage. Lilith moaned and bounced up and down as soon as my dick was in place, letting me press her tits together to increase the pressure on my dick. She shot her tongue out at the apex of each thrust, teasing my head as I buried my shaft to the hilt between her huge tits. I was mesmerized and on the verge of a massive orgasm.

Finally she let her breasts fall and took my cock back in her hand. “I know you’re close, let me fucking have it” she commanded. She took my dick in her mouth again, sliding her hot, wet mouth up and down my head and sucking for all she was worth to make her mouth tighter. It was like having my dick buried in a cup of hot, writhing eels. I could feel the orgasm building inside me as her black lips slipped up and down my cock, her studded tongue swirled, her hand worked my shaft and her suction grew unbearable.

“Oh my fucking God, Lilith, I’m gonna cum!” I gasped, not wanting to leave her without any warning.

“Mmmm” she moaned, not missing a beat, “Give it to me, shoot it down my throat, all over my dirty whore tongue…” Then she sucked me into her mouth again, doubling the force and tempo of her erotic work.

I felt the pressure growing in my dick, the pleasure passing that threshold where I knew it was over. The ecstasy built to a fever pitch as the slick sensations from her lips and tongue, the hot wet suction, the view of her pale bouncing tits, pushed me over the edge. I threw my head back in ecstasy, shuddered, clenched my fists and moaned as I felt thick ropes of hot cum erupting from my dick and coating the inside of her mouth. The moment I came, Lilith stopped moving but kept up the suction and gentle stroking with her hand, drawing the last drops of cum out of me and into her mouth.

When the orgasmic shudders finally subsided, she released my cock, now covered in black lipstick, from her mouth. She opened it and stuck out her cum-coated tongue, giggled at my incredulous expression, closed her mouth again, and swallowed dramatically. As she began to retie her halter top, again constraining her glorious breasts, she said, “Think God liked what he saw?”

“I don’t know about God”, I said breathlessly, “but keep that shit up and you’ve got me in the palm of your hand.”

“Oh I know it” Lilith giggled, “we’re both gonna have a very fun year.”

We walked back and parted ways in my backyard. She acted like nothing had happened, and said nonchalantly, “cool, see you tomorrow morning before school?”

“Of course” I said, and watched her stride away into the night. That evening, sleep didn’t come easily. I was oppressed by a crushing guilt at what I’d done with my cousin, but excited at the prospect of more.

And surely, there would be more.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3ajp91/dark_forbidden_fruit_part_2_str8mfincoral


  1. All I can say is more, let that be the compliment it is supposed to be.

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